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IK6ZDE > HF       25.09.08 10:05l 277 Lines 9480 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
BID : 12877_IK6ZDE
Subj: 2008 CQ WW RTTY DX
Sent: 080925/0810Z @:IK6ZDE.#AN.IMAR.ITA.EU #:12877 FBB7.00i $:12877_IK6ZDE
To  : HF@ITA

The 2008 
September 27–28, 2008
Starts:  0000 GMT Saturday   Ends:  2400 GMT Sunday
Logs are due no later than October 26, 2008
Send logs to:  <>

I. Period of Operation: All stations may
operate the entire 48-hour contest period.

II. Objective: The object of the contest is
for amateurs around the world using RTTY
to contact as many amateurs in other parts
of the world as possible during the contest

III.Bands: The 3.5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 MHz
bands may be used. No 1.8 MHz or WARC

IV. Terms of Competition (for all cate-
All entrants must operate within the
limits of their chosen category when per-
forming any activity that could impact their
submitted score. Transmitters and receivers
must be located within a 500-meter diame-
ter circle or within the property limits of the
station licensee, whichever is greater. All
antennas must be physically connected by
wires to the transmitters and receivers used
by the entrant. All high power categories
must not exceed 1500 watts total output
power on any band. Only the entrant’s call-
sign may be used to aid the entrant’s score
No self-spotting on any form of DX spot-
ting nets is permitted for any category
Self-spotting includes, but is not limited to,
generating packet spots for your contest
callsign by (a) using your own callsign; (b)
using another callsign; or (c) other stations
as a result of prearranged solicitation by you. 

V. Categories:
1.Single Operator (Single Band and All
(a) Single Operator
stations are those at
which one person performs all of the oper-
ating, logging, and, for the Assisted catego-
ry only, spotting functions. Only one trans-
mitted signal is allowed at any time.
(b) Low Power: Same as V.1.(a) except
that (i) output power is 150 watts or less and
(ii) only All Band entrants may enter the Low
Power category. Stations in this category
compete only with other low power stations.
(c) Assisted (all band operation only):
Same as V.1.(a) except the passive use of
DX spotting nets is allowed (see IV above).
No power subcategories.
(d) Single Band: All contacts are made
on one band, regardless of power level.
However, entrants may make contacts on
other bands for the benefit of other contes-
tants if they submit logs in Cabrillo format
and clearly mark in the log header which
band is to be counted as the single-band
entry (see Rule XII below). No power sub-
2. Multi-Operator (All band operation
(a) Single-Transmitter: Only one trans-
mitted signal at any time. Limited to 6 band
changes in any clock hour (0 through 59 min-
utes). For example, a change from 20 meters
to 40 meters and then back to 20 meters con-
stitutes two band changes. Violation of the 6
band-change rule will result in reclassifica-
tion to the Multi-Multi category. Two power
categories: Low Power (150W or less) and
High Power (greater than 150W).
Exception: One and only one other band
may be used during the same time period if
and only if the station worked is a new multi-
plier. Violation of the 6 band-change rule by
either transmitter will result in reclassification
of the entry to the Multi-Multi category. 
(b) Two-Transmitter: A maximum of two
transmitted signals are allowed as long as
each signal is transmitted on a different
band.  Entrants in this category are allowed
a total of 6 band changes per transmitter in
any clock hour (0 through 59 minutes). For
example, a change from 20 meters to 40
meters and then back to 20 meters consti-
tutes two band changes. Violation of the 6
band-change rule may result in reclassifica-
tion of the entry to the Multi-Multi category.
No power subcategories.
(c) Multi-Transmitter: No limit to the
number of transmitters, but only one signal
and “running stationö allowed per band. No
power subcategories.

VI. Modes: Baudot only. No unattended
operation or contacts through gateways or
digipeaters permitted.

VII. Exchange: Stations operating within
the 48 continental United States and the 14
Canadian areas transmit RS(T) report plus
State or Area (Canada only) plus CQ Zone.
All other stations transmit RS(T) and CQ
Valid Contacts: A given station may be
contacted only once per band. Additional con-
tacts are allowed with the same station on
each of the other bands used in the contest.

VIII. Identification of Transmitters:
Multi-Single and Multi-Two log entries must
identify which transmitter made each QSO
in the log (column 81 of Cabrillo QSO tem-
plate for CQ contests). Multi-Multi entries
that submit logs in other than Cabrillo for-
mat must provide a separate log for each

IX. QSO Points: One QSO point for con-
tacts within your own country. Two QSO
points for contacts outside your own coun-
try but within your own continent. Three
QSO points for contacts outside your own

X. Multipliers: One multiplier point for
each US state (48) and each Canadian area
(14) on each band. Please use only official
U.S. Postal Service abbreviations to identi-
fy states (e.g., Michigan = MI; Massa-
chusetts = MA, Ohio = OH). One multiplier
point for each DX country in the ARRL and/or
WAE country lists on each band. 
Note: KL7
and KH6 are counted as country multipliers
only and not as state multipliers. One multi-
plier point for each CQ Zone worked on each
band. Maximum of 40 Zones per band.
Canadian areas (14 total) are as follows:
NB (VE1, 9), NS (VE1), QC (VE2), ON
(VE3), MB (VE4), SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC
(VE7), NWT (VE8), NF (VO1), LB (VO2), NU
), YT (VY1), PEI (VY2). 

XI. Scoring:
Final score = total QSO points  the total
multipliers (US states + VE areas +
ARRL/WAE countries + CQ zones).

XII. Awards: First-place certificates will
be awarded in each category listed under
Section V in every participating country and
in each call area of the United States,
Canada, Australia, and Japan. All scores will
be published. To be eligible for an award a
Single Operator station must operate at least
12 hours. Multi-operator stations must oper-
ate a minimum of 24 hours. A single-band
log is eligible for a single-band award only.
(Single-band entrants who also operate on
other bands are encouraged to submit their
logs to aid in the log-checking process.
Note:  Logs containing more than one band
will be judged as all-band entries unless they
are submitted in Cabrillo format and the sin-
gle-band entry is specified in the Cabrillo
header.) All certificates and plaques will be
issued to the licensee of the station used. To
the extent sponsors or winners purchase
plaques through the Contest Director,
plaques will be awarded in the following geo-
graphical areas for each of the categories
listed in Rule V: World, North America, USA,
Canada, South America, Africa, Europe,
Asia, and Oceania.

XIII. Club Competition:  A plaque will be
awarded each year to the club that has the
highest aggregate scores from logs submit-
ted by members. The club must be a local
group and not a national organization.
Participation is limited to members operat-
ing within a local geographical area defined
as within a 275 km radius from center of club
area (
exception:  DXpeditions specially orga-
nized for operation in the contest and
manned by club members; club contribu-
tions of DXpedition scores are proportioned
to the number of club members on the
DXpedition). Indicate your club affiliation,
using the full name of the club, in the Cabrillo
file. To be eligible for an award, a minimum
of three logs must be received from a club,
and if requested by the Contest Director a
club officer must verify a list of participating
club members.

XIV. Instructions for Preparation of
All logs should be submitted in Cabril-
lo format via e-mail to <>.
Logs must be submitted no later than
October 26, 2008.
2. Electronic Submissions.
In the  “Subject:ö line of your e-mail
message please include 
only your callsign
and nothing else. Logs should be sent as an
e-mail attachment, not in the text of the e-
mail, and the 
filename for the log should be
yourcall.log .
(b) Entries from  Multi-Single, Multi-Two,
and  Multi-Multi stations must be merged
into a single chronological log that 
indicates which transmitter made each QSO
(column 81 of Cabrillo QSO template for CQ
(c) If the Cabrillo format is unavailable,
contact the log checker, Paolo Cortese,
I2UIY, at <>.
Other questions pertaining to the CQ WW
RTTY DX Contest may be sent to the
Contest Director, Glenn Vinson, W6OTC,
488 Locust Street #401, San Francisco, CA
94118 USA, e-mail: <>.

XV. Disqualification: Violation of ama-
teur radio regulations in the country of the
contestant, or the rules of the contest,
unsportsmanlike conduct, taking credit for
excessive duplicate contacts, unverifiable
QSOs or multipliers will be deemed sufficient
cause for disqualification. An entrant whose
log is deemed by the CQ WW RTTY DX
Contest Committee to contain a large num-
ber of discrepancies may be disqualified as
a participant operator or station for a period
of one year. If within a five-year period the
operator is disqualified a second time, he will
be ineligible for any CQ contest awards for
three years.

XVI. Deadline: All entries must be e-
mailed NO LATER than 
October 26, 2008.
Logs received after the deadline may be list-
ed in the results but will be ineligible for any

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