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VK3EUB > WIA      27.01.13 15:04l 700 Lines 27880 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 435_VK3EUB
Subj: WIA NEWS 20 Jan 2013
Sent: 130127/1455Z @:VK3API.#MEL.VIC.AUS.OC #:55576 [Lilydale] FBB7.00g
To  : WIA@WW

VK3EUB/TPK 1.83e Msg #:435  Local Date: 27-01-2013  Time: 12:44 AM  (13:44 UTC)



CB harassment proven.
Crackdown on illegal repeaters and jammers.
WIA joins the conversation on 2UE Sydney.
Centre Victoria RadioFest Kyneton Feb 10. 

CB harassment proven.
A man who broadcast a woman's address and phone number over CB radio as a 
place of ill-repute, has been ordered by the Queensland's Civil and
Administrative Tribunal to pay her compensation. After the man's antics
on a CB repeater, truck drivers began arriving at the Queensland property
or called the woman aged her sixties.

The Queensland Tribunal found that that the sexually harassment and racial
vilification over CB radio had occurred since 2008. It ordered the defendant
to pay the woman $10,000 in compensation. The man also put pictures on
YouTube. In an earlier court case he was ordered to remove the offending
YouTube material, keep the peace towards the woman and put on a good
behaviour bond.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Crackdown on illegal repeaters and jammers.
Australia's communications regulator is pushing ahead with a major overhaul
of the infrastructure it uses to keep tabs on spectrum usage and to identify 
sources of interference. 
Tender documents released this week sought technology to significantly 
overhaul infrastructure used by the Australian Communications and Media
Authority's Interference Management and Monitoring Section at fixed and
roving locations.
As this is a copywrite news story from we suggest you take 
your browsers to their sight for the story. 

(spotted by vk3dn and vk4bat)


What does WIA President Phil Waite, Robert Broomhead from our news service,
ATV Guru Ralph Parkhurst VK3LL and unnamed VK7 Ham and yours truly VK4BB
have in common?

Well Wednesday night Phil was a guest for an hour on Radio 2UE with host
Murray Wilton and we joined him both in the studio and by phone from across

Currently we are awaiting legal permission to rebroadcast the show via WIA
front page news, and bring you a little more here on
WIA National News.

This was late notice but we did manage to get it out on the VK1WIA TWITTER

And some shared it on the FaceBook platform.


web service:-
VKG Roundup 

It's just 5 weeks to the Mini Contest University at Wyong. That means you
have less than 2 weeks to register if you want to be in the prize draw for
the DX book.

Registrations are filling fast so please register soon to avoid

The program is now complete with the latest presentation being on RTTY 
contesting, so we have a full and interesting program to fill Saturday. 

For all details on the Mini Contest University and the Wyong Field Day, 
please go to on the web. 

73 & "see you at Wyong" this is Ed VK2JI 

web service:- 

Help grow amateur radio

Become a radio amateur, learn something new. Or perhaps you know someone
who could join the exciting communications hobby through the Foundation 

Amateur Radio Victoria at its centrally located and well equipped Ashburton
office has weekend quality training classes and assessments.

For inquiries and enrolments for February the 23rd and 24th please contact
Barry Robinson VK3PV on 0428 516 001 or

The Centre Victoria RadioFest

Only weeks left to the Centre Victoria RadioFest No 6, at the Kyneton
Racecourse on Sunday February 10, only an hour from Melbourne, Ballarat
and Bendigo.

This year includes a Homebrew Competition that is open to all. Bring along
your home-built product for display and be judged by Drew Diamond VK3XU.

The Mini-lectures program of presenters will talk about the milli--metre
bands, summits of the air, things in orbit, and home brewing. 

Want to have a trading spot at this major event? Then please be quick to
join in the action at the Kyneton Racecourse, on Sunday February the 10th.

To secure a table visit the convenient and easy online shop via the main
Amateur Radio Victoria website.

For general inquiries call Ross Pittard VK3CE on 0408 533 107, and for Club
Corner displays Tony Hambling VK3VTH on 0423 635 152.

The Club Corner is open to all clubs and organisations to mount a display.
A free table is on offer.

Commercial sellers are flocking to gain exposure in the Traders Hall, the
Second-hand Market to sell pre-loved gear and components, and a variety of
displays at the Club Corner.

The ever popular Mini-lecture Program has four different and interesting
topics. There's also a full demonstration of Elecraft gear.

See you at the Centre Victoria RadioFest, on Sunday February the 10th.

For more details including how get second-hand sellers book a space, and
the timing of talks, check out the website

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.

( sourced to both vk3pc and Amateur Radio Victoria )

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

get local audio news
get local news emailed

News from Central Queensland

Clairview Gathering

The Clairview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet at a
spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk radio,
re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown Saturday
Night Mega-Auction. There might even be some fox-hunting and there will
definitely be RAFFLES ! There is a rumour going about that George/VK4HAN
might be getting a hair-cut again.

The Gathering is one of the main revenue raisers for the Rockhampton and
District Amateur Radio Club Inc. and Mackay Amateur Radio Association. 

It happens in 2013 during the first weekend in May from Friday evening
3rd to Sunday morn 5th May.

Those who are keen to chill out completely in one of the most relaxing
and laid back venues in the cosmos arrive earlier and stay later. 

The Clairview Gathering is so popular that on-site accommodation is close
to being booked out already, so if you want to go you will have to very
quick. Otherwise there are nice camp, caravan or motor-home sites
available too.

For further details contact RADAR Club Secretary Clive VK4ACC
on home phone 07 49271216 or mobile 0429632815

To book your camping spot contact the Clairview Beach Holiday Park
on 07 49560190


What use is an f-call? 

Over time I've spoken with lots of different people with varying levels of
experience and confidence. Some of those people see everything as an
opportunity where others are hesitant because they fear that what they're
about to attempt might fail.

Obviously in real-life outside amateur radio these same kinds of differences
appear, but what I find fascinating in my experience is that this is not
true for the same people.

Someone who is confident in amateur radio might not be outside the hobby
and vice versa.

The thing that struck me about amateur radio early on is that it's all
about people. Sure the level of technical competence is on average higher
among amateurs than it is in the general population, but among my peers
in this hobby are people from all walks of life, both young and old,
unskilled and highly experienced, fun and serious.

The more I meet people in this hobby, the more I find to learn and enjoy.

If you're listening to this and you've got a project in mind, but you're
not sure what to do about it, I'd like to encourage you to contact another
amateur. You'll find that the more you talk about your project, the better
you'll be able to explain it, the easier it will be to talk about it, the
higher the chance of finding another amateur, or even a whole group of them,
who share your particular interest.

If you're looking for inspiration, search YouTube for the ARRL video,
"Join the DIY Magic of Amateur Radio".

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.


The Radio Society of Great Britain has received a thank-you letter from
U-K telecommunications regulator Ofcom. This in appreciation for the
national societies assistance in the area of communications during the
London 2012 Olympic Games.

In the note, Ofcom's Peter Bury says that the games have come to an end
he wanted to express his warm thanks and appreciation for the contribution
that the RSGB made to the outstanding success of wireless communications
during the event.

According to Bury, one of the critical challenges for Britain was to find
enough people with the right skills in radio engineering and interference
management to support the needs of the Games. He says that Ofcom could not
have found enough people from its own resources and we therefore sought
help from you and other agencies to help us find expert staff.

The Fuel Cell Energy Corporation has announced a project using a
stationary fuel-cell power plant to support Microsoft's latest data-centre
research project. The power plant will use renewable biogas generated by a
wastewater-treatment facility as the fuel source to generate ultra-clean
and carbon-neutral electricity to power Microsoft's Data-Plant project in
Cheyenne, Wyoming. This sub-megawatt power-plant project will enable
Microsoft to evaluate the effectiveness of using Fuel Cell Energy power
plants to efficiently power future sustainable data centres.

The sub-megawatt Direct Fuel Cell power plant will be installed at the Dry
Creek Water Reclamation Facility in Cheyenne, Wyoming by the spring 2013.
The fuel cell plant will provide 200 kilowatts of power

Reason To Be Fearful

Andy Thomas G0SFJ has published his third novel in which 'ham' radio plays
a part.

Called "Reason To Be Fearful", this terse, bleak, gritty novel of lies and
layers of deception centres on a young trafficked woman from Transnistria.

Anastasia, 'Nastya' to her friends, holds the balance of power in the
British Secret Intelligence Service between Bea, the Chinese expert and art
historian, and 'Ammer, the radio ham who is Head of Russia.

In action from Tiraspol to Tallinn, from a brothel in Berlin to a bar in
Bangalore, on board the International Space Station and the Chinese Station
Tiangong, Nastya brings the "Dima" trilogy to its startling conclusion.

The book will be on sale from Amazon.

In the event that a giant asteroid is headed toward Earth, you'd better
hope that it's blindingly white. Why you ask? This is because one
researcher believes that such a pale colored asteroid would reflect
sunlight. So by bouncing a lot of photons off its surface could create 
enough of a force to push the asteroid into a different direction.

Sung Wook Paek is a graduate student in MIT's Department of Aeronautics
and Astronautics. He says that if timed just right, pellets full of paint
powder, launched in two rounds from a spacecraft at relatively close
distance, would cover the front and back of an asteroid.



First there was the old Class A and Class B Citizens radio of the 1940's.
Then came 11 Meter Class D Citizens Radio Service in 1958. Next was the
Family Radio Service authorized in the United States since 1996. That
was followed in 2000 by MURS or the Multi Use Radio Service. Now in 2013,
the FCC is proposing to create a new Citizens Broadband Service and it's
like nothing else the regulatory agency has ever attempted before.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the details:

Just before years end on Wednesday December 26th the FCC announced a
proposal to make available 100 MHz of shared spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band
using small cell and database technologies. The FCC calls the new service
in the 3550 to 3650 MHz band the "Citizens Broadband Service" or C-B-S and
proposes three tiers of service.

These will be known as Incumbent Access; Priority Access and General
Authorized Access.

Incumbent Access would consist solely of authorized federal and
grandfathered licensed Fixed Satellite Service 3.5 GHz band users. They
would be protected from the other tiers by regulation and technical means.
This would include the use of exclusion zones where other C-B-S uses would
not be permitted.

Priority Access level would be given to small cell use by certain critical
quality-of-service dependent users at specific target locations. This might
include hospitals, utilities, state and local governments. It might also
include users with a distinct need for reliable, prioritized access to
broadband spectrum at specific, localized facilities.

Lastly, the General Authorized Access or G-A-A level would allow
opportunistic use of the spectrum for a variety of residential, business
and enterprise purposes. These users would have to protect Level 1
Incumbent Access and Level 2 Priority Access users through technologies
including geolocation. Also as the lowest level users they would not have
any expectation of protection from harmful interference to this user base.


The PhoneSat CubeSat, originally planned for a December 2012 launch, now
looks like it will fly aboard a new commercial rocket from Orbital Sciences
Corporation in February.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, reports:

The PhoneSat series of micro sat flights is a technology demonstration
mission ultimately consisting of three 1 Unit CubeSats to be placed
on-orbit in succession. The flights are intended to prove that a smartphone
can be used to perform many of the functions required of a spacecraft bus.

The first satellite is built around the Nexus smartphone which will be
running the Android operating system and will be enclosed in a standard
1 Unit CubeSat structure. The main function of the phone is to act as the
On-board Computer, but the mission will also utilize the phone's Secure
Digital card for data storage.

The bird will also have a 5 Megapixel camera for Earth Observation, and
3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer for attitude determination.

Ham radio wise, PhoneSat 1 carries an amateur radio payload that will
downlink on 437.425 MHz It must be noted that this overall design was
chosen as one of the winners in the Aerospace category of Popular Science
magazine "Best of What's New in 2012" awards. It's also quite a lot of
flight hardware for such a tiny bird.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in Scottsdale,

Also planned for this launch is the commercial DOVE-1 satellite for a
technology demonstration Nano satellite based on the triple CubeSat form
factor. Dove-1 plans to transmit its telemetry and image data to the
ground 145.825 MHz in the amateur radio band although this is a commercial


The FCC has affirmed a $14,000 Forfeiture Order to LawMate Technology Co.,
Ltd. This for its alleged marketing of unauthorized radio frequency devices 
for more than two years. Amateur Radio Newsline's Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, has 
the details: 

On July 15, 2009, the Enforcement Bureau's Spectrum Enforcement Division
released the $14,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture after it
found that that LawMate manufactured and marketed two models of wireless
video transmitters in the United States before obtaining FCC certifications
for the models. The finding was based on LawMate's own admission in response
to a letter of inquiry.

LawMate responded on November 14, 2009. At that time LawMate declared that
that it was willing to pay a penalty for its violations but requested
cancellation or reduction of the proposed forfeiture amount based on certain
remedial efforts that LawMate stated it intended to implement. It also
claimed financial hardship, and asserted that it had a past history of
compliance with the FCC rules.

Now in affirming the NAL, the FCC says that it carefully considered
LawMate's and find no basis for reduction or cancellation of the proposed
forfeiture. It noted that LawMate's contention that it planned to undertake
certain remedial measures to ensure future compliance with the rules was not
a valid reason for a downward reduction of the fine. It also noted that
LawMate claim that payment of the forfeiture would place undue stress on
the company's financial situation was not accompanied by proper


A new and more efficient way to light your way is on the horizon. Amateur
Radio Newsline's Skeeter Nash, N5ASH, reports:

Scientists at the Wake Forest University have created a new type of light
bulb that promises to be just as efficient as LED equivalents, but without
any of the drawbacks.

The new field-induced polymer electroluminescent bulbs or FIPEL for short,
produce light when an electric current is passed through its Nano-engineered
plastic layers. The team says that the new type of bulbs are malleable,
allowing them to take any shape like compact fluorescent lamps. They also
won't shatter like traditional bulbs, nor will they generate the same hum
or flicker.

The inventor of FIPEL is Dr. David Carroll. He believes that his new
solution is superior to LED bulbs because there is a limit to how much
brightness you can get out of them. If you run too much current through an
LED they can short out and melt. Not only that, the light generated by
FIPEL bulbs is closer to natural sunlight, unlike the bluish tint generated
by LEDs.

Any worries about longevity are also put to rest by Dr. Carroll. He claims
to have had a field-induced polymer electroluminescent prototype lamp
working in his laboratory for almost a decade.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Skeeter Nash, N5ASH.

As for when the technology will make the jump to a commercial product? The
research team says that a corporate partner is interested in producing the
new bulbs at scale, with the first run expected in 2013.




ZL Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest Sat and Sun Feb 23 and 24.

WW International Museums Weekends June 15/16 and 22/23

Many radio clubs took part in the International Museums Weekend in 2012.

In 2013, this event will take place on the double weekends of 15 & 16 and
22 & 23 June. Radio amateurs are encouraged to participate by setting up
stations in their local museums.

Organiser Harry, M1BYT asks that all those intending to take part in the
event should register their museum via the web form on the website


Z 81 Z is currently on the air from South Sudan on the HF bands, mostly
using CW.

Please QSL via 4 Z W his home callsign or electronically using Logbook
of the World.

Operational as 9X0PY from Rwanda until 31st January.

Activity will be holiday style, on all bands, using mainly CW and listening
up 25kHz. QSL via his home callsign sm 6 cpy , either direct or via the 

Logbook of The World speeds up. 

The Logbook of The World queue has been shrinking steadily since 7th
January, when the system was brought back online after the installation
of a new database server equipped with solid state drives.

Since then, the delay between a file being uploaded and processed is
about 8 days and is dropping by one day approximately every 10 hours.


2012 DX Sound Bites

Tom, K8CX, has provided DXers with 135 memorable DX sound clips from 2012.

Visit Tom's "HAM GALLERY" Web at:

While there also check out some of his other features on his Web page,
such as: 15 years of "Rare DX Sound Clips" of the past (as well as some
clips from the 1960's and 1970's), QSL Card Museum, Dayton Photo Galleries
and Tribute to Silent Key Ham Operators.


WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

A stronger ATV signal from VK3RTV

The digital amateur television repeater VK3RTV that serves Melbourne and
Geelong now has a stronger signal making its reception a lot easier.

Repeater custodian Peter Cossins VK3BFG reports that the VK3RTV output has
been increased, with a new power amplifier and supply.

The latest upgrade, which will fill in some marginal reception areas and
expand the Mt Dandenong repeater general coverage, has been funded by the
system users.

Peter VK3BFG imported the PA in kit-form to build it up, provided the heat
sinking, worked on the input and output arrangements, and homebrewed its
control system.

He explained that the PA consists of a dual FET push-pull amplifier has
built-in over voltage, temperature and VSWR protection, and a high current
FET switch.

The system is sequenced so the fans come on first, then the DC supply and
followed by the RF drive.

Peter VK3BFG found on installation it had to be throttled back to boost the
signal only by an 8 dB gain, as there was a high return loss on the transmit

New antennas are already spare on the tower and once transferred over, a
further 3 or 4 dB is possible, but reports already show the increase is
very noticeable.

Signal reports will be welcome on the 2-metre 147.400 MHz ATV liaison

(Jim Linton VK3PC)



Using Facebook

A group has been formed on Facebook for amateurs wishing to organise skeds
with other amateurs. So if you need a particular contact for an award, or
just a chat, then go to:-


ILLW heading toward a record

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend continued to grow from
its first event held in August 1998 that attracted 158 stations in 40

Many of the amateur stations in the original activations at the historic
maritime structures have been with the fun event since, and joined over the
years by many hundreds more.

The sponsors, the Ayr Amateur Radio Group Scotland, thanks all entrants for
their loyalty, and looks for another record year as we move towards the
magic 500 registrations.

The event is always held on the 3rd full weekend in August, aiming to
promote public awareness of the former navigation structures and give
amateur radio some good publicity.

To register or find out more about the next event on August the 18th and
19th visit the website



Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz 


Each year on April 18th, radio amateurs around the world celebrate World
Amateur Radio Day. In 1913, the first recorded instance of amateur radio
being used to provide communications in a natural disaster took place
during severe flooding in the Midwest of the United States. This in part
led to the formation of the International Amateur Radio Union in 1925.

Now, event planners say that activities surrounding World Amateur Radio
Day 2013 can be a great opportunity to spread the word about what amateurs
are doing in the field of disaster communications in the 21st Century.

More is on-line at

(IARU via arnewsline)



And finally this week, a belated happy birthday to an electronic device
whose invention revolutionized telecommunications and made possible the
technology that we have today. Of course we are talking about the transistor
as we hear from Amateur Radio Newslines Bruce Tennant, K6PZW: 

On December 16, 1947, Bell Labs researchers William Shockley, John Bardeen
and Walter Brattain created an amplifier from a germanium crystal that
boosted the level of an input signal by 100 times. Various researchers had
tried to develop a solid-state alternative to the vacuum tubes during World
War II but none had succeeded. The Bell Labs Trio demonstrated it for lab
officials a week later on December 23 where Shockley deemed it a magnificent
Christmas present.

Bell Labs announced the invention of the transistor six months later. The
device went on to become one of the signature scientific achievements of the
20th century, ranking up with splitting the atom, manned flight, and the
discovery of DNA. One could argue, in fact, that the transistor was the
most important breakthrough of the 20th century because subsequent advances
in those other fields relied on the computing power made possible through
integrated circuits and semiconductors. In essence, information has become
a science itself.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles.

As a result of their achievement Electronics Magazine put a photo the three
men on its cover. The three went on to share the Nobel Prize for physics in
1956. John Bardeen became a laureate a second time in 1972 for his work on 
superconductivity. And very apropos the entire story is on-line at 

(Readwrite, others via arnewsline) 


JAN 27 VK3 MEET THE YLs OF AMATEUR RADIO Bundoora Park Rotunda #6

JAN 26 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp 26th to 28th
at Girl Guides Campsite Bluewater.



FEB 23 VK Wyong Mini Contest University Wyong racecourse 

FEB 24 VK WYONG FIELD DAY Wyong Racecourse 

MAR 24 VK7 "Meet the Voice" barbecue at Ross.

MAY 3- 5 VK4 Clairview AR Weekend details 04 296 32815


Have you prepared for the last weekend in May; the 2013 WIA AGM and

Amateur Radio successes are celebrated with awards, certificates and
commendations. Offering you the opportunity to come face to face with
those individuals who have distinguished themselves and marking their
achievement with a celebratory drink.

The 2013 WIA AGM and Conference, it's all about Engaging, Learning,
Appreciating, Socializing and Discovering.

You'll find all the information online at the VK6 conference site,


Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest

Future EMC events:

EMV 2013

International Exhibition and Workshops on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Stuttgart, Germany 5-7 March 2013

APEMC 2013

Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Exhibition on EMC Melbourne,
Australia 20-23 May 2013

IEEE International Symposium on EMC Denver, Colorado, USA 5-9 August 2013

EMC Europe 2013 Brugge, Belgium 2-6 September 2013

More information and links at

(73! Flavio PY2ZX)

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the
actual broadcast date, e-mail

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to 
WIANews wouldn't go astray... 

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. 

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