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06 August 2011                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1057
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

7P     - Expect 7P8FM (QSL via ZS4FM) and 7P8DEF  (QSL  via  ZS4DEF)  to  be
         active from Lesotho until 9 August. Look for activity on  160,  80,
         40, 30, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB, typically  between  5-8  UTC  and
         14-22 UTC. [TNX The Daily DX]
9M2    - Alex, SQ9UM will  be  active  as  9M2/SQ9UM  from  6  August  to  4
         September. He plans to operate  CW,  RTTY  and  some  SSB  on  40-6
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX SQ9UM]
9N     - Fernando, WP4FE  has  been  in  Nepal  since  2008,  working  as  a
         pediatrician in a mission hospital in Banepa. Expect him to be  QRV
         in his spare time,  on  20  metres  only,  under  is  newly  issued
         callsign  (9N1FE).  QSL  to  Fernando  A.  Cardona,  P.O.  Box  88,
         Kathmandu, Nepal. [TNX DX World]
CT9   -  Giovanni,  IZ2DPX   will  be  active  as  CT9/IZ2DPX  from  Madeira
         (AF-014) on 7-21 August. He plans to be QRV on  the  HF  bands  and
         possibily 6 metres. QSL via IZ2DPX  (bureau)  or  IK2DUW  (direct).
         [TNX IZ2DPX]
DU     - Maarten, PA3GZU will be active holiday  style  as  DU9/PA3GZU  from
         Mindanao Island (OC-130) between 12 August to 4 September. He  will
         operate SSB and PSK31 on 40, 20, 15 and 10  metres.  QSL  via  home
         call, bureau preferred. [TNX]
F      - Geoffrey, F4FVI and Chris, HB9ELV will be  active  as  TM0NOI  from
         Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) on between 12-14 August. QSL via  F4FVI
         (bureau) or HB9ELV (direct). Further information can  be  found  at under TM0NOI.
GU     - Bob, M0MCV will be active holiday style  as  MU0MCV  from  Guernsey
         (EU-114) on 9-16 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX
HK0_m  - The team for next year's DXpedition to  Malpelo  [425DXN  1041]  is
         now complete and includes HK1MW, HK1N, HK1R,  HK1T,  HK1X,  HK3JJH,
         DJ9ZB,  K4UEE,  K5YY,  LU9ESD,  OH0XX,  VE7CT,  W6IZT,  WB9Z    and
         YV5SSB/6. They  will  depart  from  Buenaventura,  Colombia  on  22
         January 2012 for the 235 mile voyage to Malpelo. Depending  on  sea
         and landing conditions, they expect  to  be  QRV  within  36  hours
         after landing for  about  10-12  days.  The  team  will  return  to
         Buenaventura on 6 February.
         Operations are planned on 160-6  metres  on  CW,  SSB  and  digital
         modes, from two operating sites  with  6-7  stations  QRV  on  open
         bands. "Our antennas will be  strategically  deployed  to  maximize
         our signal and to ensure DXers worldwide will have  an  opportunity
         to QSO us. We expect to dedicate one  antenna  solely  to  Asia  as
         that direction is usually blocked by a mountain top". QSL via N2OO.
         Contributions are being sought from DX Foundations,  DX  Clubs  and
         individual DXers. You may contribute directly to  DXARC  (Colombia)
         or to K4UEE (North  America),  DJ9ZB  (Europe)  or  JA1ELY  (Asia).
         Further information on the DXpedition and details on  how  you  can
         help can be found at [TNX K4UEE and DJ9ZB]
KH     - A group of five operators will be active as  KH7Q  (QSL  direct via
         AH6NF) from the rare  Kalawao  County  on  the  island  of  Molokai
         (OC-019) during the Hawaii QSO Party, to be held from 4 UTC  on  27
         August through 22 UTC on the  28th  (  The
         team will be there from 25 to 29 August, with some activity on  12,
         17 and 30 metres before and after  the  contest  as  time  permits.
         [TNX KH7U]
LX     - Look for Alex LX/PA1AW, Ronald LX/PA3EWP, Dennis  LX/PA7FM  and  Jo
         LX/PA9JO to be active from Wiltz, Luxembourg from 30  August  to  6
         September. They will operate on all bands (160-2m) and  modes.  QSL
         for all callsigns via PA1AW, direct or bureau, and  LoTW.  An  OQRS
         will be available on the expedition's  website.  On-line  logs  and
         further information can be found at
PA     - Will, PE1OPM and Manfred, PE1OXV will be active  as  PE1OPM/p  from
         Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146) on 9-12 August. QSL via PE1OPM,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX]
PJ7    - Travis, AF6WU and Kjerstin, KJ0DVA will be active as  PJ7/homecalls
         from Sint Maarten (NA-105) on 11-15 August. They will  operate  SSB
         mainly on 15, 17 and 20 metres. QSLs via AF6WU  (direct  preferred)
         and LoTW. [TNX VA3RJ]
PJ7    - Isao, JH1ROJ will be active from Sint Maarten  possibly  as  PJ7ROJ
         on 18-25 August. He plans to operate CW and SSB on all bands,  with
         500 watts, a HF6V and a 2-element beam for the  higher  bands.  QSL
         via home call and LoTW. [TNX JH1ROJ]
SM     - Hans, DK3PZ  will  be  active  as  SM1/DK3PZ  from  Gotland  Island
         (EU-020) on 13-20 August. QSL via  home  call,  bureau  or  direct.
UA     - Celebrating the 90th anniversary  of  the  Komi  Republic,  special
         event callsign UE90K will be in use from  various  Districts  until
         31    August.    Further    information    can    be    found    at QSL via UA9XL.
W      - A group operating as K1HRO/1 will be active from the  White  Island
         lighthouse, White Island (Isles of Shoals) on 7 August.  They  plan
         to have two SSB stations and one CW station. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Butch, N8CHS will be active  as  N8CHS/4  from  Santa  Rosa  Island
         (NA-142)  on  7-12  August.  QSL  direct  to  home    call.    [TNX]
W      - The Old Barney ARC ( will operate again as  W2T  from
         the Tucker's Island lighthouse (USA-911) located in  the  Tuckerton
         Seaport on 13 and 14 August, from 13 UTC through 21 UTC  each  day.
         Operation will be primarily on 40, 20 and 17 metres  SSB  with  two
         stations. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]
W      - Special memorial station N3U will be active on  8-15  September  in
         remembrance  of  United  Flight  93  and  the  tragic  events  that
         occurred on 11 September 2001. QSL via W3PN. [TNX W3BTX]
YB     - John, 9M6XRO and Steve, 9M6DXX will be operating holiday  style  as
         YB9/GM3OOK  and  YB9/G4JVG  from  Bali  (OC-022)  from  12  to   15
         September on a stopover while on their way to Timor-Leste  for  the
         4W6A DXpedition. Activity will be part time but on all bands  6  to
         80m using CW and RTTY (YB9/GM3OOK) and SSB (YB9/G4JVG)  using  100W
         to beam antennas. QSL both  YB9/GM3OOK  and  YB9/G4JVG  via  M0URX,
         direct, bureau, LoTW and OQRS (see [TNX 9M6DXX]
ZL     - Paul, ZL4PW will be active as ZL4RUGBY between  19  August  and  31
         October to celebrate the playing in New Zealand of the  2011  Rugby
         World Cup. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.  [TNX

IOTA  TOUR  --->  Alessandro,  IZ4AMS  will  be  active  as  DL/IZ4AMS  from
Helgoland Island (EU-127) on 11-13 August and as PA/IZ4AMS from Texel Island
(EU-038) on 14-17  August.  He  will operate holiday style on 20 metres SSB.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9N0MD ---> "The Nepal 2011 team is pleased to announce a  new  and  improved
website in response to the interest our  DXpedition  has  generated.  Please
visit our new site to keep up to date on  the  status
of our expedition and keep in contact with our  team  members  and  pilots".

DXCC NEWS ---> Changes have been made to the DXCC e-mail contact system  and
dxcc[@] is no longer in use. "In  an  effort  to  better  serve  our
clients", Bill Moore (NC1L) says, "we have created a number  of  new  e-mail
addresses that will be delivered to the most  appropriate  person  depending
upon the subject.  Please  visit
for a listing of the new e-mail addresses and the general topics  that  they

ST0R ---> The remaining ST0R team members will do their "best  for  to  keep
at least 4 stations on the air during the weekend".  K1LZ  will  be  working
mainly on the low bands until 10 August sunrise ("QRM  and  QRN  levels  are
over 599+10 and our daily storm does not help with statics noise"). The  log
search is now current for QSOs made through 12.13 UTC on 5 August.  A  total
of  96,877  QSOs  have  been  made  with  23,952  unique   callsigns.  Check for log updates, news from the team  in
Juba and pictures.

T32C ---> The container of equipment for the T32C expedition to  Kiritimati,
Estern Kiribati (28 September-26 October) has reached Fiji  and  is  due  to
ship soon to T32. "The team is now pretty much complete, with no  less  than
41 operators, some of whom will be there for the whole period,  others  will
be there for the first or second half. At any one time there will be  around
30 operators on the island, permitting us to operate round the clock on  all
bands with, propagation and other factors permitting, two  stations  QRV  on
each of 80 through 10". The latest Press Bulletin, issued on 2  August,  and
extensive information on the DXpedition can be found  at  [TNX

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available  at   QSOs    confirmed
through LoTW or included in on-line logs  are  eligible  for  listing.  Send
send your scores, as  well  as  any  request  for  further  information,  to
Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow[@]

WRTC-2014 PROMOTIONAL VIDEO ---> Professionally  produced  by  James  Brooks
(9V1YC), with narration provided by Erik Thompson  (KA6UAI),  a  promotional
video about the 2014 World Radiosport Team  Championship  is  now  available
for viewing from the home page of  the  WRTC  web  site  (
"Using footage from  previous  WRTC  competitions,  the  video  conveys  the
energy, excitement, and sporting goodwill that results  when  amateur  radio
contesters from around the  world  come  together  to  compete  on  a  level
playing field". [TNX K5ZD]

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported Silent  Keys  include  Donald  R.  Maziarz
(N2VA), Alexandr V. Bezmenov  (RX9LW),  Costas  Georgiou  (SV1OE),  Alexandr
Bespalchik (UA4RO), Robert John Carscadden  (VY2RO),  Liscum  Diven  (W7IR),
Duncan M. Carman (W7JEN) and E. H. Henshall (ZL3MU).


QSLs received direct  or  through  managers:  3B8MM,  3D2NC,  3DA0TM,  4A4A,
4L1MA, 4S7NE, 4U1ITU,  5M2TT,  5R8UI,  5U5U,  5U7JB,  5V7CC,  5Z4FM,  7P8CC,
7Q7HB, 9K2OD, 9L5MS, 9M2CNC, 9M6NA, 9N7AK, A25AN, A73A, BU2AQ, BX100,  C50C,
HI3/W1JNZ, HP1IBF, HP1XX  (NA-072),  HZ1BL,  HZ1FI,  J68HS,  J88CF,  JD1BMH,
JW7QIA, JX/G7VJR, JX/SQ4MP, K6VVA/VE7 (NA-091), KH8/N9YU,  MS0INT  (EU-059),
MS0INT/p  (EU-111),  OH0R,  P29VCX,  PJ2/K2TQC,   PJ2/K8LEE,    PJ4B,  PJ4E,
PJ5/SP6IXF,  PJ76,  PW2D,  RI1FJ,  S21YZ,  ST2NH,  ST2R,  SV2ASP/A,  SV5AZP,
SV5BYR, SZ1SV, T2XG, T6AF,  T6JC,  T6TL,  T88TW,  T88ZZ,  T8XO,  TG7/HR2DMR,
TG7WW,  TJ9PF,  TK5EP,  TL0A,  TO2FH,  TZ9A,    UK8UC,UP4L,    V25Z,  V73ZZ,
VQ9LA, VR2BG,  VR2XMT,  XK1T  (NA-193),  XW3DT,  YB0AKM,  YN4SU,  YV5KM/OA4,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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