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09 July 2011                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1053
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

C9     - Dave, ZR6DG will be active as C92DG from Tofo, Mozambique on  14-28
         July. Plans are "to do two DX sessions a  day"  along  with  Helge,
         ZS6HB. QSL via ZR6DG.
CO     - Radio Club Las Tunas will participate in  the  CQ  WW  VHF  Contest
         (16-17 July) as T48K, on 6 and 2 metres, from Grid  Square  FL10mw.
         QSL via DK1WI. [TNX CO8ZZ]
CT7    - Special event station CQ73O will be active on 11-17  July  for  the
         30th International Motorcycle Rally  in  Faro,  Portugal.  QSL  via
         CT1EHX. [TNX CT1GFK]
DL     - Look for Stefan, DF8HS/p to be active from Fehmarn Island  (EU-128)
         on  9-29  July.  QSL  via  home  call,  bureau   preferred.    [TNX]
DL     - Volker, DL1WH will  be  active  holiday  style  from  Amrum  Island
         (EU-042) from 28 July to 5 August. He will operate mainly  CW  with
         100 watts to a vertical or dipole. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX DL1WH]
G      - The Wakefield & District Radio Society will be active as GB1HI from
         Holy (Lindisfarne) Island (EU-120) on 15-18 July.  QSL  via  M0OXO.
I      - The following HQ stations ( will  represent  the
         Associazione  Radioamatori  Italiani  in  the   IARU    HF    World
         Championship: IO1HQ (40m and 80m CW), IO4HQ (15m  CW,  20m  CW  and
         SSB, 80m SSB, 160m CW and SSB), IO5HQ (40m SSB),  IO8HQ  (15m  SSB)
         and IO9HQ (10m CW and SSB). [TNX I2WIJ]
KL     - Once again Yuri, N3QQ ( has  changed  his  plans
         [425DXN 1053]. The latest information is  that  he  and  Tim,  NL8F
         will go and operate as KL7RRC from St. Matthew Island (NA-232,  new
         one) this year. Estimated  dates  are  19-22  July,  but  they  are
         subject to change, depending on weather conditions.  QSL  via  N7RO
         or UA9OBA. [TNX N3QQ]
LA     - Helge, LA1QDA will be active from Store  Sotra  (EU-055)  on  11-31
         July. He will be QRV on 80-6 metres. QSL via home call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX]
LU     - The following HQ stations will represent the Radio  Club  Argentino
         in the IARU HF World Championship: LR5F (15m and 40m CW), LR5H  (10
         and 20m SSB), LR6F (15 and 80m SSB), LR6H (160m SSB), LR7F (20  and
         80m CW, 40m SSB) and LR7H (10 and 160m CW).  QSL  via  LU4AA.  [TNX
OH     - "Working OH2HQ may land you not only another HQ multiplier but  may
         give you a good feeling and reinforce your faith in the  future  of
         Amateur Radio". Look for four teenagers - namely Mari OH2FPK  (18),
         Leevi OH2FHN (17), Joona OH2FPG (13) and Joel OH2FHI  (13)  -  will
         take control of Finland's 20m SSB IARU HQ Station at Radio  Arcala.
         Read the details on [TNX OH2BN]
OH0    - Eric, SM1TDE will  be  active  holiday  style  as  OH0/SM1TDE  from
         Eckero, Aland Islands (EU-002) on 21-24 July. Look for  him  around
         2 kHz from the band edges on 80-10m CW.  QSL  via  the  bureau  and
         LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
OZ     - Chris, DL4FO will be active as OZ/DL4FO from Tuno  Island  (EU-172)
         on 17-29 July. He will operate mainly CW on  the  HF  bands  and  6
         metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
OZ     - Andreas, DL7AT and other four operators will  be  active  as  OZ0TX
         from Mando Island (EU-125) from 28 July to 1 August,  IOTA  Contest
         included. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically  via  the
         bureau; direct cards should be sent to DL7AT. [TNX]
PY     - Orlando, PT2OP will be active as PQ3C from Chui  Lighthouse  (ARLHS
         BRA-024) on 17-20 July. He will be QRV on  10-40  metres  SSB.  QSL
         via PT2OP, direct or bureau. [TNX PS7AB]
SM     - Lars, SM3BDZ and Thomas, SM3DMP will be active as SF3U  from  Norra
         Ulvon (EU-087) on 11-13 July. They plan to be QRV holiday style  on
         30, 20 and 17 metres.  QSL  via  SM3DMP,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
SV9    - Ron, WB2GAI will be  active  as  SV9/WB2GAI/p  from  Chania,  Crete
         (EU-015) from 29 August to 30 September.  He  will  operate  CW  on
         80-10 metres. QSL via  home  call  (DX  stations  via  bureau,  USA
         stations direct). Ron still has his logs for 2001, 2005  and  2009.
         [TNX WB2GAI]
T32    - Giovanni,  I5JHW ( will be active  holiday
         style as T32JB from Kiritimati (Christmas Island, OC-024) on  17-24
         August. He will operate SSB, CW and  RTTY  with  100 watts and a 7-
         band vertical. QSL via I5JHW, direct or bureau. [TNX I5JHW]
TI     - David, K2DBK will be active as TI7/K2DBK  from  northwestern  Costa
         Rica on 10-17 July. He  will  operate  SSB  on  10-20  metres,  and
         possibly 6m if conditions permit, mainly during his late  afternoon
         hours. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Alain, F5LMJ will be active in his spare time as  VE2/F5LMJ/p  from
         Canada (mainland) in July. He will operate  CW  and  digital  modes
         from Saint-Sauveur (16-23 July) and  Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre  (23-30
         July). QSL via home call, and LoTW.
VE     - VE9MY, VE9GLF and VO1DK plan to  be  active  as  VO1/homecall  from
         Little Bell Island (NA-198) on 2 or 3 August,  weather  permitting.
         They will be QRV on 20 metres only from about 14  to  20  UTC.  QSL
         via home calls, direct or bureau (they welcome e-mail requests  for
         bureau cards). [TNX VE9MY]
YB     - A team of  twelve  will  be  active  as  YB43AR  on  8-10  July  to
         celebrate the 43th anniversary of  ORARI,  the  Indonesian  Amateur
         Radio Organization. They  will  operate  from  the  shore  of  Lake
         Bratan on Bali Island (OC-022).
YV     - The Grupo DX Caracas will conduct their annual IOTA  expedition  to
         celebrate the Venezuelan Navy Day on 13-18 July. This year  a  team
         of 15 operators will be active as YW5LR from  Los  Roques  (SA-035)
         on all bands and modes. QSL via DM4TI. [TNX YV5EED]
ZF     - Bob, W5UQ (ZF2UQ) and Bill, W5SJ (ZF2EZ) will be  active  from  the
         Cayman Islands (NA-016) between 11 and 18 July. They  will  operate
         mainly CW and SSB on the HF bands, and to participate in the CQ  WW
         VHF Contest mainly on 6 metres. QSL both callsigns via W5JAY.

IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ---> The objective of the contest is  to  contact
as many  other amateurs,  especially IARU member society HQ stations, around
the world as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands. This
year's event (rules can be found at  will
run  from  12 UTC  on 9 July  until 12 UTC on  the 10th.  The following IARU
Member Society HQ stations are expected to participate:
Call     DXCC                 Mult

4L0HQ    Georgia              NARG
8N1HQ    Japan                JARL
8N2HQ    Japan                JARL
8N3HQ    Japan                JARL
8N4HQ    Japan                JARL
8N8HQ    Japan                JARL
BV0HQ    Taiwan               CTARL
BV20HQ   Taiwan               CTARL
CE3HQ    Chile                RCCH
CX1AA    Uruguay              RCU
DA0HQ    Germany              DARC
DX0HQ    Philippines          PARA
E7HQ     Bosnia-Herzegovina   BA
EF8HQ    Canary Islands       URE
ES9A     Estonia              ERAU
GR2HQ    various              RSGB
HB9HQ    Switzerland          USKA
HS0AC    Thailand             RAST
IO1HQ    Italy                ARI
IO4HQ    Italy                ARI
IO5HQ    Italy                ARI
IO8HQ    Italy                ARI
IO9HQ    Italy                ARI
JU1HQ    Mongolia             MRSF
LN2HQ    Norway               NRRL
LR5F     Argentina            RCA
LR5H     Argentina            RCA
LR6F     Argentina            RCA
LR6H     Argentina            RCA
LR7F     Argentina            RCA
LR7H     Argentina            RCA
LX0HQ    Luxembourg           RL
LY0HQ    Lithuania            LRMD
NU1AW/5  USA                  IARU
OE1A     Austria              OVSV
OH2HQ    Finland              SRAL
OL1HQ    Czech Republic       CRC
OZ1HQ    Denmark              EDR
SK9HQ    Sweden               SSA
SN0HQ    Poland               PZK
SX0HQ    Greece               RAAG
TF3HQ    Iceland              IRA
TM0HQ    France               REF
VK5WIA   Australia            WIA
W1AW/6   USA                  ARRL
YR0HQ    Romania              FRR
YS1YS    El Salvador          CRAS
YU8HQ    Serbia               SRS
Z21JHQ   Zimbabwe             RSZ
Z365HQ   Macedonia            RSM
ZF1A     Cayman Islands       CARS
ZV13HQ   Brazil               LABRE

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4W6A ---> 4W6A will be QRV on all  bands  and  modes  from  Atauro    Island
(OC-232), Timor-Leste on  16-26  September  [425DXN  1045].  Bernd  Laenger,
VK2IA has joined the DXpedition in order to  help  balance  the  requirement
for  CW  operation.  Col  McGowan,  MM0NDX  (dxer59[@]   has  been
appointed as pilot and will be responsible for  providing  feedback  to  the
team on the island. The latest press  release  (5  July)  can  be  found  at, along with further information on the DXpedition  and  details
on how contribute to the project.

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Thirteen different galleries  include  cards  for
the ten Most Wanted DXCC Entities (333 QSLs), the 60 deleted  DXCC  entities
(1308 QSLs), obsolete prefixes (3407 QSLs), stations from Magrebh from  1947
to 1962 (377 QSLs), D5 and  DL5  stations  from  1945  to  1962  (63  QSLs),
Antarctic bases  (832  QSLs)  &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises, 264 QSLs), the  various  French  DXCC  island  Entities  in  the
Pacific Ocean (347 QSLs) & the Indian Ocean (97  QSLs),  pre-1945  countries
(1243 QSLs), French Departments (692 QSLs) and  CONUS  (226  QSLs),  plus  a
gallery for cards not accepted by DXCC (126 QSLs). Several cards  are  still
and your participation is encouraged -  please  visit
and send your comments to lesnouvellesdx[@] [TNX F6AJA]

QSL VP2VV ---> Cards for contacts made on 20-23 June 2011 should go to  N6EE
(all other dates QSL via VP2VQ). Ron uploaded his VP2VV log  to  LoTW  on  5
July. [TNX N6EE]

QSL VIA I0MWI ---> Stefano, I0MWI reports he is in  charge  for  the  direct
QSLling for KH6/K8OQ, KH6/KC0TEA, KH7M and WH7M. QSL  to  Stefano  Cipriani,
Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli RM, Italy.

QSL  VIA  SM6CVX  --->  All  direct  requests  for   last    April's  P29VCX
(OC-102,OC-117 and OC-240) and P29VLR (OC-231)  IOTA  activities  have  been
processed and mailed. If you  do  not  receive  yours  within  a  reasonable
period of time, please  contact  Hans  (sm6cvx[@]  Cards  for
requests that did not include return postage have been sent via the  bureau.

SOUTH SUDAN ---> On 9 July "the people of Southern Sudan will declare  their
independence from Sudan and will become the new Republic of Southern Sudan.
Vice President of South Sudan, Dr.  Riek  Machar  Teny  has  announced  that
admission as a member state of the United Nations will take  place  on  July
14th , 2011.
The DX Friends and the Intrepid-DX Group continue to monitor the UN  General
Assembly and Security Council votes and are moving forward  with  our  plans
for a large multi-national DXpedition  to  take  place  soon  after  the  UN
admission occurs.
Equipment has been procured and is being staged for rapid delivery to  Juba,
the new capital of Southern Sudan.  Team  members  have  applied  for  their
visas and we are awaiting them now.
We have  held  several  successful  meetings  with  representatives  of  the
Government of Southern Sudan. We have been  issued an amateur radio  license
for the purpose of this DXpedition. The Government of South  Sudan  is  very
supportive of our plans to visit Juba and to help them celebrate  the  birth
of their new country.
We plan to soon be in the new capital of Juba and to be ready to  start  our
DXpedition after admission by the UN. We will have  18  operators  operating
24/7 on seven active stations.
At this time, we are seeking Foundation, Club  and  Individual  Sponsors  to
help us defray the costs of carrying out this very important DXpedition.
Our official website  is"  [TNX

SOUTH SUDAN --->  The  Northern  California  DX  Foundation  is  pleased  to
announce a major grant to the Intrepid DX Group and the DX Friends who  have
joined together to activate the new  entity  of  the  Republic  of  Southern
Sudan. Licensing is imminent and operation  could  begin  in  the  next  few
days. [TNX W0GJ]

WHQS  AWARD  --->  "MK  QTC",   the    Polish    Radio    Amateurs' Journal,
sponsors  the  2011 W-HQ-S award for working at least ten HQ stations during
the upcoming  IARU HF  World  Championship.  Please e-mail qtc[@] for
complete details. 

+ SILENT KEYS + Henry Lewis (G3GIQ) passed away on 5 July.  "Henry  was  one
of the hobby's real gentlemen  and  will  be  greatly  missed  by  his  many
friends, not just here in the UK but worldwide from the many close  contacts
made over the air and at conventions", G3KMA says.  "A  long-time  supporter
of the DXCC and IOTA programmes  he  amassed  very  large  scores  in  both,
336/371 in DXCC and 1058 in IOTA. He was a founding member of CDXC - the  UK
DX Foundation. He also served in the early years of RSGB's  tenure  of  IOTA
as an IOTA checkpoint and Committee Member".
Other recently reported Silent  Keys  include  Enzo  Ruggiero  (IW7EER)  and
Jamie Pye (ZL2NN).


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8CF,  3D2A, 3D2XD,  4A4A,  4J3M,
4JA3USA, 5I3A,  5M2TT, 5N3NDP/1, 5N9NDP, 5R8PR, 5U5U,  6W2SC, 8P9AA,  8P9UR,
9H1XT, 9L5MS,  9M2/R6AF/p (AS-097), 9M2TO, 9N7AN, 9U0A, 9V1DR, 9X0SP, A65BR,
A92IO,   BU2AI,  C91IW,  CN8NK,  CP6UA, CW3TD,  CX5BW,  D2AM,  DU9RG,  EG5CI
(EU-069), EK3GM, ER0WW, ER4DX, EX2F, F9IE/VK3/p,  FJ/OH2YL, FO5RH,  FP/KV1J,
N0TG/CY0,  N1SNB/CY0,   N7ET/DU7,  OD5PY,   OH0R,  ON5PO,  P29VCX,   P29VLR,
PJ2/K8LEE,  PJ2/PB2T,  PJ4/K4IQJ,  PJ4E,  PJ6D,  PZ5T,  S9DX,  ST2AR, SU1SK,
SV2ASP/A,  SV5AZP,  T2XG,  T31A,  T6AG,  T6TL,  T77EB, TF2JB, TG9AHM, TG9NX,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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