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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   26.08.11 18:43l 287 Lines 17551 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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27 August 2011                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1060
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

7Q     - Harry, 7Q7HB is back at Club Makokola in Malawi until 23  November.
         He will be QRV when it is possible, because "at this time there  is
         a  poor  electricity  situation"  and  "diesel  for  generators  is
         scarce". QSL via G0IAS (direct only). [TNX G0IAS]
9A     - Special callsign 9A20V will be in use from Vukovar,  Croatia  until
         21 November in remembrance of the tragic events of  20  years  ago.
         Look for activity on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. All of the QSOs  will
         be confirmed automatically via the  bureau.  The  QSL  manager  for
         direct requests is 9A6DR. [TNX 9A6DR]
9A     - Look  for Silverio 9A/IK3IUL, Ampelio 9A/IK3JBP, Calogero 9A/IW3ILP
         and Giacomo 9A/IZ3DBA to be active from  Porer  Island  (EU-110) on
         14-16 October. They will operate mainly  CW with some SSB on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX IZ3EBA]
9H     - Raul, IC8ATA  will  operate  holiday  style  as  9H3AT  from  Malta
         (EU-023) from 29 August to 5 September. QSL via home call.
9H     - Jasper,  PB2JJ  will  be  active  as  9H3JN  from  Malta  on   2-14
         September. He will  operate  mostly  CW  with  some  SSB  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
H40    - Jacek, SP5DRH will be active as H40KJ from Pigeon Island  (OC-065),
         Temotu Province on 8-21 October. He will concentrate on 160  metres
         (with a focus on Europe) as long as there is propagation  otherwise
         he will concentrate on 80m CW and RTTY (17 and 15 metres).  Further
         information can be found at  QSL  via  SP7DQR,
         direct or bureau, and LoTW.
HB0    - Jan, OK1XD will be active as HB0/OK1XD from  Liechtenstein  between
         1 and 10 September. He will operate holiday style on  80-10  metres
         mainly RTTY and PSK31, with some SSB and CW.  QSL  via  home  call,
         bureau preferred. [TNX NG3K]
I      - Claudio, IZ0KRC will be  active  as  IA5/IZ0KRC  from  Elba  Island
         (EU-028) from 28 August to 8 September.  He  will  operate  holiday
         style on 40-2 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via  home  call,  bureau
         preferred. [TNX]
I      - Aldo, IK2ANI will be active as  IF9/IK2ANI  from  Favignana  Island
         (EU-054) on 1-6 September. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY  on
         30-6 metres. [TNX IK2ANI]
KL     - Rick, K6VVA will be active as K6VVA/KL7 from Revillagigedo  Island,
         Alexander Archipelago (NA-041) from around 4  UTC  on  6  September
         until around 6 UTC on the 8th. He will operate mainly CW on 30,  20
         and 17 metres with a focus on Europe  and  Asia,  where  this  IOTA
         group is particularly needed. Later on 8 September he will move  to
         the other side of the island for a "needed  partial  holiday",  but
         he will also be QRV for North America, South  America  and  Africa,
         and  possibly  operate  the  CW  Sprint  contest  as  KL8C  on   11
         September. QSL via N6AWD,  direct  or  bureau.  Check  for  updates [TNX K6VVA]
OJ0    - PG4M reports that the OJ0CC  operation  from  Market  Reef  [425DXN
         1059] has been cancelled. One of the team  members  broke  his  leg
         during the trip, and the group is returning home.  [TNX  The  Daily
ON     - The Radio Club de Binche will operate special event station  ON4WAR
         on  3  September  (11-20  UTC)  and  4  September  (10-18  UTC)  to
         commemorate the Belgian resistance during World  War  II.  QSL  via
         ON7RY, bureau preferred. [TNX F8REF]
OZ     - Look for Horst OZ/DF6FL, Siegfried OZ/DL9ZE and Peter  OZ/DL5FF  to
         be active from Bornholm  Island  (EU-030)  from  27  August  to  10
         September. They will operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 40-10 metres.  QSL
         via home calls. [TNX DX Newsletter]
PA     - Promoting the World  Statues  Festival  that  will  take  place  in
         Arnhem at the end of next month, Fred, PA0FAW  will  be  active  as
         PA11WSF on 1-25 September. He will operate  mainly  CW  and  PSK31.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
P4     - W3BTX and W3TEF will be QRV as P49T from  Aruba  (SA-036)  from  31
         August to 7 September. Expect  holiday  style  activity  on  160-10
         metres SSB and CW. QSL via W3BTX. [TNX NG3K]
TU     - The Italian DXpedition Team (namely  Alfeo  I1HJT,  Silvano  I2YSB,
         Carlo IK1AOD, Vinicio IK2CIO, Angelo IK2CKR,  Marcello  IK2DIA  and
         Stefano IK2HKT) will be  active  as  TU2T  from  Cote  d'Ivoire  in
         October-November (dates TBA). They plan  to  operate  CW,  SSB  and
         RTTY on 160-10 metres with  3-4  stations.  QSL  direct  to  I2YSB.
         Further information, band/mode survey and  OQRS  can  be  found  at Once again Arturo IK7JWY will be  the  pilot station
         for the expedition (it will be possibile  to  contact  him  through
         the dedicated forum at [TNX I1HJT]
UA     - Commemorating  the  300th  anniversary  of  the  birth  of  Russian
         scientist Mikhail V. Lomonosov,  special  station  R300ML  will  be
         active from various  districts  of  Arkhangelsk  Region  between  1
         September to 30 November. QSL via RN1ON. [TNX RN1ON]
VE     - Commemorating the Centennial of Parks  Canada,  the  world's  first
         national parks service, special prefixes will be available for  use
         in Canada from 1 September to 31 October. Canadian stations with  a
         VA prefix can use CF, VY can use CI, VO can use CH, and VE can  use
W      - Look for Wayne, K9YNF to be active as  K9YNF/1  from  Peaks  Island
         (NA-137) on 25-30 September. He plans to be QRV on or around  14260
         and 18128 kHz SSB and 14070 kHz PSK31, running  100  watts  into  a
         vertical dipole. QSL via home call. [TNX K9YNF]
YJ     - A team of eight operators (namely Ian VK3BUF, Michael  VK3GHM,  Lee
         VK3GK, Luke VK3HJ, Dianne VK3JDI, Chris VK3QB, Ben  N6MUF  and  Tom
         NQ7R) will be active as YJ0VK from Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu from  30
         September to 12 October. They plan to operate  three  stations  "as
         often as possible" on 160-10 metres SSB, CW  and  RTTY/PSK31,  with
         an emphasis on 12, 17 and 30 metres. They have  also  been  granted
         permission to operate on 60m. QSL via VK2CA, direct or bureau,  and
         LoTW.  Log  search  and  further  information  can  be  found    at

SOUTH PACIFIC TOUR POSTPONED ---> "Due to  difficulties  in  organizing  and
making arrangement for the transportation to Banaba", Pista HA5AO and George
HA5UK  [425DXN 1045] have postponed their 8-week tour until January-February
2012. Activity will start on 12 January from Tuvalu (T2HA), followed by Fiji
(3D2HA)  on 26 January.  On the  31st they will  leave  for  Tarawa, Western
Kiribati, where  they will  be active  as T30HA until 23 February. Hopefully
they will be able to go and operate from Banaba (T33HA) for 7-10 days during
this  time frame.  They will operate  CW,  SSB and digital  modes  with  two
stations  on  160-10 metres.  QSL via  HA5UK, direct  or  bureau, and  LoTW.
Bookmark for updates.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2XX (1988) ON LOTW ---> The computer disks have been lost, but  W6SZN  has
the paper log. You can email your QSO data to Kip (kedwards[@]  and
he will upload the requests to LoTW once a week or so. This  was  the  first
DXpedition to Rotuma. [TNX The Daily DX]

4W6A ---> The 4W6A team now has a Titanex V160E vertical antenna for use  on
160 metres. They had previously planned to use an  18m  Spiderbeam  pole  as
the support for a 160m inverted-L. With the arrival of the Titanex, the  18m
Spiderbeam pole will now be used for a  full-size  80m  quarter-wave  folded
monopole vertical instead. All the antennas will be  located  on  the  beach
within a few metres of the ocean.
4W6A  will  be  QRV  from  Atauro  Island  (OC-232),  Timor-Leste  on  16-26
September. There will be up to four station active on 160-10 metres CW,  SSB
and RTTY.
QSL via M0URX, direct or bureau (OQRS  at  The  entire  log
will be uploaded to LoTW as  quickly  as  possible  after  the  end  of  the
operation or, if possible, also during the DXpedition.  Further  information
can be found at [TNX 9M6DXX]

QSL VIA W8AEF ---> "Due to poor health, Dan Brown (NA7DB)  has  passed  logs
for all of the following over to W8AEF", The Daily DX reports:
9M0M      1-9 Mar 2001                XZ1ZV     30 Jan- 2 Feb 2000
NA7DB/HP4 4-13 Jan 2003               XZ5DB     31 Mar - 3 Apr 2002
XZ1L      30 Jan - 2 Feb 2000         ZK1AAG    6-17 Mar 1994
XZ1VS     31 Jan - 2 Feb, 2000        ZK1WTU    6-10 Mar 1994
XZ1YL     30 Jan- 2 Feb 2000          ZK1ZRD    6-17 Mar 1994
There are no cards left for some of  those  activities,  so  he  will  issue
"just a note confirming the contact rather than a printed QSL. Logs will  be
loaded to LoTW when time permits".

XF4L (1989) ON LOTW ---> Some of the computerized logs have been  lost,  and
only one third of the QSOs has been uploaded to  LoTW.  However  "the  paper
logs remain intact  and  individual  QSOs  can  be  uploaded  by  contacting
OH2BU". [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8SP       OE3MZC      EF7TV       EA7TV       JW7XM       LA7XM
3G3P        CE3PG       EF8AKN      EA8AKN      KH2/K6WP    JQ1TIV
3W2TXR      JA2TXR      EG1GEG      EA1LT       KH2/WM1D    BU2AV
3Z0MFF      SP9PTG      EG1TDH      EA1HNP      KH2L        W3HNK
3Z85LKK     SP8AUP      EG3WFF      EA3EGB      KH6ZM       I0MWI
4J8VHF      RW6HS       EG5DM       EA5DM       KL7J        N3SL
4J9M        DL7EDH      EG5FL       EA5FL       LR5D        LU4AA
4K9W        DL6KVA      EG5KB       EA5KB       LT5D        LU2DT
4L1MA       ON4RU       EG5VCE      EA5HJY      LT5X        WD9EWK
4L2IKA      EA7FTR      EG7ARG      EA7ESL      LX8RTTY     LX1DA
4L6DL       LZ1OT       EH8FLH      EA8AKN      LY775D      LY3BY
4S7BRG      LZ3HI       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      LY775QT     LY2QT
5B4AIF      EB7DX       EL2DT       EL2FM       MJ0CTR      M0CTR
5H3EE       DL4ME       EM0BSCC     UU0JM       MN0NID/p    MI0SAI
5T0JL       ON8RA       EM20C       UX5PC       NH0J        JQ2GYU
5V7KS       IZ4AKS      EM20L       US0LW       NH7YJ       JK1HIY
7P8PB       EI7CC       EM20LTD     UR3LTD      NL7G        OK1DOT
7Q7BP       G3MRC       EM20UJ      UR5UJ       OH0I        OH3BHL
7S5LH       SM5ZCI      EM20UKR     UR7UC       OH0Z        W0MM
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       EM20UU      US7UU       OH1K        OH1JO
7Z1TT       NI5DX       EM20V       UR2VA       OJ0UR       M0URX
9A12AO/p    9A2GA       EM5UCC      UT7UJ       OJ0VM       OH6VM
9A20V       9A6DR       EN1IFF      UR3IBV      ON6WL/p     ON5JE
9G5SW       OK1DOT      EN20UO      UX5UO       OX3XR       OZ3PZ
9M4CJB      9W2BUG      EN20UP      UT4UP       P29CW       VK2IR
9M4LHC      9M2RDX      EN20UZ      UR5UZ       PA6FUN      PA3HHT
9M4LHN      9W2PD       EN20W       UR5WA       PA6URK      PA3GNE
A65BD       G5LP        EN85W       UR5WA       PG6HK       PD2J
A65BR       UA9AB       EO18IKN     US6IKN      PG6N        PA7DA
AH0J        JA1NVF      EO20IGN     US7IGN      PJ7ROJ      JH1ROJ
AP2NK       W3HNK       EO20IO      UX3IO       PQ8OP       PT2OP
AT0ULH      VU2CDP      EO20K       UR4KWA      PQ8XB       PT7WA
C31CT       EA3QS       EO20M       UX7MA       RI1FJA      RX3MM
C91IW       ZS1WY       EO20UD      UR7UD       RW9QA       W3HNK
CE2/VE7SV   VE7WY       EO20UM      UT0UM       S79DO       DL5RDO
CG100NS     VE1CDD      EO20UR      UT7UR       SF6LGT      SK6NL
CP6LA       HA3JB       EO20UU      UT7UU       SH5FEM      SM5YRA
CR5L        CT1DSV      EO20ZZ      US0ZZ       SK7L        SK7RN
CR5LSV      CT5KAO      ER20MD      ER1FF       SN1LHJ      SP9DTE
CR6FNA      CT1MH       FP/VE2XB    VE2XB       SN2NP       SP2BIK
CR6K        CT1ILT      FP5BZ       F5TJP       SU9VB       UA4WHX
CR6LH       CT1GZB      FP5CJ       K9OT        SX3B        SV1BDO
CS2HNI      CT1RVM      FS/W6IZT    N7XG        T32JB       I5JHW
CT2HXM      F6KOP       GB1OL       MM5DWW      T6RS        N8WP
CW1R        CX1AA       GB2ELH      MM5PSL      TC1LHW      TA1FR
CW5Z        CX2ABC      GB2LS       MM1BHO      TC7LHW      TA7EB
D2QR        RW6HS       GB2LT       GM7OKX      TG/N3IQ     ND3F
D9A         JA1HGY      GB2WHL      M0OXO       TK5UX       F5MUX
DA2011LH    DH3WO       GB4LL       G4WUA       TM0COL      F6FMT
DF0DLFF     DL7AFS      GB6UT       G6UT        TM11NOR     F5UBH
DL0IH       DF6QC       GP3ZME/p    G3ZME       TM36ZOO     F5SSN
DR16BENE    DL7BC       GS4WAB      G4IAR       UA0YAY      IK2QPR
E51AAO      ZL1AAO      GS7WAB      G4IAR       UM20Y       UK8AR
E51AND      AB7FS       H77REX      TI4SU       UN9GD       DL8KAC
EA8/EI6DX/p RX3RC       HA50HH      HA0HH       UP44Q       UN0GL
EA9EU       EA5KB       HF1K/2      SP1KIZ      UP7P        UN7PBY
ED6URB      EA6ZX       HG5MORSE    HA5BA       V31AE       EB7DX
EF1AST      EA1AST      HG8SDS      HA8PH       VI4FI       VK4MIA
EF1DFP      EA1DFP      HG8WFF      HA8MT       VK2CL       VK2IR
EF1DR       EA1DR       HH2/PY1ZV   PY1NB       VK2IZI      EB7DX
EF1HLW      EA1HLW      HK1R        K6IPM       VU9LHA      VU2JHM
EF2RC       EA2RC       HP2TP       HP1RCP      WP4WW       EA7FTR
EF2TW       EA2TW       HV50VR      I0JBL       XR2A        CE3BBC
EF4GEL      EA4GEL      HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      XR6Z        CE6AMN
EF4RCH      EA4RCH      II1L        IQ1GE       XR7F        CA7PGO
EF4TD       EA4TD       IJ7DX       IZ7LDC      XV4Y        OK1DOT
EF5AR       EA5AR       IL3A        IK3HHX      YC5NS       HA3JB
EF5DY       EA5DY       IM0P        IZ1DNJ      YE50S       YF0JZS
EF5GUI      EA5GUI      IY6GM       IK6VXO      YP6WFF      YO6MP
EF7CIN      EB7CIN      J28RO       F8DFP       ZB2LGT      ZB2JK
EF7FT       EA7FT       JA1NLX/VK4  JA1NLX      ZL4RUGBY    ZL4PW
EF7JB       EA7JB       JT5DX       JT1CO       ZW9B        PY9BDA

F6HQP    Marc Dumonal, 25 rue Roger Labbe, 73000 Chambery, France
I5JHW    Giovanni Bini, Via Garibaldi 38/B, 51031 Agliana PT, Italy
IZ7LDC   Fabrizio Fornaro, Via Toscana 15, 74122 Taranto TA, Italy
JA1NLX   Akira Yoshida, 1238-23 Kogasaka, Machida-shi, Tokyo, 194-0014,
K9OT     Paul E. De Witte, 24262 County Road Q, Shullsburg WI 53586, USA
LU4AA    Radio Club Argentino, Casilla de Correo 97, C1000WAA Buenos Aires,
PT2OP    Orlando Perez Filho, SHIGS 706, Bloco L Casa 22, Brasilia - DF,
         70350-762, Brazil
PT7WA    Luciano Sampaio de Souza, Rua Ageu Romero 83, Fortaleza - CE,
         60325-110, Brazil
RX3MM    Vitalij V. Klabukov, st.Ukhtomskogo 21-95, Yaroslavl, 150049,
VK2IR    Tommy Horozakis, P.O. Box 13, Sans Souci NSW 2219, Australia
VK3VTH   Tony Hambling, P.O. Box 115, Williamstown VIC 3016, Australia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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