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VK3EUB > WIA      20.01.13 16:05l 659 Lines 26948 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 434_VK3EUB
Subj: WIA NEWS 16 Jan 2013
Sent: 130120/1432Z @:VK3API.#MEL.VIC.AUS.OC #:55321 [Lilydale] FBB7.00g
To  : WIA@WW

VK3EUB/TPK 1.83e Msg #:434  Local Date: 21-01-2013  Time: 12:26 AM  (13:26 UTC)




Bushfires throughout Australia.
Australian given an AMSAT accolade. 
Raspberry Pi. 
VI 4 ASJ Wraps up. 


Bushfires throughout Australia

The wild fires in Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland come
as Australia experiences its hottest temperatures on record spanning 120
years. The fierce immense fires have even been photographed and tweeted
by the International Space Station Commander, Canadian Astronaut Chris
Hadfield VA3OOG. So far WICEN South (Tasmania) is the only group of
trained radio amateurs reported to be engaged by manning Tasmanian Fire
Service communications. In teams of two, WICEN is posted at the Incident
Management Team headquarters to control the busy 80MHz radio traffic to
crews at the massive blazes on the Tasman Peninsula and in the Derwent

Lots of people including tourists were trapped. Aerial and ground crews
have worked on those two fires that saw houses, out-buildings and a school
lost. Fires had burnt elsewhere in Tasmania. 

In Victoria houses were burnt by a grass fire at Snake Gully near Ballart
including an historic homestead. 

A similar situation existed in New South Wales with fire near Bega, Cooma,
Wagga Wagga and Nowra in the Shoalhaven region. 

Queensland has had numerous fires. South Australian fire-fighters are being
kept busy too. 
Despite some respite in a few areas with cooler weather, including reports 
of a little snow on Hobart's Mount Wellington on Wednesday gave fire-
fighters some help, but severe hot weather is forecast to return to most

In Victoria, authorities are mobilising fire fighting fire trucks, aircraft
and resources to the north-east region fearing the worst there by this

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chair of the IARU Region 3,
Disaster Communications Committee)

Australian given an AMSAT accolade

It was a very humble Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI who received an award from AMSAT
North America for the voluntary work he has done for the Amateur Radio on
the International Space Station (ARISS) program.

In accepting the award, Tony VK5ZAI said it was a very nice honour which
made him feel humble.

"I look at it as a combined effort for all those that have helped over the
last 20 years because I couldn't have done it alone," he said.

In praise of ARISS, Tony VK5ZAI said, "They're a great group to work with
and he has made many friends through it and amateur radio."

He is the Australian ARISS Coordinator and a Telebridge Earth Station
involved in many contacts between the ISS and schools.

The Channel 7 Today Tonight show interviewed Tony VK5ZAI in early 2012,
when he gave some great insights as to how Amateur Radio can provide
support for NASA, as well as raise public awareness through the ARISS
schools program.

The segment has been posted to YouTube and NOW features as a prelude to
many Australian school contacts with the ISS.

To view it visit


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Phil Wait VK2ASD our WIA President writing on WIA Front Page News
( says the Society needs an Assistant Treasurer to assist
John Longayroux VK3PZ in looking after the financial affairs of the

Ideally you would live in the wider Melbourne area, have some corporate
or not-for-profit experience and be proficient in MYOB or other computer
based accounting systems, and naturally have some spare time to devote
to the WIA.

If you are able to assist John in the preparation of our yearly budgets
and quarterly financial reports, and also happy to attend occasional
meetings, we need to hear from you.

WIA President went on to say "I would like to say that this is a paid
position and full of all sorts of perks and benefits. Sorry! but you
will be involved with a great group of people all working for Amateur
Radio and, although deadlines have to be met, the position is not too

If you believe you can help the WIA in this aspect of its work, please
send an Email with a brief outline of your qualifications and experience

Learn - 13 January 2013

Have you prepared for the last weekend in May; the 2013 WIA AGM and

With access to Amateurs from all levels of experience, you'll participate
in sessions about and related to Amateur Radio. With so much expertise in
one place we offer a platform to tap into the assembled knowledge and
experience and give you front row access to it all.

The 2013 WIA AGM and Conference, it's all about Engaging, Learning,
Appreciating, Socializing and Discovering.

You'll find all the information online at the VK6 conference site,



Shane VK6ZW has been 'doing' the 80mx relay Sunday eves of this the
WIA News for a number of years, and reports he has had to QSY from 3.564
up to ANYWHERE between 3.610 - 3.635 due to local QRM.

The local 2 meter repeater advises frequency on the night of broadcast.

web service:-
VKG Roundup

The day is fast approaching for the largest Amateur Radio gathering in the
Southern Hemisphere

Wyong Field Day - Sunday 24th February 2013 - Mark this date in your
calendar, or you may be disappointed. 

Free shuttle bus from Wyong station.

Gates open 6.30am - Traders and Exhibitors 9am

For more information, got to the website,

Proudly brought to you by the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

Wyong field Day - Amateur Radio's Big Day Out!

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

get local audio news
get local news emailed

The one subject that is mentioned every day on Amateur Radio Nets around
Australia is the weather.

The Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society, VK4WIG, will be hosting a
presentation by well respected local Meteorologist and Storm Chaser,
Anthony Cornelius. 

He will be answering all of those nagging questions, like how do
meteorologists forecast storms, what are the best instruments to use
at home, and what's' with all this crazy weather we are having right now.

Anthony will be at the Molendinar clubhouse at 10am on 19 January and
everyone is welcome.

A bar-b-Q will follow at approximately 12noon. See you there - I'm Bryn
VK4GF GCARS Secretary"

web service:- 

The Centre Victoria RadioFest

This major event will be at the Kyneton Racecourse, only an hour from
Ballarat, Bendigo and Melbourne on Sunday February the 10th, tickets
on sale from 9am and the doors open at 10am.

A feature will be a Homebrew Competition judged by Drew Diamond VK3XU.

There will be a bustling Traders Hall, a second-hand seller market, club
displays including vintage equipment and the ever popular mini-lecture

Presentations are by Alan Devin VK3XPD and Michael Coleman VK3XH on the
Millimetre Wave Bands, Wayne Merry VK3WAM about 'Summit on the Air',
Drew Diamond VK3XU home brewing, and Kevin Forbes VK3UKF on things in

See you at the Centre Victoria RadioFest, on Sunday February the 10th.
I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.

What use is an f-call?

Over the past year I've come to see and experience some of the different
achievements that amateurs have made in this hobby. It's not immediately
obvious what the scale or range of those things are.

Just scratching the surface reveals that the amateur radio news is
broadcast every week, there's likely a repeater within range, if not
several, there are clubs and associations, contests, training services,
websites, magazines,on-air nets, technical talks and seminars, educational
activities, promotions, sponsorships and emergency services.

I've had the opportunity to participate in most of those activities, some
as a receiver of services and others where I was an active contributor.

Recently I was struck by the invisibility of the edge. What I mean by
that is that there are single points of failure in many of those services.

The news that you're listening to right now for example is put together by
amateurs like you. The news has been here every week and you've been able
to listen to it. The reason that's possible is because there is a large
group of people across the world making it happen.

You could stop there and leave it at that, but if you did, you'd lose the
point I'm making.

The edge that I'm talking about is for example, one single person is
responsible for broadcasting the produced news file on my local repeater.
Similarly, one single person is responsible for doing the same on 160m.
Across the country, and across the world for that matter, are single
individuals who are providing an essential service. Each individual
representing a single point of failure.

I know that I am one of those single points of failure - not a critical
one by any stretch of the imagination, but none the less. I didn't plan
to be, in-fact, the opposite is true - I offered to help another amateur
with the aim of sharing the load and found myself holding the baby. This
is not a unique story, in fact, it's played out all over the hobby every

You could construct a list of all of those individuals and laud them with
accolades, but I know for myself, that's not what I want - and I doubt
others do either - of course, it's not for me to say, so instead, I'll ask
this question:

What things in Amateur Radio are you taking for granted, and what could
you do to contribute to them?

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline,
NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.

In the USA their FCC has formalized rules to help speed the deployment
of Internet services on board planes.

Since 2001, the commission has authorized a number of companies to
operate earth stations on aircraft communicating with Fixed-Satellite
Service geostationary-orbit space stations.

Installed on the exterior of the aircraft, the satellite antenna carries
the signal to and from the plane, providing two-way, in-flight broadband
services to passengers and flight crews.

The commission's recent Report and Order formalizes earth stations aboard
aircraft ( ESAA ) as a licensed application in the Fixed-Satellite Service
Fixed-Satellite Service and establishes a framework for processing
applications while ensuring other radio service operations are protected
from harmful interference.

Airlines will be able test their own systems to prove they meet FCC
standards, establish that they do not interfere with aircraft systems, and
then get FAA approval.

A proposal to embed bar codes and radio-frequency ID tags in Virginia
license plates is currently 'on the table.

Proponents say the first-in the-nation surveillance program would aid
law-enforcement agencies and could even "unclog traffic."

But civil-liberties groups see a more sinister agenda, and ulterior

"RFID (radio frequency identification), in particular, is often cited as
a key offender of privacy and, in fact, Virginia statute 46.2-323.01
prohibits the use of RFID tags in driver's licenses. DMV reports that
similar concerns have been raised for bar codes," the report stated.

Morse Code as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

On December 12th, the Cabinet of Germany ratified the UNESCO Convention
for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which brings us one
step closer to the goal of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) and
IARU to have Morse Code added to the list of Intangible cultural heritage.

This should be achieved by November 2014.


Amateur Radio Newsline producer Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, was recently
honoured with a Certificate of Appreciation for his volunteer work to the
Cedars Sinai Medical Centre Alumni Association.

No, Bill never worked at the medical facility. However since his
retirement from Fox Television in 2009 he has been the volunteer
Videographer for the monthly social gatherings of the group.

The award was presented to Bill during a break in an evening's
program  while he was  video recording a presentation by famed
Hollywood Producer  Director Paul Mazursky. Mazursky  was the
featured speaker talking about the production of his 1984 film
Moscow on the Hudson that starred Robin Williams.


- the nuts and volts report - Measure Twice cut Once.


The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer that has taken the
internet tinkerers set by storm. Running a 700Mhz ARM11 type CPU it
promises a  cheap, powerful  embedded  Linux platform  with USB for
keyboard and  mouse, and a  High-Def HDMI video  output capable  of
BluRay quality playback; a seemingly impossible feature for such an
inexpensive and generally available device.

It runs  on 5v and  exposes a bunch  of GPIOs for  interfacing  with
homebrew projects and  has a composite  video out and 3.5mm analogue
audio output to make sure there are no excuses in getting this thing
to talk to the outside world.

The first model released boasted Ethernet jack and 256mb of RAM, which
has since  been doubled  in a revised hardware configuration and more
recently a cheaper version without the network connection is on sale.

The operating  system is written on SDcard media, the same media used
in most digital cameras and a variety of flavours of Linux are officially
supported by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and others by the user

Originally envisaged as a primary and secondary school level educational
platform to teach software programming, the Raspberry Pi went on general
sale to attract a community and ensure economies of scale would keep the
price low.

Over 500,000 units were sold in its first 6 months, to September 2012.
What makes this more impressive is that the 'Arduino', a microcontroller
platform that was the previous 'darling of the internet', took 5 years
to reach the 300,000 mark. You'll see the penetration of Arduinos at your
local electronics parts retail stores, right alongside the PicAxe and
Basic Stamp kits. 

Raspberry Pis of both flavours - pardon the pun - are available from the
'big two' mail-order parts suppliers in Australia. I'm sure you can find

The 'Pi is a little underpowered to be used as a day-to-day home computer
for most people, but with some technical assistance it could be a very
inexpensive introduction to computing and general web-browser connected
to a television for a complete novice. You're probably better off pulling
out a few 'Crinkly Mawsons' from under the mattress if you're looking for
a general purpose computer.

The price: performance ratio and its low power consumption makes the Pi
an excellent platform for Ham experimenters and home brewers. We Amateurs
have really taken to the Raspberry Pi with a range of projects
reimplemented to take advantage of the much improved user-interface, over
your traditional microcontroller based project.

Some projects that have caught my eye are:
-Full featured CW-trainer that plugs into the TV
-APRS Digipeaters and Gateways
-AMSAT Satellite platform
-Field day logging and Rig control
-2-axis rotator controller with real-time satellite tracking
-Lightweight Digi-mode setup for hiking

I hope this introduction has piqued your interest and got you thinking
about investigating further.





ZL Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest Sat and Sun Feb 23 and 24.


This event takes place this weekend (the closest to 13 January) the birth
date of Melvin Jones, the founder of the Lions organisation.

It is not a contest but merely a means for Lions to exchange greetings
with other Lions and Lions Clubs. Radio amateurs and members of the
various Lions Clubs get together and the Lions are allowed to exchange
greetings with other Lions under supervision of the radio amateur.

Normally the name and number of the Lions Club is the exchange.

SKN on OSCAR 2013 Best Fist Nominations Due

Many thanks to all who participated in AMSAT's Straight Key Night on
OSCAR 2013. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to
nominate someone you worked for Best Fist. Remember, your nominee 
need not have the best fist of those you heard, only of those you
worked. Send your nomination to w2rs at

This year's event is dedicated to the memory of John Thompson,
W1BIH/PJ9JT, who passed away in 2012, aged 96. Although known
primarily as an HF DXer and contester, John was also active on OSCAR,
mostly on CW.

Those nominated will be recognized in an ANS bulletin in early February,
and in The AMSAT Journal.

[ANS thanks Ray Soifer, W2RS for the above information]


P29NO Nao/JA2VQP East Sepic Province Papua New Guinea on air during
January 2013 to January 2015 whilst volunteer teacher at Divine Word
University Wewak.

Two German operators will be QRV from Kenya from 7 - 20 January.
Callsigns to look for are 5Z4/DF3ZS and 5Z4/DL1QW. They will be on all
bands 80 - 10m on SSB and RTTY. QSL to the home calls.

The Dakar Rally will start in Peru for the first time this year. The
route will take participants through Peru, Argentina and Chile. To mark
the occasion the Radio Club Peruano are airing a special event station
with the callsign 4T4RDP. The station will be active from 4 - 13 January.
A special QSL card will be available via OA4O.

Al W6HGF will be active from the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean
from 9 - 24 January. He will use the callsign J8/W6HGF and focus on RTTY.
QSLs go via his home call.

VK Club Bulletins
VK2 CCARC news

I am happy to report that the planned live relay of VK2WI's transmission
using the FreeDV digital voice mode went ahead as planned last Sunday on
7190 LSB, digital voice, with no problems.

I would like to thank those amateurs who responded not only with written
reports but also with screenshots, audio and video files to the
digitalaudio Google group.

These reports have shown areas where I can improve my transmit side as
well as the effects of QSB on the received signals at various VK2
locations from the Illawarra in the south up to Duri in the north.

The developers, who also monitor the list, have received these files and
reports and are considering what might be possible to improve low signal
performance of the mode.

Thanks to the coverage of both the ARNSW and WIA News broadcasts there
have been several new amateurs posting their interest in FreeDV on the
digitalaudio google group. During the week there have been reports on
the list from several VK amateurs testing with FreeDV for the first time
and making successful contacts.

For those who haven't joined the "band wagon" yet, can I suggest you
check out FreeDV on the web at

73 and hope to work you on Digital Voice this is Ed VK2JI.


Members of the Lake Boga Lions Club have established a Museum at Lake
Boga on the site of the No 1 Flying Boat Repair Depot that was
established back in 1942.

Members might like to take a moment to visit their website by clicking
the following Link <> and get a feel for
the 30 years of effort that has gone into the establishment of the
Museum. Museum volunteers are currently looking for help locating two

AR7 Radio Receivers to complete the restoration of the original
communications bunker.

If you can help, the please contact Ross Pfeiffer from the museum by
email: <>

(sourced from WIA Front Page News)


Like all events that raise a ground swell of emotion, it is time for
joining hands and a couple of verses of "Auld Lang Syne." The Australian
Scout Jamboree is wrapped up and many of the participants have arrived
home or are travelling as this news goes to air.

The antennas and cables are down from the roof of the activities
building and equipment returned to clubs and individuals. A decision has
been made that the IC-718 donated by Icom Australia, go to a special
scout's radio unit, to be formed in Queensland. No doubt part of the
thinking has been after seeing the facilities that Peter, VK3AJ, brought
from Victoria. For further information follow the link.

For the operators, it has been a demanding time with troops of 6 scouts
coming through to take part in Amateur Radio. Often there were 4 positions
in use with the logging computer pressed into service to access Echo link
whilst more scouts sat waiting, up to 3 deep. Sadly from the Fraser Coast,
the band conditions did not favour daylight operations and many scouts did
not get to experience hands on ham radio. Thankfully, the EchoIRLP,
supplied by VK4KEV allowed many DX contacts with amateurs, scouts and
former scouts.

Once an operating schedule was set up for the radio scouts attending
AJ2013, night time operations resulted in dog piles of activity. To the
stations who missed a contact with VI4ASJ, we are sorry but we tried. To
the stations who have made the contact, Maryborough Electronics and Radio
Group, Inc. has accepted the role of QSL Manager. Contact details for
MERG are either via WIA affiliated clubs or follow this links

The Wireless Institute of Australia has provided sponsored use of the
QSL services so please "QSL via buro".

To the many new friends we have made during this journey, we say safe
journey home, to the amateurs at the Jamboree, 73 and meet you further
down the log and to those still working on site we wish you a speedy
return home and a good night's sleep in your own bed.

From MERG, Inc., I'm Geoff, VK4ZPP, reporting for WIA National News.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

WICEN Victoria are involved in 2 events during the next quarter.
If you are available to participate in any of these events, please
get in touch with the contact listed for the event.

Saturday February 23rd 2013
Pajero Challenge
Woods point area
Contact: Dirk Versluys VK3FPAJ phone: 03 9879 8384

Sunday March 3rd 2013
MAD Bike Ride
Woodend - Wombat State Forest
Contact: John Weir VK3XD phone: 03 9431 0667


First 24 GHz Contact Between USA and Japan

Al, W5LUA and Shichirou, JA6CZD made the first 24 GHz EME contact
between the USA and Japan on January 2 at 1430Z. The two stations
had about an hour of common window where each had 15 to 20 degrees
of elevation.

JA6CZD uses a 2.4 M offset fed dish with a 22 watt SSPA. W5LUA uses
a 2.4M offset fed dish and a TWT mounted on the feed support providing
100 watts at the feed. JA6CZD sent Al a 559 signal report and Al gave
Shichirou a 449 report.

Both stations use linear polarity and must compensate for the 70
degrees of spatial offset between their locations. JA6CZD was used
horizontal and Al used vertical polarization. The noise figure at
both stations was under 2 dB.

Al measured his Doppler Shift with his return echoes at 51 KHz at the
start of the contact. The mutual Doppler Shift placed both at about
24048.108 MHz based on a centre frequency of 24048.100 MHz This
shifted down in frequency as the schedule took place.

W5LUA was GPS locked and JA6CZD uses an OCXO and a Rubidium standard
to control frequency.

[ANS thanks Al Ward, W5LUA for the above information]


JAN 27 VK3 MEET THE YLs OF AMATEUR RADIO Bundoora Park Rotunda #6
FEB 23 VK Wyong Mini Contest University Wyong racecourse
FEB 24 VK WYONG FIELD DAY Wyong Racecourse
MAR 24 VK7 "Meet the Voice" barbecue at Ross.
OCT 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers
NOV 3 VK5 hamfest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.
NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend
NOV 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA
broadcasts, please email your item in text to
to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each
item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions,
please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always
if the news room is to read your item write in the 3rd person.

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may 
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might 
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they
were submitted.

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit
to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

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