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02 October 2010                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1013
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

C3     - A  team  of   operators  from   Andorra,  Spain   and  France  will
         participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as C37N  from  Naturlandia,
         the  Theme  Park  in  the  Pyrenees.  QSL  via   EA4URE.    Further
         information at [TNX EA5BZ]
C6     - Rick, NE8Z will be active as C6AEZ from  Nassau  (NA-001),  Bahamas
         on 11-16 October. He plans to operate CW and SSB on  80-10  metres.
         QSL via home call. [TNX NE8Z]
CT7    - The Associacao de  Radioamadores  do  Litoral  Alentejano  will  be
         active as CS2FCS from the lighthouse at Cape Sines (ARLHS  POR-008)
         from 9 UTC to 19 UTC on 9 October. Look for  activity  on  80,  40,
         20, 15, 10 metres CW and SSB, as well as on 6m, 2m, 70cm and  23cm.
         QSL via eQSL or direct to A.R.L.A.,  Rua  do  Parque  10,  7540-172
         Santiago do Cacem, Portugal. [TNX Southgate ARC]
DL    -  Look for  DJ1JB/p, DJ4EL/p and DM4DX/p  to operate from  Helgoland-
         Duene  (EU-127) on 8-11 October. Planned activity on 40, 20, 17, 15
         and 10m. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX]
EA8    - Look for EA8/DJ9DW,  EA8/DK1EG,  EA8/DL3FCG  and  EA8/DL8MG  to  be
         active from Tenerife, Canary  Islands  (AF-004)  on  6-20  October.
         They will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK on 80-10 metres,  and  will
         participate in the  WAG  (Worked  All  Germany)  Contest  on  16-17
         October. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX]
EA8    - Jean, ON5JV and Georgette, ON6AK will  be  active  as  EA8/homecall
         from Tijoco Bajo,  Tenerife  Island  between  26  November  and  23
         February 2011. Activity will be on 40-10 metres  SSB  and  CW.  QSL
         via home calls, bureau preferred. [TNX ON5JV]
FP     - Eric, KV1J will be active as FP/KV1J from Miquelon Island  (NA-032)
         from 26 October to 2 November, including a SOAB HP entry in the  CQ
         WW DX SSB Contest. He plans to operate SSB and RTTY, with  some  CW
         and PSK31, on 160-6 metres. QSL via KV1J,  direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. Further information  at  [TNX
HI     - Jose, EA3GUO will be active as HI3/EA3GUO from Hispaniola  (NA-096)
         and HI9/EA3GUO from  Cayo  Levantado  (NA-122)  between  9  and  23
         October. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
J3     - Wade, AA8LL will be active as J3/AA8LL between  28  October  and  5
         November, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB  Contest.  Outside
         the contest he will operate holiday style mainly on 30, 17  and  12
         metres CW and RTTY. His main QTH will  be  the  island  of  Grenada
         (NA-024), but  after  the  contest  he  plans  to  visit  Carriacou
         (NA-147) for a possible small activation or a scouting visit for  a
         future operation. QSL via AA8LL, direct or bureau  and  LotW.  [TNX
KG4    - Tip N4SIA (KG4AS), Quint K4CQW (KG4QW), Stu K4MIL (KG4SS) and  Bill
         W4WV (KG4WV) will be active from Guantanamo Bay  on  5-19  October.
         They will operate CW, RTTY, and SSB on 160-6 metres.  QSL  via  the
         operator's home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
KL     - Rich,  N0HJZ  will  operate  as  KL7/N0HJZ  from  Alaska  on  28-31
         October, including a  Multi-Single  entry  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  SSB
         Contest with AL1G. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX N0HJZ]
OJ0    - Pertti, OH2PM and Ilmo, OH2BO  plan  to  be  active  as  OJ0B  from
         Market Reef  (EU-053)  between  2  and  11  October,  depending  on
         weather. They will operate mainly CW on  160-10  metres,  with  SSB
         activity during the Scandinavian Activity Contest. QSL  via  OH2BH.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
OK     - The Czech  DIG  Club  (OK1KIG)  will  operate  as  OL5DIG  on  1-31
         October. Activity will take place from  various  locations  and  on
         various bands, only on digital modes  (especially  BPSK).  QSL  via
         OK1AR. [TNX OK1WCF]
PJ4    - At least two special callsigns have been issued to members  of  the
         Bonaire 2010 team [425DXN 1006]. PJ4N (QSL via DJ8NK) will be  used
         by DJ8NK, while PJ4B (QSL via PA8A) will be used  by  PA3GVI,  PA8A
         and PA8F.
PJ6    - PJ6A is the callsign issued to  the  upcoming  expedition  to  Saba
         [425DXN 1008]. Two  teams,  comprised  mostly  of  members  of  the
         Southeastern DX Club (SEDXC) and K5D  team  members,  will  operate
         over  a  two-week  period  beginning  on  10  October  and  ceasing
         operations the evening of the 22nd. Regular updates will be  posted
         to; logs will be uploaded twice a  day.  The  team
         will upload their log to LoTW on 1 January  2011.  If  you  want  a
         traditional QSL card, an Online QSL Request System (OQRS)  will  be
         available on the expedition's website  and  you  will  be  able  to
         request your QSLs one of three  ways:  OQRS  Direct,  OQRS  Bureau,
         direct mail to N4NX. [TNX K4UEE]
PJ7    - The  PJ7E  [425DXN  1011]  team  members  expect  to   reach  their
         destination on 7 October. They hope to be  active  as  homecall/PJ7
         before 10 October "in case anyone needs Sint Maarten as a  new  one
         before it is deleted". Bookmark  for  on-line
         logs (to be uploaded twice  a  day)  and  updates,  which  will  be
         posted  also  on  the  PJ7E  Facebook  and  Twitter  accounts  ("we
         encourage you to communicate with us via these links").
PJ7    - Masayuki, K1GI  will  be  active  as  PJ7/K1GI  from  Sint  Maarten
         (NA-105) on 20-23 November. He plans to  operate  on  80-10  metres
         CW, digital modes and SSB. QSL via JG2BRI, direct or  bureau.  [TNX
SM     - ON4ACA and ON6UQ will be  active  from  SI9AM  (King  Chulalongkorn
         Memorial Amateur Radio Society, in  Ragunda  from  28
         October to 2 November, including an entry  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  SSB
         Contest. QSL via SM3CVM, direct or via bureau. [TNX ON6UQ]
SV5    - Martin ON4PO (J45PO) and Michel ON4MW (J45MW) will be  active  from
         Rhodes (EU-001) from 27 October to 2 November. QSL via home  calls.
         They will operate SSB on 80-10 metres, and will take  part  in  the
         CQ WW DX SSB Contest with the SX5P contest team. [TNX ON4MW]
T30    - The two Jaceks (SP5EAQ and SP5DRH) will  be  active  as  T30AQ  and
         T30RH respectively from Tarawa  (OC-017),  West  Kiribati  on  1-17
         March 2011. T30RH will focus on 160  metres  and  30  metres  RTTY,
         with some activity also on 80 metres, while T30AQ  will  take  care
         of the other bands (SSB only). They will try to have  two  stations
         with amplifers operating at the same  time.  QSL  via  home  calls,
         direct  or  bureau.  Further  information  and  log    search    at [TNX SP5DRH]
T7     - Antonio, EA5RM and other  six  operators  (F5CWU,  IN3ZNR,  IZ4AKS,
         UA9KGH, UT7CR and UY7CW) will participate  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  SSB
         Contest  as  T70A  from  the  radio  club  of  San  Marino's   IARU
         Society.QSL via T70A and logsearch at [TNX EA5RM]
VE     - Noel, VE2BR and Gregg, VE3ZZ will participate in the CQ WW  DX  SSB
         Contest as VC2Z (Multi-Single) from Mercier, Quebec (Zone  5).  QSL
         via VE2BR. [TNX VE3ZZ]
VK     - Ray, K9LUK plans to be active sporadically as K9LUK/VK4 from  North
         Stradbroke Island (OC-137) on 8-16 October.  Look  for  him  on  or
         around 14260 kHz. QSL via home call, direct only. [TNX DX World]
VP8_ant- A few days ago Mike  Gloistein,  GM0HCQ  (VP8CMH)  left  again  for
         Antarctica onboard the RRS James Clark Ross. Most  of  his  amateur
         radio operations take place from the ship, as VP8CMH/mm  whilst  in
         Antarctic and Falkland Islands waters and a GM0HCQ/mm at all  other
         times. "It does not look like there will be time  to  operate  from
         South Georgia", he says, "and there are  no  longer  facilities  at
         Signy base (South Orkneys, Ed.)". He might be able  to  operate  as
         VP8ROT from Rothera  Base  on  Adelaide  island  (AN-001),  but  he
         "won't know until the ship arrives there"  in  late  November.  QSL
         via GM0HCQ (direct only), eQSL and LoTW. Regular updates and  daily
         pictures are posted to
VU     - VU2JHM, VU2UR, VU2LX and VU2LU will be active as  VU0WFF  from  the
         Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary on  1-10  October.  They  will  operate
         mainly CW with  a  multi-band  dipole  and  30-40  watts.  QSL  via
         VU2JHM. [TNX VU2UR]
W      - Rick, K8GI will be active  as  K8GI/3  from  Middle  Hooper  Island
         (NA-140) on 3 October, between approximately 13 and 22.30  UTC.  He
         plans to operate SSB and PSK63 on 17 metres,  and  SSB,  PSK63  and
         RTTY on 20 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau,  and  LoTW.
         [TNX K8GI]
YS     - Special event station YS0IARU  will  be  active  from  El  Salvador
         during the IARU Region 2  General  Assembly  on  4-8  October.  All
         delegates will be allowed to operate from the station,  which  will
         be running 100 watts into dipoles on 40  and  20  metres.  QSL  via
         YS1GMV. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZD8    - Tom, K7ZZ will be active as ZD8ZZ from  Ascension  Island  (AF-003)
         on 6-19 October. He will operate CW and SSB on 160-10  metres.  QSL
         via LoTW or direct to K7ZZ. [TNX The Daily DX]

CHANNEL ISLANDS ---> Kazik, DL2SBY will be active as MJ/DL2SBY  from  Jersey
(EU-013) on 7-9 October  and  as MU/DL2SBY  from  Guernsey (EU-114)  on 9-16
October. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 80-2m. QSL via DL2SBY. [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                  >>> 10-10-10 PJ OPERATIONS BAND PLAN <<<                  

The following joint press release was issued on 30 September  by  DXpedition
leaders/teams  participating  in  DXpeditions  to  the  soon-to-be-disbanded
Netherlands Antilles: Bob K4UEE (Saba, PJ6A),  Jeff  K8ND  (Curacao,  PJ2T),
Craig K9CT (St. Maarten, PJ7E), Kelly N0VD (Bonaire,  various),  Will  AA4NC
(St. Eustatius, TBD), Dave  AH6HY  (St.  Eustatius,  TBD),  Paul  K1XM  (St.
Eustatius, TBD and Jim K1NA (St. Eustatius, PJ5NA).

  Due to the  unprecedented  number  of  potential  new  DXCC  entities  and
numerous planned DXpeditions commencing 10-10-10, we felt it was prudent  to
establish a Band Plan to try to minimize  interference  between  DXpeditions
and their pileups.
  The following Band Plan is  the  result  of  discussions  that  have  been
ongoing  for  several  weeks.  It  is  a  Plan....  however,    without  the
cooperation of DXers, the plan will not work.   It  is  extremely  important
that DXers call DXpeditions only within the specified frequency  ranges.  If
you do not, you will not work the station  you  are  calling  and  you  will
likely interfere with  another  DXpedition  on  another  Island.  This  will
require cooperation and discipline.
  Success of this plan also requires that DXers help spread the  information
about the Band Plan to their fellow DXers and DX Clubs.  WE NEED YOUR  HELP!
But if we work together, we will be able to get many, many  DXers  into  our
  Thanks for your cooperation!

                      10-10-10  PJ Operations Band Plan                 

Bands      |  CURACAO  |  BONAIRE  |   STATIA  |   SABA    | ST. MAARTEN
Modes      |    PJ2    |    PJ4    |    PJ5    |    PJ6    |     PJ7    
160 CW     | 1810-817  | 1818-825  | 1826-833  | 1834-841  | 1842-849   
160 SSB    | op choice | op choice | op choice |  No  SSB  |  No  SSB   
           |  >1850    |  >1850    |  >1850    |           |            

80  CW     | 3501-510  | 3511-520  | 3521-530  | 3531-540  | 3541-550   
80 SSB TX  | 3671-674  | 3676-679  | 3681-684  | 3686-689  | 3691-694   
80 SSB RX  | 3701-710  | 3711-720  | 3721-730  | 3731-740  | 3741-750   
Primary    |           |           |           |           |            
80 SSB RX  | op choice | op choice | op choice | op choice | op choice  
Secondary  |  >3800    |  >3800    |  >3800    |  >3800    |  >3800     
80 Digital | 3570-575  | 3576-581  | 3582-587  | 3588-593  | 3594-599   

40 CW      | 7001-010  | 7011-020  | 7021-030  | 7031-040  | 7041-050   
40 SSB TX  | 7075-078  | 7080-083  | 7085-088  | 7090-093  | 7095-098   
40 SSB RX  | 7126-135  | 7136-145  | 7146-155  | 7156-165  | 7166-175   
Primary    |           |           |           |           |            
40 SSB RX  | op choice | op choice | op choice | op choice | op choice  
Secondary  |  >7175    |  >7175    |  >7175    |  >7175    |  >7175     
40 Digital | 7051-055  | 7056-060  | 7061-065  | 7066-070  | 7071-075   

30 CW      | 10101-106 | 10107-112 | 10113-118 | 10119-124 | 10125-130  
30 Digital | 10130-133 | 10134-137 | 10138-141 | 10142-145 | 10146-149  

20 CW      | 14001-013 | 14014-027 | 14028-041 | 14042-055 | 14056-069  
20 SSB TX  | 14125-130 | 14131-135 | 14136-140 | 14141-145 | 14146-150  
20 SSB RX  | 14170-180 | 14181-190 | 14200-210 | 14211-220 | 14240-250  
Primary    |           |           |           |           |            
20 SSB RX  | op choice | op choice | op choice | op choice | op choice  
Secondary  |  >14255   |  >14255   | >14255    |  >14255   |  >14255    
20 Digital | 14072-077 | 14078-083 | 14084-089 | 14090-094 | 14095-099  

17  CW     | ODD days  | EVEN days | ODD days  | EVEN days | ODD Days   
           | 18068-078 | 18068-078 | 18079-088 | 18078-088 | 18089-098  
17 SSB     | EVEN days | ODD days  | EVEN days | ODD days  | EVEN days  
           | 18120-135 | 18120-135 | 18136-150 | 18136-150 | 18151-165  
17 Digital | ODD days  | EVEN days |           | EVEN days | ODD days   
           | 18100-105 | 18100-105 |  no digi  | 18106-110 | 18106-110  

15 CW      | 21001-013 | 21014-027 | 21028-041 | 21042-055 | 21056-069  
15 SSB     | 21275-290 | 21291-305 | 21306-320 | 21321-335 | 21336-350  
15 Digital | 21072-077 | 21078-083 | 21084-089 | 21090-094 | 21095-099  

12 CW      | ODD days  | EVEN days | ODD days  | EVEN days | ODD days   
           | 24891-900 | 24891-900 | 24901-910 | 24901-910 | 24911-920  
12 SSB     | EVEN days | ODD days  | EVEN days | ODD days  | EVEN days  
           | 24935-950 | 24935-950 | 24951-965 | 24951-965 | 24966-980  
12 Digital | ODD days  | EVEN days |           | EVEN days | ODD days   
           | 24920-925 | 24920-925 |  no digi  | 24926-930 | 24926-930  

10 CW      | 28001-013 | 28014-027 | 28028-041 | 28042-055 | 28056-069  
10 SSB     | 28301-325 | 28330-355 | 28360-385 | 28390-415 | 28420-445  
10 Digital | 28072-080 | 28085-095 | 28100-110 | 28115-125 | 28130-140  

DX0DX ---> Currently  31  operators  are  confirmed  for  the  6-24  January
expedition to the Spratly Islands [425DXN 999]. A number  of  positions  are
still available should any DX operator wish to join the team. The  operators
will be assigned to three  separate  groups  on  the  island  for  different
durations. Please visit for further information.

K6VVA/VE7 ---> Rick, K6VVA  was  expected  to  operate  from  Quadra  Island
(NA-091) on 27-30 September  [425DXN  1009].  However,  the  trip  has  been
rescheduled  for  2-5  June  2011,  "for  hopefully  better  propagation  to
Europe". Updates will be posted to

NWRW 2010 ---> The National Wildlife Refuge  Week  (9-17  October)  combines
Amateur Radio communication capabilities with enjoyment of the  outdoors  to
help others learn about the National Wildlife Refuge System.  Amateur  radio
stations are operating from a number of wildlife  refuges  this  week  under
guidelines  established  in  cooperation  with  the  U.S.  Fish  &  Wildlife
Service. Information  on  this  special  event,  including  details  on  the
relevant certificate, can be found at

QSL VK8NSB ---> Owing to the passing of VK6NE, the new QSL route for  Stuart
is via  M0URX  (an  on-line  form  for  bureau  requests  can  be  found  at [TNX VK8NSB]

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available  at   QSOs    confirmed
through LoTW or included in on-line logs  are  eligible  for  listing.  Send
send your scores, as  well  as  any  request  for  further  information,  to
Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow[@]

+ SILENT KEYS + Neil Penfold, VK6NE passed away  on  27  September,  just  a
month short of his 77th birthday. A few months  ago  the  Northern  Corridor
Radio Group's (VK6ANC and VK6NC) club rooms changed their name to  The  Neil
Penfold State Amateur Radio Centre, in recognition of the major effort  that
he played not only in the construction of those premises,  but  also  during
his long association with  amateur  radio,  as  a  past  president  of  WIA,
Western Australia Councillor and QSL manager.
Robert "Bob" Earhardt, YS9RVE  passed  away  on  21  September  of  a  heart
attack. He was 70 years old and was very active on  the  DX  scene  from  El
Salvador between 1975-1990.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8MM, 3C0C, 3C9B, 4S7NE,  4S7ULG,
5E50SA, 5N50K, 5R8GZ, 5V7DX, 5W0OU, 5W5A, 5Z4EE, 8P3A, 8Q7DV, 8R1DB,  9K2YM,
9Y4D, A33A (OC-123), AD5A/KL5, C6AMS, CO4SM (NA-056),  CP6/DF9GR,  CX/N3BNA,
GJ6YB, H81L, HC2SL/p (SA-034), HI8A,  J48S,  J6/W0SA,  JA1NLX/VK4  (OC-171),
JD1BMH, JW/OK1IEC, JY4NE, KH2/N2NL, KH2L, LA6Q  (EU-079),  NP2B,  PJ5/AH6HY,
PJ7/K5SL, PR5D (SA-047), RI1OP (EU-153), RV9CX, RW2F, SE2T,  SV2ASP/A,  T2A,
T30KI,  T30XG,  T32CI,  T32MI,  T32SI,  T32VI,  TF8SM,  TG9NX,  TL0A,  TM5EL
(EU-068), TR8CA, UN7QX, V31BG, V31SU, V44KP, V51AS, VP2MSJ, VP8DMH,  VU2JOS,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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