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21 November 2009                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 968
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9G     - Alan, G3XAQ will be active as 9G5XA from Ghana  until  4  December.
         He operates CW on all  bands.  QSL  via  G3SWH.  The  log  will  be
         uploaded to on his return. [TNX G3SWH]
A2     - Mike, K9NW will  be  active  as  A25NW  from  Botswana  between  23
         November and 1 December, including an entry in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW
         Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX]
A6     - The  Lufthansa  Amateur  Radio   Club,  in  co-operation  with  the
         Emirates Amateur Radio Society,  will  be  active  as  A65DLH  from
         Dubai on 23-30 November, including an entry in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW
         Contest. They will operate CW, SSB  and  digital  modes  on  160-10
         metres. QSL via DO7ZZ (bureau preferred). [TNX DO7ZZ]
CE     - Alain, F6BFH has had to cancel the  IOTA  trip  to  SA-085  [425DXN
         967] because of rough seas. He and his wife Danielle are now  going
         to Chiloe Island (SA-018), where they  expect  to  remain  from  21
         through 25 November. Alain plans to operate SSB and CW on  20,  17,
         15 and maybe 30 metres. QSL  via  F6BFH,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
CT7    - Members of the Algarve STAR DX Team ( will  be
         active as CR6A from Fuzeta-Barra Lighthouse on Armona  Island  (not
         IOTA) between 7 and 13 UTC on 22 November  They  will  operate  CW,
         SSB and RTTY on 40-15 metres. QSL via CT1GFK.
FM     - Saty, JE1JKL will be  active  from  Martinique  as  FM/JE1JKL/p  on
         25-27 November, and as TO5T during the CQ WW  DX  CW  Contest.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX NG3K]
J6     - K9HZ will be active again as J68HZ from St. Lucia (NA-108) from  21
         November through 5 December. He plans to operate on 80, 40  and  20
         metres during his evening hours. Look for him  around  14155,  7155
         and 3770 kHz SSB, and 14050, 7050 and 3550 CW. QSL via  home  call.
         [TNX NG3K]
KH0    - Lee, HL1IWD and Harry, WX8C will operate as AH0/AH2Y  and  KH0/WX8C
         from Saipan for the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via  HL1IWD  (but  all
         of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the  bureau).  [TNX
KP2    - Look for KP2/K3CT and KP2/K3TEJ to operate CW and RTTY from the  US
         Virgin Islands from 24 November to 1 December. QSL via home  calls.
         They will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as KP2M  (QSL  via
T7     - Dario, IZ2EER and Agostino, IK2FIQ  will  operate  from  T70A,  the
         club station of the Republic of San Marino's IARU Society on  26-30
         November. This will include activity during the CQ WW DX CW  on  80
         metres. [TNX IZ2EER]
TJ     - Lionel, F5PSA (TJ3SL) will QRT from Cameroon  around  15  December.
         Until that date, he will try to be QRV daily. His  latest  activity
         was on 20 and 17 metres SSB. QSL via F5PSA. [TNX F5NQL]
V5     - Klaus, DJ4SO will be active again as V5/DJ4SO from Namibia from  23
         November to 15 December. He plans to operate CW,  RTTY,  PSK31  and
         some SSB on 160-10 metres, and to take part in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW
         Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, and  LoTW.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
VP6    - Al, ZL1AMD (VP6AL) has  been  on  Pitcairn  Island  (OC-044)  since
         early September and will remain there until March on on  a  6-month
         assignment as the island's medical officer. The Daily DX says  that
         Al "prefers picking up calls on 20 metres" rather  than  generating
         his own pile-up. QSL direct only to Al  McDonald,  c/o  PDC  Hahei,
         RD1, Whitianga 3591, New Zealand.
VU     - Special callsign AU8JCB will be in use between 28  November  and  1
         December to celebrate the birthdate of  Indian  physicist  Jagadish
         Chandra Bose. QSL via VU2DSI. [TNX The Daily DX]
XU     - Wim, XU7TZG (XU7KOH) will be active from Koh Russei (AS-133)  20-23
         November. He plans to operate SSB (14260, 18128 and 21260 kHz)  and
         BPSK (14040,15 18100,15 and 21080,15  kHz).  QSL  via  ON7PP.  [TNX
YN     - Eric,  K9GY   (YN2GY)  will  be  active  from  Nicaragua  on  26-29
         November, CQWW DX CW Contest included. Outside the contest he  will
         focus on 30, 17 and 12 metres CW. QSL  direct  to  K9GY  (but  LoTW
         preferred). [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

D68F ---> Serge, F6AML has had  to  cancel  his  13-23  operation  from  the
Comoro Islands [425DXN  967].  In  a  text  message  earlier  this  week  he
mentioned "a confused and instable political situation"  as  well  as  "some
big radio problems". [TNX F5NQL]

LOGS ---> On-line logs for P29VSR (OC-008), P29VCX (OC-102), P29NI  (OC-205)
and P29VLR (OC-231)  are  now  available  at
(logs for P29VCX's activity from OC-116 and OC-240 will be added later).

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Steve, WB6RSE is receiving cards for V51AS, but  he  is
not and never has been his QSL manager.  Cards  should  be  sent  direct  to
Frank Steinhauser, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany.

PSK63 QSO PARTY ---> The European PSK Club invites amateur  radio  operators
all over the world to participate in the 4th EPC PSK63 QSO Party 2009 to  be
held on 22 November. Complete rules can be found at

QSL 7X0DX & 9M8DX ---> In early November  Tom,  SP5UAF  received,  processed
and mailed out all of the outstanding direct requests for  7X0DX  and  9M8DX
(whose QSL manager, DL4DBR, passed away on 2 January). Those who still  need
a bureau card should resubmit via the bureau to SP5UAF, or  send  an  e-mail
request to either or [TNX SP5UAF]

QSL TF4X ---> Phil, G3SWH reports he has  been  appointed  QSL  manager  for
TF4X.  There  is  already  a  log  search   facility    on    his  web  site
(, and any direct QSL requests already sent to  TF4X
will be forwarded to him.

X-TREME ---> IZ5MMK, IZ5MOQ and IZ5NFD, kindly hosted by NP2KW, are  testing
the  HF  Remote  Base  located  in  St.    Croix,    U.S.    Virgin  Islands
( This test has  been  established  to
allow amateurs to participate in the next  contests  (CQWW,  WPX)  into  the
X-treme  Category,  while  experimenting  creatively  with   Internet-linked
stations and other new technologies. Note that the  QSL  will  be  only  via
NP2KW and note that the contacts are not valid for DXCC. [TNX IZ5MMK]

+ SILENT  KEYS  +  Recently  reported  Silent  Keys  include  Jorge  Camboni
(CX8BBH), Rowley Shears (G8KW), David  L.  Wiesen  (K2VX),  John  J.  Hughes
(K6MB), Hector Hugo Galvan (LU2XT), Evgeny A.  Kostromin  (UA4RZ),  Lawrence
T. Fadner (W3GN) and George M. W. Badger (W6TC).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z30C       SP9DTE      FK8DD       LZ1JZ       SN17BN      SP5IKO
4K9W        DL6KVA      FK8HW       VK4FW       SN65LOK     SP5KCR
5C5W        EA5XX       FO8RZ       F8BPN       SO65LOK     SP5KCR
5N0OCH      DL3OCH      GD4FDM      GM4FDM      SP40DUV     SP9GR
5R8IC       F6ICX       HF1NSN      SP1EG       T30IW       N1IW
5W0AP       PA3LEO      HP3AK       W4JS        T30KI       N1EMC
5W0CF       PA3LEO      HS0ZCY/4    E21EIC      T6AG        EA3GHZ
5W0IW       PA3LEO      II0TRM      IK0IXI      T6YA        F5OGL
5W0KH       DL2FAG      IQ6CC       IW6DSM      T88AA       JJ1BMB
5W0KY       VK2ZKY      IY0GMN      IQ0RM       TC1YLH      TA1HZ
5W0NM       PA3LEO      IY1Y        IK1MDF      TM1TJV      F8KHN
5W0WL       PA3LEO      IY2M        IW2NOH      TM5TUR      F6KTW
5W2IQ       WB2IQU      J37LR       VE3EBN      TT8JT       E73Y
6V7S        UA1OMX      JV1A        WV6E        TX3A        HA7RY
6W/EI6DX    RX3RC       KH0/KF7FKH  JE1HXZ      UA0YAY      IK2QPR
8P9NS       VE3OBP      KH0/KI6TIU  JA1PBV      UA0ZAL      RV1CC
9A430KA     9A6Z        KH2FB       JA2TBS      UE1WFF/0    RW3OW
9A800VZ     9A7A        KH9/WA2YUN  K2PF        UE4PFF/4    UA4PCA
9G5TT       I2YSB       LX8RTTY     LX1DA       UN5J        W3HNK
9G5XX       I2YSB       LZ55OUV     LZ1PM       V6P         JH1NBN
9H9JR       DJ0QJ       MD/PA3EWP   PA7FM       VK6ANC      VK6NE
9J2FM       JA4ATV      N6NY/NH0    JK1FUP      VP2MDC      G3TBK
9M6DXX/p    M0URX       NP3M/516    WP3S        VP6AL       ZL1AMD
9M6XRO/p    M0URX       ON25BELGICA ON7TR       VP8BUG      EB7DX
A31A        PA3LEO      OX/EA4NA    EA4BT       VP8BUH      EB7DX
A43ND       A47RS       OY4TN       M0URX       VP8DIF      DJ9ZB
A65BE       G3XHZ       P29CW       VK2IR       VP9BO       W4ZGR
A65CA       RV6AJJ      PC60TROLLEY PA0FAW      VY1RST      KL7JR
AP2NK       W3HNK       PW2IO       PT7WA       W3FO/KH2    JH0CEO
C91LW       UY5LW       PW2TA       PY2WAS      W6KNH/KH0   JQ1KNH
CM3RPN      EB7DX       PW6C        K9AJ        WH2D        K3UOC
CN34MV      EA7FTR      R100W       RV9WB       WN1Y/NH2    JF1VGZ
CO6RD       8P9NX       R1ANB       RN1ON       XU7EEE      JE7JDL
CO6XN       N3ZOM       R1ANC       RN1ON       XV2JR       OH4MDY
D2CQ        CT1IUA      R1ANR       RZ3BJ       XV2RZ       OH4MDY
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      R1FJM       RX3MM       YI1RZ       IK2DUW
DQ11APOLLO  DF3JO       RA9LI/0     UA9LP       YI9TM       WT4M
EF8BFH      EA8NQ       RK2FWA      DK4VW       YN2N        TI2OHL
EG7CE       EA7NL       S21B        KX7YT       YN4SU       TI4SU
EK6LP       DL8KAC      SI0GM       SM6JSM      YP1WFF      YO3JW
EN500I      DM5BB       SI1GM       SM6JSM      YP2GEO      YO2KAR
ER5GB       W3HNK       SI2GM       SM6JSM      YW5F        DM4TI
ER650MD     ER4DX       SI3GM       SM6JSM      YW8AJ       YV5AJ
ES1/OZ5IPA  OZ5AAH      SI4GM       SM6JSM      ZB2CN       DJ9WH
EW6GF       DL8KAC      SI5GM       SM6JSM      ZC4VJ       M0URX
EY8MM       K1BV        SI6GM       SM6JSM      ZD8DC       N2WE
FK/JA1NLX   JA1NLX      SI7GM       SM6JSM      ZW5UN       PP5EG

7X4AN    Mohamed Boukhiar, P.O. Box 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain
DL2FAG   Karl-Heinz Kuehlborn, Am Schindling 12, 61279 Graevenwiesbach,
DM4TI    Udo Soeldner, Grenzweg 10, 99610 Wundersleben, Germany
E73Y     Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, BA-71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and
EB7DX    David Lianez Fernandez, P.O. Box 163, 21080 Huelva, Spain
EX8AB    Narynbek Djunushev, P.O. Box 1855, Bishkek, 720000, Kyrgyzstan
HA7RY    Pekarik Tamas, Alagi ut 15., H-2151 Fot, Hungary
HS0ZIQ   John M. King, P.O. Box 443, Phuket Post Office, Phuket Island,
         83000, Thailand
I2YSB    Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy
JT1F     Ulaanbaatar DX Club, P.O. Box 2758, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
K9AJ     Michael J McGirr, 3441 W Oak Hill Dr, Crete, IL 60417, USA
N1EMC    David Franco, 3 Dugout Road, Hudson, NH 03051, USA
N1IW     Michael W. Bernock, 22 Redfield Cir, Derry, NH 03038-4839, USA
OH4MDY   Reijo Laitinen, Mantytie 13, 76940 Nenonpelto, Finland
PA3LEO   Claudia Fava, Veerstr. 28-III, 1075 SV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PT7WA    Luciano Sampaio de Souza, Rua Ageu Romero 83, Fortaleza, CE
         60325-110, Brazil
PY2WAS   Alexandre Dalmasso, Rua Dr. James Ferraz Alvim 271, apt. 152, Sao
         Paulo, SP 05641-021, Brazil
TZ6JA    Makoto Obara, P.O. Box 59, Tama, Tokyo, 206-8691 Japan
UA9LP    Sergej S. Abyshev, P.O. Box 698, Tyumen 625000, Russia
UY5LW    Igor Pyzh, P.O. Box 1770, Kharkov - 176, 61176 Ukraine
V51AS    Frank Steinhauser, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany
ZL1AMD   Al McDonald, c/o PDC Hahei, RD1, Whitianga 3591, New Zealand


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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