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25 June 2011                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1051
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2    - Dmitrij, RW6AML will be active as 3D2ML from Waya Island  (OC-156),
         Fiji on 6-17 July. He will operate CW and SSB on the HF bands.  QSL
         via home call.
3X     - Georg DK7LX, Wolf DL4WK, Sigi DL7DF, Frank DL7UFR, Jan  SP3CYY  and
         Leszek SP3DOI will be  active  as  3XY1D  from  Guinea  between  18
         October and 1 November. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31  and
         SSTV on 160-6 metres with several stations, one of  them  dedicated
         exclusively to the digital modes. QSL via DL7DF, direct or  bureau.
         Further information at [TNX NG3K]
7Q     - Malcolm,  GM3TAL  will  take  part  in  the  Scottish  Scouts  "New
         Horizons" expedition to Malawi (1-25 July), and plans to be  active
         as 7Q7MH from the Malawi National Scout Campsite at  Makwawa.  Look
         for activity on 20, 17, 15, 10 and possibly 6 metres, using CW  and
         SSB. QSL via G0IAS (direct only). The website  for  the  expedition
         is at
9A     - Dante, IK5ASN  will be active as  9A8ASN from the  island  of  Cres
         (EU-136) on 12-30 July. He will be QRV on 20  and  40  metres  SSB,
         CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSL  via  home  call,  bureau  preferred.  [TNX
9M8    - The 25-26 June 9M8RC operation from Talang  Talang  Besar  (OC-165)
         has been postponed until 2-3 July. [TNX]
BY     - Ma, BD4JWU will be active as BD4JWU/4 from  Chang  Island  (AS-146)
         on 29-31 July. Look for activity on 80-10 metres CW (plus  possibly
         6m). QSL via home call. [TNX BD4JWU]
CT8    - Angelo DM1AC, Carsten DM1CG and Joachim DL9MS  will  be  active  as
         CR2EME from Sao Miguel (EU-003), Azores from 29  June  to  5  July.
         Activity will be on the HF bands, 6m ES and  as  well  2m  EME/TEP.
         QSL via DL9MS. [TNX VA3RJ]
EA6    - Michael, DL4ABO will be active holiday  style  as  EA6/DL4ABO  from
         Mallorca (EU-004), Balearic Islands on 1-5 July.  He  will  operate
         CW only (QRP) on 20 and 17 metres in his late  evening  hours.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX]
ES     - Frank, DL1FT ( will be active as ES0FTZ from  Saaremaa
         Island (EU-034) on 3-9 July.  He  will  operate  holiday  style  on
         80-20 metres SSB and PSK31. QSL via DL1FT. [TNX]
F      - F0GHK, F1SRC, F4EHM, F4FFZ, F4FHZ, F5CBQ and F6DZD will  be  active
         as TM2BI from Belle-Ile-en-Mer (EU-048) from 28 July to  2  August.
         They will be QRV on 80-2 metres and will participate  in  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via F6KPQ. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FO_mar - FO5QB and a large group of operators from Russia and  Ukraine  will
         be active from Tahiti (French Polynesia) and Nuku  Hiva  (Marquesas
         Islands) as follows:
         16-19 October           TX3T    Tahiti (OC-046)
         19 October-1 November   TX7M    Nuku Hiva (OC-027)
         CQ WW DX SSB            TX5A    Nuku Hiva (OC-027)
         1-4 November            TX3T    Tahiti (OC-046)
         They  plan to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 180-10 metres  with  four
         stations at the same time on different bands/modes. QSL  via  RZ3EC
         (bureau  cards  can  be  requested   online)  and   LoTW.   Further
         information (including log search, band plan, and band/mode survey)
         can be found at [TNX RZ3EM]
GM     - Kevin, 2E0LSR and Julian, 2E0DJR will be active  as  2M0LSR/m  from
         the Isle of Skye (EU-008) on 1 July, and  as  2M0LSR/A  from  North
         Uist and as 2M0LSR/p  from  several  other  islands  in  the  Outer
         Hebrides (EU-010) on 2-8 July. QSL via 2E0LSR,  direct  or  bureau.
GU     - 2E0SQL, M0GEJ, M0PCB, M0TZO, M1BXF and MU6FER  will  be  active  as
         MP0HTJ from the island of Guernsey (EU-114) 28 July and  2  August,
         IOTA Contest included.  QSL  via  M0TZO,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
I      - Lucio, IK8EJN and other operators from ARI Termoli  will  be active
         as IL7A from the Tremiti Islands (EU-050) during July  and  August.
         QSL via IK8EJN. [TNX IK8EJN]
J2    -  Jean-Francois,  F4FUC  will  be  active  as  J28UC  from   Djibouti
         starting in July for a couple of years. Activity will be  on  40-10
         meters using 100 watts, a vertical antenna and a  dipole.  QSL  via
         home call.
J7     - Mike,  VE2XB  will  be  active  as  J79XB  from  Dominica  (NA-101)
         starting on 6 July for a few weeks. He  plans  to  be  QRV  on  all
         bands, 6m included. QSL via home call. [TNX VE2XB]
JA     - The following HQ stations representing JARL  will  be  active  from
         various  regions  of Japan for the IARU HF World Championship (9-10
         Call   Band/Mode  Location
         8N1HQ  15m CW     Kimitsu-shi, Chiba
         8N1HQ  160m CW    Minato-ku, Tokyo
         8N1HQ  10m CW     Minato-ku, Tokyo
         8N2HQ  80m CW     Nagoya-shi, Aichi
         8N3HQ  40m CW     Kobe-shi, Hyogo
         8N3HQ  10m Ph     Kobe-shi, Hyogo
         8N3HQ  20m CW     Miki-shi, Hyogo
         8N4HQ  80m Ph     Okayama-shi, Okayama
         8N4HQ  40m Ph     Okayama-shi, Okayama
         8N4HQ  15m Ph     Okayama-shi, Okayama
         8N8HQ  20m Ph     Iwamizawa-shi, Hokkaido
         All  of  the  QSOs  will  be  confirmed  automatically via the JARL
         bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
KH8    - Scott, W4PA and  possibily  others  will  be  active  as  K8A  from
         American Samoa on 17-28 November. The operation will focus  on  CW,
         digital modes and the low bands. K8A will participate in the CQ  WW
         DX CW  Contest,  in  either  the  SOAB,  Multi-Single,  or  Multi-2
         category, depending on the number of operators  involved.  QSL  via
         W4PA, direct  or  bureau.  Further  information  can  be  found  at [TNX NG3K]
KL     - The first-time activation of IOTA group NA-242 [425DXN 1011] is  on
         schedule. Rick, K6VVA and Mike K9AJ  will  be  QRV  for  "at  least
         three days" between 22 and 26 July. They plan to operate mainly  CW
         on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres with two  complete  stations.  QSL  via
         N6AWD.  Please visit for further
         information, including  details on how contribute to this expensive
KL    -  The  KL7RRC  IOTA  expedition  to  St.  Matthew  Island   (NA-232),
         originally scheduled to take place bewteen 29  July  and  5  August
         [425DXN  1045], has been postponed until 2012. See
KL     - Chuck,  KL7OH  plans  to  operate  from  Sarichef  Island  (NA-152)
         between 1 and 15 August. He will run  100  watts  into  a  Carolina
         Windom. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
LA     - LJ2T will   be  active  again  from   the  Signals  Museum  of  the
         Norwegian Armed Forces near Lillehammer from 30  June  to  3  July.
         Activity will be on all bands between 160m and 70cm using CW,  SSB,
         FM and the digital modes. QSL via LA5EAA.
OJ0    - Max ON5UR, Marc ON8AK, Jelmer PA5R and Dervin PD9DX will be  active
         as OJ0UR from Market Reef (EU-053) on 13-20 August. QSL via  M0URX,
         direct or bureau (QSLling instructions at  The  web
         pages for the expediton can be found  at  [TNX
PA     - Members of the Belgium International Police Association Radio  Club
         (ON4IPA) will be active as PA/ON4IPA from Texel Island (EU-038)  on
         2-8 July.  They  plan  to  operate  OSK,  RTTY  and  SSB  with  two
         stations. QSL via ON6ZV, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
PJ2    - DJ8NK, DJ9ON and DK9KX will be active as PJ2/homecall from  Curacao
         (SA-099) from 26 June to 7 July. They will concentrate on 6  metres
         (50144 kHz), but they will also operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on  80-10
         metres. [TNX NG3K]
PY     - PY5BH, PY5DC, PY5DJ, PY5FO and PY5IN will participate in  the  IOTA
         Contest (30-31 July) as PR5D from Mel Island (SA-047).  QSL  direct
         to PY5DC. [TNX]
PY     - PQ8OP and PQ8XB are the callsigns that  Orlando,  PT2OP  and  Fred,
         PY2XB will be using from the Bailique Archipelago  (SA-045)  during
         the second half of August [425DXN 1045]. QSL PQ8OP via  PT2OP,  QSL
         PQ8XB via PT7WA. Further information is  expected  in  due  course.
         [TNX PS7AB]
SM     - Anders, SM5EFX will be active as  SF2X/p  Ledskar  Island  (EU-135)
         between 1 July and 1 August. Main activity will take  place  during
         the IOTA Contest (30-31 July). QSL via SM5EFX,  direct  or  bureau.
SM     - Lars, SM6CUK will be active as  SA6G/7  from  Ven  Island  (EU-137)
         from 28 July to 1 August, including an entry in the  IOTA  Contest.
         QSL via home call. [TNX rsgbiota]
SV     - Fred, DJ5RT will be active as  SV3/DJ5RT/p  from  either  Sapientza
         and Schiza (both count for IOTA group EU-158) between 25  June  and
         16 July. He will operate QRP SSB on 20 metres. QSL direct  to  home
         call. [TNX DXNL]
SV     - Nick, SV1CEI will be active as SV1CEI/8/p from Kea Island  (EU-067)
         in July and August. He will operate CW and some SSB, and be be  QRV
         holiday style on the HF bands, and on 6 and 2 metres if  conditions
         allow. QSL via home call. [TNX SV1CEI]
TF     - Oleksiy, VE2XAA will be active as TF/VE2XAA  (QSL  via  home  call)
         from Iceland on 6-11 July. He  will  participate  in  the  IARU  HF
         World Championship as TF4X (QSL via G3SWH). [TNX UT3UA]
TY     - Salvador EA3QS, Antonello IT9YVO, Fabrizio IW3SQY,  Giorgio  IZ4AKS
         and Francesco IZ8GCE will be active as TY1KS  from  Benin  on  6-15
         August. They will operate SSB, CW and RTTY on the HF  bands  and  6
         metres with 2 stations. QSL via IZ8IYX, direct or  bureau.  Further
         information can be found at [TNX IZ4AKS]
VE     - Special event station VY1T will be active from 29 June  to  1  July
         for the Grand Opening of Aeradio Exhibit at the  Teslin  Historical
         and Museum Society in Teslin,  Yukon.  QSL  via  VY1EEN.  [TNX  The
VE     - Dave, VO1LM will take part in the  IOTA  Contest  (30-31  July)  as
         VD1B from Bell Island (NA-198). Look for him on 40  and  20  metres
         SSB. QSL via home call (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL.
VK     - Andrew, VK4NM and Peter, VK4LAT will  be  active  as  VK4NM/p  from
         Fraser Island (OC-142) between 29 July and 1 August. Look for  them
         on 80-10 metres, with primary activity  during  the  IOTA  Contest.
         QSL direct to M0OXO. [TNX]
VU     - The Bangalore Amateur Radio Club (VU2ARC) is active as AT8VTM  from
         the Visvesvaraya Industrial  and  Technology  Museum  in  Bangalore
         until 27 June for the 10th International Museums  Weekend.  QSL  to
W      - The following stations will  be  active  during  the  "Original  13
         Colonies Special Event", which will be held on 1-5 July:  K2A  (New
         York), K2B (Virginia), K2C (Rhode  Island), K2D (Connecticut),  K2E
         (Delaware), K2F (Maryland),  K2G  (Georgia),  K2H  (Massachusetts),
         K2I (New Jersey), K2J (North  Carolina), K2K (New  Hampshire),  K2L
         (South Carolina) and K2M  (Pennsylvania).  Further  information  on
         the  event  and  the  relevant  certificate  can  be    found    at
W      - KE4TZN, KG4CXY, KI4BKC, KI4IWS, W4OTN and WA4WPD will be active  as
         N4I from Core Banks  (NA-067)  from  29  July  to  1  August,  IOTA
         Contest included. They will operate CW and SSB;  before  and  after
         the contest they will  be  QRV  also  on  6  metres  and  possibily
         satellite in various modes. QSL via W4OTN, direct or  bureau.  [TNX
YJ     - Andy, P29CS will be active as YJ8A  from  Efate  (OC-035),  Vanuatu
         until 17 July. QSL via M0URX. [TNX DX World]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

V47DA ---> The Daily DX reports that Conny,  DL1DA  "has  not  been  QRV  as
V47DA from St. Kitts and Nevis for several years. He does not know  anything
about the recent June 2011 activity".

+ SILENT KEYS + Dan Holloway, VK8AN passed away on  20  June.  "He  had  had
serious illnesses over the last several years",  VK4AAR  says,  "but  passed
away due to severe pneumonia". Dan operated from several new  or  rare  IOTA
groups, eg VK8AN/p (OC-229, 1999), VK6BM  (OC-234,  2000),  VK6BSI  (OC-243,
2001), VK6AN (OC-266,  2004),  VK6LI  (OC-071,  2004)  and  VK6DHI  (OC-206,
2005). His major long lasting  effort  was  to  Troughton  Island  (OC-154),
between the 1990s and early September 2003, when he went QRT from there.
Other  recently  reported  Silent  Keys  include  Francisco   Campos  Crespo
(EA4BT), Johnny Roche (EI5CJB), Paddy McGorman (EI7BS), Tim Haynes  (G8PTP),
Erkki Korpelainen (OH1DG), Raimo Molarius (OH7QC) and  Desmond  Roy  Hearsum


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3A2LF,  3D2A,  3D2DX,  4A0IARU,
4A4A, 4K8M, 4S7NE, 5M2TT, 5N5K, 5R8HL, 5W0NU, 5X1T, 5Z4KI, 6W/PA3EWP,  8R1A,
9H1PS, 9H1XT, 9N7AN, 9N7DX, 9Q50ON, 9V1WW, 9X0VB,  9Y4D,  A45XR,  AH0/AB2RF,
H44MS,  HH2/HB9AMO,  HH2/PA5M,  HH2/PY3SB,  HH4/K4QD,  HI3/W1JNZ,    HS0ZIN,
N0TG/CY0, N1SNB/CY0, OD5NJ, OM3SEM, P29CS,  P29NI  (OC-257),  P29TL,  P29VCX
(OC-101), P29VCX (OC-117),  P29VLR  (OC-231),  PJ2/K8LEE,  PJ4/K4BAI,  PZ5T,
RI1FJ, S51V, S79UFT, S9DX,  ST2AR,  SU1SK,  SV5/G0SGB/p,  SV9/LA4XFA,  T6JC,
UK8GKW,  UK8OM,  UK8QQ,  UK8VA,  V44KJ,  V5/DJ2HD,  V73QQ,   VP2ETN,  VP2MM,
VP2V/NY6X, VP5/WA0MHJ, VP5CW,  VP8DMH/p  (AN-018),  VP8ORK,  VR2XMT,  VU4PB,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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