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25 July 2009                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 951
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3DA0   - David, GI4FUM/EI4DJ  (3DA0DJ) will be visiting  Swaziland  for  the
         third time, from 30 July to 11 August. This year he will be  joined
         by  Tony/G4LDL  (3DA0TB),  Malcolm/GM3TAL  (3DA0MH),    Gerry/M0VAA
         (3DA0VA), Mike/NC4MM (3DA0MM) and Yuri/UT5EL (3DA0EL). The  purpose
         of  this  trip  is  to  service  a  scout  radio  station  at    an
         international scout camp near Manzini  with  the  callsign  3DA0SS,
         using wire antennas and relatively low power.  The  main  operation
         site will be at the  Hawane  Resort  in  Western  Swaziland,  where
         there is a good antenna farm and they  can  run  high  power.  They
         will operate  two  HF  stations  around  the  clock,  depending  on
         propagation. QSLs via GI4FUM. Further details and  photographs  are
         available at [TNX GI4FUM/EI4DJ]
4W     - Al, CT1GPQ will be active from East Timor (callsign TBA) between  3
         August and 3 October. He plans to operate mainly CW, with some  SSB
         and RTTY, on 40 and 30 metres (with a dipole) as well as on 20  and
         17 metres (with square loops). Al will be part of a  medical  team,
         and will be QRV only when time permits. QSL via  CT1GFK,  who  will
         also the pilot station (he can be reached  at
         Updates  and  on-line  log  search    will    be    available    at [TNX CT1GFK]
9G    -  Alfeo/I1HJT, Silvano/I2YSB, Carlo/IK1AOD,  Vinicio/IK2CIO,  Angelo/
         IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA, Stefano/IK2HKT and  Donato/IZ2CHO will  be
         active as 9G5TT  from Busua  Beach, Ghana on  13-27 November.  They
         will have three stations active on 80-10 metres  (neither  160m nor
         6m are allowed) CW, SSB and RTTY. They  will  also operate as 9G5XX
         from nearby Abokwa Island (AF-084), with one  station on 20 metres.
         Activity form the  island  will be planned day by day, depending on
         sea  conditions  and weather  forecast. QSL via I2YSB, direct only.
         Further information can be found at
BY     - The Wangjing DX club of Beijing will be active  from  the  Liaoning
         Province East Group (AS-158) on 24-26 July, IOTA Contest  included.
         Operators mentioned are BD1HFP,  BG1MFE,  BG1TEM,  BG1UXS,  BG1WUM,
         BH1BRF and BH1INL. Expect them to be signing  homecall/2  on  40-10
         metres SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX BH1INL]
CP     - Toni, EA5RM  will be working in Bolivia in August, and  expects  to
         operate as CP1XRM in his spare time. [TNX EA5RM]
CT8    - Hermann/CT3FN, Antonio/CU8AS, Juergen/DJ2VO  and  Rudi/HB9CQL  will
         operate CW and SSB as CR2N  from  the  Caldeira  do  Faial  Natural
         Reserve on Faial Island (EU-175), Azores on  29-30  July.  QSL  via
         CT1GFK. [TNX LZ1ZF]
EA    -  Niko/DD1MAT,  Oscar Luis/EA1DR,  Kepa/EA2DCF,  Chris/EA3NT,  Pablo/
         EA4TX,  Rick/EA4ZK, Julen/EB2BXL and George/EC2ADN will participate
         in  the  IOTA Contest as  AM1M from  Mouro Island (EU-142). QSL via
         EA1DR. [TNX DD1MAT]
EA     - Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth  of  Louis  Braille,
         special callsign EG5LB will be used again on 26 July,  2-9  August,
         16 August, 23 August, 29 August and 6-7 September. QSL via  EA3RKR,
         direct or bureau. [TNX EA3RKR]
F      - Celebrating  the  60th  anniversary  of  the Council of Europe, the
         local amateur radio club ( will be active again
         as TP60CE on 24-26 July. QSL via F5LGF. [TNX F6FQK]
FK/C   - George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7RY will  be  active  as  TX3A  from  the
         Chesterfield Islands (OC-176) between 23 November  and  6  December
         (actual operating dates are subject to change due  to  weather  and
         other variables). The callsign TX3A is licensed for  only  14  days
         of operation. Should they arrive earlier or leave  later  that  the
         dates  licensed,  they  will  operate  as  FK/AA7JV  or   FK/HA7RY.
         Although George and Tomi  intend  be  active  also  on  the  higher
         bands, this will be "another simple  low-band  DXpedition"  with  a
         strong focus on 160, 80 and 40 metres  (in  that  order).  QSL  via
         HA7RY, direct or bureau. The use of the Online QSL Request  Service
         (to be launched on the website once  the  expedition  is  over)  is
         encouraged. The log will be uploaded  to  LoTW  and  eQSL.  Further
         information and updates can be found at  [TNX
         HA0HW and AA7JV]
G      - The Cray Valley Radio Society will be active as  G3RCV/p  (QSL  via
         G4DFI) and G0FDZ/p (on 5 MHz, QSl via home call)  from  the  Scilly
         Isles (EU-011) until 29 July. They will  participate  in  the  IOTA
         Contest as M8C (QSL via G4DFI). [TNX 2E0RCV]
GM     - MM1M (QSL via G3VCQ) is new callsign the Sheffield DX Net ARC  will
         be using during the IOTA Contest. They will operate from  the  Isle
         of Arran (EU-123) until 27 July; MS0SDC/p will  be  in  use  before
         and after the Contest. [TNX G3VCQ]
GW     - The Barry Amateur Radio  Society  will  be  active  as  GB5FI  from
         Flatholm Island (EU-124) until 28 July. They  will  participate  in
         the IOTA Contest as GW8K. QSL via GW0ANA, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
GW     - The Luton VHF Group will participate in the IOTA  Contest  as  GW2L
         from Holy Island (EU-124). After the contest they  will  be  active
         as GB8HI until  30  July  on  a  part  time  basis.  QSL  for  both
         callsigns via G8ATD.
HL     - A group of operators from  the  Hanyang  University  Wave  Research
         Club will be active as HL0C/4 from Sonyu Island (AS-148)  until  27
         or 28 July. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and BPSK31 on  80,  40,
         30, 20, 17 and maybe 15 metres, plus 6m. QSL via HL0C. [TNX HL2UVH]
I      - Stefano/IV3LZQ, Paolo/IV3PUT and Giovanni/IV3ODE,  will  be  active
         as  IA5/homecall  from  Capraia  Island  (EU-028)  until  27  July,
         including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home calls,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX IV3LZQ]
I      - Filippo, IV3ZFF reports  he  will  be  active  as  IG9/IV3ZFF  from
         Lampedusa Island (AF-019) on 26-29 July. Main activity will  be  on
         10, 15 and 20 metres. QSL via home call.
I      - Paolo/IK2MLS, Maurizio/IK2MLR, Giuseppe/IZ2KPI  and  Antonio/IK2ULS
         will be active from Tinetto Island (EU-083) on 26  July,  including
         part of the IOTA Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK2MLS]
I      - Look for IK6XOU/p, IK6YXM/p, IZ0DIB/p, IZ4IUS/p and IZ6ASI/p to  be
         active from  the  lighthouse  of  Cattolica  (ARLHS  ITA-051,  WAIL
         ER-001) on 8-9 August. They will operate SSB and digital  modes  on
         10, 15, 20 and 40 metres. [TNX IZ6ASI]
I      - A group of operators from ARI Pesaro, ARI Fano and the Adriatic  DX
         Team will be active as IQ6PS/p from San  Bartolo  Lighthouse  (WAIL
         MA-006, ARLHS ITA-106) on 8-9 August. They plan to operate SSB  and
         CW on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres. [TNX I6KIU]
I      - A group of operators from ARI Genova will be active again  as  IU1L
         from La Lanterna (ARLHS ITA-177,  WAIL  LI-005)  on  15-16  August.
         They will operate on 10, 15, 20,  40,  80,  6  and  2  metres.  QSL
         direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1BZS]
IS0    - Giacomo, IZ3DBA will be active as IM0/IZ3DBA from Maddalena  Island
         (EU-041) from 28 July to 1 August,  and  then  as  IS0/IZ3DBA  from
         Sardinia (EU-024) until 10 August. His favourite mode  is  CW.  QSL
         via home call, direct or bureau.
JA     - Celebrating its 120th anniversary, the  Tokyo  Dental  College  ARC
         (JA1YUC)  will  be  active  as  8J120TDC/2  from  Mikomoto   Island
         (AS-117) and lighthouse, Shizuoka Prefecture, on  26-28  July.  QSL
         via bureau, or  direct  to  Tokyo  Dental  College,  1-2-2  Masago,
         Mihama-ku, Chiba City, 261-8502, Japan. [TNX F5NQL]
JA     - JO3EVM will be active holiday  style  from  Ishigaki-jima,  Yaeyama
         Islands (AS-024) on 27-30 July. He will run 50 watts  to  a  dipole
         for 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres, and will operate mostly  SSB  with
         some PSK31. [TNX The Daily DX]
KL     - Merle, N6PYN and Brad, KA5CDJ plan operate as  N6PYN/KL7  from  the
         Seal Islands (NA-239, new  one)  in  late  July-early  August.  The
         exact date is not known, but it "will  not  be  earlier  than  July
         29". They hope to be QRV around the clock for "at least two  days",
         with activity on 20, 30 and 40 metres SSB and CW running 100  watts
         to a vertical dipole. QSL via N7RO. [TNX]
OH     - Jukka, OH3OJ  will  be  active  as  OH3OJ/p  from  Hailuoto  Island
         (EU-184) on 11-15 August. He will  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on
         80-10 metres with 600  watts,  a  Spiderbeam  for  15,  17  and  20
         metres, dipoles and GPs for the other bands.  QSL  via  home  call,
         bureau preferred. [TNX OH3OJ]
OZ     - Axel, DL7VEA will be active as OZ7VEA from Romo Island (EU-125)  on
         2-21 August. QSL via DL7VEA, direct or bureau. A  log  search  will
         be  available  at    [TNX]
PY     - Jose/PY6HD, Beto/PY6RT and Nilzo/PY6AWV  will  be  active  as  ZZ6Z
         from Itaparica Island (SA-023) until 26 July, including  and  entry
         in the IOTA Contest. They operate SSB only on 80, 40,  20,  17,  15
         and 10 metres. QSL via PY6HD, direct or bureau.  The  log  will  be
         uploaded to LoTW. [TNX PY6HD]
PY     - PT2OP and PY6KW will  be  active  from  Itaparica  Island  (SA-023)
         until 27 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest as PV6I.  QSL
         via PT2OP, direct or bureau. [TNX PT7WA]
PY     - Look for ZW6LH (QSL via PT2OP) and  PR6S  (QSL  via  PY6KW)  to  be
         active from a number of  lighthouses  in  the  Brazilian  State  of
         Bahia between 31 July and 3 August. [TNX PT7WA]
SM     - Announced IOTA Contest activities from IOTA  group  EU-043  include
         SM6EQO/p from Styrso Island (QSL via SM6EQO) and  SK6M  from  Tjorn
         Island (QSL via SM6FKF). [TNX NG3K]
SU     - SU1AO, SU1GS and SU1SK will be active as SU8LH from the  lighthouse
         at Ras El-Bar (ARLHS EGY-014) on 1-9  August.  Expect  activity  on
         the HF bands and 6 metres SSB and  CW,  with  100  watts  and  wire
         antennas. QSL via SU1SK. [TNX SU1SK]
SV     - Kostas/SV1DPI,  Nikos/SV3BSF,  Dimitris/SV1CIB  and  Vasilis/SV1DPJ
         have been active as homecall/p  (QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or
         bureau) from Kythira Island (EU-113) since 22 July.  They  will  be
         there until 26 July and will participate in  the  IOTA  Contest  as
         SX8Z (QSL via SV1DPI, direct and LoTW). [TNX SV1DPI]
UA     - A team from  the  Kursk  Technical  University's  radio  club  will
         operate CW and SSB  as  RI1OP  from  Purluda  Island  (EU-153,  RRA
         RR-02-87) until 27 July, including an entry in  the  IOTA  Contest.
         They plan to have two stations  running  100  watts  into  vertical
         antennas. QSL via RW3WW. [TNX RN1ON]
UA     - Victor,  RN1NU  and  Igor,  UA3EDQ  will  operate  as  RN1NU/p  and
         UA3EDQ/1 from  Yakostrov  (EU-147)  until  27  July,  IOTA  Contest
         included. QSL via home calls. [TNX]
UA     - Igor, UA0IDZ and Victor, RW0IM plan  to  operate  as  UA0IDZ/p  and
         RW0IM/p  from  Nedorazumeniya  Island  (AS-059)  during  the   IOTA
         Contest. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX]
UA     - Special callsign R45EFIR will be used on 1-10 August on  all  bands
         and modes Celebrating the 45th anniversary  of  radio  club  "Efir"
         (RK3PWJ, of  the  city  of  Efremov.  [TNX
UR     - Look for  US0KW/p,  US0ZZ/p,  UT/ER1DA/p,  UT/ER3DW/p,  UT/ER3DX/p,
         UT/ER3ZZ/p, UT2XQ/p, UT4ZG/p, UT7UT/p, UU0JM/p, UU1AZ/p,  UU4JDD/p,
         UU4JMG/p, and UY6IM/p to operate  CW  and  SSB  from  Tuzla  Island
         (EU-180) until 27 July. QSL via home calls. They  will  participate
         in the IOTA Contest as UU7J/p (QSL via UU0JM). [TNX UT7UT]
         will be active as homecall/p from the  the  Kalanchakskiye  Islands
         (EU-179) until 27 July. They will participate in the  IOTA  Contest
         as UW0G. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX UW7LL]
V3     - Per, LA5OPA will be active as V31NP from  Ambergris  Key  (NA-073),
         Belize from 26 July to 12 August. He plans to  operate  SSB,  PSK31
         and RTTY on 20 metres, with possible activity  on  other  bands  if
         they open to Europe. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
V7     - Yuji Oda/JH2BNL (as  V73J  or  V7XX,  on  SSB  and  RTTY)  and  and
         Fuminori Nakayasu/JA2DSQ (as V73NF, mainly on CW)  will  be  active
         from Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands on 24-29 August. QSL  direct
         to home calls. They have a webpage at [TNX JA2NQG]
W      - Jim, AD5ZA will  be  active  as  AD5ZA/4  from  Santa  Rosa  Island
         (NA-142) on 1 August. He will operate BPSK31 on 20 and  15  metres.
         QSL direct to home call. [TNX]
W      - Members of  the  Old  Barney  ARC  (  will  be
         operating as  N2OB  from  "Old  Barney",  the  Barnegat  Lighthouse
         (USA-039) on Long Beach Island (NA-111) on 1 August from  about  13
         UTC through 21 UTC. Expect main activity on 20 and  40  metres  SSB
         with two stations. QSL via N2OB. [TNX N2OO]
W      - The Old Barney ARC (  will  operate  again  as
         W2T from the Tucker's Island lighthouse (USA-911)  located  in  the
         Tuckerton Seaport on 15 and 16 August, from 13 UTC through  21  UTC
         each day. Operation will be primarily on 40 and 20 metres SSB  with
         two stations. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]
ZD8    - Jim, N6TJ will be active again (SSB and CW) as ZD8Z from  Ascension
         Island (AF-003) from 30 July to 7 August. QSL via  AI4U.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
ZF     - Dave, W9CGI will be  active  as  ZF2GC  from  Grand  Cayman  Island
         (NA-016) from 29 July to 10 August. He will be  QRV  mainly  on  12
         and 17 metres PSK31  and  SSB,  using  less  than  50  watts  to  a
         vertical.  QSL  via  home  call,    direct    or    bureau.    [TNX]

RSGB  IOTA  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced   their
participation in this year's event (from 12 UTC on 25 July through 12 UTC on
the 26th). For lastest additions please  visit, and
give  a  look  at the  announced operation lists  maintained  by Ric, DL2VFR
(    and   Bill,  NG3K
Other groups will be activated during the weekend, but  advance  information
did  not  mention  if  the  operators  participate in the contest.  Complete
details  on  the IOTA Contest can be found at
SWLs please note that the IOTA SWL Contest, discontinued in 2005,  has  been
picked  up  by  the  Mediterraneo DX Club (SWL Section), in cooperation with
the  RSGB  HF  Contests  Committee, and it will be held in parallel with the
IOTA   Contest.   Please  visit  for
detailed information. Good luck to you all!
Ref.No.     Call/Ops          QSL        425DXN
AF-004      AO8Y              EA4YK
AF-004      EF8R              EA8CAC
AF-014      CR3T              CT3KN
AF-018      IH9/IZ2LSC        IZ2LSC        948
AF-018      IH9YMC            IH9YMC
AF-046      CR3R              CT1BOL        950
AS-004      P3J               5B4AHJ        950
AS-020      BX5AA             BX5AA
AS-059      RW0IM/p                         951
AS-059      UA0IDZ/p                        951
AS-060      D93I              DS4NYE        950
AS-107      HS0AC/p           HS0ZFZ        949
AS-112      A43SI             A47RS         950
AS-158      BD1HFP/2          BD1HFP        951
AS-158      BG1MFE/2          BG1MFE        951
AS-158      BG1TEM/2          BG1TEM        951
AS-158      BG1UXS/2          BG1UXS        951
AS-158      BG1WUM/2          BG1WUM        951
AS-158      BH1BRF/2          BH1BRF        951
AS-158      BH1INL/2          BH1INL        951
AS-159      YM0T              TA2RC
EU-001      SV5/OK6Y          OK2PTZ
EU-002      OH0V              OH6LI
EU-002      OH0Z              W0MM
EU-005      G1T               M0SCG
EU-005      G2B               M0CNP
EU-005      GB100SS                         949
EU-006      EJ0GI             EI2SDR        950
EU-008      GM2T              GM4UYZ
EU-008      GM4UBJ/p          GM4UBJ
EU-008      GM7A              GM7AAJ
EU-008      MM/DL6MHW         DL6MHW
EU-008      MM3KBU/p          M3KBU         950
EU-008      MM3RDP/p          MM3RDP
EU-008      MM3T                 -          950
EU-010      MM0LSB/p          M0LSB
EU-011      M8C               G4DFI         951
EU-013      GJ6YB             G3SWH
EU-013      MJ0ASP            MJ0ASP
EU-014      TK/OM2FY          OM2FY
EU-014      TK9X              EA4URE        943
EU-015      J49A              SV9GPV
EU-016      9A/OE3ZK          OE3ZK         950
EU-018      OY/OZ1AA          OZ1ACB
EU-018      OY1CT             OY1CT
EU-020      SA1A              SM1TDE        949
EU-024      IS0/OM8A          OM2VL
EU-024      IS0BRQ/p          IS0BRQ        950
EU-028      IA5/IV3LZQ        IV3LZQ        951
EU-028      IA5/IV3ODE        IV3ODE        951
EU-028      IA5/IV3PUT        IV3PUT        951
EU-028      IA5K              IZ5BTC
EU-031      IC8/IW8EHK        IK7JWX
EU-032      TM7O              GW3SQX        950
EU-034      ES0U              ES2DJ         950
EU-036      LA/OE9ICI         OE9ICI        949
EU-039      F/OT3T            ON7EQ
EU-043      SK6M              SM6FKF        951
EU-043      SM6EQO/p          SM6EQO        951
EU-048      F5SGI/p           F5SGI         943
EU-055      LA/DH0JAE         DH0JAE
EU-059      GM5A              GM4FDM        943
EU-064      TM7C              F5CWU
EU-067      SX8M              SV1JG         950
EU-068      F5KKD/p           F5KKD
EU-077      AO1I              EA1NT         949
EU-083      IK2MLR/1          IK2MLR        951
EU-083      IK2MLS/1          IK2MLS        951
EU-083      IK2ULS/1          IK2ULS        951
EU-083      IZ2KPI/1          IZ2KPI        951
EU-084      SM5/G3LAS         G3LAS         950
EU-088      OZ8MW/p           OZ8MW         947
EU-090      9A8ZRS            S57L          950
EU-092      MM0Q              MM0BQI
EU-097      OH/G4FSU          G4FSU         949
EU-105      F/OT2A            ON4HIL        947
EU-113      SX8Z              SV1DPI        951
EU-116      GD0F              M0CMK
EU-116      MD4K              G3NKC
EU-121      EJ1DD             EI7CC         948
EU-122      GI0ADX            MM0DHQ
EU-122      GI0MPG            GI0MPG        950
EU-123      GM0B              MM0BHX
EU-123      MM0TFU/p          MM0TFU        947
EU-123      MM1M              G3VCQ         951
EU-124      GW2L              G8ATD         951
EU-124      GW8K              GW0ANA
EU-124      MW9W              M0URX         947
EU-125      OZ0FR             DL2VFR        939
EU-130      IV3YNB/p          IV3YNB
EU-132      SP7VC/1           SP7VC         949
EU-132      SP8RX/1           DJ0IF         949
EU-133      RI1AA             UA1AIR        950
EU-135      SF2X              SM5EFX        949
EU-140      OF200AD           OH5AD
EU-142      AM1M              EA1DR         951
EU-146      PA1WLB/p          PA1WLB
EU-146      PA6Z              PA9M
EU-146      PD5CW             PD5CW
EU-146      PE1OPM            PE1OPM
EU-147      RN1NU/p           RN1NU         951
EU-147      UA3EDQ/1          UA3EDQ        951
EU-153      RI1OP             RW3WW
EU-156      F5RAB/p           F5RAB
EU-157      F8CFE/p           F8CFE
EU-165      IM0/I0PNM         I0PNM         950
EU-165      IM0M              IS0MKX        949
EU-170      9A/HA6PS          HA6PS         949
EU-170      9A/HA7JJS         HA7JJS        949
EU-170      9A/HA7PL          HA7PL         949
EU-170      9A/VE3ZIK         DO7ZZ         947
EU-170      9A6NL             HA6NL         949
EU-172      OZ/ON6QR          ON6QR
EU-172      OZ/PA1H           PA1H          941
EU-172      OZ/PA7PA          PA7PA         941
EU-174      SX8R              HA0NAR        947
EU-175      CR2W              CT1GFK        949
EU-177      SM5ELV/5          SM5ELV        950
EU-177      SM5FWW/5          SM5FWW        950
EU-179      UW0G                            951
EU-180      UU7J/p            UU0JM         951
NA-015      CO8ZZ             DK1WI
NA-029      VY2Z              VE3ZZ         943
NA-055      W2IY/1            W2IY
NA-057      HQ9R              K5WW
NA-067      N4A               N4YDU         949
NA-083      W4T               K5VIP         937
NA-086      T47C or CO7PH/p                 947
NA-091      VA7AQ             VA7AQ         950
NA-091      VE7DP             VE7DP         950
NA-110      AA4V              AA4V
NA-113      C6APR             K3IXD         937
NA-128      CG200I            VE2CQ         937
NA-129      VC8B              VE8EV         943
NA-137      KO1U/p            KO1U
NA-137      N1LI              K1DG
NA-139      N2US/p            N2US
NA-140      W3RFA             W3RFA         950
NA-143      N5LYG             N5LYG
NA-198      VO1AU/p           VO1AU
OC-005      VK9NI             VK3HR         951
OC-148      YC9MDX            EB7DX
SA-008      LT5X              WD9EWK
SA-023      PV6I              PT2OP         951
SA-023      ZZ6Z              PY6HD
SA-047      PR5D              PY5DC         949
I0PNM, I1BUP, IK2MLS, IS0BRQ, IV3LZQ,  IV3YNB, K3IXD,  Mediterraneo DX Club,
MM0NDX,  NG3K, OE3ZK,  ON4ATW,  OPDX Bulletin,  PA1H,  PT7WA, RN1ON, SM1TDE,
SM5ELV,  Strange Radio Team,  SV1DPI,  SV1JG,  The Daily DX,  UA1AIR, UT7UT,

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

MS CONTEST  --->  The  VHF-DX-Portal  MMMonVHF,  in  co-operation  with  the
magazines DUBUS and  Funk-Telegramm  (by  Joachim,  DL8HCZ),  organizes  the
second edition of the 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest, which will  take
place on 12 August (from 00.00 UTC through 23.59  UTC).  Details  and  rules
can be found at [TNX DL8EBW]

QSL VK9NI ---> Please  note  that  the  QSL  route  for  the  current  VK9NI
operation from Norfolk Island [425DXN 947] has changed and is no longer  via
W3HNK. The new route is via VK3HR (Hellenic  Amateur  Radio  Association  of
Australia Inc., P.O. Box 57, Richmond, VIC  3121,  Australia).  The  website
for the operation is  at;  a  log  search  is  up  and
running at

UKRAINIAN LIGHTHOUSES ---> Several activities from  lighthouses  in  Ukraine
are expected to take place between now and mid-August. Details can be  found
on  the  Ukrainian  Lighthouses  on  the   Air    programme's    website  at [TNX US4LGW]

+ SILENT KEYS + Walter Cronkite (KB2GSD), the  legendary  CBS  Evening  News
anchor (1962-1981), passed away on  17  July  at  92  years  of  age.  Other
recently reported Silent Keys include Ken Willis (G8VR), Bill Lee  (GW3MFY),
Jackson  "Murray"  Neece  (K5MDM),  Antonin  Vavra   (OK2PCX),    Sergej  I.
Mokrinskij (RW0AW) and Frank M. Sicuro, Sr. (W5UP).


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9/SP2JMB,  3D2YA,  3Y0E,  4L1FX,
4L8A, 4O3A, 4S7NE, 4T6I, 4U1UN, 5N/LZ1QK, 5T5DC, 5V7PM, 5X1NH,  6V7M,  6V7O,
6V7P, 8P0P, 8P5A, 8R1PW, 9L0W (AF-037), 9M6BRC,  9V1RA,  9X0R,  9X0Z,  9Y4D,
A71BU, A73A, AI5P/6Y5, AM8IL,  BA4TB/5  (AS-137),  BS7H,  BV1EK,  BV2009WGK,
E44M, E51NOU, E71A, EA6BH,  EA6TS,  EI6S,  ER5GB,  ES1WW,  ET3JA,  EY8/K4ZW,
HV5PUL, IL7G (EU-050), J68V, J75KG, J79IU, J7DX, J7Y, J88DR, J88XF,  JD1BLY,
JT1AGO, JT1ZP, JW5LJA, K5D, KG4CN, KH7Y, L21D (SA-021),  LU/FT5YJ,  LY1000A,
PJ4/K2NG, PS0F, PZ5DD, R1ANB, R1ANC, R1ANR,  S04R,  S21DX  (AS-127),  T27OU,
T30R, T32OU, T47C, TG9/IV3ILH, TG9AHM, TI7KK (NA-191),  TI8II,  TO4X,  TS7C,
VP6DX,  VQ9RD,  VU7SJ,  VY0A  (NA-186),  WB2KSK  (NA-026),  WH0S,  WH7/K9NW,
ZW8BBC (SA-072), ZY0F.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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