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30 January 2010                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 978
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3C0    - Elmo, EA5BYP and Javier, EA5KM will be active as 3C0C from  Annobon
         Island (AF-039) for two weeks in  April  [425DXN  976].  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres, with an emphasis on  the
         low bands and CW. QSL via EA7FTR, direct or bureau (QSLling  policy
         on the website). All of the QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW one  year
         after  the  expedition.  Further  information  can  be  found    at [TNX EA5YN]
5H     - Bert, CX3AN will visit Tanzania during the the first two  weeks  of
         February. Joined by Igor, UA3DJY and Paul, 5H3PF  he  will  operate
         from 5I3A, the radio club station at the Institute of Tecnology  in
         Dar Es Salaam. Activity will be mostly SSB and CW on 20-10  metres.
         [TNX CX3ZAN]
EA     - EA5FL, EA5FID, EA5GTQ, EA5DY and EA5VH will participate in  the  CQ
         WW 160-Meter Contest as  ED5M  from  the  lighthouse  at  Cape  San
         Antonio (ARLHS SPA-021). They will use a 2-element full size  delta
         loop located on the verge of a  cliff  at  200m  a.s.l.,  with  two
         Beverages and a number of  K9AY  as  receiving  antennas.  QSL  via
         EA5FL. [TNX EA5GVZ]
F      - The Association Mosellane des  RadioAmateurs  (REF  Department  57)
         will participate  in  major  contests  using  a  special  callsign,
         TM57M. The first activity will be during this weekend's CW  leg  of
         the French HF Championship (Coupe du REF). QSL via F-11734,  bureau
         or  direct  (Marc  Nogent,  60  rue  Foch,  57390   Audun-le-Tiche,
         France). [TNX F1NGP]
GM     - MM0DGR/p will be  working  from  Jerviswood  Tower,  in  the  Clyde
         Valley Woodlands National Nature Reserve,  on  30  January.  Expect
         activity on 20, 30 and 40 metres PSK, CW and SSB. QSL  via  MM0DFV,
         bureau preferred. [TNX MM0DFV]
HA     - Radio Club Puspokladany (HA0KHW) will be  active  again  as  HG0WFF
         from Hortobagy National Park  on  29-30  January.  They  expect  to
         concentrate on 17, 20, 30, 40 and 80 metres and to  operate  mostly
         CW with some SSB. QSL via HA0HW, bureau preferred. [TNX HA0HW]
KH6    - Claire, WL7MY and John, KL7JR will  be  active  as  N7I  from  Ohau
         Island (OC-019), Hawaii on 4-9  February,  to  celebrate  the  16th
         anniversary    of    the    U.S.    Islands    Awards     programme
         ( QSL via KL7JR. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
KP2    - Jeff, VA3QSL will be active as KP2/VA3QSL from  either  St.  Thomas
         and St. Croix, the US Virgin Islands (NA-106) on 6-14 February.  He
         plans to operate holiday style on 40-15 metres  CW,  SSB  and  PSK.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA4RJ]
ON     - The European Union Amateur Radio Club in Brussels (OR5EU)  will  be
         active  on  30-31  January   during    the    UBA    SSB    Contest
         (  QSL  via  bureau  or  direct  to
         ON4HVO. [TNX ON8VM]
V3     - Bob, N7MSU will be active as V31SU from Belize  on  4-23  February.
         He will operate holiday style on 40 and 20 netres CW and  SSB  with
         100 watts and a wire antenna. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
V8     - Kanzi, JA4ENL will be active as V85NL from Tungku Lodge  (Ambram's,
         V85SS, rental QTH, on  5-8  February.
         He will operate  on  various  bands,  including  160  metres  using
         Ambram's full wave dipole. Another visitor  will  be  Jan,  DL7JAN,
         who will operate as V88/DL7JAN from 21 February to  3  March.  [TNX
VE     - In celebration of the  XXI  Olympic  Winter  Games,  amateur  radio
         operators from Canada are allowed  to  use  four  special  prefixes
         between 1 February and 31 March: VA can use VG, VE can use  VX,  VO
         can use XJ and VY can use XK. [TNX The Daily DX]
VK9N   - Andrew, VK2ACC will be  active  as  VK2ACC/9  from  Norfolk  Island
         (OC-005) on 4-9 February. He will operate  holiday  style  on  40-6
         metres SSB, possibily with some PSK. QSL via home call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX]
XE     - Yahir Omar, XE2JA will be active as XE2JA/XF1 from Alcatraz  Island
         (NA-167) on 11-14 February. He plans to operate  SSB  and  RTTY  on
         80-15 metres as well as via satellite. QSL  via  EA5XC  (direct  or
         bureau); Mexican stations can go via  XE2IVY.  Further  information
         can be found at either and
         [TNX F5NQL]
XU     - John, 9M6XRO  will  be  active  as  XU7XRO  from  Cambodia  on  3-9
         February. He will operate on 160-10 metres CW, RTTY and  SSB,  with
         a beam and Inverted Vees for the low bands. QSL via  M0URX,  direct
         or  bureau  (a  Bureau  QSL  Request  Form  can   be    found    at  The  log  will  be  uploaded  to  LoTW  after  the
         operation. [TNX 9M6XRO]
Z2     - Mirek, VK6DXI will be active during his spare time as  Z21DXI  from
         Bulawayo, Zimbabwe on 5-13 February. QSL via SP5UAF.

CQ WW 160-METER DX CONTEST (CW) ---> Object of the contest is  for  amateurs
around the world to work as many US States, Canadian provinces and countries
as  possible on  160 metres CW ( The following stations
have  announced their  partecipation in this year's event (from 22.00 UTC on
29 January through 22.00 UTC on the 31st):
Call         DXCC                         QSL via
4Z5J         Israel                       W0MM
6W/PA3EWP    Senegal                      PA7FM
C6AKQ        Bahamas                      N4BP
C6ANM        Bahamas                      WA2IYO
CN2R         Morocco                      W7EJ
CR2X         Azores                       OH2BH
CX6VM        Uruguay                      CX6VM
DR1A         Germany                      DL6FBL
E7DX         Bosnia and Hercegovina       E77E
ED5M         Spain                        EA5FL
EF8M         Canary Islands               UA3DX
ER4KAA       Moldova                      RA4LW
EY8MM        Tajikistan                   K1BV
HS8JYX       Thailand                     LotW
KH6/N6RZ     Hawaii                       N6RZ
LN3Z         Norway                       LA9VDA
LX7I         Luxembourg                   LX2A
OH0Z         Aland Isls                   W0MM
OH1VR/VP9    Bermuda                      OH1VR
OL7M         Czech Republic               OK1YM
OY6A         Faroe Islands                OY2J
PA6Z         The Netherlands              PA9M
PJ2T         Netherlands Antilles         N9AG
PQ0F         Fernando de Noronha          PT7WA
RM3F         Russia (EU)                  UA3DPX
RX3APM       Russia (EU)                  RA3SI
SJ2W         Sweden                       SM2WMV
T70A         San Marino                   T70A
TF4X         Iceland                      G3SWH
UW2M         Ukraine                      UR0MC
VU2RBQ       India                        DJ9RB
XU7ACY       Cambodia                     W2EN
YE1C         Indonesia                    YE1C
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9J2BO PIRATED  --->  Mike,  G3TEV  (QSL  manager  for  9J2BO)  reports  that
"someone in Europe has been illegally using 9J2BO's callsign on  the  160  &
80 bands". He has received several cards  claiming  to  have  contacted  him
recently in the evenings, but Brian seldom if ever uses 80m in the  evenings
and only goes on 160m very occasionally in the early monings at about  03.30

HAITI EARTHQUAKE ---> The HF frequencies used to respond  to  the  immediate
needs of the Haiti Earthquake (14300, 14265,  7045,  7065,  7265,  3720  and
3977 kHz) have retuened to normal use since 18 UTC on 22 January. There  are
still a number of radio amateurs in the country attached to  various  relief
groups who may  still  be  heard  on  the  amateur  bands  on  a  number  of
frequencies according to their particular needs  to  maintain  contact  with
their home countries.

QSL VIA F5OGL ---> All of the direct and bureau  requests  received  so  far
for FT5GA have been processed and mailed (the last batch  of  500  envelopes
was due to be sent out on 29 January). The  same  applies  to  direct/bureau
requests for T6YA and OD5/F5PTM. [TNX F5NQL]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z12HAITI   SP9PNS      DP850ZZ     DL3VFN      P49V        AI6V
4K1AZI      UA3FDX      DR10TCC     DL8OBQ      PA65G       PA2G
4L1MA       ON4RU       DR2010L     DK9ETM      PA65RW      PA3RW
4L1UN       EA7FTR      DR2010O     DJ5BWD      PB50RNARS   PA0XAW
4L8A        K1BV        DR60NATO    DL1WH       PD65BOR     PD0BOR
5B4AGM      W3HNK       DT8A        HL2FDW      PH50YA      PD2RKG
5B4AIA      UA6MF       E72W        E77E        PJ5NA       K1NA
5I3A        RK3AOL      E74A        K2PF        PJ7MF       IZ1MHY
5R8FL       G3SWH       E77ZM       E77E        PY2XB/PY0F  PT7WA
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      E79D        E77E        R150APC     UA6MM
5R8KH       KA2VUY      E7DX        E77E        R1ANH       RN1ON
5V7BR       F2VX        EK3SA       DJ1CW       R1ANP       RW1AI
5X1NH       G3RWF       EK6LP       DL8KAC      R1ASP       RA1AD
6W/GM4FDM   GM4FDM      EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      R66B        RKIB
6W/PA3EWP   PA7FM       EO0UD       UR3UX       R900DM      RX1CQ
6W2SC       HA3AUI      EO2FFF      UT2FA       RA6AX       W3HNK
6W7SK       F6BLP       ER4DX       RA4LW       RK2FWA      DK4VW
7Q7BP       G3MRC       ER4KAA      RA4LW       RZ1CWC/p    RN1CW
7Q7HB       G0IAS       EW6DX       EB7DX       SN0KURA     SP5HEN
8P0P        8P9NX       EW6GF       DL8KAC      ST2AR       S53R
8P6GY       KU9C        EY8MM       K1BV        SZ6P        SV1BJW
9J2AH       EA7FTR      FK8GX       W3HNK       T32BJ       G3BJ
9J2FM       JA4ATV      FM1HN       NI5DX       T6AG        EA3GHZ
9M4STA      NI5DX       FM5BH       W3HNK       T6LC        K4MJN
A61AB       IZ8CLM      FM5CD       F5VU        TM6C        F6KMB
A61KM       NI5DX       FO/DL3APO   DL3APO      TX3D        DL1AWI
A65CA       RV6AJJ      GB4RNLI     G0OOO       UE3PSK      UA3PW
A7/M0FGA    NN1N        GB50RNARS   GB2RN       UE3QOW      UA3QG
A71A        A71AN       GJ4CBQ      GM4FDM      UE6AFF      RV6ALI
A71CT       EA7FTR      H44MS       DL2GAC      UE6GEL      UA6HR
A71EL       A71AN       HA2010S     HA1CW       UN7AD       RW6HS
AL7DB       NI5DX       HC2SL       EA5KB       UN9LFF      LZ1YE
AX8NSB      VK6NE       HH2/HB9AMO  PA7FM       UU4JMG      W3HNK
BX2ABD      JN3TVX      HK1KYR      EA5KB       V26VP       VE3LFW
C31CT       EA3QS       HP3DX       W4WX        V31GW       DK9GG
C6AGN       W1DIG       HS0ZCY/4    E21EIC      V31YN       DJ4KW
C6AKQ       N4BP        HS0ZJF      ON4AFU      V8AQM       W3HNK
C6ANM       WA2IYO      J79WWW      N4USA       VK2IA       DL8YR
CE1/K7CA    NW7O        KH6MB       AI4U        VP8DMN      G7VJR
CN2DJ       F8AEJ       KP4MS       W4DN        VU2UR       SM3DBU
CN8WL       I0YKN       LU1FAM      AC7DX       WH6R        AI4U
CN8YZ       EA7FTR      LU5FF       EA5KB       XR0ZA       JA8BMK
CO6RD       8P9NX       LW3DC       EA5KB       XU7ACY      W2EN
CO6XN       N3ZOM       LW3EWZ      EA5KB       YB0ECT      K3AIR
CP4BT       EA5KB       LW6DG       EA5KB       YB5VB       EA7FTR
CT3FN       HB9CRV      LX30AK      LX1CC       YJ0MM       9A8MM
CU2KG       OH2BH       MM0DGR      MM0DFV      YL15CCF     YL2GN
CX2AQ       EA5KB       OF50RR      OH8DR       Z21BB       W3HNK
CX7CO       WB3CDX      OX3XR       OZ3PZ       Z23MS       UA3DX
D2EB        IZ3ETU      OY6FRA      OY1JD       Z24S        W3HNK
D2QMN       RZ3EC       OZ2SPACE    OZ7AKT      ZF2BJ       K0BJ
DM50FOR     DL6ULI      P40YL       AI6YL       ZF2CE       KL7CE

9A8MM    Marko Pernic, Jurja Dobrile 20, HR-52000 Pazin, Croatia
DJ2MX    Mario Lovric, P.O. Box 801143, 81611 Muenchen, Germany
DL1AWI   Wolfgang Ziegler, Arno-Schlothauer-Str. 15, 99842 Ruhla, Germany
DL3APO   Peter Kohde, Am Kalten Born 18, 04435 Schkeuditz, Germany
G3RWF    Nick Henwood, Conifers House, Church Road, Littlebourne,
         Canterbury, CT3 1UA, United Kingdom
JA8BMK   Toshihiko Fukuta, 2115-3 Nobori, Yoichi, Hokkaido, 046-0002, Japan
JD1BMM   Masafumi Ishihara, 272-7 Oishi, Kurume, 830-0049, Japan
ON4AFU   Eddy De Cooman, Neermeersen 1, 9500 Geraardsbergen, Belgium
PT7WA    Luciano Sampaio de Souza, Rua Ageu Romero 83, Fortaleza - CE,
         60325-110, Brazil
S53R     Robert Kasca, P.O. Box 23, SI-5280 Idrija, Slovenia
VP6AL    Al McDonald, c/o PDC Hahei, RD1, Whitianga 3591, New Zealand
ZB2EO    John J. Bautista, 47 Valiant House, Varyl Begg Estate, Gibraltar


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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