:: CMDS ::
List of all available commands:
#OK# <...> will be ignored
AKTUELL displays the news
ALTER changes the personal settings
-AWAY sets away function
-AWAYENDTIME sets endtime of away
-CHECK <opt> options for the CHECK command
-COMMAND <cmd> command executed at the login
-DEFAULT sets all settings to the default values
-DELETE erases all user settings completly
-ECHO 0|1 input will be sent back by the BBS
-FORWARD <addr> sets your MYBBS (the same as MYBBS)
-HELPLEVEL <n> sets the help-level
-IDIR <opt> options for info DIR
-ILIST <opt> options for info LIST
-IREAD <opt> options for info READ
-LF <n> number of blank lines displayed after an output
-LINES <n> set line stop ("more" function)
-NAME <name> sets your own name (the same as NAME)
-MYBBS <adr> sets MYBBS for own call
-PROMPT <text> sets the prompt
-PW <password> sets a user password
-PWLINE <n> enable dummy input before entering the user password
-QTH sets own QTH
-READLOCK <n> reduces the reading of user mails
-REJECT <name> boardnames not displayed at DIR NEWS/CHECK
-SPEECH <ldk> set speech
-UDIR <opt> options for user DIR
-UFWD <path> configures active user S&F
-ULIST <opt> options for user LIST
-UREAD <opt> options for user READ
-ZIP sets own ZIP-Code
BIDLIST displays BID database
BIN-TX <...> will be ignored
BIN-RX <...> will be ignored
BYE logoff without setting the last-quit-time
CD <name> changes the current board
CHAT <call> .. write message to another user (the same as TALK)
CHECK <..> list of all bulletin mails
COMMENT reply to a bulletin mail
CONVERS <call> write message to another user (the same as TALK)
CP the same as TRANSFER
CRONTAB shows crontab settings of BBS
DIR lists mails of a certain board (similar to LIST)
-AFTER <date> list all boards only after a certain date
-BOARDS <..> list all boardnames or a part of them
-MESSAGES <..> list ALL bulletin mails (that can be very much!)
-NEWS <..> list new mails since the last DIR NEWS
-PATH <..> list of all S&F partners (or for one call)
-SENT <call> list all mails send by a certain call
-USERS list of all users who have received at least one mail
--ALL <..> list of all known user (you may use a wildcard)
--LOCAL <..> list all user who logged on at least once
--MSG <..> directory of all user mails (you can specify a pattern)
ERASE <spec> erases one or more files
ERLOG shows erase logfile
EXIT the same as QUIT
FILESERV starts filesurf mode (the same as FS)
FIND <spec> shows the S&F path to another BBS (the same as PATH)
FINGER the same as USERS
FORWARD <spec> forwards one or more mails to another BBS
FS starts filesurf mode
-BGET <file> get file with autobin protocol
-BPUT <file> send file with autobin protocol
-BMail <file> imports file as autobin message into user board
-CD <path> changes filesurf directory
-DIR <path> shows filesurf directory
-DGET <file> get file with DIDADIT protocol
-DPUT <file> send file with DIDADIT protocol
-GET <file> get file with textmode protocol
-PATH shows all installed filesurf paths
-PUT <file> send file with textmode protocol
-QUIT filesurf mode will close, back to BBS mode
-YGET <file> get file with yapp protocol
-YPUT <file> send file with yapp protocol
HEADER <spec> shows the header of a mail
HELP <cmd> <sub>shows help. H INDEX: summary. H ALL: the whole helpfile
INFO shows an information text
KOPF <spec> shows the header of a mail (the same as HEADER)
LIST <spec> lists mails of a certain board (similar to DIR)
LOG <..> displays the logfile
LOGOUT the same as QUIT
LT <n> set a new lifetime
MAN the same as HELP
MAILSERV <cmd> shows/configure all mailserv lists
+G add new group
-G delete existing group
+U add user to existing group
-U delete user from existing group
+M add maintainer to existing group
-M delete maintainer from existing group
DESCRIPTION describe group
INFO information about group(s)
OPTION set option of group
RESET put counter of group to 1
SETNUMBER change counter of group
SUBSCRIBE add yourself to existing group
UNSUBSCRIBE delete yourself from existing group
MEM list of the used memory blocks
MSG <call> .. write message to another user (the same as TALK)
MYBBS <addr> sets your MYBBS (the same as A F)
NAME <name> sets your own name (the same as A N)
NEXT displays the next mail
NH <addr> sets your MYBBS (the same as A F)
PARAMETER <..> shows the configuration of the BBS or a part of it
PATH <addr> shows the S&F path to an other BBS (the same as FIND)
PS lists all processes of the BBS
PURGE <board> physically removes erased mails in a board
PW user password procedure, only for pw&hold if enabled
PWLOG shows logfile from all password activities
QUIT leaves the BBS (last-quit-time will be saved)
QUOTA shows amount of kBytes already read or written
READ <spec> reads a mail in the BBS
REJECT shows "reject.bcm"
REPLY response the last read mail
RLOG shows logfile of all rejected mails
SB write a bulletin mail
SEMAPHORES lists DOS names of files currently in use
SEND <spec> send a mail to the BBS
SFHOLD shows all holded mails
SLOG shows system logfile
SLRLOG shows report logfile
SETLIFE <s> sets the lifetime of a mail to a new value
STATUS show statistical data
-FORWARD lists number of mails waiting to be forwarded
-CPU shows the CPU's work
-LIMITS shows current limits of BBS parameters
-MEMORY shows how the memory is used (the same as MEM)
SP write a usermail
TALK <call> .. write message to another user
TIME shows date and time
TRANSFER <spec> copies a mail to another board
UNERASE <spec> unerases deleted mails
UNKNOWN shows all undeliverd mails
USERS lists all logged-in users
VERSION shows version, runtime and memory capacity of the BBS
WALL <text> write message to all other users
WRITE <call> .. write message to an other user (the same as TALK)
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