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04 December 2010                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1022
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CE     - Cezar, VE3LYC and Johan, PA3EXX will use CE9/VE3LYC and  CE9/PA3EXX
         during their very challenging expedition to the  Wollaston  Islands
         (SA-031) and Diego Ramirez Islands (SA-097, IOTA new  one)  between
         7 and 22 January [425DXN 1018]. The plan is  to  operate  for  four
         days from each group. QSL for both callsigns  via  VE3LYC.  Further
         information, including details on how contribute to this  difficult
         and expensive project, can be found  at
         [TNX VE3LYC]
CX     - A large group of operators from Uruguay, Brazil and Venezuela  will
         be active as CW5R from Lobos  Island  (SA-039)  on  8-13  December.
         They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY  and  PSK31  on  80-6  metres.  QSL
         direct to CX2ABC. Further information at [TNX NG3K]
DU     - Peter, DK2PR will be  active  as  DU9/DK2PR  from  Mindanao  Island
         (OC-130) between 5 December and  3  January,  possibily  with  side
         trips to other IOTA groups. QSL via home call,  direct  ot  bureau.
E5     - Andy, AB7FS is active as  E51AND  from  Rarotonga  (OC-013),  South
         Cook Islands until 1 January. He runs 100  watts  into  a  vertical
         and/or long wire. "I'm on the air to have fun", hes says,  "not  to
         score the maximum number of contacts in  the  shortest  time".  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX World]
HK     - Celebrating the  Bicentenary  of  Colombian  Independence,  special
         event station 5K3B will be active on 8 December starting around  14
         UTC. Activity will take place on various bands and modes  from  the
         traditional district of La Candelaria in Bogota. QSL via HK3O.
I      - ARI Taranto members will  operate  will  be  active  using  special
         event callsigns II7IASM and II7IADU through the end  of  the  year.
         QSL for both via IK7WDS.
I      - Special stations II2IGTO (QSL via IQ2MI) from the submarine  "Toti"
         at the National Museum of Science  and  Technology  in  Milan,  and
         II7IGPR (QSL via IZ7AUH) from the submarine "Prini" at the  Italian
         Navy base in  Taranto  will  be  active  on  7-8  December.  Expect
         activity on the HF bands SSB, CW and digital modes. [TNX IZ7AUH]
I      - Celebrating the 150th anniversary  of  the  Unification  of  Italy,
         three special callsigns will be used throughout 2011 by members  of
         ARI Torino (II1ITA), ARI Firenze (II5ITA) and  ARI  Rome  (II0ITA).
         All of the QSOs will be confirmed  automatically  via  the  bureau.
         Details on the  event  and  the  special  edition  of  the  Diploma
         dell'Unità d'Italia (Italian Unification Award)  can  be  found  at [TNX IW1FGZ]
KH0    - Kaz, JE7DMH and Teri, JN7GLC will be active as  WH0/WH7C  from  the
         Mariana Islands until 6 December, with  planned  activity  on  80-6
         metres CW, SSB and FM. QSL via JE7DMH  plus  LoTW  and  eQSL.  [TNX
LU     - Jean-Pierre, F5AHO will be active as LU/F5AHO from  Redonda  Island
         (SA-049) between about 15 UTC on 4 December and 19 UTC on  th  5th.
         He will operate SSB on 20 metres.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
S2     - Zorro, JH1AJT  (S21Z)  and  other  five  operators  (namely  A51HI,
         DS4EOI, JJ1LIB, JP1TRJ and KL2A) will  be  active  as  S21FGC  from
         Dhaka, Bangladesh on 16-21 December. They plan to be QRV on  160-10
         metres CW and SSB, with and emphasis on the 160, 80 and  40  metres
         CW. The operation has the support  of  Dr.  Zahudul  Haque  Shipon,
         S21VA, Vice President of the Bangladesh Amateur Radio  League.  QSL
         via JH1AJT. [TNX JA1TRC]
TA     - Special event station TC2LSV will be  active  from  Ankara  on  4-5
         December  to  support  LOSEV,  the  Foundation  for  Children  with
         Leukemia. The station will be active on the HF, VHF and UHF  bands,
         APRS, EchoLink and satellites.  QSL  via  operator's  instructions.
         [TNX TA1HZ]
V7     - Tim, NL8F (he has had to change his call from V73CF to  V73TM)  and
         Yuri,  N3QQ  (V73QQ)  expected  to  leave  Majuro  (OC-029)  on   2
         December. Their updated tentative schedule (subject to  change  due
         to local circumstances and weather) is as follows:
         2-4 December    V73TM/mm and V73QQ/mm during the voyage to Enewetak
         5-7 December    V73TM and V73QQ from Enewetak Atoll (OC-087)
         8-11 December   V73RRC from Ujelang Atoll (OC-278)
         12-16 December  V73TM and V73QQ from Enewetak Atoll (OC-087)
         Activity will be on 160-6 metres CW and SSB with  two transceivers,
         two amplifiers, full size vertical dipoles for 20, 15 and 10m,  and
         a 1/4  wave vertical  for 30, 40, 80 and 160m. QSL V73RRC and V73QQ
         via N7RO; QSL  V73TM  via  K8NA.  Updates  and live GPS tracking at [TNX UA9OBA]
VK     - Craig, VK4LDX will be  active  as  VK4LDX/p  from  Magnetic  Island
         (OC-171) on 10-12 December. He will operate  mainly  SSB,  possibly
         with some RTTY and PSK31, with a 40m dipole, a full size  aluminium
         vertical dipole for 15m and the HF9V  multiband  vertical  for  10,
         15, 20 and 40m.  QSL  via  home call,  direct  or  bureau.  Craig's
         detailed operating schedule is at
W      - John, K8LJG will be active as K8LJG/4 from Amelia  Island  (NA-138)
         from 4 December through 4 January 2011. He will operate SSB and  CW
         on or around the IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call. [TNX NE8Z]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

INTERNATIONAL NAVAL CONTEST ---> This  year's  International  Naval  Contest
will be organized by  Marinefunkerrunde  (MF),  the  German  Naval  Society.
Complete details on the event, that will be held on 11-12 December,  can  be
found on

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available  at .  QSOs    confirmed
through LoTW or included in on-line logs  are  eligible  for  listing.  Send
send your scores, as  well  as  any  request  for  further  information,  to
Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow[@]

ZL8X ---> The following update was issued by DL1MGB on 3 December:
* 160m operation update
With over 3,500 QSOs already in our log one might think  that  pile-ups  are
getting smaller on Top Band. But there are still a lot of stations who  want
to get their chance to make it  in  our  160m  log.  In  the  last  days  we
observed bad behaviours of cluster users which makes our  and  the  caller's
life very hard. We have following advice for all of you:
- Do not spot our split frequency! Those who  hear  us  also  can  copy  our
  split frequency, those who do not hear us should also not call us!
- Do not spot us if we are already spotted! It just produces more QRM!
- Do not spot us if we have to move our TX  frequency  to  avoid  additional
- Tell us in the cluster when we are jammed on our  TX  frequency!  We  will
  read the cluster spots and can move immediately to another frequency.
- We will only work SSB when there is no pile-up on CW.  So  please  do  not
  ask for SSB when there is a CW pile-up!
We are very sorry but last night our beverage to North America  was  broken.
So it was very hard to copy NA stations  in  the  S9  noise  of  the  ground
plane. We will repair it during daytime today.
* RTTY operation update
You already might observed that we  extended  our  RTTY  operation  to  more
bands than originally planned. This is due to  the  decreasing  pile-ups  on
the bands. So if the pile-ups in CW or in SSB  are  not  too  high  we  also
offer RTTY operation on that band. Because the demand for a CW  QSO  on  80m
is still high we will definitely not offer RTTY operation there.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3V3A        W3HNK       ER0FEO      ER5AA       PW7T        PT7WA
3W1M        OM3JW       ER4A        RA4LW       PZ5T        VE3DZ
3W3B        E21EIC      ES9C        ES5RY       R100KU      UA4AM
4F9HXB      DL5SDF      EW6GF       DL8KAC      RL3A        W3HNK
4K7Z        UA5DX       EY8MM       K1BV        RW2F        DK4VW
4L0A        EA7FTR      FO8RZ       F8BPN       S79AU       JA2AAU
4L0CR       DL8KAC      GJ2A        K2WR   [c]  S79SS       JA2LSS
4L5O        N3SL        GJ2A        GJ3DVC [d]  S79TE       JA2ATE
4L8A        K1BV        GM3X        GM3POI      S79ZS       JA2ZS
4Z8SM       SM5DKH      GM5X        N3SL        SE0X        SM0MDG
5B4AGM      W3HNK       GM6Z        GM0GAV      SE2I        SA2BRN
5B4AIA      UA6MF       GM7R        N3SL        SE5E        SM5AJV
5B4AJC      UA3DX       GS2UG       G0PFH       SN0RTI      SP6OPZ
5B50J       5B4AHJ      H2E         5B4AGE      SN2K        SP2YWL
5C5T        EA5YU       H7V         W5PF        SN3A        SP3GEM
5H3EE       DL4ME       HD2M        SM6FKF      SN6Z        SP6RZ
5N7M        OM3CGN      HG0WFF      HA0HW       SO2O        SQ2GXO
5R8WW       OH0XX       HG1Z        HA1XY       SO4B        SP4Z
5X1NH       G3RWF       HG6N        HA6KNB      SO8A        SP8YB
5X1XA       G3XAQ       HG7T        HA7TM       SO9Q        SP9QMP
5Z1N        G3RWF       HI3A        ON4IQ       ST2AR       S53R
5Z4LS       G3RWF       HI8E        NK4L        SV0XBZ/9    YL2VW
6V7Y        EI6DX       HK0GU       DL7VOG      SV0XCA/5    LZ1WL
6W/EI6DX    RX3RC       HK1MW       K4AMW       SX1L        DL1JCZ
7J1AAI      W1NN        HK1N        EA5KB       SZ6P        SV1BJW
8P5A        NN1N        HK1R        EA5KB       T88WJ       JS3LSQ
8Q7DV       UA9CLB      HK1X        EA7FTR      TA7/KM8W    R5GA
9H1XT       9H1BT       HQ2W        HR2DMR      TC3A        LZ1NK
9H3OG       DL4HG       HS0AC       HS0ZFZ      TC3WFF      LZ1ZF
9H3TX       DL5XAT      IH9R        IZ1GAR      TC4X        OH2BH
9J3A        S57S        IH9X        IK1QBT      TC7M        R5GA
9L5VT       G3SXW       IM0/OL5Y    OK1FUA      TF3CW       LX1NO
9L7NS       AA7A        IO5O        IK5RLP      TI4CF       W3HNK
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       IR1C        IK1APO      TI5N        W3HNK
9M2IDJ      JA6IDJ      IR4M        I4IFL       TM0R        F5GGL
9M2TO       JA0DMV      IR4X        I4EAT       TM2T        F6KDF
9M6XRO      M0URX       IR9Y        IT9ABY      TM2Y        F6BEE
9V1YC       W5UE        IS0/K7QB    IN3QBR      TM4Q        F6FYA
9Y4W        DL4MDO      IS0A        IS0MYN      TM6M        F4DXW
A61BK       NI5DX       IU1A        IK1SPR      TM6X        F5VHY
A65BU       UY5XE       IU9T        IT9ESW      TO3A        VE3EY
A71DLH      DL0LH       J28RO       F8DFP       TO5T        JE1JKL
A73A        EA7FTR      J37LR       VE3EBN      TP60CE      F5LGF
AH0/AH2Y    HL1IWD      J43J        DJ5JH       UA0A        RW6HS
AH0BT       7L1FPU      J68HZ       K9HZ        UK8LA       RW3RN
AH0DX       WX8C        JT0YAB      UA9YAB [e]  UN5J        W3HNK
AH2R        JH7QXJ      JT0YAB      UT7QF  [f]  UN7AB       DL8KAC
AM5M        EA5RS       JT0YAB      DK1MAX [d]  UP0L        DL8KAC
AN2A        EA2AYD      JT0YPS      UA9YPS      UP2L        UA9AB
AU2JCB      VU2DSI      JT5DX       JT1CO       UP7A        UN7AL
AY5F        LU5FC       KC4AAA      K1IED       UU5A        K2PF
AY8A        LU8ADX      KC4USV      K1IED       UU7J        UU0JM
B1Z         EA7FTR      KH2/N2NL    W2YC        UW0K        US0KW
B4B         BA4EG       KH2KY       JA1OZK      UZ2M        US0LW
B5TT        BA5TT       KH7X        K2PF        V26K        AA3B
B7P         BD7IXG      KL5DX       N5XZ        V31BD       K5WW
BD6JJX      BA4EG       KP2B        K2DER       V47NT       W2RQ
BH4SCF      BA4EG       KP2M        AI4U        V63YT       JE1SCJ
C4N         W3HNK       KP3Z        N4AO        V73CF       K8NA
C4W         5B4WN       L25X        WD9EWK      V73QQ       N7RO
C5A         OM2FY       L33M        LU1MA       V73TM       K8NA
C6AGU       AA7JV       LN3Z        LA9VDA      VC6A        VE6SV
C6AKQ       N4BP        LN8W        LA9VDA      VK1CC       DL8YR
C6AKX       WA4WTG      LP1H        EA5KB       VK5AUQ      PA2C
C6APT       K8PT        LS1D        LW9EOC      VK5ZMM      PA2C
C6AQQ       ND3F        LT1F        AC7DX       VK6AA       DL8YR
C6ARR       WA4WTG      LU5FF       EA5KB       VP2E/K1XM   KQ1F
C6ARU       N4UM        LU8YE       EA7FTR      VP2MFO      K9CS
C6ATA       WA4WTG      LX7I        LX2A        VP2MSC      K9CS
C6ATR       N6XG        LZ5R        LZ1YQ       VP2MVX      K9CS
C6AUM       K4RUM       M6T         G4PIQ       VP2V/N3DXX  KN5H
CE1/K7CA    NW7O        MD2C        MD0CCE      VP5CW       W5CW
CE3G        CE3WDH      MD4K        G3NKC       VP9I        N1HRA
CN2LW       HB9EOU      MD6V        G3NKC       WH0/WH7C    JE7DMH
CN2R        W7EJ        MJ0AWR      K2WR        WH2D        K3UOC
CN3A        I2WIJ       MW5B        G3TXF       WN1Y/NH2    JF1VGZ
CN8YR       EA7FTR      NH2T        W2YC        WP3C        W3HNK
CO8LY       EA7ADH      NP3CW       EB7DX       XU7ACY      W2EN
CO8TW       HB9SVT      OA4SS       KB6J        XV1X        OK1DOT
CR2X        OH2BH       OD67ET      EB7DX       XV2RZ       OH4MDY
CR3E        W3HNK       OE3K        OE1DIA      XV4SP       DL7DF
CR3L        DJ6QT       OE4A        OE4RGC      YL0Y        YL2GQT
CR5WFF      CT1EJB      OE8Q        OE8SKQ      YL5T        YL3DQ
CR6K        CT1ILT      OG7X        OH4XX       YM2W        OK1TN
CR6T        CT1ESV      OH0V        OH6LI       YN2EA       W5PF
CS4ODX/p    CU3HY       OH0X        OH2TA       YN2PF       W5PF
CU2KI       OH2UA       OH0Z        W0MM        YN2WF       W5PF
CW3D        CX4CR       OH4A        OH6LI       YN4SU       TI4SU
CW3TD       EB7DX       OH5Z        OH5LIZ      YW4D        EA7JX
CW5W        CX6VM       OH8L        OH8LQ       Z22JE       K3IRV
CX5TR       EA5KB       OH8X        OH2UA       Z24EA       DL4EA
D4C         IZ4DPV [a]  OK1Z        OK1DKZ      Z35X        DJ0LZ
D4C         CT1ESV [b]  OL0A        OK1CZ       ZA3HA       HA8MT
DU1/JJ5GMJ  JH5RXS      OL3Z        OK1HMP      ZB2X        OH2KI
DU1IST      JA1HGY      OM7M        OM3PA       ZD8O        OH0XX
E51TLA      OZ6TL       OM8A        OM2VL       ZD9T        DJ2EH
E73M        E73Y        OR4TN       ON5TN       ZF1A        K6AM
E7DX        E77E        OY6A        OY2J        ZF2DO       N5DO
EA6URA      EA3AIR      P33W        UA3DX       ZF2PI       K5PI
EA8CMX      OH2BYS      P3F         5B4AHJ      ZK2A        PA3LEO
EA8CUU      OH6CS       P3N         RW3RN       ZL7/W1SY    JE1SYN
EA8OM       DJ1OJ       P40L        WA3FRP      ZL7A        JF1OCQ
EA9EU       EA5KB       P40W        N2MM        ZL7NV       W6NV
ED8T        EA8AY       P49MR       VE3MR       ZL7V        OH1VR
ED9M        HA1AG       PC75HV      PA0FAW      ZL7VR       OH1VR
EF7R        EA7AJR      PJ2/N0YY    W3HNK       ZL8X        DJ2MX
EF8M        UA3DX       PJ2T        N9AG        ZM1A        ZL1AMO
EF8N        EA8NC       PJ4A        K4BAI       ZM4M        ZL4PW
EK6LP       RN4LP       PJ7/K1GI    JG2BRI      ZM4T        ZL2AL
EM200NIP    UT8NT       PS2T        K3IRV       ZS2DL       NI5DX
EM20WOC     UT1WL       PV7M        PT7ZT       ZS6CCY      K3IRV
EN220FI     UX0FF       PW2D        M0OXO       ZX5J        AI4U

[a] direct              [b] bureau              [c] USA
[d] others              [e] Russia              [f] Ukraine

A45XR    Krzysztof Dabrowski, P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman
A65BX    Joel Shelton, P.O. Box 4783, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
DJ2EH    Dieter Hornburger, Grabengasse 7, 96185 Schonbrunn im Steigerwald,
DJ2MX    Mario Lovric, P.O. Box 801143, 81611 Muenchen, Germany
DL4EA    Antonio Gutierrez, Stuttgarterstr. 9, 71032 Boeblingen, Germany
DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
EB7DX    David Lianez Fernandez, P.O. Box 163, 21080 Huelva, Spain
HA8MT    Baracsi Ferenc, Fuzesgyarmat, Lenin utca 19, 5525, Hungary
OM2FY    Branislav Daras, P.O.Box 6, 820 08 Bratislava 28, Slovak Republic
PA2C     Dirk De Boer, Hulk 27, 8802 NJ Franeker, Netherlands
PA3LEO   Claudia Fava, Veerstr. 28-III, 1075 SV Amsterdam, Netherlands
S57S     Aleksander Zagar, Golisce 132, SI-1281 Kresnice, Slovenia
SM6FKF   Fredy Neuman, P.O. Box 84, SE-520 43 Asarp, Sweden
YE1C     West Java DX Association, P.O. Box 1042, Bandung 40010, Indonesia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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