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24 July 2010                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1003
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5R     - Franck, F4DBJ will operate again as 5R8HT from  Madagascar  from  5
         September to 28 November. He will be active on 80, 40, 20,  15  and
         10 metres. QSL via F4DBJ. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
5V     - 5V7TT is the callsign issued to the Italian team [425DXN  999]  for
         their 10-23 October DXpedition to Togo. They plan  to  operate  CW,
         SSB  and  RTTY  on  160-10  metres  with  three  stations.  Further
         information and a band/mode survey can be found  at
         QSL direct to I2YSB. The  dedicated  forum  where  to  contact  the
         pilot    (IK7JWY)    is    now    up    and       running        at [TNX IK7JWY]
5Z     - Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be active as 5Z4/IZ2DPX from  Malindi,  Kenya
         on 4-17 August. He will operate on  40,  20,  18,  15,  12  and  10
         metres. QSL via home call (bureau) or IK2DUW (direct). [TNX IZ2DPX]
9A     - JaNe S57L, Goran S52P and Brane S56UGB will  be  active  as  9A8ZRS
         from the island of Sveti Ivan (EU-110) until  26  July.  They  will
         participate in the IOTA Contest as  two  12-hour  entries:  9A/S57L
         (SO LP CW) and 9A/S52P (SO QRP CW). [TNX S57L]
9A     - Special event station 9A10P/p will be  active  from  the  protected
         reserve "Djurdjevacki pijesci" on 25 July. All of the QSOs will  be
         confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX 9A2JK]
BY     - The Shanghai DX Club will be active as  BY4DX/5  from  the  Shengsi
         Islands (AS-137) on 23-26 July,  IOTA  Contest  included.  QSL  via
         BD4HF, direct or bureau. [TNX]
         BD5RV,  BG4RQJ,  BH4REQ,  BH4RLO  and  BH4ROO  will  be  active  as
         homecall/5 (QSL via home calls) from  Pingtan  Island  (AS-138)  on
         24-29 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest  as  B4R/5  (QSL
         via BA4TB). They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes  on  160-10
         metres, plus 6m (CW and SSB, EME), 2m and  70cm  (satellite,  EME).
         [TNX BA4TB and BD5RV/4]
CT7    - The Clube Radioamadores do Entroncamento will be  active  as  CS2PS
         from the  lighthouse  Penedo  da  Saudade  (ARLHS  POR-034)  on  11
         September. They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes  on  the  HF
         bands. [TNX CS1CRE]
CT7    - Members of the Portuguese  Navy  amateur  radio  group  (Nucleo  de
         Radioamadores da Armada) will operate as CR5FE from the  lighthouse
         at Esposende (ARLHS POR-018) on 31 July. QSL via CS5NRA. [TNX K1XN]
EA     - EA5BY, EA5DY, EA5FID, EA5GRV and  EA5XC  will  participate  in  the
         IOTA Contest as AO1DX/5  from  Tabarca  Island  (EU-093).  QSL  via
         operator's instructions. [TNX NG3K]
ES     - Juri, ES5GP  will  be  active  as  ES0/ES5GP  from  Hiiumaa  Island
         (EU-034) until  30  July,  including  an  SSB  entry  in  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX ES1QD]
F      - Volker, DK2MT plans to be active from  Oleron  Island  (EU-032)  on
         1-20 August. He will operate holiday style QRP. [TNX DK2MT]
HL     - Members of the Gwangju DX Club (6L0NJ) will be  active  as  6L0NJ/4
         from Shinji Island (AS-060) from 31 July until 3 August. They  will
         operate SSB, CW and digital modes on the HF bands. QSL  via  HL4XM.
         [TNX W1AW]
I      - A group of operators from ARI Lanciano will be active as  IL7/IQ6LN
         from the Tremiti Islands (EU-050) on 24-25 July. [TNX IW1DQS]
I      - Claudio IV3AAP, Stefano  IV3LZQ,  Giovanni  IV3ODE,  Paolo  IV3PUT,
         Giuliano IV3RLB and Maurizio IV3ZXQ will be active as IQ3MO/p  from
         Martignano Island (EU-130, IIA UD-005)  during  the  IOTA  Contest.
         QSL via IV3ODE. [TNX IV3LZQ]
I      - I7ZTM, IK7JWX, IK7UXW, IZ7ATN and possibly I7PXV  will  participate
         in the IOTA Contest as  IZ7ATN/p  (QSL  via  IK7JWX  from  Isolotto
         Traversa (IIA BR-009) in the Pedagne Islands (EU-091). [TNX IK7JWX]
I      - IK7FPX, IK7LMX, IK7QMJ, IZ7CDE and IZ7CTE will participate  in  the
         IOTA Contest as IZ7CDE/p from Isola Grande (EU-091). [TNX NG3K]
KH0    - Lee, HL1IWD reports he will  be  active  as  AH0/AH2Y  from  Saipan
         (OC-086) from 29 July to 1 August. QSL via HL1IWD.
OJ0    - The Scandinavian  Amateur  Radio  Teleprinter  Group  (SARTG)  will
         participate in the 40th SARTG WW-RTTY  Contest  (21-22  August)  as
         OJ0SARTG from Market Reef (EU-053). The day before  and  after  the
         contest the operators (OH2BP, SM4RGD, SM5FUG,  SM7BHM  and  SM7CAS)
         will be active as OJ0/homecall on CW, SSB and  RTTY.  QSL  OJ0SARTG
         via SM7BHM. Further information can be found at
OX     - After 35 years Ole, OZ5DL  will  be  active  again  as  OX3DL  from
         Greenland. He will operate holiday style from 28 July to 7  August;
         look for him around 14018 kHz. [TNX OX3DL]
OZ     - Look for OZ/DH8WW, OZ/DJ2AS, OZ/DK1AW, OZ/DL3ARK and  OZ/DL4AMK  to
         be active from Aro Island (EU-172) and lighthouse on 21-28  August.
         They plan to operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK  on  40-10  metres  with
         four stations. Further information can be found  at
         [TNX DL3ARK]
PA     - Promoting the World  Statues  Festival  that  will  take  place  in
         Arnhem at the end of next month, Fred, PA0FAW  will  be  active  as
         PC10WSF on 2-30 August. He  will  operate  mainly  CW  and  digital
         modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
PJ7    - Randy, K5SL will be active as PJ7/K5SL from Sint  Maarten  (NA-105)
         from 31 July to 13 August. Look for him on 17,  20  and  40  metres
         SSB and CW. QSL via home address. [TNX K5SL]
SP     - SP0CFF will be  active  from  nature  reserve  Pioropusznikowy  Jar
         until 25 July. This is the  first  activity  by  the  newly  formed
         Polish Club Flora Fauna. QSL via  SP2FAP.  Further  information  at [TNX SP2FAP]
TA     - Celebrating the  150th  anniversary  of  Sile  lighthouse,  the  TC
         Special Wireless Activity Team ( will  operate  SSB,
         CW and PSK as TC150SLH on 24-26 July. [TNX TA0U]
UA     - A team of Russian operators will be active before  and  during  the
         IOTA Contest as as UA3A/1 from  Severnyy  Berezovyy  (EU-133).  QSL
         via UA1AIR, direct or bureau. [TNX UA1AIR]
UA     - Victor, RN1N and Dmitry, UA1NFA, will be active as homecall/p  from
         Yakostrov (EU-147) during the IOTA  Contest  as  SO  LP  DXpedition
         entries. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX UA1NFA]
UA     - R9XC, RA9XY, UA9XEC and UA9XLC will operate as  R9XC/9  from  Litke
         Island (AS-089) from 28 July  to  2  August.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
UA     - R7AA, RA1QY, RA1WJ, RA1WZ, RU6AX, UA1WDX and UA6BFL will be  active
         as RZ6AZZ/1 from 29 July to 4 August. They will operate  from  five
         different islands located in  Lake  Chudsko-Pskovskoe  (details  at QSL via R7AA. [TNX RA1QY]
UA     - Look for Nick, RA1QQ/1 and Dima, RN3GM/1 to be active  from  Kildin
         Island (EU-082) on 9-15 August. They  plan  to  visit  and  operate
         from a few lighthouses  located  on  that  island.  QSL  via  RA1QQ
         (direct preferred). [TNX RA1QY]
VE     - VA1CHP, VA1YL, VE1DHD, VE1ENT, VE1FA, VE1MR, VO1NO and  VY2OX  will
         be active as VC9A from Whitehead Island  (NA-014)  until  26  July,
         IOTA Contest included. They will operate CW, SSB and possibly  RTTY
         on 80-6 metres. QSL via VE1DHD, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - David, VA7DXC will be active from Bowen Island  (NA-091)  on  24-30
         July. He will concentrate on the IOTA Contest (40-15  metres  SSB),
         after the IOTA event he will operate holiday style primarily on  20
         and 17  metres  SSB,  with  some  PSK.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX]
VE     - The Frontenac County ARES Group  will  be  active  as  VE3FRG  from
         Simcoe Island (CIsA ON-022) on 25  July  (16-21  UTC)  and  Amherst
         Island (CIsA ON-021) on 29 August (16-21 UTC). [TNX VE3CLQ]
VE     - Once again the  Georgian  Bay  Amateur  Radio  Club  (VE3OSR)  will
         operate as VA3FPI from the lighthouse on Flowerpot Island  in  Lake
         Huron (not IOTA, CisA ON-005)  from  31  July  to  2  August.  Main
         activity on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB and CW. [TNX Southgate ARC]
W      - Gary W2VQ and Paul WQ2N will be  QRV  as  WQ2N/p  from  Long  Beach
         Island (NA-111) for the IOTA Contest. Paul will be there  on  23-25
         July, while Gary will be active as  W2VQ/p  until  the  30th.  [TNX
W      - K3HVC, KD3FA, N3NAH, N3QO, W4NGW and WG3J will participate  in  the
         IOTA Contest as K3I from Tangier Island  (NA-083).  QSL  via  N3GO.
         [TNX NG3K]
W      - Look for W4MY to be active from Bogue  Banks  (NA-112)  during  the
         IOTA Contest. He and W4CHX will operate CW and SSB from  Ft.  Macon
         State Park Saturday only (12-24 UTC). [TNX NG3K]
W      - N2US expects to participate in the  IOTA  Contest  as  N2US/3  from
         Assateague Island (NA-139). He will  operate  SSB  and  CW  in  the
         12-hour LP category. QSL via N2US, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
W      - Leslie, AD5WB is a resident on Galveston Island (NA-143)  and  will
         participate in the IOTA Contest (12 hours SSB).  QSL  direct,  LoTW
         and eQSL. [TNX NG3K]
YB     - A large group of operators from the Jakarta DX  Contest  Team  will
         be active as YE0A from Ayer Island (OC-177)  on  24-26  July,  IOTA
         Contest included. They will operate SSB, CW  and  RTTY  on  the  HF
         bands (except 160 metres). QSL via bureau or direct  (see
         [TNX YB0ECT]

RSGB  IOTA  CONTEST  --->  The   following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (from 12 UTC on 24 July through 12 UTC on
the 25th). For lastest additions please give a look at, and
at the announced operation lists maintained by
Ric, DL2VFR (
and Bill, NG3K (
Full details on the IOTA Contest can be found  at  SWLs
please note that the IOTA SWL Contest, discontinued in 2005, has been picked
up by the Mediterraneo DX Club (SWL Section), in  cooperation with the  RSGB
HF  Contests  Committee,  and it  will be held  in  parallel with  the  IOTA
Contest.   Please   visit   for    detailed
information. Good luck to you all!
REF.NO.     CALL/OPS          QSL VIA
AF-006      VQ90JC            ND9M
AF-019      IG9/IK2PZC        IK2PZC
AF-019      IG9/IW2NEF        IW2NEF
AF-024      S79BWW            CT1BWW
AS-014      A43MI             A47RS
AS-018      UA0FM             UA0FM
AS-020      BX5AA             BX5AA
AS-053      HS0ZIB/p          HS0ZIB
AS-067      JA1YUC/6          bureau
AS-107      E20AS             HS1CKC
AS-137      BY4DX/5           BD4HF
AS-138      B4R/5             BA4TB
AS-159      TC0T              TA2RC
EU-005      GM7A              GM7AAJ
EU-007      EI/SQ7JT          SQ7JT
EU-008      GM0ADX            GM0ADX
EU-008      GM0ADX/p          MM6LIL
EU-008      GM2T              GM4UYZ
EU-008      GM7X              GW3SQX
EU-008      MM0MMK/p          M0MMK
EU-008      MM3KBU/p          M3KBU
EU-010      GM7V              M0CMK
EU-011      M8C               G4DFI
EU-012      MM/ON6QR          ON6QR
EU-013      GJ6YB             G3SWH
EU-013      MJ/OH8CA          RV3ACA
EU-013      MJ0ASP            MJ0ASP
EU-015      SY9M              SV9CVY
EU-016      9A/OM8A           OM2VL
EU-020      SA1A              SM1TDE
EU-023      9H3Y              IT9ABY
EU-024      IS0B              IK2SND
EU-025      IW9FRA            IW9FRA
EU-026      JW5E              LA7XM
EU-029      OZ/DL8KX          DL8KX
EU-030      OZ/DL6DH/p        DL6DH
EU-031      IC8FBU            bureau
EU-031      IC8WIC            IC8WIC
EU-034      ES0U              ES2DJ
EU-034      ES0/ES5GP         ES5GP
EU-039      TM7T              ON7EQ
EU-043      SM6EQO/p          SM6EQO
EU-045      IB0R              IK8HCG
EU-048      F5SGI/p           F5SGI
EU-049      SV2FPU/8          SV2FPU
EU-052      SV8/OE3MZC/p      OE3YCB
EU-052      SV8/OK6DJ         OK1DRQ
EU-057      DL5KUD            DL5KUD
EU-064      TM7C              F5CWU
EU-065      F5RAB/p           F5RAB
EU-068      TM5KD             F5KKD
EU-071      TF7X              KT6YL
EU-084      SM0/PA3DAT        PA3DAT
EU-088      OZ/OK1DRX         OK1DRX
EU-089      CQ8SV             SV1GRM
EU-091      IZ7ATN/p          IK7JWX
EU-091      IZ7CDE/p          IZ7CDE
EU-092      MM0Q              MM0BQI
EU-093      AO1DX/5
EU-096      OH6NJ/1           OH6NJ
EU-103      EJ4II             EI4II
EU-110      9A/OM2FY          OM2FY
EU-110      9A/S52P
EU-110      9A/S57L
EU-114      GU0TSM            G0TSM
EU-121      EJ1DD             EI7CC
EU-121      EJ3Z              EI3Z
EU-123      MM0TFU/p          MM0TFU
EU-123      MM3T              -
EU-124      GW6W              GW4TTA
EU-124      GW8K              GW0ANA
EU-124      MW9W              M0URX
EU-125      OZ0FR             DL2VFR
EU-125      OZ0TX             DL7AT
EU-127      DF6QC             DF6QC
EU-128      DL5XAT/p          DL5XAT
EU-129      DL0KWH            DL0KWH
EU-129      DM3X/p            bureau
EU-130      IQ3MO/p           IV3ODE
EU-131      IL3T              IQ3SD
EU-131      IV3UHL/p          IV3UHL
EU-132      SN1A              SP1EG
EU-132      SP7VC/1           SP7VC
EU-132      SP8RX/1           DJ0IF
EU-133      UA3A/1            UA1AIR
EU-138      SM7BHM/p          SM7BHM
EU-140      OG5A              OH5AD
EU-141      LA/DL3BRE         DL3BRE
EU-146      PA/OQ4T           ON4TO
EU-146      PA/OT7X/p         ON4ON
EU-147      RN1N/p            RN1N
EU-147      UA1NFA/p          UA1NFA
EU-150      CR6W              CS1GDX
EU-153      RW3WWW/1          RW3WWW
EU-158      SX8PR             SV1JG
EU-163      4O1OTA            IK2ILH
EU-165      IM0K              IS0BMU
EU-166      IT9EJW/p          IT9EJW
EU-167      CS2K              CT1CJJ
EU-170      9A/HA6NL          HA6NL
EU-170      9A/HA6PS          HA6PS
EU-170      9A1CKL            bureau
EU-174      SX8R              HA0NAR
EU-178      ES0/YL2PN         YL2PN
EU-187      J49A              SV9GPV
NA-014      VC9A              VE1DHD
NA-014      VE9GLF            VE9GLF
NA-014      VE9MY             VE9MY
NA-016      ZF2JT             K9NW
NA-029      VY2X              VE3ZZ
NA-031      W1WBB             W1WBB
NA-044      VO2/KI4IW
NA-044      VO2/W3HQ
NA-046      K1VSJ             K1VSJ
NA-058      KU8E              KU8E
NA-065      K7BX/p            K7BX
NA-067      N4A               N4YDU
NA-067      W3DX/p            W3DX
NA-067      WB8YJF/4          WB8YJF
NA-083      K3I               N3QO
NA-091      VA7DXC            VA7DXC
NA-111      N3DG/2            N3DG
NA-111      WQ2N/p            WQ2N
NA-112      W4MY              W4MY
NA-127      VE1TRI/p          VE1TRI
NA-128      XL2I              VE2CQ
NA-136      W1ASB/p           W1ASB
NA-139      N2US/3            N2US
NA-143      AD5WB             AD5WB
NA-177      VA2SG/p           VE2EZD
NA-213      W8ND/4            K8MCN
OC-026      NH2T              W2YC
OC-066      TX5TES            FO5RH
OC-142      VK4HAM/p          VK4HAM
OC-164      VK6AHR            VK6AHR
OC-171      VK4LDX/p          VK4LDX
OC-177      YE0A              YE0A
SA-026      PT5T              K3IRV
SA-047      PR5D              PY5DC

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

QSL VIA E77E ---> Robert, E77E is the  QSL  manager  for  Anela,  E70YL  (ex
E74EE and ex T95LKA) and  Fudo,  E73CQ  (ex  T97F).  Robert  cannot  confirm
contacts made under the old callsigns (QSL via bureau). [TNX E77E]

ZS8M ---> A logsearch is now available  at  It  currently
contains 1515 QSOs made bewteen 16.03 UTC on 2 March and  08.11  UTC  on  18
July. QSL direct to Pierre D. Tromp, P.O. Box 151,  Worcester,  6850,  South

+ SILENT KEYS  +  Recently  reported  Silent  Keys  include  Ole  Nikolajsen
(OY3QN), Robert D. Piedfort (KB7UB) and Aleksey G. Belyaev (UA0AZ).


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3B8CF,  3W6C,  4Z4UR,  5B/UT0U,
5C5W, 5J0BV, 5N7M,  6W/HA0NAR,  6Y3Z,  6Y7J,  8Q7NA,  9G1UW,  9K2YM,  9X0CW,
A92GR, C31CT, C91R, CN8NK, CR1Z,  E21YDP,  EG3FI  (EU-078),  ET3SID,  EW2MA,
HS0ZBS, J38XX, J39BS,  JY4CI,  K5S,  K8LJG/4  (NA-138),  KP2/JA1BPA,  MS0INT
(EU-118), OA4TT, OY2J, P29VKJ (OC-008), PJ6/W6IZT, R1FJT, RW2F, SG3U,  SM2A,
T30XG, T32CI, T32MI,  T32SI,  T32VI,  TI5XP,  TO7RJ,  TX3A,  TX3D  (OC-114),
UM8MCW, V63JQ, V63MY (OC-260),  V84PMB,  V85/JJ8DEN,  VK9LL,  VQ9RD,  VQ9ZZ,


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                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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