(only sysop, init.bcm)
Syntax: INFOP(ATH) [<directory>]
(default: "/bcm/info/")
Sets path where bulletins are stored. Default value is subdirectory "info" of
BCM directory. INFOPATH may be set to another drive (DOS) or other
directories. Instead of backslash "\" a slash "/" is used (important for
Example: infopath d:/info
Running DOS it makes sense to set INFOPATH to a single drive, because DOS
filesystem FAT16 uses clustersize for each file as following:
partition size cluster size
partition until 256 MB 4 kBytes
256 - 512 MB 8 kBytes
512 - 1024 MB 16 kBytes
1024 - 2048 MB 32 kBytes
2048 - 4096 MB 64 kBytes
So each mail uses at partion size of 2.5 GigaBytes minimum 64 kBytes! Even
with 450 MB partion size a cluster size of 8 kBytes is used. With 8 kBytes
less than 50% of size is used for storing real data. That's a lot of overhead
and unused harddisk size. So it makes sense to use a single system, a single
user and a single info drive.
INFOPATH can be also set to a network drive. This is perhaps a trick to use
other filesystems (novell, ext2fs, winnt) running dos. Another trick is to use
FAT32 filesystem, but there are some problem with newer DOS version and DOS
command prompt of BCM reported. Try it!
Running Linux you should select an ext2fs partition with 1 or 2 kByte inode
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