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06 June 2009                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 944
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

7P     - Alex, UX4UL (7P8A) and Ivan, UR9IDX (7P8R) are active from  Lesotho
         until around 10-15 June. QSL 7P8A via UY5ZZ, QSL 7P8R  via  UR9IDX.
7X     - Mike, DB1JAW will be in Algeria on 13-20 June. He will  be  one  of
         the operators at 7U2ISM [425DXN 943], but he will also  operate  as
         7X/DB1JAW from Algerian Sahara. He plans to concentrate on  30,  17
         and 12 metres BPSK31, with activity also on 40 metres (7070.15  for
         US stations) as well as some SSB on 10, 15, 17 and 20  metres.  QSL
         direct only via home call. [TNX DB1JAW]
8Q     - Tom, PF4T will be active as 8Q7TB from  Embudu,  Maldives  (AS-013)
         on 8-24 June. He will operate SSB on 40  and  20  metres.  QSL  via
         home call (direct) or via PA0LEY (bureau). A  log  search  will  be
         available at [TNX W1AW]
CT     - Nuno, CT2FPE will be active again as CT2FPE/p from  Barreta  Island
         (EU-145) on 13 June for the Portugal  Day  Contest.  QSL  via  home
         call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
DL     - Look for Gerd, DK8NT/p  and  Horst,  DL8NBM/p  to  be  active  from
         Helgoland-Duene (EU-127, N-15 for  the  German  Islands  Award)  on
         11-17 June. They plan to operate mainly CW, with some SSB and  PSK,
         running 100 watts into simple wire antennas: a triple leg  for  30m
         and up, a 40/80m double dipole for Europe, and  a  40m  (and  maybe
         80m) vertical for DX. QSl via home calls, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
H4     - Mike, KM9D (H44MY) and Jan, KF4TUG  (H44TO)  are  now  active  from
         Stirling Island (OC-162), Solomon Islands. They  expect  to  remain
         there for about ten days. QSL via OM2SA. [TNX The Daily DX]
HK0_sa - 5J0BV (not 5J0M, as previously announced) will be the  callsign  to
         be used by Dennis, K7BV from San Andres  (NA-033).  The  new  dates
         are 18-29 June, and the new QSL route is via K7BV (direct).  Dennis
         will concentrate on 6 metres, but he may also  be  QRV  on  the  HF
         bands. Further  information  at
         [TNX K7BV]
I      - Alfredo, IK7JWX reports he will be active on the  HF  bands  and  6
         metres  as  IY7NGM  until  31  December.  The   special    callsign
         celebrates the 100th anniversary of the  Nobel  Prize  in  physiscs
         awarded to Guglielmo Marconi. QSL via IK7JWX.
I      - Special event station II0IASM will be active on  the  HF  bands  CW
         and SSB from Civitavecchia (Rome) on 9-10  June  to  celebrate  the
         first hoisting of the naval ensign on  aircraft  carrier  "Cavour".
         QSL via IK8XVA, direct or bureau. [TNX IT9MRM]
PY     - PR2R is the new callsign that will be used on 11-14 June from  Ilha
         da Moela (SA-071) [425DXN 939].  Announced  frequencies  are  3505,
         7005, 14025, 21025, 24895, 28025, 50115 and 144110 kHz (CW);  3799,
         7065, 14195, 21295, 24945, 28495, 50115 and 144210 kHz  (SSB).  QSL
         via PY2OP, direct or bureau. The web page for the operation  is  at
SP     - Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the SP  DX  Club,  special  event
         station SP50DXC is active on all bands and  modes  until  30  June.
         The  operators  are  SP7ASZ,  SP7CVW,  SP7IIT,  SP7LFT  and  SP7TF.
         SP50DXC will be active again at the end  of  September  during  the
         annual meeting of the SP DX Club. QSL via SP7DQR. All QSOs will  be
         uploaded to LoTW. [TNX SP5UAF]
SP     - Radio Club SP8YZZ is planning a number of special event  operations
         from Polish National Parks under the  callsign  3Z8WFF.  The  first
         activity will take place from the  Bieszczadzki  Park  Narodowy  on
         11-14 June, including participation in the  WFF  Green  Days  event
         (see below). The operators will  be  Wilhelm,  SP8AJC  and  Henryk,
         SP9JPA. QSL via SP8AJC, direct or bureau. [TNX SP9JPA]
SV5    - Teo, SV1GRM will be active as SX5LA from Levitha Island, Dodecanese
         (EU-001)  on  8-14 June.  Look  for  activity  on 40, 30, 20 and 17
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via SV1GRM. [TNX SV1GRM]
UR     - Special callsign EM0WFF will be  used  by  members  of  Radio  Club
         UR4WWE from Roztochchia Nature Reserve  on  12-14  June,  including
         participation in the WFF Green Days event. QSL  via  UT7WZ,  direct
         or bureau. Information on the  "W-UR-FF"  Award  can  be  found  at [TNX UT7WZ]
VP2M   - John, KB4CRT will be active as VP2MRT from Montserrat  (NA-103)  on
         11-21 June. He plans to operate  CW,  SSB  and  maybe  PSK  and  to
         participate in the ARRL VHF Contest (13-14 June). QSL  via  KB4CRT.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
VP9    - Alex, W5YDX will be active holiday style as VP9/W5YDX from  Bermuda
         (NA-005) on 10-24 June. He expects to operate mainly on 20  and  17
         metres SSB. QSL via home call (direct only). [TNX W5YDX]
VP9    - Doug, KF4VTT will be active as VP9/KF4VTT  from  Bermuda  on  11-17
         June. He will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK on  160-6  metres.  QSL
         via home call (direct or bureau) and LoTW. [TNX KF4VTT]
W      - Rick, N5EYT will be active from Hatteras Island  (NA-067)  on  7-15
         June. He will be operating only PSK31 on 20 metres.  QSL  via  home
         call, direct or bureau, plus LoTW. [TNX N5EYT]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (May 2009) is  now  available  at Articles and  pictures  should  be
sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA.

ANTARCTICA ---> A nice collection of images for a large number of  Antarctic
bases,  including  those  where  F5PFP    and    ON7ZM    operated  from  in
February-March    (FT5YJ,    VP8DLM    and    CE9XX),     canbe    found  at (click on "Antarctic  Challenge"  and  then
on "Antarctic stations, huts & refuges". [TNX F5PFP]

CORSICA ---> Maurice, F5NQL reminds  all  foreign  amateur  radio  operators
heading to Corsica that (a) the use of 6 metres is strictly  forbidden  over
there and (b) the 7100-7200 extension on 40m has not been granted so far.

DXCC NEWS ---> HZ1EA (Saudi Arabia) has been approved for  DXCC  credit.  If
you have had this operation rejected in a recent submission, please  send  a
note to to be placed on the list for  an  update.  Also,  once
completed, if you have an account in LoTW, the  update  will  be  posted  to
your account. [TNX NC1L]

K5D QSL STATUS ---> Bob Schenck,  N2OO  and  his  team  have  finished  OQRS
requests received through about 4 May. OQRS QSL processing will  be  resumed
shortly, and the system continues to be available for QSL requests.
The team is now focusing on the direct mail in the same order  as  the  mail
was received. Bob continues to do the log processing after  which  the  QSLs
will be mailed gradually by members of his QSL  processing  team.  As  of  2
June they have confirmed 26,353 QSOs, and "it will surely be  a  few  months
before we can become current".
The first large batch on CONFIRMED  QSOs  ONLY  will  be  uploaded  to  LoTW
within the next week: "by only uploading confirmed QSOs (in  batches)",  Bob
says, "we think that this is  a  fair  compromise  that  is  a  win/win  for
everyone involved". The balance of the full log will be  uploaded  in  early
For the time being, please do not contact the QSL manager about QSL  issues,
but visit for current QSL status. Bob will be  happy  to  address
any concerned "when things calm down". [TNX N2OO]

LOGS ---> A log serach for the 23-30 May TM0M activity  from  Molene  Island
(EU-065) can be found at [TNX ON4ZD]

PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton Hamvention 2009 Photo  Gallery  (292  pictures
collected by Tom, K8CX) can be  found  at

PORTUGAL DAY CONTEST ---> Sponsored by the Rede  dos  Emissores  Portugueses
(REP), this 24-hour event will be held on 13 June on 10, 15, 20, 40  and  80
metres SSB  and  CW.  Details  can  be  found  on  the  REP's  web  site  at [TNX CT1END]

QSL VIA W5UE ---> Randy Becnel, W5UE [425DXN 941] is  the  new  QSL  manager
for 9V1YC, 9V9HQ and N1YC/VK9X. After many years  of  excellent  service  as
James' QSL manager, Joe/N5ID is handing over duties to  Randy  in  order  to
recuperate after an extended illness in hospital. W5UE  has  all  the  logs,
blank cards and pending QSL requests for all James' callsigns, so feel  free
to check his website (  for  periodic  updates
and status of QSL requests.
Randy will also honour any requests that may be needed  in  the  future  for
the following old calls held by James: 9V0YC, 9V8YC,  KB1CM/VR2,  KB1CM/VS6,
KB1CM/ZS, KH8/KB1CM, VR2/KB1CM and VS6/KB1CM. However,  all  of  these  logs
are on paper only and will require extra processing  time,  and  Randy  will
probably have to manually print cards as well. [TNX W5UE]

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available at  Please  note
that QSOs confirmed through LoTW or included in on-line  logs  are  eligible
for listing. Send send your scores, as  well  as  any  request  for  further
information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (

VK4FRAJ ---> This is neither a  pirate,  nor  'a  commercial  station',  but
properly licensed Raj DeYoung, the 14-year-old son of Eddie DeYoung,  VK4AN.
"There is still much reluctance and confusion amongst  contesters  regarding
VK 4-letter suffix calls", Eddie says. "My son is probably the only VK  with
a 4-letter  suffix  that  operates  on  CW,  and  is  VERY  frustrated  when
contesters keep asking if his call is 2-letters or 3-letters".
Australian four-letter suffix  callsigns  have  been  issued  to  Foundation
Lincence holders since 2005. They can  only  use  commercially  manufactured
equipment and are allowed to operate SSB, AM, FM or "hand keyed" CW  on  80,
40, 15, 10 and 2 metres, plus 430-450  MHz,  with  power  restrictions.  All
Foundation class suffixes begin with an "F" plus three  more  letters.  [TNX

WFF GREEN DAYS --->  More  than  50  stations  from  various  countries  are
expected to take part in "Green Days" event organized  by  the  World  Flora
Fauna programme, which will be held from 00.00 UTC on 13 June through  23.59
UTC   on    the    14th.    Complete    information    can    be   found  at [TNX RW3GW/3]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FQ       K5XK        EV1R        EU1PA       R210ASP     RU3HD
3V8SS       IZ8CCW      EW6AF       DL8KAC      R4/UT5UDX   UT2UB
3V9A        YT1AD       F/ON6JUN/P  ON5SD       RA9A        UA9APA
3W3W        OK1DOT      F/PA65DDAY  PA0HFT      RC3W        RW3WWW
3Z0DAL      SP7PGK      FK/G4JVG    M0URX       RC9O        UA9PC
3Z28FPH     SP5ZGO      FR1AN       NI5DX       RG6G        RW6HX
3Z80BEM     SP9ZBC      G1A         M0DXR       RG9A        UA9XC
4J9M        DL7EDH      G6PZ        GM4FDM      RK3K        RK3QWW
4K9W        DL6KVA      GB6GEO      G3VOF       RL4R        RW4PL
4L0A        EA7FTR      GJ3WW       G0DEZ       RM3F        UA3DPX
4L6QC       LZ1OT       GM0F        M0CMK       RO4W        RD4WA
4L8A        K1BV        GX4KPT      M0DOL       RT4D        RZ4CWW
4L9VB       DJ8QP       H44MY       OM2SA       RT4M        RN4LP
4M5IR       YV5KG       HC2A        EA5KB       RU1A        RU1AE
4O2D        YU2DRA      HC2SL       EA5KB       S21RC       EB7DX
4X0A        4X1VF       HC7AE       EA7FTR      SD1B/7      DL8AAV
4X1FQ       AA4V        HF94KE      SP4YPB      SD40JZ      SM5DJZ
4Z8BB       WC1X        HG3R        HA3NU       SK3W        SM5DJZ
5B4AII      RW3RN       HG4F        HA4FF       SN6Z        SP6RZ
5H2WK       DK9IP       HG6N        HA6KNB      SN8R        SP8ONZ
5H3EE       DL4SM       HG7DANUBE   HA7VY       SN9D        SP9PZD
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      HG7T        HA7TM       SO8A        SP8YB
5Z4KI       YO9AFH      HG8R        HA8JV       SO9S        SP9PRO
6W1SE       JR2KDN      HH2HN       OE7NHT      SP80SPOZ    SP9PKZ
6W1SJ       E73Y        HK1N        EA5KB       SP80SPST    SP9PKZ
7P8A        UY5ZZ       HK1NK       EA5KB       SV0XBM/9    W3HNK
7P8R        UR9IDX      HK1X        EA7FTR      SX9JZ       N7RO
8P5A        NN1N        HQ2R        UA3AGW      SY2DDAY     SV2KBB
8P9JG       NN1N        II5RM       IZ5DMC      TA3J/7      TA3YJ
8Q7CQ       G4DFI       II6AN       IK6VXO      TA4ZA       OH2BH
8Q7GP       IW3HVB      IL7G        IW7EBE      TA7KI       TA3YJ
8Q7UO       DL5UO       IO3J        IV3ZXQ      TC4X        OH2BH
9A4MX       DJ2MX       IO4T        IZ4JMA      TI5N        W3HNK
9A800VZ     9A7A        IR1Y        IK1YDB      TM0M        F6ANA
9G1YE       PA3ERA      IR4X        I4EAT       TM0R        F5GGL
9H3UT       DL9GDB      IR9Y        IT9ABY      TM100C      F1RR
9J2BO       G3TEV       IU9T        IT9GSF      TM2RPC      F6BDM
9J2YO       YO4ATW      IY1DCI      IK1GPG      TM5ACL      F8KOI
9M1CSP      9M2TO       IY3GM       IW3RUA      TM5BBC      F2UW
9M6XRO      M0URX       IY3MG       IZ3DBA      TM5RPC      F8KGS
A35RK/p     W7TSQ       J28JA       F5JFU       TM6ACO      F6KFI
A61AQ       N1DG        J48HW       HA0HW       TM6SME      F6IPS
A61I        IZ8CLM      K5N         W5TFW       TN5SN       IZ1BZV
A62A        IZ8CLM      KH6MB       AI4U        U4MIR       RN3DK
A65BE       G3XHZ       KH6YR       K1YR        UE1RLH/6    RA1QY
A71BU       NI5DX       KL7Z        W7IAN       UE3VFF      UA3VFS
A73A        EA7FTR      KP2B        EA7FTR      UE6FFF/6    RK6FZ
AH0AA       JR2SCJ      L33M        LU1MA       UE6LHP      UA6MM
AH2Y        HL1IWD      LA6Q        LA9VDA      UE80MC      UA9MC
AN8R        EA8AY       LM9K75Y     LA9K        UE80MD      UA9MD
AO3T        EA3AKY      LN3Z        LA9VDA      UE80MT      RA9MC
AO7T        EA7KJ       LP1H        EA5KB       UN9LFF      LZ1YE
B1Z         EA7FTR      LR2F        LU2FA       UO1P        UN7PCZ
BV2009WGK   BV7GC       LS1D        LW9EOC      UP0L        DL8KAC
C31CT       EA3QS       LX7I        LX2A        UP2L        UA9AB
C4I         LZ2HM       LY3V        LY2FN       UP4L        UN7LZ
C4N         W3HNK       LY6A        LY2BM       UP6P        UN7PBY
C4SV        SV2DGH      LY7A        LY2ZO       UU7J        UU0JM
C4Z         G3SWH       LZ2009KM    LZ1PJ       UX2X        UT2XQ
C6ALP       W8QT        LZ40ATSA    LZ1PJ       UZ1H        UZ1HZ
C6AMS       NA6M        LZ55KSP     LZ1JZ       UZ2M        US0LW
CG7GMT      VE7SUN      LZ7J        LZ1JZ       VC2A        VE3TA
CN3A        I2WIJ       LZ8E        LZ2BE       VK6AA       DL8YR
CO7WT       N2CQ        LZ9W        LZ1PM       VP2ETN      JN1RVS
CS6A        CT1GFK      M2X         M3ZYZ       W9UK/KP2    K9CS
CS8GEO      CT1REP      M6T         G4PIQ       WH2D        K3UOC
CS9L        DJ6QT       M7A         M0NRC       XE50C       XE1J
CU2KG       OH2BH       MM2R        GM3YOR      XU7XXX      KC0W
CU2KI       OH2UA       NP2SH       K9CS        YB3ASM      JH7NTJ
CU2X        OH2BH       OA4SS       KB6J        YI9MIX      N9MIX
CU3HQ       EA3GHZ      OE100TMW    OE1XIC      YJ0SS       JA7SGV
D2QMN       RZ3EC       OF200AD     OH5AD       YL5T        YL3DQ
DD0D        DK5AN       OG0R        OH2PM       YL7X        YL2LY
DK0GEO      DK5AN       OG1M        OH1VR       YL9T        YL2TW
DP3D        DK3KD       OG4X        OH1MA       YM3A        LZ1NK
DQ4W        DK9TN       OG5M        OH5XT       YM3D        TA3D
DR09ANT     DL5MHQ      OG6A        OH6QU       YN2GY       K9GY
DR09NRW     DK4DS       OG6N        OH6NIO      YN2N        TI2OHL
DR12IAAF    DL7AHF      OH0EC       DL1EKC      YP0CD       YO5BFJ
DR775TMG    DJ8QP       OH0Z        W0MM        YP2GEO      YO2KAR
DR800GRZ    DL1ARJ      OK4N        OK1DNJ      YP6C        YO6VCB
E73M        E73Y        OK7M        OK1DVM      YQ5Q        YO5KIP
E73W        E73Y        OK7Y        OK1FDY      YQ6A        YO6BHN
E7DX        E77E        OL0W        OK1DSZ      YR1C        YO4NA
EE2W        EB2BXL      OL1A        OK1DF       YR8A        YO8AXP
EF3A        EA3KU       OL25LP      OK2FB       YR8V        YO8CT
EF7R        EA7AJR      OL3Z        OK1HMP      YR9P        YO9HP
EF8M        UA3DX       OL7C        OK1KVK      YW4D        EA7JX
EG8DIA      EC8ADW      OM7M        OM3PA       Z30MCWG     Z35M
EH1MDC      EA1WS       OP4F        ON4AEF      Z36A        DJ0LZ
EI09VOR     EI8DD       OP4K        ON4JZ       ZB2FX       G3RFX
EJ5GM       EI5GM       OX3XR       OZ3PZ       ZD8DC       KJ4GNB
EJ6DX       RX3RC       OY3QN       OZ1ACB      ZF1A        K6AM
EJ9FBB      EI9FBB      PA08DWN     PA3ALM      ZF2DO       N5DO
EK6DZ       W3HNK       PA6JEROEN   PA7DA       ZF2NE       W5ASP
EK6LX       W3HNK       PA6Z        PA9M        ZK2V        N3SL
EM15DIG     UY5AA       PB37SEAL    PH7Y        ZM1A        ZL1AMO
EN50KSR     UT1KY       PD37SEAL    PD2GCM      ZM3A        ZL3WW
EO1I        UT1IA       PJ2T        N9AG        ZP5KO       PY4KL
ES9C        ES5RY       PJ7MF       IZ1MHY      ZP8VAO      K2DER
ET3JA       OK3AA       PR1T        PY1ZV       ZW5B        K3IRV
EU5ROPE     UA3FDX      R1ANY       RK3MWD      ZX5J        AI4U

4U1ITU   International Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva 20,
E73C     Mersudin Krajisnik, S. Kukavice 114, 73000 Gorazde, Bosnia and
HV5PUL   Luca Della Giovampaola, Pontificia Universita' Lateranense, Piazza
         S. Giovanni in Laterano 4, 00120 Citta' del Vaticano
IW7EBE   Giuseppe Grassano, Via Bartolo Longo 9/G, 71016 San Severo - FG,
KH7XS    Big Island Contest Club, P.O. Box 490, Laupahoehoe, HI 96764, USA
SV2KBB   Archelaos Iakovidis, P.O. Box 26, 59100 Veria, Makedonia, Greece
UR9IDX   Ivan Borzenko, P.O. Box 85, Mari, Mariupol-31, 87531, Ukraine
UR9IDX   Ivan Y. Borzenko, P.O. Box 85, Mariupol-31, 87531, Ukraine
UY5ZZ    Vladimir Latyshenko, P.O. Box 88, Kiev, 03127, Ukraine
V51AS    Frank Steinhauser, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany
WH2X     Joel S. Guisihan, P.O. Box 4331, Agana, GU 96932, USA
ZC4LI    Steve Hodgson, 4 Nikolau Michael Street, 5523 Dasaki Achnas, Cyprus


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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