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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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VK4TUB > QNEWS    15.01.13 15:00l 933 Lines 32549 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4476_VK4TUB
Subj: TOwnsville Amateur Radio Club Weekly Digest 13-01-2013
Sent: 130115/1248Z @:VK4TUB.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC #:4476 [WormHoleBBS] FBB7.00i $:4476

News from the North
from 13th January 2013
sent to undisclosed recipients

og and mop are off the wallaby trail.
this dispatch comes to you from deepest darkest Vincent QLD.
it has been great travelling about oz and the itchy feet syndrome
is just about quelled - however Hazel the Mighty Ute will still be
travelling about the countryside a bit during the next few weeks
 - search vk4zm-9 in google and select the option.

> a sample of DX-peditions
4S7KKG Peter/DC0KK Sri Lanka AS-003 Nov 9 to Mar 9
  CW and Digital Modes.
5W0W Ralph/H44RK Apia Upolu Island Samoa OC-097 December 8 to March 3
  ops mainly 20 to 10metres SSB including some BPSK modes.
  Some damage to station due to TC Evan
RI1ANC Alex/RD1AV Vostok Base Antarctica AN-016 Dec 22 to Feb 7
  ops all HF bands
JG8NQJ/JD1 Take/JG8NQJ Marcus Island Minami-Torashima group OC-073 Jan 15 to Apr 15
  during work assignment. Ops 17 15 12 10metres CW.
  Online Log
P29NO Nao/JA2VQP East Sepic Province Papua New Guinea
  on air during February 2013 to to January 2015 whilst volunteer
  teacher at Divine Word University Wewak.CW SSB and RTTY plus might try other modes.
  Ops pending getting materials together to make wire antennas
VK0JJJ Craig/VK6JJ Mawson Base Antarctica AN-016 10 Feb to Jan 2014
  ops SSB and digital modes using Flex 5000A SDR transceiver and linear amp
  80 to 6metres with some emphasis on 6metre ops, including installation of
  6 metre Beacon Project Inc. propagation beacon.
H44KW Phil/G3SWH and Jim/G3RTE Honiara Solomon Islands OC-047 Feb 18 to Feb 28
  ops CW only 80/40/30/20/15/10m with 2 stations active.
ZS7V Adam/ZS7V SANAE IV Base Antarctica AN-016 Feb 28 to end Feb 2014
  SSB only 80-10metres website
H44G and H40T A team consisting of DK1BT, DK7LX, DL4WK, DL7KL, DL7DF, DL7UFN, DL7UFR,
SP3CYY and SP3DOI - concurrently working from Guadalcanal Island Solomons H44G OC-047
  and H40T Nendo Island Solomons OC-100 Mar 8 TO Mar 25.
  160 to 6metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV  website
9M4SLL Borneo Amateur Radio Club Pulau Layang Layang Spratly Islands AS-051
  Mar 10 to Mar 18 ops 160 to 10metres CW SSB RTTY with multiple operators
T2GM Rob/GM3YTS Tom/GM4FDM Gav/GM0GAV Clive/GM3POI Tuvalu OC-015 12 Mar to 23 Mar
  ops all HF bands and modes blog site
ZL7LC Jim/ZL1LC Chatham Islands OC-038 Mar 14 to Mar 20 2013
  ops 7035 14070 21070 28120kHz PSK only
XR0YG Michael/G7VJR Nigel/G3TXF Bob/MD0CCE Martin/G3ZAY Easter Island SA-001
  20 Mar to 27 Mar all HF bands and modes website
A3EAQ Jacek/SP5EAQ Tongatapu Isl Tonga OC-049 Mar 26 to Apr 16
  SSB only on 80 to 10metres  website Website:
V63XG Haru/JA1XGI Palikir Pohnpei Island OC-010 Apr 3 to Apr 10
  ops 160 to 6metres CW SSB RTTY JT65
5W0M Rolf/DL7VEE and team - Le Lagoto Samoa Apr 4 to Apr 18
  CW. SSB, RTTY 80 to 6metres plus EME 2metres  website
T80W Hide/JM1LJS Sonsorol Islands OC-248 Apr 11 to Apr 15th
ZK3N Hans/DL6JGN and Guenter/DL2AWG Nukunonu Atoll Tokelau Islands OC-048
  April 23 to May 8 ops 80 to 10metres CW SSB and Digital Modes
VK5CE Craig/VK5CE portable Flinders Island OC-261 Aug 15 to Aug 21
  ops 80 to 10metres SSB and PSK website
VK9LL Tomas/VK2CCC (aka LY1F) Lord Howe Island OC-004 Sept 22 to Sept 29
  ops focusing on 160 and 80metres during spare time
  website from 2010 operation
Heard Island early 2014 by Cordell Expeditions

> a sample of Special Events on air

BM0LF and BV2013LF - Taiwan Lantern Festival 2013 in Hsinchu AS-020
 from 5th Nov to 10 Mar - website

8J5SSS - in conjunction with the 55th Saijo-shi Sangyo Sai Industry Festival
16 Nov to 31 Mar Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku AS-075

8J6HAM - celebrating the 12th West Japan Ham Fair on AS-077 Kyushu
10 Dec to 3 Mar

8N119T - celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Tokyo Fire Department
(119 is the emergency fire/ambulance number in Japan)
23 Dec to 25 Mar active on all HF bands and modes.

DB100AWPB - celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Ausbesserungswerk Paderborn
of the German Railway. 1st Jan to 31 Dec 160m to 70cm CW SSB RTTY PSK FM

R400DR - operations by the Pushkino Radio Club RK3DWA to commemorate the 400th
anniversary of the rise to the throne of Michael I.
In 1613 Mikhail I Fyodorovich became the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov.
His reign marked the end of the Time of Troubles, The Reestablishment of the Russian
State and The Ascension of the House of Romanoff to the Russian Throne.

CK3C - commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1916
1 June to 1 July

> most wanted DX entities list
surf to

> Time to Update Your GS-IRC Chart
Bill, W9OL, states that this is the 15th year for his GS/IRC Chart
and it is time to update the information-data again.
(U.S. Postage rates increase effective January 27, 2013)
Bill states - quote
Please take a look at the GS-IRC Chart and let me know
of any changes in postage for the country YOU reside in. There is a lot
of OLD data that I have NOT received updates on. If you live in or have
a friend who resides in these missing countries, please elicit his help
in obtaining the new information.
- unquote
The current chart resides at
If you wish to download the whole file, go to

[ some information for above bulletins gleaned from
- Oceania DX Group Inc News
- The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin
- ARRL DX Bulletin
- WIA News Service
- Facebook ]

Part 1 - NEWS Summary

News from Central Queensland
- Clairview Gathering

News from North Queensland
- TARC Club Meeting Recess
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - 24th Anniversary
- TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp
- TARC selling WIA 2013 Callbooks
- TARC Boomerang Magazines
- TARC Communications Support for 2013

News from the Naughty Lad
- Noels Nutty Campers

Part 2 - Whispers On The Ether
- Nil this week

Part 3 - News Section

Buy Swap and Sell and Wanted
- Rons Most Wanted - a Kenwood DTMF Mic
- Matman has your next complete Ham Library
- Equipment from the estate of Stan/VK4MFA SK

- Communications Support Events

TARC Services
- Book Book Book !
- Exams Service
- contacting theTARCinc


Part 4 - http references
Part 5 - Regional Activities
Part 6 - NQ HF Propagation
Part 7 - VHF Net Callbacks

News from Central Queensland
- Clairview Gathering
The Clairview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet
at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk
radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown
Saturday Night Mega-Auction. There might even be some fox-hunting and
there will definitely be RAFFLES ! There is a rumour going about that
George/VK4HAN might be getting a hair-cut again.
The Gathering is one of the main revenue raisers for the
Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club Inc and
Mackay Amateur Radio Association.

It happens in 2013 during the first weekend in May from
Friday evening 3rd to Sunday morn 5th May.
Those who are keen to chill out completely in one of the most relaxing
and laid back venues in the cosmos arrive earlier and stay later.

The Clairview Gathering is so popular that on-site accommodation is
close to being booked out already, so if you want to go you will have to
very quick. Otherwise there are nice camp, caravan or motor-home sites available too.

For further details contact RADAR Club Secretary Clive VK4ACC
on home phone 07 49271216 or mobile 0429632815

To book your camping spot contact the Clairview Beach Holiday Park
on 07 49560190

News from North Queensland

- TARC Club Meeting Recess
theTARCinc has a meeting recess until the Management Meeting on Tuesday 5th February.
There will be other activities happening though - keep your eyes glued
to this dispatch and your ear glued to the news transmissions.

- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - 24th Anniversary
One of the friendliest radio nets in the land happens
this Tuesday evening January 22nd from 7-30pm on the Townsville
UHF Repeater ... the Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net !
The net is open to young and old, YL or OM and is a
golden opportunity for anyone who needs practice
on-air to go onto the net as 2nd operator.
Its the 23rd anniversary of the net so
lets see if the YLs can outnumber the OMs !

- TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp
Happening from Saturday morning 26th to Monday afternoon 28th January 2012 at :
Girl Guides Association of Queensland Campsite and Training Centre,
46-56 Toolakea Beach Road, Bluewater.

AX4WIT will be on-air from the camp to provide directions and contact.
Assessors on site for exams and tutoring.

Activities will include:
Cooking of the dampers and other bush recipes
(bring your camp oven or use the comprehensive kitchen facilities plus bring
your favourite recipes and ingredients),
Raising of the Flag
(and remember all the words to the National Anthem),
Throwing of the Infernal Thong (release that pent up stress!)
Swimming (bring yer cozzies and inflatables for swimming in the Bluewater Creek),
Antenna elevation practice
(including learning how to use the VK4PRO Pneumatically Assisted Height Acquisition Device),
Portable demonstrations of computer-based radio comms,
Workshops on Computer Backup using imaging software
(bring at least a 4gig USB stick to receive bootable utilities and your portable USB drive)
T-shirt printing using the club silk screens
(bring along pre-washed t-shirts or polo shirts or even tea towels to
get the club or WICEN insignia printed on them),
Bushwalking along the well marked trekking trails.
plus much, much more.
Don.t get the wrong idea though, this long weekend will be a VERY relaxing one .
and its an all-weather event !

Cost of a powered camp site or a bed in Bluewater House is $13 per person per night.
Day visitors pay $6.50 per person.
You need to supply your own condiments such as salt and pepper and also bring
your own washing up detergent and tea towels.
For those also using the Bluewater House accommodation you need to bring your
own pillow and linen.

Need more info ? Then call og VK4ZZ on 0427182469
or email [qrm] vk4zz [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au

- TARC selling WIA 2013 Callbooks
The WIA 2013 Callbook is on sale and TARC has received a bulk order of 25.
Contact Gavin VK4ZZ as soon as possible to purchase your Callbook - just $20.
7 to go ...
Delivered so far
To be delivered

- TARC Boomerang Magazines
Throw 1
in Club Library

Throw 2
with Martin/VK4FMJW

Throw 3
with Martin/VK4FMJW

Throw 4
with Myron/VK4FHAA
Are you a TARC member and want to participate ?
Contact Captain Boomerang (Chris/VK4FR)
on mobile 0402013097 or
on email [qrm] ctmegaw [at] gmail [dot] com [qrm]

- TARC Communications Support for 2013
The 2013 calendar is filling fast, with the following events already
on the comms support calendar.
Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May
- TERAHA Full Moon Townsville Endurance Ride
Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 June
- Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity near Bluewater
Saturday 27 July
- TOWSA Magnetic Island to Townsville Swim Briefing
Sunday 28 July
- TOWSA Magnetic Island to Townsville Swim
Friday arvo 9 to Sunday morn 11 August
- TCAC Cardwell Rally
Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August
- TERAHA Bluewater Challenge Endurance Ride and TPR School
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September
- TERAHA AEBM Townsville Endurance Ride
Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 May
- TERAHA Bluewater Classic Endurance Ride

Please contact Gavin/VK4ZZ either on mobile 0427182469 or on
email vk4zz [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au as soon as you can
figure if you can support any of these events.


News from the Naughty Lad
- Noels Nutty Campers
Noel VK4NL has been organising the famous and popular
Noels Nutty Campers weekends away for many years.
Now here is a word from the Naughty Lad himself - Noel VK4NL.
Powered Sites: $25 per couple per night plus $6 extra person
Unpowered:  $18 per couple per night plus $5 extra person
Times: Check In time after 10am.
Dog Friendly: Yes
Lotto: Ladies only $5.00 What about the blokes?
Lucky Spot: Win a prize
Lucky Site:  Win a prize
Raffle: 10 great prizes up for grabs,  men.s and ladies prizes.
Boot Sale: Saturday 1500hrs at the camp kitchen
Saturday Evening Meal: Warwick RSL - 1800hrs, Transport available
Buffet $15 per person - eat all you want.
Directions to the camp ground:-
Information about the camping ground:-

Now, here are some more dates and venues

April 19/20/21 Kirkleigh - Somerset Dam

July 19/20/21 Hervey Bay Pialba Beach Front Park

October 25/26/27 Sandy Creek - Kilcoy

Interested in heading along to one of these funtastic weekends ?
Contact Noel via email
[qrm] vk4nl [at] iprimus [dot] com [dot] au [qrm]
on on the mobily 0413958216
to find out more !

Part 2 - Whispers On The Ether
- nil this week


- News Section
- Buy Swap and Sell and Wanted

- Rons Most Wanted - a Kenwood DTMF Mic
Ron VK4EMF is on the prowl for a DTMF Microphone suitable for connecting to
a Kenwood TR751A so he can play with IRLP and Echolink from his DX Shack
at Mareeba. If you have any such mics that are suitable, along with
pensioner pricing, give Ron a shout on email
[qrm] ron [dot] terri [at] westnet [dot] com [dot] au

- Matman has your next complete Ham Library
Matman/VK4FNQA has been helping Ron/VK4BF out with a shift of location
and making sense of the radio shack. As a result Matman has this
fine selection of Reference Books in good condition ex the Ron/VK4BF shack.
1.  ARCHER [1980 Edition] Engineers Notebook ­ Integrated Circuit Application.
2.  ARCHER [1982 Edition] Semiconductor Reference Guide.
3.  M. Walter Maxwell, W2DU ­ REFLECTIONS and Transmission Lines and Antennas.
4.  RSGB [Fifth Edition] ­ Radio Communication Handbook.
5.  Joseph J. Carr [Second Edition] ­ Practical HANDBOOK Handbook.
6.  Joseph J. Carr - Secrets of RF Circuit Design.
7.  The 1989 ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur.
8.  The ARRL ­ Antenna Book.
9.  The ARRL ­ Radio Frequency Interference.

The preference would be for this great selection to be bought as a single lot,
however negotiations can be entered into if a split is needed.
Send sensible expressions of interest/enquiries to
Matman/VK4FNQA on email [qrm] vk4fnqa [at] qsl [dot] net

- Equipment from the estate of Stan/VK4MFA SK
Dennis/VK4JDJ is managing the sale of equipment from the estate of Stan/VK4MFA SK.
All prices quoted are negotiable. All articles are in as new condition
and very well looked after.
1 ICOM IC-746 PRO HF/VHF Transceiver, mint as new. $1.600.
2 Yaesu FM Transceiver FT-1802 as new $150.00
3 Antenna tuner YAESU-MUSEN FC-707 beautiful piece of equipment
   very well cared for $270.00
4 Yaesu Power Supply FP-707 well cared for, $240.00
5 AVAIR AV-200 SWR Power meter as new mint $80.00
6 Antenna Balun 4:1 Diamond BU-50 $60.00

Contact Dennis/VK4JDJ for sales or further info
Phone 07 40962574
email [qrm] dennisbauer [at] bigpond [dot] com


- Communications Support Events

Atherton Tablelands Region
Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club Inc.
- Co-ordinator Stuart Dunk VK4SDD  0407700096

Sat 9 to Sun 10 Mar - FNERA Warabong Challenge - 80/40/20 and Harness
Sat 6 to Sun 7 April - FNERA Mount Baldy 80/40/20 and Harness
Sat 4 to Mon 6 May - FNERA Kuranda and Shiralee 80/40/20 and Harness
24 to 30 June - FNERA Pioneer Trek and Harness
Sat 3 to Sun 4 Aug - FNERA Woodleigh Station 160el/120el/40/20 and Harness
Sat 31 Aug to Sun 1 Sept - FNERA Wetherby 80/40/20 and Harness
Fri 27 to Sun 29 Sept - FNERA Cordillera Trail 3x80/3x40/3x20 and Harness
Sat 2 to Sun 3 Nov - FNERA Brooklyn 80/40/20 and Harness

Townsville Region
The Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc.
- Co-ordinator Gavin "Og" Reibelt VK4ZZ 0427182469

Sat 25 and Sun 26 May - TERAHA Full Moon Townsville 20/40/80
Sat 22 and Sun 23 June - Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity near Bluewater
Sat 27 July 2013 - TOWSA Maggie Island Swim Briefing from 1pm at TBA
Sun 28 July 2013 - TOWSA Maggie Island Swim from 7am
Fri arvo 9 Aug to Sun morn 11 Aug - TCAC Cardwell Rally
Sat 17 and Sun 18 Aug - TERAHA Bluewater Challenge 5/20/40/80 and TPR School
Sat 14 and Sun 15 Sept - TERAHA Townsville AEBM 5/20/40/120el
Sat 12 and Sun 13 Oct - TERAHA Bluewater Classic 5/20/40/80

Mackay Region
Mackay Amateur Radio Association Inc
- Co-ordinator George Adams VK4HAN 0413289220

Sat 23 and Sun 24 March - Denison Creek 20/20/40/40
Sat 11 and Sun 12 May - Koumala Breakaway Ride
Sat 27 and Sun 28 July - Denison Creek Greg Willoughby Memorial Ride 20/40/100
Sat 16 and Sun 17 Nov - Koumala Breakaway Ride

Want to help out ? Contact the co-ordinator in your region and join in the fun !

TARC Services

- Book Book Book !
WIA Foundation Licence Manuals 2nd Edition
$20 per copy in Townsville
See Gavin VK4ZZ to obtain yours !

- TARC WIA Exams Information
Exam sessions in the North Queensland
region are held on demand with WIA Assessors
and assessment packs available for all 3
levels of licensing.
Contact theTARCinc WIA Exams
Regional Co-ordinator Ray/VK4NET
on home phone 47234351 to have a
mutually suitable date and
WIA Assessors assigned to your

Further information also available at
theTARCinc website ...

- contacting theTARCinc
email address [qrm] vk4wit [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au [qrm]
phone contact 07-47234351
aprs short message protocol to VK4ZZ
snailmail po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814
Facebook - search on Townsville Amateur Radio Club
homepage  -  home of The Stink and Family !

Want to help add or correct something in this Dispatch ?
contact the bleary og VK4ZZ by dropping a line to
[qrm] vk4zz [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au [qrm]

- WICEN >> since 1946 << -
- WICEN NQ >> since 1971 << -
- Curly Wind Season is here again !
  Time to check your antennae and start doing improvements
   and repairs and get ready for action !

WICEN Queensland holds a net every Sunday on 7075kHz from 8-30am (2230UTC)

The net calls in regular stations and then invites new stations to call in.
If conditions are poor on 7MHz, net control might move to around 3600kHz
depending on how pliable the net operators are.
Mix it with other WICEN ops and call in on the net !!

3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

(Gavin VK4ZZ)

Regional  Activities:

- TARC Club Meeting Recess until February 2013
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - 22nd Jan from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- TARC Australia Day Weekend Family Radio Camp Jan 26 27 28 - Bluewater Guides Camp

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 5th Feb from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 12th Feb from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 19th Feb from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 26th Feb from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 5th Mar from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 12th Mar from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC does John Moyle Field Day March 15 16 17 - Bluewater Guides Camp
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 19th Mar from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 26th Mar from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater
- TCAC King of the Hill Hillclimb Sun 31 March Heat One Comms Support Mt Stuart

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 2nd Apr from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 9th Apr from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 16th Apr from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 23rd Apr from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater
- TARC does AM and CW on ANZAC Day - Thur 25th Apr from 1pm

- RADAR-MARC Clairview Gathering - Fri 3rd to Sun 5th May Clairview Beach Holiday Park
- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 7th May from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 14th May from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 21st Apr from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TERAHA Full Moon Endurance Ride Townsville - Sat 25 and Sun 26 May
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 28th May from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 4th Jun from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 11th Jun from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 18th Jun from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity - Sat 22nd to Sun 23rd June
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 25th Jun from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater
- TOWSA Maggie Island Swim Briefing - from 1pm Sat 27 July 2013 at TBA
- TOWSA Maggie Island Swim -  from 7am Sun 28 July 2013

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 2nd Jul from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 9th Jul from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 16th Jul from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 23rd Jul from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 6th Aug from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TCAC Cardwell Rally - Fri arvo 9th Aug to Sun morn 11th Aug
- TARC Project Night - Tue 13th Aug from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TERAHA Bluewater Challenge Endurance Ride 5/20/40/80 and TPR School - Sat 17 and Sun 18 Aug
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 20th Aug from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 27th Aug from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 3rd Sept from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 10th Sept from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TERAHA Townsville AEBM Endurance Ride 5/20/40/120el - Sat 14 and Sun 15 Sept
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 17th Sept from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 24th Sept from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater
- Central Highlands ARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald - Fri arvo 27 to Sun morn 29 Sept

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 1st Oct from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- 21st North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers - Thur 3 to Mon midday 7 Oct
- TARC Project Night - Tue 8th Oct from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- TERAHA Bluewater Classic Endurance Ride 5/20/40/80 - Sat 12 and Sun 13 Oct
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 15th Oct from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End
- Jamboree On The Air Sat 19 to Sun 20 Oct
- Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - Tue 22nd Oct from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

Holiday planning
Public Holidays in North Queensland

Mon 28th Jan - Australia Day Holiday
Fri 29th Mar - Good Friday Holiday
Sat 30th Mar - Easter Saturday Holiday
Mon  1st Apr - Easter Monday Holiday
Thu 25th Apr - ANZAC Day Holiday
Mon 10th Jun - Queens Birthday Holiday
Mon  7th Oct - Labour Day Holiday
Wed 25th Dec - Christmas Day Holiday
Thu 26th Dec - Boxing Day Holiday

On Tuesday 30 October 2012 amendments to the Holidays Act 1983
were passed by Queensland Parliament prescribing that from 2013,
the Birthday of the Sovereign (Queen.s Birthday) public holiday
is to be observed on the second Monday in June and the
Labour Day public holiday is to be observed on the first Monday in October.

Source - QLD Government Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Holiday planning
Queensland School Terms and
Student Free Days
Term 1 - Tue 29th Jan to Thu 28th Mar
Term 2 - Mon 15th Apr to Fri 21st June
Term 3 - Mon  8th July to Fri 20th Sept
Term 4 - Tue  8th Oct to Fri 13th Dec
Student Free Day - Mon 21st Oct

Source - QLD Government Department of Education and Training

- Regional Nets
Monday Evening - Mackay Club Net - VK4WIM Net Control - 3597kHz from 0930Z
Tuesday Evening - RADAR Net - VK4WIR Net Control - 3613kHz from 0930Z
Wednesday Evening - Gold Coast Net - VK4WIG Net Control - 3605kHz from 0930Z
Thursday Evening - The TREC Memorial Net - VK4WAT Net Control - 3588kHz from 0930Z
Thursday Evening - Sunshine Coast Net - VK4WIS Net Control - 3660kHz from 0930Z
Thursday Evening - Hervey Bay Net - VK4CHB Net Control - 3615kHz from 0730Z
Friday Evening - Central Highlands Club Net - VK4WCH Net Control - 3618kHz from 1000Z
Friday Evening - Lockyer Valley Club Net - VK4WIL Net Control - 3570kHz from 0930Z
Saturday Evening - Darling Downs Net - VK4WID Net Control - 3587kHz from 0930Z
Sunday Morning - WICEN QLD Net - VK4IQ Net Control - 7075kHz from 2230Z
Sunday Evening - North Queensland Net - VK4WIT Net Control - 3605.4kHz from 0930Z
Sunday Evening - Dalby and Districts Net - VK4??? Net Control - 3585kHz from 1000Z
Every Morning - The Gnarly Net - All the Morse and Voice you can have for breakfast
                        3600kHz 6am or earlier for the Morse, Voice happens after the Morse
Every Morning - The Aircraft Enhancement Net - Get those Hairy Planes to propagate your signal.
                   144.125MHz USB from 7-30am from Far North to Central Queensland.
Every Afternoon - The Afternoon Net - Wake up from your power nap and get radio-active.
                        Make your ham shack a happy place on 7115kHz from 4pm
Mon, Wed and Fri - VK CW Beginners Net from 0930UTC on 7190kHz ± QRM

- D-Star Nets :
Wednesday Evening - Gold Coast ARS VK4WIG DV Dongle and Gateway Access DCS014 Reflector Port B
- Ported to Townsville either via VK4DA Node 145.1375MHz or VK4BDJ Node 438.925MHz from 0930Z

Up and coming on air Contests and Special Events :
Jan Tue  1st 0100UTC to Thur 31st 2359UTC WIA Ross Hull Memorial VHF-UHF Contest
Jan Fri 18th to Thur 31st K3Y QRP Challenge
Feb Sat 2nd Triathlon DX Contest RTTY SSB and CW in a single contest
Feb Sun 24th Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Wyong Field Day
Mar Sat  2nd and Sun  3rd ARRL International DX Contest SSB from 0001UTC
Mar Sat  9th and Sun 10th RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Contest CW 1000 to 1000UTC
Mar Sat 16th and Sun 17th VK WIA John Moyle Memorial Field Day
Apr Sat 13th and Sun 14th Japan International DX Contest CW 130700 to 141300UTC
Jun Sat 8th and Sun 9th VK-Shires Contest 080600 to 090600UTC
Aug Sat 17th and Sun 18th WIA Remembrance Day Contest 170300 to 180259UTC
Aug Sat 17 and Sun 18th International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 170001 to 182359UTC
Oct Sat 5th and Sun 6th Oceania DX Contest Phone Section 050800 to 090800UTC
Oct Sat 12th and Sun 13th Oceania DX Contest CW Section 120800 to 130800UTC
Oct Sat 19th and Sun 20th Jamboree On The Air
Nov Sat 9th and Sun 10th Japan International DX Contest SSB 090700 to 101300UTC

- HTTP references :
theTARCinc Web Site
Townsville IRLP info
Townsville APRS info
Online radio courses
JOTA information
Lighthouse Lightship Weekend

- WIANews sources :
Tune North Queensland Net throughout Queensland and PNG
from 7-30pm Sundays on -
HF: 3605.4kHz
and in Townsville/Thuringowa 8pm Sundays on
VHF: 146.100 / 146.700 MHz
(the VK4RAT 2m repeater)

Tune WIANEWS in North Queensland on Sundays
(with Daylight Savings corrections for NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA) -
HF : from VK7 2200Z 3570 / 7140 / 14130 / 28525kHz
HF : from VK5 2230Z 1843 / 3550 / 7135kHz
HF : from VK2 2300Z 1845 / 3595/ 5425/ 7146 / 10125 / 14170.2 / 28320kHz
HF : from VK4 2300Z 1843 / 3605 / 7070 / 7130kHz
HF : from VK3 2330Z 3615 / 7158 / 10130kHz
HF : from VK8 2330Z 3555 / 7193 / 10137 / 14337kHz
HF : from VK6 0100Z 3583 / 7140 / 10125 / 14116 / 29680kHz

6m: from VK7 2200Z 53825kHz FM
6m: from VK5 2230Z 53100kHz AM
6m: from VK2 2300Z 52525kHz FM
6m: from VK6 0100Z 53800kHz FM

2m: from Cairns 2300Z 146950kHz FM
2m: from Townsville 2300Z 146700kHz FM
2m: from Mackay 2300Z 147000kHz FM
2m: from Rockhampton 2300Z 146700kHz FM

Timeline for monitoring.
2200Z 3570, 7140, 14130, 28525, 53825kHz
2230Z 1843, 3550, 7135, 28470, 53100kHz
2300Z 1843, 1845, 3595, 3605, 5425, 7070, 7130, 7146, 10125, 14170.2, 28320, 52525kHz
2330Z 3555, 3615, 7158, 7193, 10130, 10137, 14337kHz
0100Z 1845, 3581, 7140, 10120, 14116, 29680, 53800kHz

Frequency List for transceiver memory
1843, 1845,
3550, 3555, 3570, 3581, 3595, 3605, 3615,
7070, 7130, 7135, 7140, 7146, 7158, 7193
10120, 10125, 10130, 10137,
14116, 14130, 14170.4, 14337,
28320, 28525, 29680
52525, 53100, 53800, 53825kHz

- NQ HF Propagation
To all the HF Rebroadcasters...
Keep Up the Excellent Work!!
You are our backup if other sources fail!

This week's reports from -

John VK4FNQ at Majestic Towers

 1840 0/0 1843 0/0 1845 0/0
 3550 0/0 3565 0/0 3570 0/0 3582 0/0 3595 0/0 3605 0/0 3615 0/0
 5425 0/0
 7070 5/9 7090 0/0 7101 0/0 7130 5/2 7135 5/2 7140 0/0 (7140 0/0 VK6) 7146 5/3 7158 0/0 7193 4/1
10120 0/0 10125 5/1 10132.9 0/0 10137 5/5
14116 0/0 14130 5/2 14170 5/8 14337 5/2
18120 0/0
21170 0/0
24950 0/0
27225 0/0
28320 0/0 28470 0/0 28525 5/5#
29120 0/0 29680 0/0
52525 0/0 53100 0/0 53800 0/0 53825 0/0


VHF Net Callbacks - VK4WIT 146.700MHz
following the WIA News and QNEWS transmissions.
News transmission Callbacks by Richard VK4FRJG
at Cranbrook North Queensland - 20130113 09-00am

VK4APE Peter and Christine at Charters Towers
VK4AE Denis and Robyn at Kirwan
VK4IGM Iain and Sheila VK4PAL at West End
VK4AYR Mark at Ayr
VK4FNQ John and Cheryl VK4FRYL at Majestic Towers
VK4TJS Tony at Kelso
VK4LU Ray and Susan at West End
VK4PQ Peter at Mount Louisa
VK4HSV Phil and Jan at Douglas
VK4ME Snow and Sharon at Kirwan

VHF Net Callbacks - VK4WIT 146.700MHz
following the North Queensland Net
Callbacks taken by Net Control Operator Richard VK4FRJG
at Cranbrook North Queensland - 20130113 8-20pm

VK4KS Tom and Janet at Kirwan
VK4AE Denis and Robyn at Kirwan
VK4TJS Tony at Kelso
VK4HSV Phil and Jan at Douglas

see you at the TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp
and cheers fm Gavin/VK4ZZ 

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