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IK6ZDE > HF       16.02.09 12:16l 107 Lines 4364 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 28266_IK6ZDE
Subj: French HF Championship
Sent: 090216/1010Z @:IK6ZDE.#AN.IMAR.ITA.EU #:28266 FBB7.00i $:28266_IK6ZDE
To  : HF@EU

Document édité le 23/11/2007 – Renseignements relatifs à ce document :
Section française de l’Union internationale des radioamateurs (I.A.R.U.)
Siège social : 32 rue de Suède, 37100 TOURS – Services administratifs : BP 7429 – 37074 TOURS CEDEX 2 – Tél. – Fax :


French HF Championship "Coupe du REF" rules

1. Objective
• French amateurs work as many amateur stations in as many French of the 97 metropolitans
departments (including F6REF HQ), overseas territories (DOM/TOM) and DXCC countries of the
world as possible on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands.
• Foreign amateurs work as many F stations in as many of the 97 metropolitans departments
(including F6REF HQ) and overseas French territories (DOM/TOM) as possible.
2. Contest period
• CW: Last full weekend in January.
• SSB: Last full weekend in February.
• Contest Period: 36 hours each mode (separate contests).
• Starts 0600 UTC Saturday; ends 1800 UTC Sunday
3. Bands and modes
80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m, according to IARU band plan for each country, CW and Phone.
4. Foreign entry Categories
Single operator all bands
Single operator single band
Multi operator single transmitter all bands
No power categories.
5. Contest call
6. Exchange
F stations send RST+Dept (or Prefix for overseas French stations)
Ex for F6XXX: 59(9) 75
Ex for FM5XX: 59(9) FM
Non-F stations send RST + serial number (beginning with 001)
7. Scoring
• QSO Points: each F station count one point from same continent or three points with other continent.
• Multipliers: Sum of departments + DOM/TOM worked per band.
• Final score: QSO points X multipliers = final score
Ex: 547 qso points, 224 departments, 4 DOM/TOM
(224 + 4) x 547 = 124 716
Document édité le 23/11/2007 – Renseignements relatifs à ce document :
8 Log submission
• The log files must be emailed in Cabrillo format.
The e-mail containing the log will be automatically acknowledged by the server and entrants will be
informed about process of log-checking.
• See here for specs:
• Hand writing logs only could be send to the adjudicator. Please refer to our web site for the mailing
• All log entries must be postmarked no later than 30 days after the contest
9 Awards:
• A classification will be established for each continent.
• A certificate will be awarded for each station with almost 100 valids QSOs.
Metropolitan departments map and list
Document édité le 23/11/2007 – Renseignements relatifs à ce document :
00* REF HQ (F6REF) 30 Gard 61 Orne 92 Hauts de Seine
01 Ain 31 Garonne (Haute) 62 Pas de Calais 93 Seine Saint Denis
02 Aisne 32 Gers 63 Puy de dôme 94 Val de Marne
03 Allier 33 Gironde 64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques 95 Val d’Oise
04 Alpes de Haute Provence 34 Hérault 65 Pyrénées (hautes)
05 Alpes (Hautes) 35 Ille et Vilaine 66 Pyrénées Orientales
06 Alpes Maritimes 36 Indre 67 Rhin (Bas)
07 Ardèche 37 Indre et Loire 68 Rhin (Haut)
08 Ardennes 38 Isère 69 Rhône
09 Ariège 39 Jura 70 Saône (haute)
10 Aube 40 Landes 71 Saône et Loire
11 Aude 41 Loir et Cher 72 Sarthe
12 Aveyron 42 Loire 73 Savoie
13 Bouches du Rhône 43 Loire (haute) 74 Savoie (haute)
14 Calvados 44 Loire Atlantique 75 Paris
15 Cantal 45 Loiret 76 Seine Maritime
16 Charente 46 Lot 77 Seine et Marne
17 Charente Maritime 47 Lot et Garonne 78 Yvelines
18 Cher 48 Lozère 79 Deux-Sèvres
19 Corrèze 49 Maine et Loire 80 Somme
2A Corse du sud 50 Manche 81 Tarn
2B Corse (haute) 51 Marne 82 Tarn et Garonne
21 Côte d’or 52 Marne (haute) 83 Var
22 Côtes d’Armor 53 Mayenne 84 Vaucluse
23 Creuse 54 Meurthe et Moselle 85 Vendée
24 Dordogne 55 Meuse 86 Vienne
25 Doubs 56 Morbihan 87 Vienne (haute)
26 Drôme 57 Moselle 88 Vosges
27 Eure 58 Nièvre 89 Yonne
28 Eure et Loir 59 Nord 90 Territoire de Belfort
29 Finistère 60 Oise 91 Essonne
French overseas departments and territories
FG Guadeloupe
FJ Saint Martin
FH Mayotte
FK New Caledonia
FM Martinique
FO French Polynesia
FP St. Pierre & Miquelon
FR Reunion I.
FW Wallis & Futuna Is.
FY French Guiana

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