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03 July 2010                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1000
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

           *** 425 DX News celebrates today its 1000th issue! ***

9A     - Nicola,  IZ3QWV  will  be  active  as  9A/IZ3QWV  from  Krk  Island
         (EU-136) on 3-10 July. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
9Q     - Patrick, ON4HIL expects to operate as  9Q50ON  (requested  call  to
         celebrate the 50th  anniversary  of  indipendence  of  Congo)  from
         Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of  The  Congo  for  about  one  week
         starting on 5 or 6  July.  "Patrick's  visit  will  be  a  sort  of
         scouting trip, but plans are that a larger group  of  Belgian  Hams
         will be setting up an expedition to Congo  within  a  few  months".
         QSL via ON4BR. [TNX DX World]
C6     - David, WD9CMD will operate holiday style  as  WD9CMD/C6A  from  New
         Providence (NA-001), Bahamas on 3-9 July. He plans to be QRV on  6,
         20 and 10 metres SSB, and he may also give 40 and 15 metres a  try.
         QSL via home call. èTNX The Daily DX]
DU     - Moj, PA3GZU  will  be  active  holiday  style  as  DU9/PA3GZU  from
         Mindanao Island (OC-130) from 11 July to 7 August. He will  operate
         SSB, BPSK31 and CW mainly on 20 metres, plus 40, 15 and  10  metres
         depending on conditions. QSL via home call, bureau preferred.  [TNX]
HA     - A  youth  radio  camp  will  operate  as  HA8KID  from  Pusztaszeri
         Protected Area  on  4-9  July.  Accompanying  istructors  mentioned
         include  HA8CX,  HA8DD,  HA8KW  and  HA8ZE,  who  may  operate   as
         homecall/p. [TNX HA0HW]
HK     - Celebrating the 200th  anniversary  of  indipendence  of  Colombia,
         amateur radio operators who are members of the Liga  Colombiana  de
         Radioaficionados (HK3LR) are  allowed  to  replace  their  ordinary
         prefix HK or HJ with 5K and 5J respectively  during  the  month  of
         July. Moreover, two special callsigns (5K200LR  and  HK200LR)  will
         be operated by duly authorized members  of  the  LCRA  during  2010
         (QSL for both calls via HK3LR). Finally, the  Colombia  Bicentenary
         Contest will be held on 17 July (details at
I      - Vanni, IK4RUX will be  active  as  ID9/IK4RUX  from  Lipari  Island
         (EU-017, IIA ME-001) on 5-15 July. He will operate SSB  on  the  HF
         bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IK4RUX]
J2     - Freddy, F5IRO will be staying in Djibouti for  two  years  starting
         on 6 July. He will operate CW, SSB  and  digital  modes  as  J28RO,
         mainly during  his  afternoons,  evenings  and  weekends.  QSL  via
         F8DFP, direct (SAE + 1 IRC, do  not  send  any  money  at  all)  or
         bureau. Further information at [TNX  The  Daily
JT     - Alessandro, IW5ELA and Giampiero, I5NOC  (JT1NOC)  will  be  active
         from Mongolia on 7-22 July.  They  plan  to  operate  SSB,  CW  and
         digital modes either  from  Unlaanbaatar  and  while  visiting  the
         northern part of  the  country.  QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX IW5ELA]
LX     - Once again LX0HQ will be representing the Luxembourg Amateur  Radio
         Society (RL) during the IARU HF World Championship. There  will  be
         ten stations and 25 operators active from two different  locations.
         QSL via LX2A (e-mail requests  for  bureau  card  can  be  sent  to
         lx0hq[@] and LoTW. [TNX LX2A]
OZ     - Henning, DL6DH will be active as OZ/DL6DH/p  from  Bornholm  Island
         (EU-030) on 10-24 July, including some  activity  during  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via DL6DH and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
TA     - The TC Special Wireless  Activity  Team  (  will  be
         active as TC2010C on 1-4 July for the Maritime Cabotage  Day.  [TNX
TK     - Charles, F5OWT will be active as TK0WT from Corsica on  4-16  July.
         He will operate holiday style with a focus  on  12  and  17  metres
         SSB: QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
TK     - Laurent, F8BBL  will  be  active  as  TK10B  from  Olmeto,  Corsica
         (EU-014) on 10-24 July, with side trips  planned  for  IOTA  groups
         EU-104 and EU-164. He will operate mainly  CW  with  some  SSB  and
         digital  modes  on  80-10  metres.  QSL  via  home  call    (bureau
         preferred) and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
VE     - Ken, VO1KVT will be active on the HF bands and 6  metres  as  VO2MK
         from Labrador between 10 and 20 July.  He  plans  to  operate  from
         Mundy Island (NA-205) for a couple of days during that time  frame.
         QSL via VO1KVT, direct or bureau. [TNX]
W      - The following special event stations  will  be  active  during  the
         "Original 13 Colonies Special Event", which is being held  until  6
         July: K2A (New York),  K2B  (Virginia),  K2C  (Rhode  Island),  K2D
         (Connecticut), K2E (Delaware), K2F (Maryland), K2G  (Georgia),  K2H
         (Massachusetts),K2I (New Jersey), K2J (North  Carolina),  K2K  (New
         Hampshire), K2L (South Carolina) and  K2M  (Pennsylvania).  Further
         information on the event and the relevant certificate can be  found
         at [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> FT5WO (Crozet Island) has been approved for DXCC  credit  for
the period from 1 December  2008  through  30  November  2009.  If  you  had
credits rejected for this operation, send a note to dxcc[@] with the
date of your submission. Please check your LoTW account, or  the  DXCC  live
daily numbers. When the update is done it will appear there. [TNX NC1L]

IARU CONTEST ---> "A group of European ham radio  associations  have  agreed
to take on the job of adjudicating HQ category entries for the 2010 IARU  HF
Contest, moving to fill the void left after the ARRL announced earlier  this
month that it would no longer judge  the  HQ  competition  because  of  past
rules disputes". Read the details on

POLAR TROPHY ---> Mehdi, F5PFP reports that the Antarctic Challenge,  Arctic
Challenge and  Polar  Trophy  up-to-date  scores  are  available  under  the
relevant pages on

QSL 3G1A & XR2D ---> There is a  new  QSL  route  for  XR2D  (Damas  Island,
SA-086, February 2002) and 3G1A (Santa Maria  Island,  SA-069,  July  2002).
Those who never received a QSL card from CE4USW, can now send their  request
to Dan, XQ4CW (Danilo Lara R., Andacollo 122, Curico, Chile). [TNX XQ1KZ]

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Thirteen different galleries  include  cards  for
the ten Most Wanted DXCC Entities (329 QSLs), the 58 deleted  DXCC  entities
(1052 QSLs), obsolete prefixes (2940 QSLs), stations from Magrebh from  1947
to 1962 (350 QSLs), D5 and  DL5  stations  from  1945  to  1962  (50  QSLs),
Antarctic bases  (810  QSLs)  &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises, 259 QSLs), the  various  French  DXCC  island  Entities  in  the
Pacific Ocean (313 QSLs) & the Indian Ocean (96  QSLs),  pre-1945  countries
(918 QSLs), French Departments (622  QSLs)  and  CONUS  (50  QSLs),  plus  a
gallery for cards not accepted by DXCC (117 QSLs). Several cards  are  still
needed  and  your    participation    is    encouraged    -    please  visit and send your comments  to  lesnouvellesdx[@]  [TNX

VU AWARDS ---> Arasu, VU2UR issues a number  of  awards  for  contacts  made
with Indian stations. Recently added to the list are seven certificates  for
working various islands (VU4,  VU7  and  VU  coastal  islands),  VU  contest
stations and stations located in the  city  of  Bengaluru  (Bangalore).  The
certificates are issued in electronic form (.pdf or .jpg files sent  to  the
applicant's e-mail address) and QSL cards  are  not  required.  For  further
information please contact Arasu at vu2ur2009[@] [TNX VU2UR]

WHQS  AWARD  --->  "MK  QTC",   the    Polish    Radio    Amateurs'  Journal
(, sponsors the 2010 W-HQ-S award for working at least  ten
HQ stations during the upcoming IARU HF World  Championship.  Please  e-mail
qtc[@] for complete details. [TNX SP2FAP]

WRTC 2010 ONLINE ---> To make the WRTC  competition  much  more  interesting
from a spectator's point of view and to get the  contesting  community  more
involved in the WRTC race, an online scoring system  will  be  available  at (the scores will be updated every five minutes).  The
WRTC Live section  will  also  feature  real  time  video  feeds  and  photo
galleries, as well as a page for you to upload your  log  immediately  after
the contest (i.e. no later than 18 UTC on 11 July). Logs can  also  be  sent
by e-mail (logs[@]

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported Silent Keys include  Les  Morgan  (G0WDG),
Geoff Chance (M0GRC, a driving force behind the International  Marconi  Day)
and Andrej I. Prosvetov (UA3ICK).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A2MG       F9JS        HB0/OU4U    M0URX       OJ0VR       OH1VR
3G200DI     CE1VCZ      HC2AQ       EA5KB       OK5EPC      OK1AW
3G200PCG    CE3PCG      HC2SL       EA5KB       OL120ORT    OK1GW
3Z2010FCY   SP5ZRW      HC7AE       EA7FTR      OL500PLA    OK1VRF
3Z75LPL     SP2KFD      HF100ZHP    SP6ZDA      OL50KRASOV  OK1DRQ
4K9W        DL6KVA      HF25ZBX     SP8ZBX      OM30CAQ     OM3CAQ
4O8A        S50A        HF600KW     SP3OZW      ON44WAR     ON7RY
5N50K       LZ1CL       HF720S      SP3FGQ      OP7V        ON7VA
5V7BR       F2VX        HF777L      SQ8JCB      OZ/G0GRC    G0RCI
7X5JF       DJ8QP       HP1/IZ6BRN  IZ8CLM      PJ4NX       PA3CNX
9H3MK       OH1MN       HP3DX       W4WX        SN1410G     SP9PKZ
9J2FM       JA4ATV      HV0A        IK0FVC      SN600G      SP9PKR
9J2KK       JK1NSR      HZ1PS       IZ8CLM      SP200BCA    SP7BCA
A61ZZ       IZ8CLM      IB0CW       IZ8CLM      SP33ADS     SP5PSL
AN8T        EA8NQ       IR1C        IK1APO      SP600G      SP4KSY
AO5CJ       EA5URM      J28AA       K2PF        SQ600G      SP9ZHR
BT4EXPO     BA4EG       J28KO       F6DKI       ST2AR       S53R
C56E        W7XU        J48S        SV2FPU      SX2TMN      SV2GWY
CN8KD       EA5XX       J79BPL      WB6RQN      SX4ME       SV4ILY
CO2OJ       K8SIX       J8/W0SA     8P9NX       SY2DIO      SZ2RCP
CR5WFF      CT1EJB      J8/W8IF     KB3RHR      T6MB        SP8UFB
CS2EPC      CT1BWU      J8/W9DR     KB3RHR      TA2ZF       UT2UB
CU3DX/p     CU3EJ       JI1FGX/DU9  JF1LZQ      TM0RE       EA3LD
CX2SA       EA5KB       JW7QIA      LA7QIA      TM1CF       F4DJG
CX5TR       EA5KB       K5N         W5TFW       TM70TC      F6CNM
D2AK        G7COD       KL5DX       N5XZ        TM7CCA      F6FMT
DU1/F2JD    F6AJA       KL7J        N3SL        TM8GN       F6KFA
ED9NA       EA9GW       LU7YZ       EA7FTR      TN5SN       IZ1BZV
EG2FSA      EA2DDP      LX8RTTY     LX1DA       TY5ZR       IK2IQD
EG2QB       EA2RKO      LY1410G     LY3X        V63AKA      JK1EBA
EG2UMN      EA2DHA      LY600A      LY5A        V63JQ       JA1KJW
EG3FI       EA3NT       LY600CM     LY1CM       V63JY       JA1JQY
EH3EPC      EB3JT       LY600DZ     LY2DZ       V63MCA      JA3MCA
EK6LP       RN4LP       LY600GV     LY2GV       V63VE       JF1OCQ
EM4LFF      UR4LRQ      LY600KM     LY2KM       VK8NSB      VK6NE
EN1UCF      UR7UT       LY600NI     LY2NI       VP2MDD      M0AEP
EN5R        UY2RA       LY600Q      LY4Q        VP8DMM      G0PEB
EO2FFF      UT2FA       LY600QT     LY2QT       VQ9RD       KI1G
EY8MM       K1BV        LY600V      LY3V        VQ9ZZ       N1ZZZ
GB0BMM      G6UBM       LY600W      LY5W        XR200R      CE1KR
GB0BON      G4XEX       MC0SHL      M0URX       XU7TAS      ON7PP
GB0FP       G3AMW       MJ/PA1AW    PA1AW       YN4SU       TI4SU
GB1AFD      M0LXT       MJ/PA1BDO   PA1AW       YW2RVR      YV2BBE
GB2NWA      G0TOC       MJ/PA3EWP   PA1AW       YW50AA      YV4AA
GB4GP       M0DOL       MJ/PA9JO    PA1AW       YW5AJ       YV5AJ
GJ3USR      G3USR       NP4A        W3HNK       ZC4VJ       M0URX
GJ4FDM      GM4FDM      OJ0A        OH3RM       ZX8W        PT7WA

EA3NT    Christian Cabre, P.O. Box 1243, 43080 Tarragona, Spain
EG2MDF   Grupo M Radio, P.O. Box 124, 31200 Estella (Navarra), Spain
JA1JQY   Shigeo Matsui, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa,
         246-0035, Japan
JA1KJW   Satoshi Nakayama, 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa, 242-0023,
JA3MCA   Kaoru Tachibana, 385-21 Oba-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa,
         225-0023, Japan
JA8BMK   Toshi Fukuta, 2115-3 Nobori, Yoichi, Hokkaido, 046-0002, Japan
JF1OCQ   Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura, Maebashi-shi, Gunma, 371-0811,
JK1EBA   Akira Hasegawa, 3702-3 Fukuda, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa, 242-0024,
JK1NSR   Tsuyoshi Kojima, 4-3-17 Mizukino, Moriya-shi, Ibaraki, 302-0121,
KI1G     Malcolm E. Davenport Jr, 477 Hope Furnace Rd, Hope RI 02831, USA
N1ZZZ    Jeremy C. Allen, P.O. Box 1294, Cutchogue NY 11935, USA
OH1VR    Seppo Sisatto, Ojakatu 3 A 18, Tampere 33100, Finland
ON7PP    Patrick Piesen, Hermans Lybaertstraat 35 bus 1, 8301 Knokke-Heist,
PT7WA    Luciano Sampaio de Souza, Rua Ageu Romero 83, Fortaleza - CE,
         60325-110, Brazil
SV2FPU   Giannis Ioannidis, Polyviou 57, 543 51 Thessaloniki, Greece
W7XU     Arliss N. Thompson, 45720 268th St, Parker SD 57053, USA
ZS8M     Pierre D. Tromp, P.O. Box 151, Worcester, 6850, South Africa


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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