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VK7AX  > BCAST    11.08.24 07:00l 474 Lines 27446 Bytes #232 (0) @ WW
BID : 64118_VK7AX
Subj: VK7 Amateur Radio News 11Aug24
Sent: 240810/0356Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:64118 [Ulverstone] $:64118_VK7AX

VK7 Amateur Radio News 11Aug24

Text edition: 


FOR SUNDAY 11th August 2024


Welcome to the VK7 Amateur Radio News.

This was first broadcast on Sunday, August 11th, 2024 and we bring you the latest from the world of amateur radio in VK7.

This week, joining you from the Tasmanian Amateur Radio News desk is Justin, VK7TW.

Tune in as we share updates and insights across VK7, broadcast  through an array of platforms and frequencies:

On DMR Talk Group 5 and D-Star Reflector 91C, managed by Clayton, VK7ZCR.

On Medium and high frequency rebroadcasts thanks to our dedicated operators:

1.862 MHz by Graham, VK7GS

3.670 MHz by Peter, VK7TPE

7.140 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH

14.130 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD

28.525 MHz by Dale, VK7DG and 

UHF CB Channel 24 in the Hobart area, hosted by Mark, VK7FMAC

If you missed todayâ€Ös broadcast then you can catch the replay on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in Southern VK7.

Thank you for tuning in and enjoy the broadcast!

Contesting News
Remembrance Day Contest

This contest is next weekend and commemorates the VK Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area.

A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants.

VK7 has won the trophy every year since 2016.

The aim of the contest is for amateurs to endeavour to contact amateurs in VK call areas, ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE, CW and RTTY as per the era remembered.

The contest runs from 17th August 2024 from 0300 UTC to 18th August 0300 UTC.

There will be a opening address prior to 0300 UTC and will be from a dignitary which will include the roll call of those amateurs that paid the supreme sacrifice.

The categories include - Single Operator, Single Operator – QRP, Multi-Operator – Single Transmitter and Multi-Operator – Unlimited.

The sub categories modes for Single Operators are:

1). Phone (AM, FM & SSB, 

2). CW (CW & RTTY) and 

3. Mixed

The permitted bands are MF (160M), HF and VHF & above bands except for WARC bands (10, 18 & 24MHZ) which are excluded by IARU agreement from all contest operations.

HF SSB Voice transmissions should be within:

1843-1875, 3535-3570 and 3600-3700, 7080-7300, 14112-14300, 21150-21450, 28300-29100KHz,

otherwise disqualification or points reduction may result.

There are a range of restrictions for multi-operator stations and consult the rules available on the WIA website.

The determination of  which state has won is based on participation rate - which is the number of logs submitted divided by the number of amateurs in that state. The more amateur logs submitted equals a higher participation rate - this is how VK7 has won it for the last seven years!

We hope to hear you on air and even if you only make 10 contact donâ€Öt forget to put in your log!

Statewide News
Thursday Night SSTV Nets

Another busy net night that saw the following participants, VK7s – TW, EV, ZAB, KT, OO and FGGT all sharing over thirty photos.

The highlights were:

    CQ from Down Under 

    Tasmanian lighthouses, including Low Head, Iron Pot, Hellâ€Ös Gates, Cape Wickham and Currie 

    Hobart trams in their heyday and a restored number 29 doing tourist duty at Inveresk in Launceston

    A DQ class Tasmanian train

    A helicopter, light aircraft and an aeronautical HF radio map

    A rainbow over Launceston


    A lone purple flower in a sea of red

    A sign on a vetâ€Ös lawn. As dogs canâ€Öt read I assume the instructions are for the pet owners to obey

    A batch of scones for supper

    And 73 from an invincible lighthouse keeper

Remember Ken VK7KRJâ€Ös and Steve VK7OOâ€Ös fully automatic 24/7 monitoring sites that allow anyone who has sent an SSTV picture the ability to check them on their pages almost immediately, any time, both South and North Tasmania.

Also if you missed the net there are archives of all SSTV nights. These photos can be seen on Kenâ€Ös and Steveâ€Ös SSTV websites or on NTARCâ€Ös website under blogs and arranged as weekly nets. 

There is no suggested theme for next weekâ€Ös net.

SSTV VK7OO Tasmania Australia ( 

VK7KRJ's 2m SSTV scrolling web gallery 

Blog 3 â€ö NTARC Inc. 

73 from Andreâ€Ö VK7ZAB

Tassie Ham-E-Con
Innovation in Amateur Radio - Bookings Now Open

Exciting news! 

The Tassie Ham Conference is set for November 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at the Sir Stanley Burbury Theatre on the Sandy Bay Campus of UTAS. This year's event is fully catered, offering endless tea, coffee, and other beverages, plus delicious morning and afternoon teas, and lunches on both days, all included in the conference fee.

Kick off the weekend with a pre-conference BBQ social gathering at the REAST Clubrooms on Friday night. Then, dive into a fun-filled conference on Saturday and the first half of Sunday, featuring engaging presentations and activities centered around the theme of "Innovation in Amateur Radio."

We're thrilled to announce that our lineup is nearly complete, with fantastic speakers from overseas, interstate, and locally, ready to share the latest innovations in Amateur Radio. Check out the conference website for more details and get ready for an unforgettable weekend!

We have locked in raffle prizes from ICOM, Yaesu, DigiRig, DX Commander, ZachTech, Messi & Paoloni, Ham Radio DX and REAST and there are some VERY impressive raffle prizes in there. 

You get a complimentary raffle ticket if you attend the conference and you can purchase extra raffle tickets on the conference days. You can only get raffle tickets if you attend the conference! 

Watch the Tassie HamECon web pages for more details as they come to hand.

73, TassieHamECon Organising Committee


NWTARC August meeting

NWTARC held its bi-monthly Club meeting on the 3rd August 2024, at the Ulverstone Scout Hall.

The Club welcomed three visitors - Mark VK7MARâ€Ös membership was voted on, and he was accepted as a Club member.

Two other amateurs requested and filled out Membership forms to join the Club.

An update on the Mount Duncan repeater site was given. The Club has been in discussion with Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania, and we are compiling a proposal to negotiate a lease on Mt Duncan. Parks and Wildlife have advised, if we can provide evidence of the benefit of the UHF CB Repeater and our Amateur radios, to the community, we might be treated as a community group, which may include lower or no lease fees. We have been actively speaking to Local and Federal Government and Community groups re the benefits of a Community UHF CB Repeater. As well as groups we provide radio comms to, to obtain letters of support. St Johns Ambulance also want to continue to have their repeater in our hut and provide support.

The Club has decided to proceed with the UHF CB repeater as a priority. This is to get the UHF CB Repeater on air ASAP. We have all the equipment required and ACMA have changed the CB repeaters callsign to RMD44, its new callsign.

When a date is set for the install of the UHF CB repeater, a request for assistance from club members and the wider amateur community will be made, to take equipment etc up to the hut, and remove unnecessary items on site.

The repeater committee had delivered to the Club Committee at their last meeting, proposed changes and additional infrastructure to Mt Duncan. It was requested the repeater committee come back to the club with costings etc. The additional upgrades would then be addressed by the club to see what recommendations are accepted. The alterations will occur after the club has a lease, allowing legal access and the ability to insure the site, to cover club members public liability requirements.

Brenton Jones a telecommunications engineer attending the meeting, offered advice and assistance, in adjusting the existing 2 metre and 70 cm antennas, on Mt Duncan to direct their signal to the closer surrounding area, that will negate buying new antennas.

The repeater committee has advised the VK7RAL link radio, has been replaced with a radio donated by VK7EV, this will allow amateurs on the West Coast via Mt Read, to once again be heard on the State-wide network. The link radio will be reinstalled, when VK7AAB Shane has time to reinstall the equipment at Companion Hill, in between his business commitments.

For show and tell Andrew VK7XR brought along a 23cm 25 element Loop Yagi antenna he had constructed, and also brought along a weather balloon Radio Sonde, he has repurposed as a low power 70cm beacon, that would also transmit weather data where the Radiosonde is located.

The Club was blessed, in that Rick VK7RI who was relocating, donated equipment. accessories and coax to the Club. The items were available for purchase at the meeting.

73, Eric VK7EV, News Officer

North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club

The Summits On The Air/World Wide Flora and Fauna parks group meets twice weekly – Mondays and Fridays 10.30AM till 12.00 at the Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry Street, Launceston. 

For more information contact Al on 0417 354 410.

73, Al, VK7AN

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Incorporated 

An Important Message - to Mt. Arthur repeater users!

As we are well and truly into the winter season it seems a suitable time to mention again that our repeater batteries can sometimes struggle to fully re-charge, especially in cloudy and low wind weather conditions - please consider this when using our repeaters for extended periods of time. This was especially true the previous week. There was a fairly high level of repeater traffic as well as the clubs commitment of three National broadcasts, two State broadcasts and an SSTV night thrown in. This combined with lower winds and very overcast dull days resulting in lower battery charge necessitated the temporary shut-down of the DMR repeater. Thank you for your understanding, from the NTARC committee.

How many of us are old - enough to remember the viewer reaction programme hosted by Tim Boden called BackChat on ABC TV in the late 80s. Viewers could write in with their comments, be they brickbats or bouquets, regarding their feelings on broadcasted programmes. After reading a letter that came through the club this week, regarding one of our members, it certainly did triggered some memories and this time it was to do with the current Tasmanian State-wide weekly broadcast. I will hand it over to Idris VK7ZIR to pass on a couple of comments from one of the listeners. Idris wrote: 

After his inaugural reading of the VK7 Broadcast, Nic VK7WW has received many expressions of appreciation for his reading style. One long-range listener in Western Australia was particularly complementary of his delivery. Nick VK6NDX, who listens regularly said and I quote “your reading of it from last weekend was most enjoyable to listen to. I, for one look forward to hearing you again on the broadcast, but for now, I just wanted to convey my appreciation for your efforts and the way in which you did it.” 

Thank you Idris, itâ€Ös great to get feedback, especially positive, remembering that it takes time and effort to write an e-mail. It must be the old adage “credit where credit is due” and the whole State-wide Broadcast team can feel good about the voluntary jobs they are doing. I think we can safely say this one is a bouquet!

While things are on a high note - the other success of the week would have to go to Mike VK7FB with his excellent presentation on “My Life in the Lighthouse Service” that was streamed live by REAST. Mike managed to bring a dozen NTARC members out on a particularly cold Wednesday night to the club rooms to communally partake of his presentation. After the presentation, members continued light house related discussions for another hour over a light supper and a warm drink. Thank you Fran for augmenting our food offerings with a “still warm” home-made pizza, it went down a treat. 

One can hope that this was only “part one”.…… and there will be more of Mikeâ€Ös story to follow!

NTARC QSL Cards - Andrew VK7DW, our QSL manager has advised me that there has been a recent delivery of QSL cards to the club rooms for the following. VK7â€Ös AT, AU, DON, GC, HBR, JFD, KW, MAT, MX, ZPE and ZR. If you just heard your call-sign then there are cards waiting at the NTARC club rooms for collection on the next Coffee morning or Technical Night. Thank you Herman for your continued support regarding QSL deliveries and thank you Andrew for the update.


TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm till 7.30 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till about 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening will be Nic VK7WW. 

Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there. So why not pop in check the QSL cards and join us for a cuppa, there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.

Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be on Wednesday the 14th August and will commence at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea. 

Finally - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address news(at) all items to be received no later than 5 pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Thatâ€Ös all folks, 

73 from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
August Presentation
My Life in the Lighthouse Service with Mike VK7FB

A huge thank you to Mike Jenner VK7FB who took us through a fascinating look at his time in the Lighthouse Service.

We started with an introduction which was hardly needed as we came to conclusion that just about everyone knew Mike or at least his voice…HIHI.

Mike then showed a short video he had put together on his time at the Tasman Island lighthouse in 1969. We then headed to the Eddystone Lighthouse in 1970 and the adventure that Mike had there. From Eddystone it was into the Furneaux Group and a posting at the Swan Island Lighthouse in 1971 with a short stint relieving at the Cape Bruny Lighthouse and finishing with two videos on the ILLW amateur radio operation on Tasman Island and a return with Rotary in 2013. Mike then took some questions and we had time for a cup of tea.

A huge thank you to Mike for his time and the effort that went into the creation of the “Floating Boat Productions” videos.

The video of the presentation is available in the REAST YouTube Channel at the link in the email edition of the broadcast.

73, Justin, VK7TW

August Forum Night - DX Chasing

This Wednesday night is our monthly forum night and will focus on chasing that DX contact - rare, not-rare or just extending your signalâ€Ös distance.

Did you know DX literally means “Long Distance” and so bring your experiences, skills and equipment that you use to get your signal even further around the globe.

It will be held in the Queen's Domain clubrooms from 7:30pm and will be streamed.

Come along with your stories of “that” DX contact, bring along your award certificates, special DX hardware and software and show them to the eager forum crowd.

Be prepared to share your experiences, special tricks of the trade and DX mythology.

7:30pm, Wednesday 14th August, 2024 in the Queen's Domain Clubrooms and Streamed.

See you there.

73, REAST Committee

September Presentation Night - Visit to CMS

REAST members have been invited to visit the Channel Men's Shed (CMS) at.

The CMS is a huge facility filled with metal, wood, plastics, electronics and amateur radio tools. They even have a huge commercial kitchen where they prepare meals for Kingston Helping Hands.

We have been invited for a guided tour of the shed and a sausage sizzle ($2 a snag).

There are many of their members who are also a member of REAST and they are keen to show off their impressive facilities.

See you there from 6:30pm on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 24 Van Morey Road Margate.

If you need a ride let a committee member know and we will organise a lift down to Margate.

73, REAST Committee.

September Forum Night - Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

This forum night will focus on the role of amateur radio when the apocalypse hits!

How prepared are we as amateur radio operators for when that Extreme Space Weather event - like the 1859 Carrington Event hits, power off for extended periods, HF propagation is poor, EFTPOS doesn't work, internet not available, mobile phones and communications systems fail.

It will be held in the Queen's Domain clubrooms from 7:30pm and will be streamed.

Come along with your show and tell, batteries, solar panels/charging systems, generators, emergency radios, emergency power solutions. Bring your stories of fighting off the zombie apocalypse - Cargo Style!

Be prepared to share your experiences, special tricks of the trade and zombie folklore.

7:30pm, Wednesday 11th September, 2024 in the Queen's Domain Clubrooms and Streamed.

See you there.

73, REAST Committee

REAST Training and Assessments Update

Foundation Training and Assessment Days are held every two months.

Standard, Advanced, and Regulations licence assessments held on the alternate months. Dates can be found on the REAST Events Page.

The upcoming assessment dates for Foundation Training and Assessment Days (Saturdays):

    24 August 2024

    26 October 2024

Standard, Advanced, and Regulations Licence Assessment Days (Saturdays):

    28 September 2024

    30 November 2024

For Bookings, Queries, and Questions:

Email: reast.assessor(at)

This email is forwarded to the Learning Organiser, who will respond to all requests.

Next Foundation Training and Assessment Day:

Saturday, 24 August 2024, from 9 am.

Please inform the team ASAP via email at reast.assessor(at) or by calling Reg Emmett (VK7KK), REAST Learning Organiser, at 0417 391 607.

Foundation Licence Training Videos:

These have been updated to reflect the new Class Licence arrangements. Available on the REAST YouTube Training and Assessment Playlist.

Additional Resources:

Check out the WIA Foundation Trial Exams.

73, Reg, VK7KK

Technology News
NSW upgrading RFS trucks with Starlink

The NSW Government has announced the rollout of new firefighting tankers and cutting-edge satellite technology to keep crews connected and safer during emergencies.

RFS vehicles will now be equipped with vehicle-as-a-node (VaaN) technology to ensure RFS personnel can communicate during a disaster in the most remote locations or if communication systems go down. The Starlink satellite technology will enable the use of radios, mobile phones and other handheld devices anywhere and at any time â€ö even in remote areas or if communication infrastructure has been damaged during a disaster.

The upgrade will provide an important backup to communication systems and location-finding technology already in use.

It will also give crews the capability to live stream video of fires from anywhere in the state, providing command centres with the latest intelligence about an incident. More than 5000 RFS operational vehicles will be equipped with the new technology over three years under the $69 million VaaN project.

The RFS is partnering with the NSW Telco Authority to deliver the communications upgrade, with installations beginning this year.

The satellite upgrade comes after the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) delivered 143 new and 69 refurbished firefighting tankers to brigades across the state over the past year.

Most new trucks have been deployed to regional areas across the state, benefiting communities from Balranald to Eurobodalla and Armidale to Gilgandra, with the stateâ€Ös south receiving the largest uplift following the devastating 2019/20 Black Summer fires. Category 1 tankers, which are the most used on the fire front, make up the highest number of trucks dispatched across the state.

The refurbishment of 69 existing trucks will also make them safer for crews, with a halo sprinkler system for the cabin, custom-fitted heat curtains, electric hose reels, and portable Public Safety Network and fireground radio chargers.

To meet strict RFS firefighting requirements, the new trucks are being assembled locally at facilities in Kirrawee, Minto, Tomago and South Windsor.

This follows the NSW Governmentâ€Ös commitment to a new contract for the aerial RFS fleet, which provides certainty and a shift to a predominantly NSW-based crew over the coming decade.

The Bush Fire Danger Period for northern parts of the state commenced on 1 August and the statutory period for the entire state begins on 1 October.

“Itâ€Ös important our volunteer firefighters have the right equipment and vehicles to do the job,” said NSW Premier Chris Minns. “These new trucks and technology upgrades will boost the protection of communities across the state. We are providing our first responders with communications technology they can rely on when they need it most.”

“While the existing trucks have served our brigades well, itâ€Ös important that we safely equip members so they can best serve their communities across NSW,” said RFS Commissioner Rob Rogers. “Communications blackspots are a significant obstacle for rural firefighters and can make an already challenging operation even harder. This new technology greatly enhances our network of brigades across the state and will assist communities when needed.”

Sourced from the Government Tech Review Web E-Zine

Regular VK7 gatherings and events over the coming months:
Regular gatherings:

Sewing Circle Net – Daily on 3.640MHz commences at 6:30pm AEST.

Statewide SSTV Net - held every Thursday night via the North/South Link on VK7RAF/VK7RJG from 7:30pm. In the North and North West - VK7RJG on 438.55 -7MHz and in the South - VK7RAF (146.650 -600kHz) CTCSS tone 141.3Hz to link RAF North-South.

State-wide – MICROWAVE QSO Party – following the Sunday broadcast call-back on 1296.15 MHz FM. One group in the greater Hobart area and another in the greater Launceston area. 

Then North-south digital contacts on 1296.2MHz using Q65-60B.

Stations in the Launceston area transmitting on the odd minute. Southern stations on the even minute.

REAST - WAGs - Wednesday Afternoon Group from 12 noon in the REAST Clubrooms Queenâ€Ös Domain.

REAST - WEGs - Wednesday Experimenterâ€Ös Group from around 6pm in the REAST Clubrooms Queenâ€Ös Domain.

SOTA/WWFF Group – Meeting Mondays and Fridays 10.30-12.00 midday at Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry St, Launceston.

NTARC - Club Room Technical night session - Wednesday the 14th August from 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea. 

NTARC - TestNet and TechNet sessions every Wednesday night. TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7pm till 7.30pm and a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm

NTARC Coffee Mornings held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10am to noon in the Rocherlea Clubrooms.

NW VK7 – Wednesday from 8:00pm local – NW Tassie Amateur Repeater Group Net on 2m VK7RMD and Node 56780

NW VK7 - Thursday commencing at 8:30pm local - N.W. Tassie 2m DX Net 144.190 USB

REAST - August 14 - DX Chasing Forum from 7:30pm - Queenâ€Ös Domain clubrooms and streamed.

VK - August 17 & 18 - Remembrance Day Contest 0300 to 0300 UTC

REAST - September 4 - REAST visits the Channel Menâ€Ös Shed and Sausage Sizzle - 24 Van Morey Road Margate from 6:30pm

REAST - September 11 - Surviving the Apocalypse - Radio Prepper / EmComm Forum from 7:30pm - Queens Domain clubrooms and streamed 

VK - November 2-3 - Tassie Ham Conference - Innovation in Amateur Radio - Sandy Bay Campus UTAS


A reminder that next weekend is the Remembrance Day Contest and there will only be the WIA National News broadcast from 9:00am going to air with no callbacks. This gives the VK7 AR News Team a well earned rest!


A huge thank you to all people and organisations that assisted with this broadcast.


That wraps up this week's edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News. We hope you found it informative and enjoyable?

You've been listening to VK7WI, or if youâ€Öve just tuned in, you've just missed our live broadcast. But donâ€Öt worry! You can catch the 

rebroadcast on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in the South.

We encourage you to share your news, stories, and updates with us. Email your contributions to vk7arnews(at) 

For more information about the broadcast and to join the discussion, visit our VK7 Amateur Radio News Groups.IO Group.

Stay tuned for callbacks on the frequency youâ€Öre currently listening to. Relay stations will use their own callsigns during this time.

On behalf of the entire VK7 Amateur Radio News Team, this is Justin, VK7TW, wishing you 73. Stay safe and have a fantastic week!


           (Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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