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VK3EUB > WIA      13.01.13 14:59l 719 Lines 29863 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: WIA NEWS 23 Dec 2012
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To  : WIA@WW

VK3EUB/TPK 1.83e Msg #:430  Local Date: 13-01-2013  Time: 11:40 PM  (12:40 UTC)


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WIA Presidents Christmas broadcast
WIA Director Trent VK4TS with Awards and Contests 


WIA Presidents Christmas broadcast

In this Christmas broadcast it's customary for the WIA President to thank
all the staff at the WIA office and the very many volunteers who have done
so much work during the year to keep the wheels turning. 
This has been a particularly difficult year for the WIA with the untimely 
passing of our late president Michael Owen VK3KI, but with a lot of hard
work and dedication from everyone involved we have come through this
transitional period in great shape. 

I would like to recap some of the achievements of this past year, and in
the first broadcast next year I will tell you about some new initiatives
that we hope to achieve during 2013. 

The ITU, the IARU, and the ACMA are where the rubber really hits the road
in the WIA's advocacy role for Amateur Radio. They are difficult, time
consuming, and expensive, and often go unnoticed by members, but they are
the most important work the WIA does for amateur radio, and all radio
amateurs, worldwide, benefit. 

ITU Working Group 5 looks after amateur radio issues, and this year
Dale Hughes (VK1DSH) attended an important working group meeting in Geneva. 
Among other things, that working group investigated the feasibility of a
new Amateur secondary allocation at 5.3MHz. Dales work was long and arduous, 
sitting in endless meetings and negotiating with various countries 
representatives, but he must have made an impression because he has been
asked to act as chair of the ITU sub committee looking after the 5.3MHz

Slightly closer to home, Geoff Atkinson (VK3TL) and Peter Young (VK3MV)
represented the WIA at the IARU Region 3 Conference in Vietnam. 
The Region 3 conference is a further opportunity to strengthen relationships 
between IARU member countries, in particular, this year sharing experiences 
with emergency communications. What is obvious from this meeting is the 
burgeoning expansion of amateur radio in some Asian nations, especially
China and Indonesia. 

Back home, the WIA was successful in its lobbying of the ACMA for a high
power trial. To date some 230 radio amateurs have participated in the 1kW
trial. The WIA is working very closely with the ACMA on the Assessing the
results of the high power trial, with particular emphasis on interference
and EMR issues. By the way, those radio amateurs participating in the high
power trial need to listen out carefully for important information to be
released shortly.

There many other areas where the WIA is working closely with the ACMA to 
improve the operating privileges for radio amateurs, for instance the WIA
has drafted changes to the Amateur regulations (the LCD) to introduce a
new (secondary) band allocation at 472 to 479 kHz, and work continues on
many other issues.

Particular thanks to Peter Young VK3MV for his work with the ACMA. 

For most people Amateur radio is about operating. During 2012 the Awards
Group was reformed and there is now a good flow of new Awards applications,
and they are all being processed quickly. 

The contest group introduced a new format for the RD Contest - a log
checker has been created, and that is a great step forward for volunteers
as it saves a massive amount of time cross checking logs. In the past only
random spot checking was practical however, now, all contacts in a log are
properly checked.

The National Inwards QSL Bureau has had another busy year, sorting cards
from all corners of the globe, for distribution to the State Bureaus for
on forwarding to WIA Members as expeditiously as possible. 

Members in NSW will have been watching the tower issue unfold on the WIA 
website and in this broadcast. Roger Harrison VK2ZRH has been assisting
the WIA to put the strongest possible case to the NSW Government for a
relaxation of the quite rigid planning restrictions which apply to antenna
masts and towers in that State. This work is continuing and further action
is planned for the New Year.

All members would appreciate the improvement in quality of AR magazine.
The publications committee has done an excellent job of producing a fine
journal, as has the WIA Broadcast group in their tireless effort in putting
this WIA broadcast together, week after week.

Earlier this week we announced the results of the 2012 Club Grants Scheme. 
Congratulations to all those successful applicants, and our thanks go to
the Club Grants Committee.

We can't forget the volunteers that support the training of prospective
radio amateurs, and the WIA's RTO Fred Swainston. Without their massive
contribution there would be no new radio amateurs to carry the hobby

And I've only touched the surface. Volunteers also serve on our technical
and advisory committees, our bookshop and our library and archive, the
affiliated clubs insurance scheme, not to forget our long suffering 

So, I have highlighted just a few of the year's achievements. It's been a 
busy year but a sad one with the passing of Michael Owen. The Next Year is 
looking to be even busier, so in the next broadcast I'll tell you something 
about the changes your WIA Board plans to introduce. 

Until then, have a very happy and safe Christmas, look after yourselves,
we need you all fit and well and on-air for the New Year.

And once again, from your WIA Board, thanks to the WIA office staff and
all the volunteers who have achieved so much in the past year.

This is Phil Wait, VK2ASD for the WIA


The ACMA has given McDonald's Australia Limited a formal warning under
the Spam Act about a 'send to friends' facility on the McDonald's Happy
Meal website.

An ACMA investigation found emails sent using the 'send to friends'
facility (which promoted games and activities) were sent to friends of
users without ensuring the friends' consent. The messages also did not
have an unsubscribe facility, as required by the Spam Act.


Queensland's Newman Government has taken another step towards improved
internal telecommunications, shortlisting three parties to develop the
Government Wireless Network.

Treasurer and Minister for Trade Tim Nicholls said Projects Queensland
had received five expressions of interest from parties wanting to take
part in the project, with three chosen for the next phase of the
procurement process.

The three shortlisted parties are:

Broadcast Australia Infrastructure Holdings (including Airwave Solutions
and Leighton Communications)

Telstra (including Motorola Solutions Australia)

Queensland Wireless Network Consortium (including Harris Corporation,
CSC and Brookfield Infrastructure)

The primary objective of the Government Wireless Network is to deliver an
enhanced digital radio voice and narrowband data communications network for
Queensland's public safety agencies.

The Queensland Government is planning to select its preferred proponent 
midway through 2013, with the first stage to be completed in time for the
G20 leaders' summit in 2014.

(wia/Media Contact: Treasurer's office 3224 6900)

Anniversary of last Morse code telegram

On December the 13th, 1962, the last telegram and its reply were sent by
Morse code in New South Wales.

In a 50th anniversary re-enactment, former Telegraph Operator Phil McGrath
travelled to Bombala to send and receive souvenir telegrams to mark the

At the time, Mr McGrath sat at the sounding box and typewriter and received
what was originally meant to be that all important final message.

It read: 'This telegram from Sydney to Bombala is the last message which
will be sent by morse in NSW, concluding 104 years of operations.
Henceforth telegrams to and from Bombala like all other offices in this
state will be transmitted through the teleprinter perforator switching
system (TRESS).'

Not to be outdone, Bombala's then postmaster Stan Blyton, sent a 50 word
reply that read:

'My privilege personally transmit last message from last morse station NSW.
Key being forwarded you relic was in use Nimmitabel 1919 where I joined 
service remained there in use till station closed 1960. Behalf old
telegraphist and morse operators we bow to progress.'

The TRESS system, based on the teleprinter, lasted until October 1933
when it ceased its text messages, first giving away to individually owned
Telex machines and then the internet email. 

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Hi, this is Ed from the Central Coast ARC.] 

This great hobby of ours has several facets, one of which is contesting.
Have you ever been interested in getting involved in contesting and not 
know where to start? All those special routines and rules and how can I
actually get through that pile-up and work the station?
Well, these are the questions I asked as well and part of the reason that
I am helping to organise a mini contest university at the Wyong field day.

The Dayton contest university has been going several years and is world
renowned and very kindly Tim K3LR from that event has supplied me with all
the material from last year's event and said go ahead and use what you wish.

What we're doing is a short one day university on the day before the field
day so on the 23rd. of February 2013. This will cover an introduction to
contesting, what to do, what not to do, how to use logging programs - the
basics if you like.

I think this will be very valuable to a lot of people who are sat on the
sidelines at the moment thinking "I'd like to be into contesting but all 
these other guys know better and do better than I do". IT DOESN'T
MATTER! Just take part - it's the fun of it. 

As you know the Wyong field day is the largest gathering of radio
amateurs in the Southern Hemisphere, so why not make a weekend of it? 

Come for the Mini Contest University on the Saturday and stay for the
field day on the Sunday.

For accommodation the website lists local hotels and motels, some of
which give discounts to field day attendees, also on the website you'll 
find links to lots of attractions on the Central Coast for any member of 
your family who isn't interested in Amateur Radio.

Please register if you are coming to the (free) mini contest university
as capacity is limited. You'll find details of how to register also on 
the website which is

73, Good DX and see you at Wyong! This is Ed VK2JI.

Wyong Contest University 


Have you prepared for the last weekend in May; the 2013 WIA AGM and

If you've built a new gadget, written some software, engaged in research
or achieved something, we'd like to hear from you. Tell us about your
successes and your failures. Register your topic now and use the
opportunity to connect with other Amateurs who share your passion and

The 2013 WIA AGM and Conference, it's all about Engaging, Learning,
Appreciating, Socializing and Discovering.

You'll find all the information online at the VK6 conference site, 


In advice received from WIA Director, Bob Bristow, VK6POP, the Wireless
Institute of Australia is sponsoring the VI4ASJ activity by supplying
access to the QSL Bureau. This is a great boost to the amateur radio
activity and the WIA logo will be proudly displayed along with the
AJ2013 logo on the QSL card. 

While the majority of us will be looking forward to a rest break, the
volunteers preparing for the National Scout Jamboree, on the Fraser Coast
will be juggling their time and family engagements. Getting the site
ready for the first contingents is the priority as the hot weather engulfs
the east coast of the continent. Members of the Maryborough Electronics and
Radio Group are organising a formal roster, now that names are in. Equipment
is being organised and readied for use and transport to the Jamboree site.

For amateurs attending AJ2013, the frequency for Echo/IRLP access will be

Peter, VK3AJ, is towing the trailer equipped with 2m and 70cm repeaters,
from Melbourne to Maryborough, Queensland, about 2.5 thousand Kms by road.
With the two operating positions, plus the JAM-FM low power broadcast
station, the Main Hall area is going to be really "radioactive". Set up of
the amateur equipment is pencilled in for 29th January to coincide with
Peter's arrival.

The VI4ASJ operation is funded by the AJ2013 organising committee and
supported by Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group, Inc., Sponsors for
the station are Icom Australia who has donated an IC-718 as the main HF
part of the station and now our own WIA.

The Jamboree runs from 2nd January to 12th and these are the days during
which you can contact VI4ASJ.

Reporting for WIA National News, I'm Geoff Emery from MERG, Inc.


Radio & Electronics School Releases Foundation training on any Android
portable device] 

A few months ago the Radio & Electronics School posted a free Foundation
Course on YouTube. That foundation course has proved to be very popular.

Ron VK2DQ from the School looked into the Google Analytics and was
surprised to find that more than 60% of users of the course are doing
so from portable devices.

"Perhaps we should make Foundation training application for Smartphone"
Ron thought.

Well the people at RES have done it. There is now an Android application
for the foundation licence. It's free!

Just go to Google Play Store at "" and search for 
Radio & Electronics School. 

You can download the application directly to your phone, tablet or other 
portable device. The course is in the same Video format as the well known 
Standard Course.

"We think this might be popular with young people and in particular for
JOTA" Ron VK2DQ said, "We only released the application a few days ago and
already there have been over 100 installs. 

RES recommends that you use this application in conjunction with the
publication "Your Entry Into Amateur Radio available through radio clubs
and the WIA.

EMDRC Christmas Foundation Course

The Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club will once again be running
its special Christmas Foundation course.

The course will be run on Thursday the 27th of December with the
assessments taking place on the morning of Friday the 28th of December

The course will be held at our EMDRC Clubrooms located at
13a McCubbin Street Burwood, for those not familiar with the area,
its location is very close to the RSPCA on Burwood Highway, ideal
if you plan on coming by public transport. If you are coming by car,
there is plenty of parking available onsite.
To arrive at the clubrooms, simply drive west down McCubbin street
and look for the lane way on your left hand side, you will find the
clubrooms (Scout Hall) at the bottom of the lane way.

The course instructors will be myself Robert Broomhead VK3DN and
Damian Ayers VK3KQ.
The Sunday morning the assessments will be run by myself with
Keith VK3FT and assistance from other assessors..

Further details on the EMDRC club website

SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,

Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.

In ZL Land a recent membership promotion has been a great success.

A total of some 3,000 letters were posted to all those who were not
presently members of the Association, some 236 amateurs have now taken
the opportunity to join with this special promotional offer. Of those,
115 are newcomers to the Association, with 121 re-joining the NZART
after a lapsed period.

The Canadian federal telecom regulator is aiming to close potentially
dangerous technological gaps in Canada's 911 services.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has taken
the first step in modernizing an emergency system that was created before
mobile phones were invented.

The announcement comes as Canadians increasingly rely on cell phones -
10 per cent of households had gone "wireless only" by 2010, a trend that
is expected to continue.

National commissioner Tim Denton, who has been appointed to lead the
review and present preliminary findings in May, faces the daunting task
of forecasting the future of an industry that changes faster than many
companies can predict.

But he will also have to deal with the effects of Canada's digital divide:
Large swaths of the Far North and Newfoundland and Labrador still don't
have access to basic 911 services.

Among those that do have access, more and more people are turning to
social media sites, such as Twitter, to seek emergency help.

Explosion at Derna (Libya) radio station, police attacked on arrival

Derna local radio was hit by an explosion in the early hours of Monday
morning last, with the blast also damaging the office of a local
television station situated nearby.

The assailants subsequently launched an attack on the town's police chief,
Colonel Mofed Abd Al-Hafid, along with a colleague once they arrived at
the scene. The police officers came under fire but escaped uninjured.

A Derna resident informed the Libya Herald by telephone that radio and
television broadcasts had been stopped as a result of the incident.

The attackers, whose motive and identity remain unknown, succeeded in
escaping the scene.

Barcode inventor dies 

Norman Woodland who co-created the barcode using Morse code, has died
at his New Jersey home at the age of 91.

He worked with university classmate Bernard Silver to create the now 
ubiquitous thick-and-thin-line system in the 1940s.

The BBC reports that the system was patented in the US in 1952, a patent
that was later sold for just $15,000.

Barcodes Inc. report that Norman Woodland used the Morse code to create
the barcode when he "just extended the dots and dashes downward and made
narrow lines and wide lines out of them."

Global amateur radio fest begins

Peninsular News reports the Qatar Amateur Radio Society are hosting the
event for the first time in the Middle East.

Hundreds of officials of various amateur radio societies around the world
as well as secondary students and boy scouts from Qatar are attending.

Among those attending is AMSAT-DL President Peter Guelzow DB2OS who gave a
presentation about the AMSAT P3E and P5 missions.

The callsign assigned for the event is A71QND (Qatar's National Day).




A group of high altitude balloon experimenters have achieved a
milestone. This with confirmation that their K6RPT-12 APRS equipped
high altitude balloon has successfully crossed the Atlantic and landed
in Morocco. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has the

Amateur radio stations from the United Kingdom to the Azores had been
listening for the transatlantic balloon signing K6RPT-12 on 144.390 MHz FM.
This after it was lofted skyward from California at about 0126 UTC on
Monday, December 3rd. The balloon was launched by the California Near 
Space Project team with the intent of it crossing the Atlantic heading
for the British Isles. When it left the USA it was traveling at over 185
an hour but was believed to have slowed down in its over-water trek to as
little as 55 miles an hour. Knowing this, the payload was designed for
over 60 hours of flight. It also included a heating system for its
144.390 MHz FM transmitter developed by Jonathan Corgan, AE6HO, to prevent
it freezing during overnight flight. This was because the bitterly cold
night temperatures at that altitude have caused the transmitters on
several amateur radio balloons to fail. After its journey across the
Atlantic its APRS signals were first picked up by stations in Spain. It
was last heard at 09:22:31 UTC on December 5th descending rapidly,
indicating that the balloon had finally burst. Its last recorded position
was 34 25.75' North and 3 58.96' West placing it in the Taza Provence of
Morocco North-North East of Tazekka National Park.

It is believed there are less than 150 radio amateurs in Morocco and no
known APRS stations. As such the balloon and its payload may never be

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles.

It should be noted that the amateur radio APRS frequency is not
standardized world-wide. The United States uses 144.390 MHz while
the British Isles and Europe use 144.800 MHz. To see the See the
K6RPT-12 APRS reported flight track please take your web browser
to on the World-Wide-Web.



Here in VK it's time for the WIA Summer VHF UHF Field days, and in ZL
in Feb it's their annual Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest Sat and
Sun Feb 23 and 24.


Wyong Contest University

Greetings this is Trent VK4TS the WIA Director for Awards and Contests

At the upcoming 2013 Wyong Field Day a new addition to the programme has
taken shape in the form of the Mini Contest University. This has taken
its format from the very successful programmes conducted by Tim K3LR

The MCU will be a day long affair on the Saturday prior to the Gosford
Field day and will conclude with an evening meal at a local eating house.

This is an opportunity for contesters Australia wide to catch up and also
offers a great opportunity for new contesters to learn from the more

I will be presenting at the seminar and I am sure there are many that
would like to find out about the workings of WIA contests.
Look forward to seeing you there - but a reminder that bookings are


Summer VHF UHF Contests - this year the Ross Hull looks to be a great
affair - sunspots are up and down but expect some 6M fireworks in January
and for proponents of distance based scoring in contests here is your
chance to prove you like the distance format

Both the Ross Hull and the Summer Field day make January a great month for
the active contest operator  

XV 0 VR Vietnam until 4 January.
Cat Ba Island (AS-132) from 18 - 20 December
Phu Quoc Island (AS-128) from 30 December - 2 January.] 

QSLs go via his home call DD0VR]

Lastly, several sources are reporting that a team of 10 operators will
be active from Robinson Crusoe Island during mid-2013. It was also
mentioned that this is the same group who activated D64K earlier this
year. Look for more details to be forthcoming.


What use is an F-call?

Amateur Radio is a social experience, an activity that invites and
thrives on communication. As a participant in the hobby, either recent
or long standing, there are many amateurs around who share your interests
and can participate with you in your exploration of what amateur radio
means to you. These people who share your experiences are your own
little amateur community and while it's safe to stay with those, you
might consider that the hobby is a gateway into a wide range of
experiences and disciplines, so your little view on the world is likely
to benefit from interacting with new people.

As is common in our society, this time of year is traditionally used for
reflection and in my learning about Amateur Radio, I'm using this time to
reflect on the things I've learnt and the people I've met over the past 
12 months. I have started with Morse, done some serious contesting, met a 
whole host of Amateurs from around the country, built a magnetic loop
antenna, built my first electronics kit, learnt about software defined
radio, started learning about transmission lines, remembered to enjoy
myself and helped with all manner of club activities throughout the year. 

The thing I remember most is spending time with other Amateurs and
sharing the twinkle in their eye as they tell about their endeavours and

What do you reflect on in Amateur Radio? 

I'm Onno VK6FLAB


ILLW attracts more entries

The leading countries in the next International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend are Germany on 28 registrations, Australia with 27, followed by
the USA and England.

A total of 110 registrations have been received so far from 26 countries,
spanning the globe from Argentina to Wales.

Each of them will help promote public awareness of the former guiding
lights for those at sea, promote amateur radio and foster International

To find out more about this truly fun weekend or register for August the
17th and 18th, visit the website at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies

3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
Wednesday December 26th 2012

YMCA Murray Marathon
Yarrawonga to Swan Hill
Contact: Gerard Werner VK3GER phone: 03 9773 6313

Saturday February 23rd 2013
Pajero Rally
Woods point area
Contact: Dirk Versluys VK3FPAJ phone: 03 9879 8384


First contact between CT1DMK and VK3UM on 432.010 MHz

First contact between Doug MCArthur, VK3UM and Luis Cupido, CT1DMK via
Moon bounce Communications on 432.010 MHz CW, was recorded on December 6.

The telegraphic message - VK3UM, CT1DMK 559/559 "loud and clear" - could
be received by those stations equipped for EME on 432 MHz.

This communication achieved by 2 serious radio operators who invested a
lot on Ham radio stations both in terms of perseverance and technical
achievement. They inspire an entire generation and make our dreams
possible with some work and preparation.

Luis Cupido, CT1DMK, is in fact a wonderful paradigm of technical know
how for many of us. He has already a few interesting distance records to
encourage a number of colleagues, like the world DX record of ever, while
receiving one of the deep space spacecraft's, Voyager 1, at about
14698 million Km (3 times further away than Pluto) on April 4, 2006

Recently some of his contacts with us "down under" had a tremendous impact
on those working moon bounce in this small corner of the world:


SAQ VLF Transmission Christmas Eve

There will be an annual transmission with the Alexanderson 200 kW
alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz from Grimeton Radio/SAQ on Christmas Eve,
Monday, December 24.

The message transmission will take place at 08:00 UTC.

The transmitter will be tuned up from around 07:30 UTC.

QSL-reports are kindly received:

- E-mail to:
- or fax to: +46-340-674195
- or via: SM bureau
- or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
  Radiostationen, Grimeton 72
  S-432 98 GRIMETON Sweden




The following person has provided feedback

David : VK5LSB

Feedback :

VK5LSB would like to wish everyone a happy and safe xmas accross Australia
and the world.

Xmas cheers goes out to all the contacts and friends that I have made
through 2012 73 David Vk5LSB] 

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA
broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each
item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions,
please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always
if the news room is to read your item write in the 3rd person.

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia 
and participation in the activities of local clubs. 

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to 
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

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