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11 July 2009                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 949
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5V     - Franco, I1FQH will be active as 5V7PRF from Togo on  22-31  July.He
         plans to operate mostly CW with some SSB on 80-10  metres,  running
         100 watts to a Spiderbeam for 15, 17 and 20 metres,  verticals  and
         wires for the other bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  He
         will upload his log to LoTW and; updates will be posted  to [TNX I1FQH]
5Z     - Bob, K4UEE will be in Kenya on 10-17 July doing short term  mission
         work (  in  the  village  of  Kwambekenya,
         located about 3-4  hours  north  of  Nairobi.  He  is  involved  in
         several  different  projects  including  a  video    project    and
         demonstrating amateur radio in the local high school. Bob hopes  to
         be QRV for some DXing in  the  late  evenings  and  early  mornings
         local time. [TNX K4UEE]
7P     - Pista/HA5AO (7P8AO), Frosty/K5LBU  (7P8CF),  Laurent/W0MM  (7P8MM),
         John/9M6XRO (7P8OK) and  Ben/DJ0YI  (7P8YI)  will  be  active  from
         Lesotho from 29 July to 13 August. They will have two stations  QRV
         all the time, and a third station might be on  for  PSK  and  RTTY.
         Activity will be on all bands, with a serious effort on 160 and  80
         metres. QSL 7P8OK via M0URX, others via home calls.  The  web  page
         for the expedition can be found on  the  Texas  DX  Society's  site
         ([TNX K5LBU]
8Q     - Davide,  IK2AHG  is  active  as  8Q7DI  from  Maayafushi,  Maldives
         (AS-013) until 13 July. He operates  holiday  style  mainly  CW  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via I8ACB. [TNX IK2AHG]
9A     - Look for 9A6NL (Laci, HA6NL), 9A/HA6PS (Zsolt), 9A/HA7JJS (Al)  and
         9A/HA7PL (Laci) to be active from Pasman Island (EU-170)  on  20-29
         July, IOTA Contest included. Before  and  after  the  contest  they
         will operate CW, SSB nad digital  modes  on  the  HF  bands  and  6
         metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
9Y     - The Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society (TTARS) will  be  QRV
         during the IARU  HF  World  Championship  as  9Y4HQ  [425DXN  948].
         Activity on 10-80 metres CW and 40 metres SSB will  come  from  the
         QTH of 9Y4W on Tobago (SA-009), while the rest  of  SSB  operations
         will takle place from the QTH of 9Y4D on  Trinidad  (SA-011).  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
CE0Z   - The November-December XR0ZN expedition to  Juan  Fernandez  [425DXN
         937] has been postponed and it is now expected  to  take  place  in
         March-April 2010. Updates at
CT7    - The Algarve Star DX Team will operate SSB,  CW  and  RTTY  on  80-6
         metres  as  CS28MCF  on  13-19  July  for  the  28th  International
         Motorcycle Rally in Faro. QSL via CT1EHX. [TNX CT1END]
CT8    - Hermann, CT3FN (HB9CRV) and several other operators will be  active
         as CR2F  from  Ribeirinha  lighthouse  on  Faial  Island  (EU-175),
         Azores between 18 July and 1 August. They will operate CW, SSB  and
         RTTY on 80-6 metres, and will participate in the  IOTA  Contest  as
         CR2W. QSL for both callsigns via  CT1GFK,  direct  or  bureau.  The
         webiste for the  operation  is  at  [TNX
DL     - Andy, DL7AT  will  be  active  as  DL7AT/m  from  Norderney  Island
         (EU-047) on 17-24 July. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.  [TNX]
EA     - Luis, EA1NT will participate in  the  IOTA  Contest  as  AO1I  from
         Lobeira  Grande  (EU-077).  He  will  operate  SSB  only  with   an
         amplifier and a vertical antenna. QSL via EA1NT, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX EA1NT]
ES     - Juri, ES5GP will be active as ES5GP/8 from  Kihnu  Island  (EU-178)
         from 29 July to 9 August. He  will  operate  SSB  and  PSK  on  all
         bands. QSL via home call. [TNX ES1QD]
F      - The Radio Club du Vaucluse will  activate  special  event  callsign
         TM1MV on 11-25 July for the arrival of this year's Tour  de  France
         ( at Mount Ventoux. The  cyclists
         will climb the mountain during the 20th stage, on 25 July. QSL  via
         F5KPO. [TNX F8REF]
FH     - Willi, DJ7RJ has received the call TO7RJ to be  used  from  Mayotte
         (AF-027) from 22 September trhough 21 October. He will  be  leaving
         the island on 25 October, so he will be active as  FH/DJ7RJ  during
         the last days. Expect Will to operate CW and SSB on 160-10  metres,
         and perhaps 6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX AA1M]
FP     - Tim, M0TDG, and Martin, G3ZAY  plan  to  be  active  from  Miquelon
         (NA-032) as FP/homecall on 24-27 September. They  will  operate  CW
         and SSB; low band operation will depend on  equipment  availability
         (and airline baggage limits). QSL via home calls. Martin will  also
         try to activate McNutt's Island  (VE1,  NA-126)  on  29  September.
         [TNX G3ZAY]
G      - Once again the Radio  Society  of  Great  Britain  (RSGB)  will  be
         represented by GB7HQ in the IARU HF World  Championship.  Expect  a
         large group of operators  to  be  active  from  two  separate  DXCC
         entities (England and Scotland) on all  the  HF  contest  bands  on
         both CW and SSB. To assist in making  contacts,  when  you  contact
         one operator he can give  you  the  frequency  of  the  next  GB7HQ
         station to work. QSL via G3TXF (direct, bureau and  LOTW).  Further
         information, including the awards programme  for  contacting  GB7HQ
         on various bands/modes, can be found at  [TNX
G      - John, M0XIG and Tony, 2E0SBS will  operate  special  event  station
         GB1TT on 16-18 July from the  site  of  the  optical  telegraph  at
         Toothill, Hampshire (England). The Toothill Shutter  Telegraph  was
         one of a number that operated  as  a  communication  link  for  the
         British Admiralty between  London  and  Plymouth.  QSL  via  M0XIG,
         direct or bureau.
G      - "Sky Sheppey 2009" celebrates 100 years  of  British  Aviation  and
         the part played by the pioneers  of  early  flying  and  the  armed
         services over those years on the Isle of Sheppey (EU-005).  Special
         event station GB100SS will  be  active  from  Eastchurch  on  25-27
         July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via operator's instructions.  [TNX
         MD/DK1SG, MD/DL1SPH, MD/DL6SBN and MD/DL8SAD are  active  from  the
         Isle of Man (EU-116) until 13 July. QSL via home calls.  They  will
         use special callsign MD9Y during the  IARU  HF  World  Championship
         (QSL direct to GD3YUM). [TNX DXNL]
HS     - A large  group  of  operators  from  the  HS  DX  Association  will
         participate in the IOTA Contest as HS0AC/p  from  Si  Chang  Island
         (AS-107). QSL via HS0ZFZ. [TNX NG3K]
I      - Paolo, IK2MLS  will be active  as  IA5/IK2MLS    from  Elba  Island
         (EU-028, IIA LI-002) on 3-8 August. He will operate  holiday  style
         on 40-10 metres as well as on the VHF bands. [TNX IK2MLS]
IS0    - Joe, IS0MKX and other 14 operators  (I1BUP,  I1ZB,  I5OYY,  IK5EKB,
         IW5ELA and IZ1DNJ) will be  active  as  IM0M  from  Asinara  Island
         (EU-165, IIA SS-061) on 22-26 July, including an entry in the  IOTA
         Contest. They will have five stations active on  the  HF,  VHF  and
         UHF bands, SSB, CW and FM. QSL via IS0MKX, direct  or  bureau.  The
         web istes for the operation  are  at  and  [TNX
IS0    - A group of operators from the Sardinia QRP Club will be  active  as
         IQ0QP from Quirra Island (EU-165, IIA CA-009) on  23  August,  from
         about 7 UTC to 16 UTC. They will operate SSB and CW  on  +/-  7021,
         7031, 7091, 10105.5, 10115.5,  14031,  14061  and  14321  kHz.  QSL
         direct (see [TNX IS0VSU]
J6     - Howard, WB4WXE will be active as J6/WB4WXE from St. Lucia  (NA-108)
         on 10-20 July. He will concentrate on 6 metres, with some  activity
         on 17 metres and possibly some other HF bands. QSL via  home  call.
         [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
JA     - Look for JA6VDB/6 and JE6AQP/6 to be active  from  the  islands  of
         Nozaki and Ojika, in the  Goto  Islands  group  (AS-040),  Nagasaki
         prefecture on 8-12 August. They plan  to  operate  CW  and  SSB  on
         40-15 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR+
LA     - Chris, OE9ICI  will  be  active  as  LA/OE9ICI  from  Hitra  Island
         (EU-036) from 19 July to 1 August, including an entry in  the  IOTA
         Contest.  QSL  via  home   call,    direct    or    bureau.    [TNX]
OH     - Ian, G4FSU will be active again  as  OH/G4FSU  from  Emsalo  Island
         (EU-097) from 21 July to 16 August, including an entry in the  RSGB
         IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX]
ON     - Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the liberation  of  Rijkevorsel
         by  the  British  49th  Infantry  Division  (the  so-called  "Polar
         Bears"), club station ON4NOK will operate special callsign  ON65POL
         on 18-27 September. QSL via ON7YX, direct or bureau. [TNX ON6UQ]
OZ     - Look for OZ/DL2JRM/p (CW) and OZ/DO6XX/p  (SSB)  to  be  active  on
         80-10 metres  from  Vendsyssel-Thy  (EU-171)  from  18  July  to  1
         August.  QSL  via  home   calls,    direct    or    bureau.    [TNX]
PA     - The Netherlands' national society (VERON) will  be  represented  by
         PA6HQ in the IARU HF  World  Championship.  There  will  be  twelve
         stations on the air during the entire contest, CW and SSB  on  each
         band. The 2009 PA6HQ signals will come from the stations of  PI4CC,
         PI4ZI, PI4DX, PA3GCV, PI4D and PI4COM. QSL via  PA3CAL.  A  special
         award is available for working PA6HQ on six bands; details  che  be
         found at [TNX PA1AW]
PY     - PY5BH, PY5DC, PY5DJ, PY5FO and PY5IN will participate in  the  IOTA
         Contest as PR5D from Ilha do Mel  (SA-047).  QSL  via  PY5DC.  [TNX]
PY     - Alex, PY2WAS reports he will be active  as  PX8W  from  the  rarest
         Brazilian State of Amapa on 1-2 August. He will operate CW and  SSB
         on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30,  40  and  80  metres.  QSL  via  PY2WAS,
         direct or bureau.
SM     - Kjell,  SM4DDS  will  once  again  be  active  as  7S5A  from  Boko
         Island/Stora Alo (EU-177) on 12-16 July. He  plans  to  operate  CW
         and SSB on 10-80 metres. QSL via SM4DDS,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
SM     - Anders, SM5EFX will be  active  as  SM5EFX/2  from  Ledskar  Island
         (EU-135) on 19-31 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest  as
         SF2X. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
SM     - Eric, SM1TDE will participate in the IOTA Contest as SA1A from  his
         home QTH on Gotland Island (EU-020). Expect him to operate CW  only
         on all bands. QSL via SM1TDE, bureau preferred. [TNX SM1TDE]
SP     - Mek, SP7VC and Adam, DJ0IF will participate in the IOTA Contest  as
         SP7VC/1 and SP8RX/1  from  Wolin  Island  (EU-132).  QSl  via  home
         calls. [TNX DJ0IF]
SV     - Steffen, DM3CW will be active holiday style as  J48AL  from  Aigina
         Island (EU-075) from 21 July to 3 August. He will operate  CW  only
         using  100  watts  into  wire  antennas.  QSL  via  DM3CW,   bureau
         preferred. [TNX DM3CW]
SV5    - Ermanno, IK2WZD will be active again on SSB and  digital  modes  as
         SV0XAN/5  from  the  islands  of  Lipsi,  Agathonisi   and    Arkoi
         (Dodecanese, EU-001) from now until 10  October.  QSL  via  IK2WZD.
         [TNX IZ2ABN]
TK     - Lee, F5MUX  will  be  active  as  TK5UX  from  Petreto  Bicchisano,
         Corsica (EU-014) on 12-26 July. For the time being he will  operate
         barefoot on 40-10 metres with a vertical antenna.  He  prefers  CW,
         but he also operates RTTY. QSL via F5MUX. [TNX F5MUX]
UA     - In preparation of next year's World Radiosport  Team  Championship,
         four Russian teams (R31WRTC, R32WRTC,  R38WRTC  and  R39WRTC)  will
         participate in the IARU HF World Championship.  They  will  operate
         field-day from WRTC-2010 locations and with WRTC-2010 set-ups.  QSL
         via bureau. [TNX NG3K]
UA     - RU3YA, RV3YR, UA3YA, UA3YCX and UA3YY  will  operate  SSB,  CW  and
         digital modes as homecall/p from  Kotelny  Island  in  river  Desna
         (not  IOTA,  RII-32-02)  on  24-26  July.  QSL  via  home    calls.
         Information on the Russian Internal Islands Award can be  found  at [TNX RV3YR]
VE     - Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the landing of men on the  moon
         (20 July 1969), special event callsign VE3MOON will be  in  use  on
         14-27 July. QSL via VE3OIJ, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
VK9N   - Tommy, VK2IR will be active as VK9IR from Norfolk  Island  (OC-005)
         on 19-22 July. He is the team leader of  VK9NI  [425DXN  947],  and
         will operate while setting up before the team  arrives.  QSL  VK9IR
         via VK2IR, direct only. [TNX NG3K]
VP2M   - Bill, W5SJ will be active as VP2MSJ  from  Montserrat  (NA-103)  on
         14-21 July. His primary band will be 6m, and  he  will  participate
         in the CQ WW VHF  Contest  (18-19  July),  but  he  also  plans  to
         operate on the other bands, especially 30 and 60  metres.  QSL  via
         W5JAY. [TNX W5SJ]
W      - The North Carolina Contesters Club (NR3X) will be active  again  as
         N4A from the South Core Banks (NA-067) on 22-27 July, IOTA  Contest
         included. This  year's  operators  will  be  Barry/K4CZ,  Dan/N3ND,
         Nate/N4YDU, Jack/W0UCE and Keith/W4KAZ. QSL direct  to  N4YDU.  The
         webpage for the operation is at [TNX VA3RJ]
YB     - Hotang, YC0IEM will operate as YC0IEM/9 from Bali  Island  (OC-022)
         on 9-27 July. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ8CCW]
YO     - YR0HQ will represent the Federatia Romana de  Radioamatorism  (FRR)
         during the IARU  HF  World  Championship.  A  certificate  will  be
         issued free of charge for station 12, 9, 6 or 3 QSOs  with  the  HQ
         station.  Please   visit    or    e-mail for the details. [TNX YO3APJ]
ZP     - Special event station ZP15MWC will be active  on  12-19  July  from
         Asuncion,  Paraguay  to  celebrate  the  15th    Mennonite    World
         Conference Assembly. QSL direct to PA0HEL. [TNX VA3RJ]

IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ---> This year's event (rules  can  be  found  at  will  run from 12 UTC on
11 July  through  12 UTC on the 12th.  The  following IARU Member Society HQ
stations are expected or supposed  to participate  (also give a look at  the
list maintained by Bernie, W3UR on
Call     DXCC                 Mult
4L0HQ    Georgia              NARG
5N0HQ    Nigeria              NARS
8N1HQ    Japan                JARL
8N2HQ    Japan                JARL
8N3HQ    Japan                JARL
8N4HQ    Japan                JARL
8N8HQ    Japan                JARL
9K9HQ    Kuwait               KARS
9Y4HQ    Trinidad & Tobago    TTARS
AO8HQ    Canary Islands       URE
AT1HQ    India                ARSI
B1HQ     China                CRSA
B3HQ     China                CRSA
B4HQ     China                CRSA
B5HQ     China                CRSA
B7HQ     China                CRSA
BV0HQ    Taiwan               CTARL
CE3HQ or XR3HQ   Chile       RCC
CR5HQ    Portugal             REP
CX1AA    Uruguay              RCU
DA0HQ    Germany              DARC
DX1HQ    Philippines          PARA
E7HQ     Bosnia-Herzegovina   BA
EM5HQ    Ukraine              UARL
ES9A     Estonia              ERAU
GB7HQ    England & Scotland   RSGB
HB9HQ    Switzerland          USKA
HL0HQ    Korea                KARL
HQ2W     Honduras             RCH
HS0AC    Thailand             RAST
IU1HQ    Italy                ARI
IU2HQ    Italy                ARI
IU4HQ    Italy                ARI
IU5HQ    Italy                ARI
IU8HQ    Italy                ARI
IU9HQ    Italy                ARI
JY6HQ    Jordan               RJRAS
LN2HQ    Norway               NRRL
LR4D     Argentina            RCA
LX0HQ    Luxembourg           RL
LY0HQ    Lithuania            LRMD
LZ7HQ    Bulgaria             BFRA
NU1AW/KH6 Hawaii              IARU
OE1A     Austria              OVSV
OH2HQ    Finland              SRAL
OL9HQ    Czech Republic       CRC
OP0HQ    Belgium              UBA
OZ1HQ    Denmark              EDR
P40HQ    Aruba                AARC
PA6HQ    The Netherlands      VERON
R0HQ     Russia               SRR
S50HQ    Slovenia             ZRS
SK9HQ    Sweden               SSA
SN0HQ    Poland               PZK
SX0HQ    Greece               RAAG
TM0HQ    France               REF
UN1HQ    Kazakhstan           KFRR
V51NAM   Namibia              NARL
VK7WI    Australia            WIA
VR2HK    Hong Kong            HARTS
W1AW/KL7 Alaska               ARRL
XE1LM    Mexico               FMRE
XX9A     Macau                ARM
YL4HQ    Latvia               LRAL
YR0HQ    Romania              FRR
YV5AJ    Venezuela            RCV
Z30HQ    Macedonia            RSM
ZF1A     Cayman Islands       CARS
ZL6HQ    New Zealand          NZART
ZP5AA    Paraguay             RCP
ZS0HQ    South Africa         SARL
ZW5HQ    Brazil               LABRE

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5Z4/RW1AU ---> Valery, 5Z4/RW1AU, is now QRT from Nairobi, and is back  home
in St. Petersburg. His work assignment spanned almost one year, from  August
2008 through June 2009. During that period, Val used the 5Z4RS club  station
in Nairobi as time allowed between  work  responsibilities  to  make  almost
12,000 QSOs on 40-10 metres, using  both  CW  &  SSB.  His  logs  have  been
uploaded to LoTW. Paper QSL to either RW1AU (direct  and  bureau)  or  K5XK.

E51SC ---> The Daily DX reports that Nigel, E51SC (G4KIU) has had  to  leave
Rarotonga, South Cook Islands [425DXN 943] and return to England for  family
reasons. All of the QSOs (about 600) he  made  during  his  stay  have  been
uploaded to LoTW.

HV5PUL ---> A video of the early June activity from HV5PUL is  available  at [TNX IZ2LSC]

INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE LIGHTSHIP  WEEK  --->  The  highly  popular  annual
Lighthouse Weekend has been extended to a full week, including two  on-going
activities: the ILLW Special Event (1-9  August)  and  the  ILLW  QSO  Party
Contest  (1-2  and  8-9  August).  Complete  information  can  be  found  at

LOGS ---> The TZ6EI web  page  (  now  has
post DXpedition information  (statistics,  distances,  pictures,  etc.),  as
well as the link to the on-line logs (6 metres only). This was  primarily  a
6m DXpedition (546 unique calls), but TZ6EI also  worked  on  the  HF  bands
(over 1000 uniques on RTTY). [TNX W0SD]

QSL EK6LP ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports that effective  1  July  he  is  no
longer the QSL manager for EK6LP. He can still confirm QSOs made through  30
June 2009; cards for contacts made after that date should be sent direct  to
Aram R. Manvelyan, P.O. Box 47, 3102 Gyumri, Armenia.

QSL ST2R ---> Those who still need a card for ST2R (January-April 2007)  can
request it by e-mail  (  and  get  it  through  the  bureau.
Direct cards should be sent to Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu  8,  1360  Vrhnika,
Slovenia (return postage is USD 2 ore EUR 1). [TNX S57DX]


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3B8/F1BCS,  3B8/SM6GOR,  3B8MM,
3D2AD, 3D2YA ,3XD2Z, 4K8M, 4L1FX, 4L8A, 4O3A, 4S7AB, 4U1UN, 5B4AIF,  5H3VMB,
5H3VMB/3, 5K0T, 5N0OCH  ,5R8VB,  5T5DC,  5V7PM  ,5X1NH  ,5X1VB,  5Z4/UA4WHX,
6M0W/5 (AS-081), 6O0F, 6V7P, 6W/DM2AYO, 6W1SJ, 6W2SC, 7Q7VB,  7Z1UG,  8P9NX,
8R1K, 9H3UT, 9J2FM, 9J2VB, 9J2YO, 9K2GS, 9L0W (AF-037), 9M6JC, 9U0XB,  9X0R,
9X0VB, 9Y4D, A25VB, A52BT, A61BK, A65BE, A71CT, AP2NK,  BS7H  ,BW9/DL2JRM/P,
BX3AH,  C31CT,  C6DX,  C91FC,  C91MR,  C91TX,  C91VB,  C91VB/6,   CE0Y/9A4X,
H40FN,  H44MY  ,HC8/UX0HX,  HH7/N3BNA,  HI3TEJ,  HI9/EA3WL,  HK3Q,  HL0HQSC,
P4/W1XP, PJ7/DH1ND, PS0F, PT1R (SA-079), R5CC, S04R  ,S21ZDT,  ST2EB,  ST2R,
SV5/DL3DRN,  SV5/G0TSM,  SV8/DL8MCA  (EU-072),  T20VB,  T2UF,  T30CC,  T30M,
,TG9NX, TI7KK (NA-191), TL0A, TO2T, TO3R, TO4T, TO5FJ,  TO6T,  TS7C,  TT8JT,
UA0AZ, UN1L, UN6G, UN7PBY,  V31TP,  V31XX,  V5/DJ8VC,  V51AS,  V51VV,  V63MY
,V63TO ,V8AQM, VE1FO/p (NA-127), VK0BP, VK9LA ,VP2EFB,  VP2ETN,  VP2V/AH6HY,
YS4M, YU8A, YW6AJ (SA-090), Z2/UA4WHX,  Z37M,  ZC4LI,  ZF2ZB,  ZL7T,  ZM3WW,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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