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08 May 2010                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 992
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Jan-Willem, PA7JWC will be active on the HF bands and 6  metres  as
         3B8/PA7JWC from Mauritius Island (AF-049) until  22  May.  QSL  via
         home call, direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.  He  has  a  website  at [TNX NG3K]
8Q     - Ron, DL5JAG will be active  holiday  style  as  8Q7SR  from  Embudu
         Island, Maldives (AS-013) on 8-22 May. He plans to  operate  mainly
         CW on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres. QSL via home  call,  direct  or
         bureau, plus LoTW and eQSL.
9A     - Once again Zik, VE3ZIK will be active as 9A/VE3ZIK from Croatia  on
         12-17 May. He will operate in his spare time, with  more  IOTA/IOCA
         activities to be expected during the summer. QSL via DO7ZZ  (bureau
         preferred), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX VE3ZIK]
9M6    - The North Borneo  World  DX  Group  will  operate  as  9M4STA  from
         Kampung Binsulok (Sabah), East Malaysia on 8-9 May. It  will  be  a
         field day expedition to celebrate the first  anniversary  of  NBWDX
         ( QSL via NI5DX. [TNX K1XN]
CT7    - The Associacao de Radioamadores do Distrito de Leiria will  operate
         as CS5FAT on 10-13 May from the Sanctuary of Fatima,  Portugal  for
         the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. QSL via CT6ARL,  bureau  preferred.
         [TNX CT1EWA]
CT7    - Special event station CS2HD will be active ob  12-16  May  for  the
         Harley Davidson owners international meeting that will  take  place
         in Tavira, Portugal  on  15-16  May.  QSL  via  CT2FPE.  [TNX  OPDX
CY0    - The operational dates for the DXpedition to  Sable  Island  [425DXN
         981] have been set for 22 October-1 November. AA4VK/CY0,  AI5P/CY0,
         N0TG/CY0 and WA4DAN/CY0 will be active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB  and
         RTTY, with a "minimal effort for supplying the mulitiplier"  during
         the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. All QSL requests via N0TG (an Online  QSL
         Request System will  be  available).  Individual  contributions  to
         assist the DXpedition are still  appreciated.  Further  information
         and updates at [TNX N0TG]
G      - Andy, M0GGR and Chris, 2E0XLG will operate  special  event  station
         GB2HFF from the Holmfirth Festival of Folk on 6-9  May.  The  event
         is an annual celebration of  traditional  music,  dance  and  arts.
         Andy and Chris expect to concentrate on 160, 80 and 40 metres.  QSL
         via 2E0XLG (direct only for the time being). [TNX K1XN]
G      - The Cray Valley Radio Society will be active as GB6MW from  Meopham
         Windmill on 8-9 May for the Windmills on the Air weekend.  Activity
         will be on HF and VHF. QSL via G4DFI. [TNX M0MCV]
HK0_sa - Anibal, HK3ARR (YV5ARR) will be active holiday  style  as  HK3ARR/0
         from San Andres Island (NA-033) until 11 May. He plans  to  be  QRV
         on digital modes for at least two hours during the day (10, 15  and
         20 metres) and during his nights on 40 metres, using wire  dipoles.
         QSL direct to HK3ARR or via bureau to YV5ARR. [TNX HK3ARR]
I      - Led by the revolutionary general Giuseppe Garibaldi,  the  military
         campaign  known  as  the  "Expedition  of  the  Thousand"  was    a
         significant moment in the process of the unification of Italy.  The
         expedition landed at Marsala (Sicily)  on  11  May  1860,  and  ARI
         Marsala will operate as IR9ITALY until 30 June to  commemorate  the
         150th anniversary of that event. QSL via IT9FXY. [TNX IT9FXY]
LA, SM - Gerd/DG1XG, Karsten/DH9HAK, Juergen/DJ5HD and Wolfgang/DJ5ZWS  will
         be active as either LG5LG and SJ9WL from  Morokulien  (the  station
         on the border between Sweden and Norway) on 10-17  May.  They  will
         operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK. QSL for both callsigns  via  LA4EKA,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
LZ     - Special station LZ2010KM will be active  on  all  bands  and  modes
         until 31 May to celebrate St. Kiril and  Methodius'  Day.  QSL  via
         LZ1PJ (bureau preferred) and LoTW. [TNX LZ1BJ]
ON     - On 8-9 May the European Institutions will be open to the public  to
         show their activity and  celebrate  the  project  of  the  European
         integration. Look for OR5EU, the European Union Amateur Radio  Club
         in Brussels, to participate in the celebrations on  8  May  and  be
         active on 40-10 metres SSB and  digital  modes.  QSL  via  the  UBA
         bureau. Direct cards should be sent to ON4HVO. [TNX ON8VM]
PY     - Christian, PR7ZAJ and Fernando, PR7DB will be active as  ZW7R  from
         Ilha da Restinga  (not  IOTA,  PB-001  fro  the  Brazilian  Islands
         Award) on 7-9 May. QSL via PR7JP.
TA     - Vlada  OK1CW,  Franta OK1DF,   Zdenek OK1FIA,  Slavek OK1TN,  Honza
         OK2ZAW,  Zdeno OK2ZW  and  Pavel TA2ZAF (OK1MU) will  be active  as
         as TC07DX from Suluada (AS-115) on 15-19  May.  They  will  operate
         CW, SSB and some RTTY using two stations. QSL via OK2GZ, direct  or
         bureau. Further information at
TK     - Alex, IW5ELA and Marco, I5KOV  will  be  active  as  TK/IW5ELA  and
         TK/I5KOV from Calvi, Corsica  (EU-014)  on  12-16  May.  They  will
         operate holiday style on 40-12 metres SSB  and  CW.  QSL  via  home
         calls, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - John, VE8EV will be active as VE8EV/p  from  Sachs  Harbour,  Banks
         Island (NA-129) until 10 May. He is QRV when time permits, as  this
         is  a  working  trip  and  "operation  is  likely  to  be  sporadic
         depending on how long it takes me to get the job  done".  Look  for
         him on 14040 (QRS CW) and 14260 kHz, using 100 watts to  a  sloping
         dipole. [TNX]
VE     - Special event callsign  CG3ADML  will  be  in  use  on  15  May  to
         celebrate the 100th anniversary of  the  Royal  Canadian  Navy  and
         highlight the contribution of Admiral Sir Charles E.  Kingsmill  in
         its establishment. Expect activity on SSB and PSK31. [TNX VA3RJ]
VK0_mi - Denis, ZL4DB is going to Macquarie Island  (AN-005)  on  a  3-month
         job assignment. He hopes to operate  SSB  only  as  VK0/ZL4DB  when
         time permits, from mid-late May until mid  August.  He  is  not  an
         experienced DXer, and according  to  his  QSL  manager  "ham  radio
         activity will be minimal". QSL via ZL4PW, direct or bureau.
W      - The Cascade Mountain  Amateur  Radio  Society  (WC7O)  will operate
         special event station W7W from within the Mt. St.  Helens  National
         Volcanic Monument on 15-16 May, in memory  of  the  radio  amateurs
         who perished while monitoring the volcano when  it  erupted  on  18
         May 1980. QSL to St.  Helens  Event,  P.O.  Box  2044,  Poulsbo  WA
         98370, USA. Further infromation can be  found  at
         [TNX The Daily DX]
XV     - Larry, W6NWS will be in Vietnam from 15 May to 9 June.  He  expects
         to be active as XV2W when time permits, mainly around  the  CQ  WPX
         CW and SEANET contests. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX QRZ-DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> The recent YI9PSE operation from Iraq has been  approved  for
DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]

MMAA CW  CONTEST  --->  The  Manchester  Mineira  All  America  CW  Contest,
sponsored by the Juiz de Fora CW Group, will be  held  on  15-16  May.  This
year's event  is  still  for  stations  located  in  the  Americas.  Further
information,  including  last  year's  event  results,  can   be   found  at

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Thirteen different galleries  include  cards  for
the ten Most Wanted DXCC Entities (328 QSLs), the 58 deleted  DXCC  entities
(1030 QSLs), obsolete prefixes (2875 QSLs), stations from Magrebh from  1947
to 1962 (345 QSLs), D5 and  DL5  stations  from  1945  to  1962  (42  QSLs),
Antarctic bases  (805  QSLs)  &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises, 258 QSLs), the  various  French  DXCC  island  Entities  in  the
Pacific Ocean (310 QSLs) & the Indian Ocean (96  QSLs),  pre-1945  countries
(874 QSLs), French Departments (612 QSLs) and USA (50 QSLs), plus a  gallery
for cards not accepted by DXCC (117 QSLs). Several cards  are  still  needed
and your participation is encouraged - please  visit  and
send your comments to [TNX F6AJA]

QSLLING TO UZBEKISTAN ---> Mike, UK8OM urges everyone not  to  try  and  use
greenstamps when QSLling direct  to  Uzbekistan,  as  they  are  stolen  "by
unscrupulous  people  at the post office" (IRCs are all right). Also, do not
send Self Addressed Envelopes, because only envelopes produced in Uzbekistan
can mailed from that country (self-addressed adhesive labels are all right).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8GT       RX3DD       FO8RZ       F8BPN       RP4PKO      RA4PO
3D5X        K6HFA       FR1LC       EA7FTR      RP65ANW     RK6AQM
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      GB0GMD      MW6VHF      RP65BB      RA3BB
4A5M        XE1AMF      GB10GKA     G3ZRJ       RP65BR      GM0WRR
4J3DF       RW6HS       GB4MDI      GW0ANA      RP65BT      RA3BT
4J3M        DL7EDH      GB4MIW      GX0BAR      RP65DPR     RN3DG
4J7WMF      RX3RC       GB8MD       G3ZME       RP65FPP     RA9FDR
4JS0RGE     4K4K        GB8RUM      MM0DFV      RP65GF      UA6GF
4K6OF       UA5DX       GM3PYE/p    M0VFC       RP65GL      RK3GWT
4M200AJ     YV5AJ       GS3PYE/P    M0VFC       RP65H       RW6HS
4S7BRG      LZ3HI       H2E         5B4AGE      RP65HHE     UA6HHE
4S7DIG      W7XW        HB0/DK9FN   HA2EOW      RP65P       RZ3PS
4U10NPT     OE1ZKC      HC7AE       EA7FTR      RP65R       RM9RZ
5K3B        HK3O        HF2010WARD  SP9HTY      RP65RMG     RK3RXK
5K8T        HK3JJH      HF65FO      SP1MWF      RP65RTF     UA3RQG
5N7M        OM3CGN      HH2/PA5M    PA7FM       RP65RTK     RN3RQ
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      IQ1RY       IK1HXN      RP65TT      UA9SAW
9J2BO       G3TEV       IQ3MO       IV3ODE      RP65Z       RK3ZZ
9J2FM       JA4ATV      IQ3UD       IV3DSH      RP6A        RA6AU
9K2YM       EA5KB       IQ9PA       IT9TQH      RP6DSR      RA6DE
9M4STA      NI5DX       IU3AC       IK3GES      RP6YW       UA6YW
9M6JC       NI5DX       IY1TTM      IW1RIK      RP7A        RA6AU
A52SW       K2AU        IY1SP       I1SAF       RP8M        RU9MX
A61BM       IZ8CLM      IY5PIS      IZ5DMC      RP8X        UA9XL
AH0BT       7L1FPU      JD1BLY      JI5RPT      RP9H        RN9HM
AL5A/WH0    JA7JEC      JD1BMH      JG7PSJ      RP9J        RV9JD
AO5MGP      EA5FL       JI1FGX/DU9  JF1LZQ      RP9LL       RW9LL
C92IO       ZS6HB       LZ10RF      LZ1YE       RP9M        RA9MC
CA3KHZ      EA5KB       LZ170SK     LZ1VP       RP9OMP      RZ9OJ
CO2NO       HA3JB       LZ65P       LZ1ZF       RP9OW       RZ9OW
CO4SM       HA3JB       OG20YL      OH2YL       RP9QA       RW9QA
CR1FSC      CU3EQ       OH0CO       SM6CCO      RP9RP       UA9QCQ
CR5CQK      CT1CQK      OL35OLP     OK1DRQ      RP9WUF      RZ9WWU
CX4AAJ      EB7DX       OL80OK      OK1DRQ      RP9XSM      RA9XA
CX5TR       EA5KB       ON30SL      ON4OB       RP9YAF      RU9YF
EK6LP       RN4LP       PC600P      PA3HGP      S79LR       RA9LR
EM20UCC     UT7UJ       R7M         RF3C        S9SS        pirate
EM3WFF      UT4WA       R900DM      RX1CQ       SN04OOW     SP3ZAB
EM5WFF      UT2UB       RP0ZKD      UA0ZS       SO0CHOPIN   SP2FAP
EM65E       UT7EY       RP1A        RD1AW       SP33ADS     SP5PSL
EM65EKR     UV5ELZ      RP1CMB      RN1CX       SP65KLS     SP2PHA
EM65F       UR5FEO      RP1COP      RN1CW       SP9YFF      SQ9IDG
EM65IG      UR7IA       RP1K        RV1AQ       T80K        JN3JBC
EM65IM      UT5IM       RP1ZZ       UA1ZZ       T88CF       OM2SA
EM65IZ      UR4IN       RP2F        RK2FWA      T88RA       JH1RMH
EM65K       US0KW       RP3AB       RL3AB       TB90MM      TA1HZ
EM65L       US0LW       RP3AF       UA3DX       TC150SLH    TA1HZ
EM65LO      UR5LO       RP3DGS      RK3DYC      TM100P      F6KEH
EM65LX      US3LX       RP3DJY      UA3DJY      TS8P        IK7JWX
EM65MP      UR3MP       RP3DPK      RK3DYD      TT8PK       F4EGS
EM65P       UT4PR       RP3DSR      RD3FE       UE3LFF      UA3LAF
EM65QX      UR4QX       RP3DTF      RZ3DO       UE3YFF      GM0WRR
EM65TO      UR7TO       RP3EOD      RU3EJ       UK8OA       WS2L
EM65UZ      UT3UZ       RP3FA       RK3FWI      UK8OK       EA7FTR
EN1EPC      UR3LTD      RP3FO       RL3FO       UP65C       RW6HS
EN5R        UY2RA       RP3G        RK3GYM      UP65CH      RW6HS
EN65FHC     UY5HC       RP3GIF      RU3GN       UP65LB      UN7LZ
EN65JK      UU4JWF      RP3L        RV3LZ       V22LPL      W2LPL
EN65L       UT5LO       RP3LPM      RZ3LC       V84PMB      JJ8DEN
EN65YA      US0YA       RP3QUP      RX3OM       V85TX       W3HNK
EO2FFF      UT2FA       RP3RQ       RN3RQ       VP8DMH      G0VGS
EO65IW      UT3IW       RP3SAT      RK3SAI      W1ACT       N1JOY
EO65JF      UU4JWC      RP3YGA      GM0WRR      YB8EXL      EA7FTR
EO65JM      K2PF        RP3YH       UA3YY       YJ0AWE      ZL1GWE
EO65JS      UU9CW       RP3YPA      UA3YAA      YV200D      YV1DIG
EO65L       UT2LY       RP3YVF      RA3YC       YW200A      YV5SSF
EO65S       UW5SW       RP49A       RK3FWI      YW200ER     YV8ER
EO65V       UR7VA       RP4DTA      RK4CYW      YW200L      YV5LI
EO65Z       UT4ZG       RP4HMM      UA4HRT      YW200T      YV5JBI
ER65V       ER1DA       RP4HW       RN4HW       ZA/OK7RY    OK1DF
EV5ZK       UA5DX       RP4K        RW4HB       ZC4TS       NI5DX
FM4KA       NI5DX       RP4M        UA4LU       ZF2CU       W5CU
FM5CD       F5VU        RP4N        RW4NW       ZL7J        JH1HRJ
FM5WD       W3HNK       RP4P        RA4PO       ZP6CW       ZP6CU

4K4K     Boris Gorobec, P.O. Box 89, AZ 1000 Baku, Azerbaijan
AO#EU    FEDI-EA, P.O. Box 3050, 08200 Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain
HA3JB    Kutasi Gabor, Siofok, P.O. Box 243, 8601, Hungary
HK3ARR   Anibal Dos Ramos, Apartado 253031, Bogota DC, Colombia
HK3JJH   Pedro J. Allina, Cod 9906, P.O. Box 02-5242, Miami FL 33102-5242,
IK7JWX   Alfredo De Nisi, Vico della Cavallerizza 4/D, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy
JG7PSJ   Hiroyuki  Kawanobe, 1-4-1 Mikamine, Taihaku, Sendai, Miyagi,
         982-0826 Japan
JH1HRJ   Kazuaki Oya, 2-6-19 Hinataoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa, 254-0905,
JJ8DEN   Yoshitake Izumi, 7 Minami-24 Nishi-1, Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido,
         080-0011, Japan
P29TL    Tommy Logan, SIL - Box 115, Ukarumpa 444 EHP, Papua New Guinea
RA9LR    Vladimir A. Vasil'ev, Electrosystem, P.O. Box 3713, Tyumen-46,
         625046, Russia
RN4LP    Vladislav V. Lakeev, P.O.Box 208, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovskaya obl.,
         433512, Russia
UK8OM    Mikhail Mejlumov, Ojna Jahon 2, Namangan, 160133, Uzbekistan
UK8OWW   Vartan Mejlumov, Kholkhanova 2, Namangan, 160133, Uzbekistan


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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