Syntax(1): D(IR) U(SERS)
Lists all user, who have at least one mail (also deleted).
Syntax(2): D(IR) U(SERS) A(LL) [<call>]
Without <call> all known users are listes (can be very much!). There can be
a call or a fragment of a call specified, then only users will be displayed
who have this call or fragment in their call.
Example: D U A GB Lists all users who have "GB" in their call.
Syntax(3): D(IR) U(SERS) L(OCAL) [<call>]
Lists all users, who logged on at least one time. The rest is like D U A.
Example: D U L SP Lists all users who have "SP" in their call and have
logged on at least one time.
Syntax(4): D(IR) U(SERS) M(SG) [<text>]
Lists all user mails who have <text> in the call or title.
Example: D U M BAYCOM Lists the mails of all user which include
"BAYCOM" in the title.
Syntax(5): D -N User Msg
Shows all user mails from users who have NOT specified this BBS as their
MYBBS. So you can find the mails which are not forwarded.
Example: D -N U M
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