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19 April 2008                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 885
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3V     - Special event station TS78WARD will be active from Tunisia on  18-24
         April to celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day. QSL via bureau. [TNX
3V     - Zoki, Z33F and Momo, Z31MM will  be active as 3V8SS from Tunisia  on
         15-26 May. Z31MM will participate in the EU PSK Contest (17-18  May)
         and Z33F will be a SOSB  entry on 80m in the CQ  WW WPX CW  Contest.
         QSL via IZ8FWN (direct only). Further  information can be  found  at
5X     - Michael, PA5M is  now working  for the  UN World  Food Programme  in
         Uganda. He is active as 5X1DX, and operates in spare time, typically
         in the local evening hours or during the weekends. QSL via PA7FM.
8P     - Darren, G0TSM will be on holiday in Barbados (NA-021) from 21 May to
         1 June.  He will  be active  as 8P9TS;  his operating  time will  be
         limited and he will focus on 6 metres and CW, with 100 watts into  a
         5-element yagi for 6m and wires for  the HF bands. He also plans  to
         be active as 8P2T  during the CQ  WW WPX CW  Contest. QSL via  G0TSM
         (e-mail requests for  bureau cards  can be  sent to
         [TNX G0TSM]
9A     - Daki/9A2WJ,  Boro/9A3KB,   Emir/9A6AA,   Fredy/DE0MST,   Sven/DF9MV,
         Robert/DK1ROB and Mathias/DL5MFL will be active as 9A0CI from  Susac
         Island (EU-016, CI-109) and Kanula lighthouse on 2-9 May. They  will
         operate SSB and CW on the HF bands, possibly with two stations,  and
         6 metres. QSL for this operation via DE0MST, direct or bureau.  [TNX
9A     - Gianfranco, I6GFX will be active as 9A/I6GFX from the Croatian  IOTA
         group EU-170 on 21-27 June. The  main QTH will  be Verunic, on  Dugi
         Otok (IOCA CI-018), but he also plans to go and operate from several
         nearby  islands:  Baricevac  (CI-659,  new  one),  Brscak  (CI-299),
         Lagnici  (CI-419),   Luski  (CI-304),   Magarcic  (CI-305),   Mezanj
         (CI-307), Planatak Veli (CI-308), Rava (CI-099), Silo (CI-406), Utra
         (CI-298) and Zverinac (CI-150). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
         Logs will be available at  [TNX
9N     - Kazu, JA8MWU will be in Katmandu, Nepal between 27 April and 5  May,
         and hopes to operate in his free time as 9N7WU. Look for him on  +/-
         14180, 18120, 21280 and 28480 kHz. QSL via home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
BY     - A group of operators from the  Zhuhai Radio Sports Association  will
         be active as BY7KP from MiaoWan Island (AS-129) on 25-27 April. They
         plan to operate  SSB, RTTY,  PSK31 and  SSTV on  40, 20,  15 and  10
         metres. QSL direct or bureau. [TNX BG7LVL]
CT     - Marq, CT1BWW will operate again as  CQ4IPY on 25 April-1 May,  10-16
         June,  1-7  September  and  1-7  November   to  celebrate  the   4th
         International Polar Year. Expect  him to be  active on 10-80  metres
         SSB, CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.
         Further information on the  activity and the  relevant award can  be
         found at [TNX CT1BWW]
CT     - CQ5MGP is the special callsign used  by the Portuguese Navy  amateur
         radio group (Nucleo de Radioamadores da  Armada, CS5NRA) during  the
         Portuguese Navy Day Contest. This year's  event will be held on  3-4
         May (rules can be found at
EY     - Jean-Bernard, F4EOH  will  be active  as  EY8/F4EOH  from  Dushanbe,
         Tajikistan starting on 17  April through the  end of August.  Expect
         him  to  operate  SSB   on  20  metres.   QSL  via  the   operator's
         instructions. [TNX F8REF]
FK     - Nao, JK1FNL will be active as  FK/JK1FNL from Noumea, New  Caledonia
         (OC-032) on 5-10 May. He plans  to operate on  40-6 metres with  100
         watts and wire antennas. QSL via home call. [TNX JK1FNL]
FS     - John, K9EL  will be  on French  St. Martin  (NA-105) from  24  April
         through 4 May. It will be a family  vacation and he plans to be  QRV
         as FS/K9EL "whenever possible".  Expect him to  operate CW, SSB  and
         possibly RTTY on 10-80 metres. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX K9EL]
G      - Arthur, MM0DHQ  and John,  G8LGC will  be active  on 80,  40 and  20
         metres SSB as GX4KPT from Haggerston Castle on Holy Island  (EU-120)
         on 21-25 April. QSL via M0DOL. [TNX F5NQL]
GM     - Keith/G3VKF, Ray/M1REK,  Adrian/2E0DOD, Andy/G1DDU  and  Allan/G0JNJ
         will operate SSB, CW and digital modes as GS4MWS/p from the Isle  of
         Jura (EU-008) from 26 April to 3 May. QSL via 2E0DOD.
HB0    - Kasimir, DL2SBY and Georg, DF1SR will  be active from  Liechtenstein
         on 5-12 May. They will operate SSB, CW and RTTY as HB0/DL2SBY on the
         HF bands  and  6 metres,  and  as HB0/DF1SR  on  13cm and  23cm  EME
         (including the EU-EME Contest on 11-12 May). Further information  at [TNX DL2SBY]
HC8    - Sergey/UX0HX, Max/UZ1HZ, Len/UR3HR and Alex/UT5UY  (
         will be  active  as HC8/homecall  from  the from  Galapagos  Islands
         (SA-004) on 24-29 April. They plan to operate CW, SSB, PSK and  RTTY
         on 160-6 metres with two stations  and an emphasis on the low  bands
         as well as on 12,  17 and 30  metres. QSL via  home calls direct  or
         through the Ukrainian bureau. [TNX UT5UY]
I      - Special station I0SPQR will be active  on all  bands on  17-21 April
         to celebrate the 2761st anniversary of  the foundation of Rome.  QSL
         direct to I0YCB. [TNX IK0ZCW]
I      - Alfio, IT9EJW and Giovanni, IT9GAC will be active as homecall/p from
         Faraglioni dei Ciclopi  (EU-025, IIA CT-003)  on 20  April. QSL  via
         home  calls,  direct  or  bureau.  A  web  page  can  be  found   at [TNX IT9EJW]
I      - A group  of  operators from  ARI  Civitavecchia will  be  active  as
         IY0TC/P from Il Pirgo (IIA RM-002,  not IOTA) on 25 April. Then,  on
         26-27 April (International Marconi Day included), they will  operate
         from Santa Marinella, where Marconi conducted his first experiements
         on radar systems. [TNX IK0CNA]
JA     - Look for JN4EQH/5  to be active  from Ikina  Island (AS-076),  Ehime
         prefecture on 19 April. QSL via  home calls, direct or bureau.  [TNX
JA     - Look for JA4ZKI  and JE4QIG to  be active from  No Island  (AS-117),
         Yamaguchi prefecture on  10-11 May. QSL  via home  calls, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KP4    - A group of operators  is expected to  commemorate the World  Amateur
         Radio Day (18  April) activating Isla  de Cabras  (IOTA NA-099,  USI
         PR012) from 13 to 23 UTC with the call KP4DJ. QSL via WP4F. Complete
         information on  the US  Islands awards  programme  can be  found  at [TNX WP3GW]
OZ     - Arne, OZ1JVX will  operate on  20 metres  SSB as  OZ1JVX/p from  Fur
         Lighthouse on Fur Island (EU-171) between  18 and 20 April. QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX OZ7AEI]
OZ     - Flemming, OZ5FM and Jakob, OZ7AEI will operate from Jegindoe  Island
         (EU-171) on 25 April. They will  have two stations active on 20  and
         40 metres SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX OZ7AEI]
SM     - Fred, SM7DAY  and  Jan, SM7NGH  will  be active  from  Oland  Island
         (EU-037) on 5-12 May. QSL direct or bureau. [TNX SM7DAY]
SV5    - Ben, OZ6B  will  be active  as  SV5/OZ6B from  Ialyssos,  Dodecanese
         Islands (EU-001) from 31 May to 7  June. He plans to operate SSB  on
         20 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ6B]
T32    - Haru, JA1XGI will be active as T32XG from East Kiribati from 27  May
         to 3 June. He plans to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 40,  30,
         20, 17 and  15 metres. QSL  via home  call, direct  or bureau.  [TNX
UA     - Special callsign R90LPU  will be  aired on  17-31 May  for the  90th
         anniversary of the Leningrad Infantry School (Leningradskoe Pehotnoe
         Uchilische). QSL via RX1CQ. [TNX RX1CQ]
V8     - John, 9M6XRO (V8FRO) is joining Gerben, PG5M (V8FGM) [425DXN 884] in
         a combined effort from Brunei. John  will be active on 17-23  April,
         while Gerben will be there from the 18th to the 22nd. QSL V8FRO  via
         M3SDE, QSL V8FGM via PG5M. Updates will be posted at
VK9X   - Marq/CT1BWW (VK9XWW),  John/EA3GHZ (VK9XHZ),  Henry/EA5EOR  (VK9XOR)
         and Dina/EC5BME  (VK9XME)  will  be  active  from  Christmas  Island
         (OC-002) on 8-20 July. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB,
         RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV with three stations. QSL via EA4URE, direct  or
         bureau.     Detailed     information     can     be     found     at [TNX CT1BWW]
W      - Martin, G3ZAY (NU2L)  and Dominic, M0BLF  have had  to cancel  their
         20-23 April  trip [425DXN  883] to  the  islands of  Santa  Catalina
         (NA-066) and Santa Cruz (NA-144). [TNX M0BLF]
W      - Special event station W3S will be operating from the grounds of  the
         Piney Point  Lighthouse  (ARLHS USA-601),  St.  Mary's  County,  MD,
         during their annual Waterfront Festival on 10 May. Plans are to have
         three stations (SSB,  CW and BPSK-31)  active on 80,  40, 20 and  17
         metres from 13 UTC to 20 UTC. QSL via KA3UNQ. [TNX KA3UNQ]
XE     - The DXXE Group ( will be active as XE83IARU  on
         160-6 metres SSB, CW and  RTTY until 20  April celebrating the  83rd
         anniversary of the founding of the IARU. QSL via N7RO. [TNX DL6KAC]
YB     - Celebrating the 100th National Awakening Day, special event  station
         YE100K wil be active on all bands  and modes from Jakarta on 31  May
         and 1 June. QSL via YB0KYM. [TNX YB1TC]
ZA     - Franck, F4DTO  (  will be  active  as
         ZA/F4DTO from Elbassan, Albania,  between 22 April  and 3 May.  Look
         for activity on 20, 17 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via home call  (direct
         only). [TNX F5NQL]
ZL7    - David, VK2CZ  will operate  SSB as  ZL7M  from the  Chatham  Islands
         (OC-038) on 10-11 May. QSL via home call (direct). [TNX NG3K]

ASIAN TOUR ---> Nicola, I0SNY says he will be active as either JT1Y and  JT8Y
from Mongolia starting on 7 May,  and as BY1PK/I0SNY  from Beijing, China  on
19-28 May. QSL via home call.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS  ---> DXCC  Manager Bill  Moore, NC1L  reports that  the  following
operations have bee approved for DXCC credit:
5X1NH   Uganda          2007 operation
9UXEV   Burundi         2008 operation
HZ1PS   Saudi Arabia    ongoing operation
S05A    Western Sahara  2007 operation
YK9G    Syria           2008 operation

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organized by  the Cornish Radio Amateur  Club,
G4CRC/GB4IMD, the International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur  radio
event held annually  to celebrate the  birth of Guglielmo  Marconi (25  April
1874). It is not a contest, but an opportunity for amateurs around the  world
to  make  contacts  with  historic  Marconi  sites  using  HF  communications
techniques. This  year's event  will be  held on  26  April, from  00.00  UTC
through 23.59  UTC.  Details, including  information  on the  relevant  Award
Certificates and  the listing  of participating  stations,  can be  found  at

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Gert, K5WW is getting "quite a few QSL requests" for the
recent HQ8R operation  from Swan Island.  Please note  that Gert  is the  QSL
manager for HQ9R, and that the correct QSL route for HQ8R is via HR2RCH.

QSL PS2T ---> Bob, N2OO says the QSL route for PS2T is via K3IRV (not  N3SL).
The correction follows  Bob's previous announcement  regarding QSLs  formerly
handled via W3HC [425DXN 884].

XU7KOH ---> Peter/XU7ACY, Wimpie/XU7ADV and Wim/XU7TZG were active as  XU7KOH
from Koh Russei (Bamboo Island, AS-133)  on 11-14 April.  QSL direct only  to
ON7PP (Patrick Piesen,  Hermans-Lybaerttstraat 35  b1, 8301  Knokke -  Heist,
Belgium). [TNX F5NQL]

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported Silent Keys include Pierre  Antenor-Habazac
(FG5XC), Guenter Schwarzbeck (DL1BU), Wolfgang Lobos (DL6MI), Jack N. Wheeler
(KH6CC) and Stanislav Afonin (UT2US).


QSLs received  direct  or through  managers:  1A4A,  3DA0WPX,  4L1UN,  4L4WW,
4O/YT1HA,  4O3A,  5H3VMB,  5N8NDP,  5T5U,  5U1A,  5U2K,  5U4R,  5X1NH,  6E4LM
(NA-030), 7Q7VB, 7U5CI, 9J2BO, 9J2VB, 9V1YC, 9X0X, 9X0Z, A35RK, A45XR,  A61Q,
A92HB, AH0V,  AI4GN/AH0, BV50CRA/9  (AS-155), C21DL,  C4EURO, C50C  (AF-060),
HH4/K4QD, HI3TEJ,  HK0GU,  HP3AK, HQ9R,  HV0A,  HZ1ZH,  IC8R,  J5C  (AF-020),
J79FWW,  JA6WFM/HC5,  JY4NE,  K3TRM/6Y5,  K4TM/FJ,  KH6FI,  KH7B,   KP2/K3MD,
MJ/K3PLV, MJ/K8PT, OA4/N6XQ, OC1I (SA-076), OC6I (SA-098), OD5/F5PTM,  OJ0VR,
OJ1ABOA, OX3XR,  P40PA,  PJ2/W8AV, PJ4LS,  PJ7/N4ZC,  PW2M  (SA-071),  PZ5WW,
PZ5YV, RZ0AF, S07U, SV2ASP/A, T32OB, T32OU, T32YA, T40C, TL8CK, TN9Z,  TR8CA,
UK8UC, V25OP,  V25WY,  V26G,  V26HS,  V31JZ/P,  V31YN,  V47KV,  V49A,  V51VV,
V51VV/p, VE1AI/m (NA-085), VP5/K7LAZ, VP5DF, VP6TD, VR2/AA1ON, VY0ICE,  WH6R,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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