Syntax: U(SERS) [<options>] [<search criteria>]
Shows the current settings of a user in a short format.
Available options for user search:
-a shows all entries (only useful if no other options are specified)
-c shows number of matching entries, not the entry itself
-d user has set FHOLD
-f shows the first matching entry, then stops searching
-h shows users who set their helplevel to 0
-l shows users who logged on for at least once
-m shows users who set their MYBBS by themselves
-n shows users whose MYBBS was extracted from a mail
-o shows users who have not logged on to this BBS up to now
-p shows users who have set a password
-q shows users with newcall
-r shows users whose user files are protected (not public available)
-s shows users whose user state is larger than 0
-t shows users who set a TTY password
-u shows users whose MYBBS is unknown
-w user has set FORWARD
-y user has set NOPURGE
Search criteria:
<call> c=<call> n=<name> q=<qth> z=<zipcode>
@=<BBS> v=<via> s=<language> l=<date>
An entry will be displayed only if ALL specified criteria match.
The criteria l=<date> means, that all users will be displayed who logged
on to the BBS after <date>.
Examples: U -LH @=AAB Lists users who logged on to the BBS for at least
one time, who have set help-level 0 and whose
MYBBS call includes the string "AAB".
U MBT Lists users whose call includes the string "MBT".
U -C DL Lists number of users, whose call includes "DL".
U -L N=John Lists users who logged on for at least one time and
whose name is John.
Output format:
Call Mybbs Name QTH ZIP Logs Last via PTHRSUNAFSP
DGT274 @DBO274 Markus Oelde 59302 24 8s Console 010000001DL
The displayed information have the following meaning:
Call: Call of user
Mybbs: MYBBS of user (@:set, ?:presumed)
Name: Name of user
QTH: QTH of user
ZIP: ZIP-Code of user
Logs: number of the users logins
Last: time since last login in seconds, minutes, hours or days (s/m/h/d)
via: uplink digi at the last login
P: user password: 0=no password, 1=user has set a password,
2=password disabled
T: TTY password: 0=no password, 1=user has set a password
H: the users current help level
R: Readlock: 0=all visible, 1=only read mails visible, 2=not visible
S: Status: 0=normal user, 1=user without download quota, 2=no access
U: Userforward: 0=no User-S&F, 1=User-S&F enabled
N: Nopurge: 0=purge enabled, 1=purge disabled
A: Away: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
F: FHold: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
SP: speech/language: e.g. DL (for german), GB (for english)
The name of the user has been specified by himself or has been extracted from
a received mail or bulletin.
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