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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   19.02.10 19:22l 167 Lines 11361 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
Subj: 425 DX News #981 [Calendar]
Sent: 100219/1820z @:IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU [Italy] OBcm1.07b3
From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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20 February 2010                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                    No 981
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  20/02      E51WWA: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks                975
till  20/02      KC4USV: McMurdo Station, Ross Island (AN-011)          966
till  20/02      VK8MM: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                         979
till  22/02      9Y4/DF8AN: Tobago (SA-009)                             979
till  22/02      C6AKQ, C6APG, C6ARU, C6AUM: Grand Bahama (NA-080)      980
till  22/02      YN2GY: Nicaragua                                       980
till  23/02      6V7V: Senegal                                          980
till  23/02      J38XX: Grenada                                         977
till  23/02      V31RR: Belize                                          980
till  23/02      V31SU: Belize                                          978
till  23/02      XU7KOH: Koh Russei (AS-133)                            979
till  24/02      9H3TX: Malta (EU-023)                                  980
till  24/02      HC1MD: Ecuador                                         979
till  24/02      KP2/K3CT, KP2/K3TEJ, KP2M: Virgin Islands (NA-106)     980
till  24/02      TX4T: Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia                975
till  24/02      VP5/K6VVA and VP5Z: Caicos Islands (NA-002)            980
till  25/02      5Z0H: Kenya                                            975
till  25/02      OR4TN: Antarctic base "Princess Elisabeth"             977
till  25/02      YN2WW, YN2DD, YN2TX, YN2LJ: Nicaragua                  977
till  26/02      CN2MR: Morocco                                         979
till  28/02      IU2ANT: special callsign (Italy)                       977
till  28/02      TM7AAW: special callsign (France)                      977
till  28/02      V31YN and V31GW: Belize                                976
till  01/03      6V7T: Senegal                                          980
till  01/03      PH50YA: special callsign                               976
till  02/03      V31RI: Belize                                          980
till  03/03      J37BO and J38A: Grenada                                979
till  08/03      HS0ZJF: Thailand                                       975
till  15/03      J88DR: St. Vincent (NA-109)                            980
till  20/03      5X1NH: Uganda                                          975
till  26/03      XR9JA: South Shetlands (AN-010)                        979
till  27/03      PJ5NA: St. Eustatius (NA-145)                          974
till  31/03      6W2SC (Senegal) and J5UAP (Guinea-Bissau)              975
till  31/03      J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)                              975
till  31/03      VG, VX, XJ, XK: special prefixes (Canada)              978
till  31/03      VG7G: special callsign                                 963
till  March      FG/F6AUS and TO4D: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                 967
till  March      PJ4/PE1MAE: Bonaire (SA-006)                           973
till  March      VP6AL: Pitcairn Island (OC-044)                        968
till  30/04      C6ANM: Bahamas (NA-001)                                974
till  30/04      PI65RTD, PA65xx, PD65xx, PH65xx: special callsigns     977
till  April      T6AG: Afghanistan                                      964
till  11/05      5Z4/LA9PF (Kenya) and 7Q7PF (Malawi)                   980
till  18/05      8Q7IA: Maldives (AS-013)                               981
till  May        VK9WBM: Willis Island (OC-007)                         970
till  30/06      3Z0FCH: special event station (Poland)                 975
till  30/06      GB50ATG: special event callsign                        957
till  12/07      ZS10WCS: special callsign                              956
till  31/12      3Z0RADIO: special event callsign                       974
till  31/12      DR2010L, DR2010O, DR2010N: special callsigns           977
till  31/12      HA2010S: special callsign                              976
till  31/12      LM50NRK: special event station                         976
till  31/01/11   DT8A: King Sejong Base, South Shetlands (AN-010)       977
till  March 2011 AT10BP: Maitri Base, Antarctica                        967
20/02            GG100RE: Scout station (England)                       981
20/02-20/04      H44MS: Solomon Islands                                 974
20/02-05/03      HI3/IK4QJF: Dominican Republic                         979
20/02-04/04      HK3JCL: Colombia                                       981
20/02            MM0DGR/p: Blawhorn Moss National Nature Reserve        981
20/02-27/02      VK9X/G6AY: Christmas Island (OC-002)                   981
21/02-09/03      D44AC and D4C: Sao Vicente (AF-086), Cape Verde        981
21/02-28/02      ZF2MN/ZF8: Little Cayman Island (NA-016)               980
22/02-06/03      9U1KI, 9U1RSI, 9U1VO, 9UXEV: Burundi                   979
22/02-28/02      II0METEO. Special event station                        981
22/02-03/03      V88/DL7JAN: Brunei (OC-088)                            973
23/02-05/03      8Q7JK: Maldives (AS-013)                               981
24/02-28/02      9M2/OE1WWL: Langkawi Island (AS-058)                   979
24/02-10/03      GB75RDF: special event station (England)               981
24/02-11/03      J7N: Dominica (NA-101)                                 979
24/02-17/03      SV5/DJ7RJ: Dodecanese (EU-001)                         975
24/02-08/03      TO2T: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                              979
24/02-03/03      V31JZ/p: Turneffe Islands (NA-123)                     977
25/02-01/03      AB2ST/KH2, K0EN/KH2, KG6WTW/KH2: Guam (OC-026)         981
25/02-28/02      K6PV: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   981
25/02-28/02      PV1S,PT2OP/p,PY1LVF/p,PY1NEZ/p: Santana Isl (SA-077)   981
25/02-28/02      ZZ6Z: Santa Barbara Island (SA-019)                    981
26/02-10/03      C6ALT: Eleuthera (NA-001), Bahamas                     981
26/02-28/02      C37NL: Andorra                                         981
26/02-28/02      CW3R: Punta Negra lighthouse                           981
26/02-28/02      GB75BRS: special event station (England)               981
26/02-28/02      LW5DFR/D: Martin Garcia Island (SA-055)                981
26/02-28/02      XR2A: Punta Angeles lighthouse                         981
26/02-28/02      ZV7C: Cabo Branco lighthouse                           981
28/02-13/03      VP2MPR: Montserrat (NA-103)                            973
February         5W0OU and 5W0YA:  Samoa (OC-097)                       981
01/03-31/03      LZ132GO: special callsign                              981
02/03-11/03      J68JA: St. Lucia (NA-108)                              971
03/03-10/03      5W: Samoa (OC-097) * by K6HFA                          981
03/03-11/03      VP2MPL: Montserrat (NA-103)                            973
04/03-09/03      YN2EA, YN2MG, YN2TKI, YN2UO: Nicaragua                 979
05/03-24/03      C56KR: The Gambia                                      971
05/03-16/03      J6/G3PJT: St. Lucia (NA-108)                           979
08/03-22/03      7P8AO: Lesotho                                         981
10/03-17/03      VP2MCC: Montserrat (NA-103)                            977
12/03-02/04      A3: Tonga (OC-049, OC-123 and OC-064) * by K6HFA       981
12/03-20/03      TM7CC: Ouessant Island (EU-065)                        980
12/03-23/03      ZL4TY and ZL4M: Stewart Island (OC-203)                971
16/03-25/03      CE0Z/LA9SN: Juan Fernandez (SA-005)                    977
17/03-20/04      T32: OC-279, OC-280, OC-281 and OC-282                 980
21/03-29/03      EJ8GQB: Bere Island (EU-121)                           979
26/03-31/03      VY0V: East Pen Island (NA-231)                         975
28/03-03/04      OZ1BLO and OZ/LA8DW: Laeso Island (EU-088)             981
31/03-07/04      MJ/OP9X/p: Les Minquiers (EU-099)                      973
March            ON30ON: special event station                          981
03/04-11/04      YI9PSE: Iraq                                           973
06/04-12/04      FW: Wallis Island (OC-054) * by K6HFA                  981
10/04-18/04      3W6C: Con Co Island (AS-185)                           959
13/04-21/04      T2: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by K6HFA                         981
15/04-24/04      ZA/F4DTO and ZA/F4GFE: Albania                         981
23/04-26/04      3D2: Fiji (OC-016 or OC-156) * by K6HFA                981
April            3C0C: Annobon Island (AF-039)                          978
April            ON30ON: special event station                          981
01/05-28/05      PC600P: special event station                          973
20/05-23/05      VP5/PY2WAS: Caicos Islands (NA-002)                    979
22/05-23/05      GB6GEO: special event station (England)                981
28/05-06/06      E4X: Palestine                                         980
May              ZS8M: Marion Island (AF-021)                           980
05/06-06/06      GB70BRS: special event station (England)               981
09/06-15/06      PW8J: Ilha dos Lencois (SA-041)                        976
10/06-17/06      VP5/WB2REM, VP5/KD2JA, VQ5M: Caicos Isls (NA-002)      979
16/06-18/06      PW8L: Sao Luis Island (SA-016)                         976
18/06-21/06      MS0INT: Flannan Isles (EU-118)                         969
18/06-23/06      OZ/G0GRC: Fyn Island (EU-172)                          979
23/07-25/07      F/OR9W/p: Tombelaine Island (EU-156)                   979
18/08-25/08      KL7RRC: Chirikof Island (NA-235)                       981
26/08-01/09      N6PYN/KL7: Seal Islands (NA-239)                       981
01/09-28/09      PC600P: special event station                          973
18/09-19/09      GB70BRS: special event station (England)               981
30/09-03/10      ZK3: Tokelau (OC-048)                                  945
September        ON30ON: special event station                          981
Sep-Oct          CY0: Sable Island (NA-063) * by WA4DAN,N0TG,AI5P,AA4VK 981
05/10-10/10      T31: Central Kiribati (OC-043)                         945
12/10-14/10      FW: Wallis Island (OC-054)                             945
October          ON30ON: special event station                          981
19/11-05/12      ZL8X: Kermadec Islands (OC-039)                        981


                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia


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