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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   27.08.10 19:36l 286 Lines 17771 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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28 August 2010                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1008
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9M6    - Yoshi, JK2VOC will be active as 9M6/JK2VOC from  East  Malaysia  on
         2-6 September, including  an  entry  in  the  All  Asian  DX  Phone
         Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
9M6    - Following their operation from Sebatik Island (OC-295) from  24  to
         27 September [425DXN 1004], John 9M6XRO, Steve  9M6DXX  and  Gordon
         G3USR  will  operate  as  9M6XRO/p,    9M6DXX/p    and    9M6/G3USR
         respectively from  Labuan  Island  (OC-133)  on  5-8  October  (and
         possibly until around 00-02 UTC on the 9th). Activity  will  be  on
         160-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY with two stations  using  amplifiers
         to a Hexbeam, verticals and a 160m inverted-L  very  close  to  the
         ocean. QSL 9M6XRO/p and 9M6DXX/p via M0URX, QSL 9M6/G3USR via  home
         call. [TNX 9M6DXX]
9X     - Tom, DL2RUM has extended his stay in Rwanda [425DXN 1002] and  will
         remain there through  September.  The  final  operating  dates  for
         9X0TL are 29 August-9 September and 19-28 September. QSL  via  home
         call. [TNX NG3K]
CE     - Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the War  of
         Indipendence  (18  September  1810),  all  Chilean  amateur   radio
         operators are allowed to replace their current prefix  with  3G  on
         1-30 September. [TNX The Daily DX]
CY0    - Murray, WA4DAN has had to withdraw from  the  DXpedition  to  Sable
         Island [425DXN 1005], due  to  business  conflicts.  The  operation
         dates have been modified slightly due to logistics  matters:  21-29
         October. The preferred QSL route is  via  the  Online  QSL  Request
         Service  available  at  Traditional  direct
         requests  for  all  callsigns (CY0/AA4VK,  CY0/AI5P,  CY0/N0TG  and
         CY0/VE1RGB)  should  be sent to N0TG:  Randy  Rowe,  3017  Coventry
         Lane,  Waxahachie TX 75165, USA.  Traditional  bureau cards will be
         via  each  operator's home call.
         EA5WP   will    operate    SSB,    CW    and    RTTY    as    EG3LH
         ( "El Galacho", the  lighthouse   at
         Punta  Corbellera  in  the  Ebro  Delta  Nature  Reserve  on    4-5
         September. QSL via EA3GHZ, direct or bureau. [TNX EA3GHZ]
RI1F   - Evgenij, UA4RX (ex-R1FJT) is back to Franz Josef Land (EU-019)  for
         another year long assignment  at  the  weather  station  on  Kheysa
         (Heiss) Island. His new callsign is RI1FJ. QSL via UA2FM,  who  can
         also confirm contacts made with R1FJT  between  in  2006-2008  (the
         former QSL manager, UA4RC, passed away last year). [TNX ON5NT]
GM     - Alex, GM0DHZ and Andre, GM3VLB will go and operate as GM0DHZ/p  and
         GM3VLB/p from a large number  of  SCOTIA  (SCOTtish  Island  Award)
         islands in the Orkney (EU-009) and Shetland  (EU-012)  IOTA  groups
         between 31  August  and  20  September.  Activity  will  depend  on
         weather conditions. Complete information on  the  SCOTIA  programme
         can be  found  at  [TNX  DX
I      - Look for Raul, IC8ATA  to  be  active  as  IE9/IC8ATA  from  Ustica
         Island (EU-051, IIA PA-001) from 28 August to 4 September. QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
LX     - Theo PA1TK, Kees PA5WT, Frans PC5T, Gerard PE1BBI  and  Rob  PE1ITR
         will  be  active  LX/homecall  from  Luxembourg   (JN39AX)on    2-5
         September. Their main focus will  be  on  the  IARU  Region  1  VHF
         Contest on 4-5 September, but before the contest they will  operate
         on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
ON     - The Radio Club de Binche will operate special event station  ON4WAR
         on  4  September  (11-18  UTC)  and  5  September  (10-16  UTC)  to
         commemorate  the  Belgian  resistance  during World War II. QSL via
         ON7RY,  direct or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
OZ     - Tom, DL4VM will be active as OZ/DL4VM from Vendsyssel-Thy  (EU-171)
         on 4-18 September. He will operate CW and PSK31 on 40,  30  and  15
         metres, and will also be active on 6 metres.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX]
OZ     - Ulli, DD2ML and Martina, DD7MR will be active as 5P5L from  Lolland
         Island (EU-029) on 4-18 September. They plan  to  operate  CW,  SSB
         and RTTY on 80-2 metres. QSL via  DD2ML,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
PJ2    - Curacao should be one of the new DXCC entities resulting  from  the
         dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles that will take place on  10
         October 2010. "We expect  all  operations  to  be  accepted  as  of
         10/10/10", John, K6AM  says.  "While  ARRL  approval  is  not  100%
         guaranteed, and may not be  officially  announced  until  all  DXCC
         requirements are documented, plans are in place  to  mount  several
         operations from the Signal Point  super-station,  PJ2T  on  Curacao
         beginning on day one". The first operation will  be  run  on  10-18
         October by a group led by K8ND. They will be followed closely by  a
         team of nine operators from the U.S. and Germany who will be  there
         through 2 November, including a M/M entry in the CQWW SSB  Contest.
         Both PJ2/homecall and PJ2T will be in use during  the  3-week  run.
         Expect activity on all bands and modes. The station will be  opened
         also to amateurs  participating  in  the  GAREC  conference  (11-12
         October), as well as to any local  Curacao  amateurs  who  wish  to
         operate from Signal Point during the post 10-10-10 week. [TNX K6AM]
PJ6    - The  Saba  2010   team  has  completed  all  preparations  for  the
         activation of Saba in October [425DXN 984].  Two  teams,  comprised
         mostly of  members  of  the  Southeastern  DX  Club  (SEDXC),  will
         operate over a two-week period (10-23 October) from  two  different
         locations on the island. Saba & Sint Eustatius should  be  one  the
         new  DXCC  Entities  resulting  from  the  dissolution    of    the
         Netherlands Antilles: "this is not a 100% certainty",  K4UEE  says,
         but  "it  is  likely  enough  to  plan  an  operation".    Bookmark for further information, updates, log  search  and
         QSLling instructions.
PY     - PY2JY, PY6AWU, PY6HD, PY6KY, PY6RT and  PY7GK  will  be  active  as
         ZY6Z from Morro de Sao Paulo on  Tinhare  Island  (SA-080)  on  3-7
         September. They will operate SSB and CW on 80-10  metres.  QSL  via
         PY6HD. Further information at under ZY6Z.
SM     - Fred, SM7DAY and Jan, SM7NGH  will  be  active  from  Oland  Island
         (EU-037) on 5-11 September. They will operate on all bands  CW  and
         SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX SM7DAY]
SU     - Gab, SU/HA3JB will  be  active  from  Egypt  in  September-November
         2010. He  plans  to  operate  CW,  RTTY  (CQ  WW  DX  RTTY  Contest
         included), PSK31 and some SSB. QSL via  home  call  (direct  only).
         Gab's website is at [TNX HA3JB]
TA     - The TC Special Wireless Activity Team will be active  as  TC2010WBC
         from  28  August  to  5  September  for  the  FIBA   (International
         Basketball Federation) World Championship to be hosted  by  Turkey.
         All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the  bureau  in
         late December. [TNX TA1HZ]
TA     - TA2RX, TA7EB, TA7BC and others will be active as TC9KLH  from  Rize
         Kizkalesi Lighthouse on 28-30 August. They will operate on  the  HF
         bands SSB. [TNX TA1HZ]
YJ     - Chris, VK3QB reports that the current YJ0VK DXpedition  to  Vanuatu
         [425DXN 1004] will be QRV on or around  the following  frequencies:
         1820,  3511,  7011, 10107, 14011, 18077, 21011, 24897 and 28011 kHz
         (CW); 1860,  3670, 7170,  14170, 18118, 21270, 24935 and  28470 kHz
         (SSB). The team will place a special focus on 30, 17 and 12 metres;
         they  have "a limited station for 160m, but we'll certainly have it
         operational each day at  our  sunrise and sunset". RTTY/PSK31  will
         be  "on traditional frequencies".  QSL via VK2CA, direct or bureau,
         and LoTW.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B9/IZ4AKS ---> The website  for  IZ4AKS'  activity  from  Rodrigues  Island
[425DXN 1005] can be found at  QSL  direct  only  to
IZ4AKS (Giorgio Minguzzi, Via Savio 2, 48012 Bagnacavallo - RA,  Italy).  "I
will probably upload the log on LoTW", he says, "but not immediately".

DXCC NEWS ---> Bill Moore, NC1L reports that 9X0TL (Rwanda, 2010  operation)
has ben approved for DXCC credit.

INDEPENDENCIA DE VENEZUELA CONTEST 2010 --->  The  log  submission  deadline
for the Venezuelan Independence Contest (3-4 July) is 31 August. "Some  logs
by an unknow reason  didn't  make  into  the  email  inbox  of  one  of  our
accounts, an senders didn't got a reject", the Contest  Committee  says.  So
if you submitted your log, but did not receive the confirmation  e-mail  and
cannot find your call  listed  at,
please send your log again to contestyv[@] [TNX YV5AJ]

QSL VIA W2OX ---> "Alex, W2OX has all the old cards for  V47KP,  V48M,  V47K
that were sent to K2SB, which were  unanswered  by  him  as  of  August  18,
2010", The Daily DX reports. "Alex has  all  logs  from  1989  to  March  of
2010", and he is in the process of sending out direct cards "as fast  as  he
can". Bureau cards will  follow.  Direct  requests  should  be  sent  to  A.
Aimette, P.O. Box 64436, Souderton PA 18964, USA.

SCC RTTY CHAMPIONSHIP ---> Organized by the Slovenia Contest Club,  it  will
be held on 28-29 August (from 12 UTC to 11.59 UTC). Rules  and  results  can
be found at [TNX S50XX]

TL0A ---> Christian, TL0A is currently vacationing in  France.  He  will  be
back to Bangui, Central African Republic on  8  September,  and  expects  to
remain there until late 2010-early 2011. [TNX ON5NT]

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported Silent Keys include  Peter  Hale  (G4OAD),
Ladislav "Laco" Satmary (OM8AM) and Harold R. "Bob" Hall (W8QHG).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2II       DK1II       EX2X        EA5KB       OZ0FR/P     DL2VFR
3V8SS       IZ8CCW      FH8ND       F1OKV       OZ50RN      DH1LAO
3Z100ZHP    SP9ZBC      FK8GX       W3HNK       OZ5AQC      JA5AQC
4K5D        K2PF        FM5CD       F5VU        PA100SCOUT  PC2S
5B/OM2AQ    OM3XX       FS/W6IZT    N7XG        PA100SRS    PD9RAY
5K1R        EA5KB       GB0BHL      G0TQT       PD10SAIL    PD1RP
5N50K       LZ1CL       GB0L        M0DOL       R1ANP       RW1AI
5N7M        OM3CGN      GB1OL       MM5DWW      RC9O        UA9PC
5R8KH       KA2VUY      GB2BML      M6KAH       RM5D        RN3DK
5W1SA       JH7OHF      GB2LBN      GM4UYZ      RT3T        UA3TT
6W7RV       F8CMT       GB2LS       MM1BHO      RT5Z        UA3ZK
7S5A        SM4DDS      GB2LT       GM7OKX      SF6LGT      SK6NL
7S5LH       SM5RN       GB2SL       G3AMW       SF7YT       SM6DQO
9A5LO/p     OK1LO       GB2SLH      M5YLO       SI0TA/2     DL5ME
9H3VW       M0VWK       GB2WHL      M0OXO       SK7L        SK7CA
9J2KK       JK1NSR      GB4BPL      G6HOU       SN0AKK      SP7PKI
9J2MG       VK3BDL      GB4NPL      MW0TTR      SN0WFF      SP5X
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      GC4BRS      GW0ANA      SN1LH       SP1EG
9M4CPD      9W2PD       GC4KPT      M0DOL       SN2LH       SP2KDS
A41OO       NI5DX       GH4LAB/p    G4IAR       SN30S       SP3PSM
A61AS       YO3FRI      GX4HRC      G3SVK       SO1CC       DL1CC
A61TT       IZ8CLM      H81L        HP1RCP      SO1RE       DK8RE
AM7VCE      EA7URS      HA0BTV/p    IZ0BTV      SO200FCM    SP5PB
AO1LWF      EA1HNP      HF100HP     SP1ZCV      SO8SM       DF3SM
AO8GLH      EA8AKN      HF100ZHP    SP6ZDA      SP0CFF      SP2FAP
AT10BP      I1HYW       HF20MSM     SP9PRM      SP9YFF/p    SQ9IDG
C31CT       EA3QS       HF30ICP     SP4ICP      SQ2010FC    SQ5WAA
C91UA       ZS5UA       HG150ITALY  IZ0BTV      ST2AR       S53R
CE1Z        CE1WNR      HG3IPA      HA3JB       TC150SLH    TA1HZ
CM2IR       EB7DX       HG8SDS      HA8PH       TC3LHW      TA1HZ
CN2EL/m     F4ENJ       HG8WFF      HA8MT       TL8PB       LA0HF
CQ7GIL      CS1AAM      HH2/PY3SB   PY2WC       TM0LHG      PA0HEL
CR6FNA      CT1MH       HI8E        NK4L        TM400H      F6KDU
CR6LH       CT1GZB      II1IALV     IK8XVA      TM4PT       F4DTO
CS2010M     CT1DSV      IQ0FM/p     IZ0GZW      TR8CA       F6CBC
CS2HNI      CT1RVM      IR1SMG      IZ1GJK      UA0YAY      IK2QPR
CU3HQ       EA3GHZ      JW7XM       LA7XM       UE0RFF/0    RN0QQ
CW0T        EA5KB       L99F        LU5FB       V85RY       EA7FTR
D2EB        IZ3ETU      LM2010TSR   LA9K        V85TX       W3HNK
DA2010LH    DH3WO       LR5D        LU4AA       VP8DMH      G0VGS
DF0MF       DL1WH       LZ02WFF     LZ1BJ       XR1A        XQ1IDM
DU1/F2JD    F6AJA       LZ160AK     LZ2VP       XR2A        CE3BBC
E77XZ       DK6XZ       MJ0CTR      M0CTR       XU7TZG      ON7PP
EA8/EI6DX/p RX3RC       MU0MCV      M0MCV       XX9TKV      F4BKV
EG1SAU      EA1HNP      NL8F        K8NA        YI1RZ       IK2DUW
EG3WFF      EA3EGB      OH0BP       OH2BP       YI9GYS      KG4GYS
EG7MAJ      EA7IKM      OH1AV/2     OH1BOI      YI9RLB      KB2RLB
EM300M      UR4MZM      OH9AA/p     DL5ME       YJ0VK       VK2CA
EM44U/p     UT7UT       OK8FK/p     DK7FK       Z22JE       K3IRV
EM75LWY     UR4LWY      ON27IOF     ON4AMM      ZA1E        I2MQP
EM7WFF      UT1KY       ON4OSLN     ON4CJK      ZA1Z        HB9BGN
EN1IFF      UR3IBV      OO2O        ON4LDI      ZB2TY       M0TNY
EP3MJ       IK2DUW      OR3A        ON6CC       ZL30MDG     ZL3RG
ER65V       ER1DA       OX1JA       JA5AQC      ZL6LH       ZL1VK
ES9EFF      ES4RX       OX3LX       OZ1PIF      ZP8VAO      K2DER

CW1A     Radio Club Uruguayo, P.O. Box 37, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay
DL5ME    Mario Borstel, Zur Tonkuhle 57, 39130 Magdeburg, Germany
F4BKV    Vincent Colombo, 32 rue de Gibrand, 17350 Port-d'Envaux, France
IU1L     Sezione ARI di Genova, Ufficio Genova Centro, Casella Postale
         1117, 16121 Genova GE, Italy
JA5AQC   Masaru Hanazaki, 2-8-16 Kinuyama, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime, 791-8025,
K8NA     Theodore Pauck Jr, 2820 Lenox Drive, Troy MI 48098, USA
K9YNF    Wayne C Long, 636 Cardinal Court, Cascade WI 53011, USA
MM5DWW   David Wishart, Curcum, Swannay by Evie, Orkney, KW17 2NS, United
OX3QM    Fred R. Anderson, PSC 1501 Box 1347, APO, AE 09704, USA
UA0FUA   Sergei I. Schekhlov, ul. Sportivnaya d.11 kv.2,  Kurilsk,
         Sakhalinskaya obl., 694530, Russia
VE7DP    Franc Toplak, P.O. Box 209 STN CEDAR, Cedar BC V9X 1W1, Canada
VE7KDU   Klaus Urbantke, P.O. Box 751 STN MAIN, Terrace BC V8G 4R1, Canada
VK2CA    Allan Meredith, P.O. Box 890, Mudgee NSW 2850, Australia
VK3ATX   Trevor Close, P.O. Box 8309 Northland Centre, Preston VIC 3072,
VK3DWH   Dan Haslett, 19 Greenway Dr, Mill Park VIC 3082, Australia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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