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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   29.03.08 14:00l 338 Lines 18976 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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29 March 2008                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 882
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5R     - Franck, F4DBJ  will  be  active  as  5R8HT  from  Ivato,  Madagascar
         (AF-013) from 30  March to 17  April. He might  also go and  operate
         from Nattes Island (AF-090). [TNX F5NQL]
9M2    - Wolfgang, OE1WWL  will operate  SSB QRP  as 9M2/OE1WWL  from  Tioman
         Island (AS-046) on 1-5 April. QSL  via home call, direct or  bureau.
EA6    - David, M0DLL says he will  operate SSB on  20-6 metres as  EA6/M0DLL
         from Menorca, Balearic  Islands (EU-004) until  10 April,  including
         some activity during the WPX SSB and PZK contests.
F      - Members of the CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research)
         Amateur Radio Club (F6KAR) will operate special event station TM8LHC
         (TM8 Large Hadron Collider) on 5-6 April. QSL via F6KAR. [TNX F5NQL]
I      - The IF9LI operation  from Levanzo Island  (EU-054) [425DXN 881]  has
         been postponed to 16-18 May. QSL direct to IT9FXY. [TNX IW9FRA]
KH2    - Kirk, WE8A (JJ5CVM)  will be  active as  WE8A/KH2 from  Guam on  4-5
         April. He plans to operate on  80-12 metres SSB,  with some CW.  QSL
         direct  only  to  his  Japanese  address:  Kunihiko  Itaya,  5-1-35,
         Daikaidori, Kobe, 652-0803, Japan. [TNX NG3K]
YJ     - Tony, VK3TZ is now in Port Vila, Vanuatu and has received his  YJ8TZ
         licence. He was  expected to use  YJ0AX along  with other  operators
         [425DXN 881], but at the end of the  day they were not able to  join
         him. Tony will be active until 2 April, including an entry in the CQ
         WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
YK     - Roger/G3SXW, Nigel/G3TXF,  Fred/G4BWP,  Lionel/G5LP  and  Rob/GM3YTS
         will operate CW only as YK9G from Damascus, Syria on 9-15 April. Two
         stations with amplifiers will be QRV  full-time. The team will  have
         antennas for all  bands (160-10m), but  40-17 metres  are likely  to
         provide most openings. They will transmit  on frequencies ending  in
         '3' (always listen up 1-2+ KHz) and will concentrate on the US  West
         Coast whenever propagation permits, even though Damascus is somewhat
         blocked in that direction. QSL via  G3TXF (direct, bureau, LotW  and
         e-mail for bureau  reply). The  web page  for the  expedition is  at [TNX G3SXW]
ZF     - Bob, K3UL will be active as ZF2UL from Grand Cayman (NA-016) on 5-12
         April. He  plans  to operate  CW  and SSB  holiday  style,  with  an
         emphasis on 80 and 160 metres.  QSL direct to  K3UL. [TNX The  Daily
ZS8    - Petrus, ZS6GCM left  South Africa  on 26  March, destination  Marion
         Island [425DXN 881].  The "Agulhas" (South  Africa's polar  research
         vessel) is going straight to Marion,  which might be reached "in  as
         short as five days" depending on weather and sea conditions. It will
         take about three to four  weeks before Petrus  hits the airwaves  as
         ZS8T.  Bookmark   for  complete  information   and

CQ WW  WPX SSB  CONTEST  ---> The  following  stations have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (29-30 March):
Call          Category        DXCC               QSL
3V8BB         SOAB            Tunisia          YT1AD
4L0A          SO HP           Georgia         EA7FTR
5B4AII        SOAB HP         Cyprus           RW3RN
5D5A          M/S             Morocco          I2WIJ
5T5DC         M/?             Mauritania       DH7WW
6Y1V          M/S             Jamaica          OH3RB
7P8FC                         Lesotho         ON4CJK
8R1K          SOAB HP         Guyana           HP1WW
9A60A                         Croatia           9A7A
9K2HN         M/S             Kuwait           9K2HN
9M8Z          SOAB HP         East Malaysia   9M6DXX
A62ER                         U.A.E.          IZ8CLM
AH0BT         M/S or M/2      No. Marianas    7L1FPU
AO8A          M/M             Canary Islands   EA8AH
AY0DX         SOAB LP         Argentina        LU3DR
AY8A          SOAB HP         Argentina       LU8ADX
BP0P          M/M             Taiwan           BV2KI
BP0W          M/?             Taiwan           BX6AP
CN2BC         SOAB LP         Morocco          DL7BC
CN2R          SOSB 20M        Morocco           W7EJ
CS9L or CT9L  SO HP           Madeira          DJ6QT
CT6P          M/S             Portugal        CT2HKN
CT7X          M/S LP          Portugal        CT1ENQ
CT9L                          Madeira Islands  DJ6QT
D4C           M/?             Cape Verde      IZ4DPV
D73D          M/?             Korea           DS5TOS
E77DX         M/2        Bosnia-Herzegovina   OE1EMS
EB3WW         M/M             Spain            EB1WW
EE9Z or EA9LZ SOAB            Ceuta & Melill a EA9LZ
HI3T          SOAB LP         Dominican Rep    ON4IQ
HP1BYS        SB 15m          Panama           EA5KB
HQ2W          SOAB HP         Honduras        HR2DMR
IO5O          M/S             Italy           IK5RLP
IR9Y          M/S             Italy (Sicily)  IT9ABY
JT1BV         SOAB HP         Mongolia         JT1BV
KL5O                          Alaska           AC7DX
LR2F          M/S             Argentina        LU2FA
LS2D          M/2             Argentina        EA5KB
LS4DX         M/S             Argentina        EA5KB
LT1F          M/M             Argentina        AC7DX
LU5EVK        SOAB LP         Argentina       WD9EWK
LV6D          M/S             Argentina        EA5KB
LW6DW         SOSB 15         Argentina        EA5KB
LX7I          SOAB            Luxembourg        LX2A
M8C           M/?             England          G4DFI
NH0DX                         Mariana Isls    JL3RDC
OG0R          SOAB            Aland Islands    OH2PM
P33W          M/S             Cyprus          RA3AUU
R3K                           EU Russia        RN3DK
S21YV         SO              Bangladesh       KX7YT
SN6O          M/M             Poland          SP6PAZ
SP75C         M/S             Poland          SP7DQR
SX3Z          M/S             Greece          SV1ELF
SX5P          M/M             Dodecanese      SV5FRD
T49C          M/2             Cuba             K8SIX
TA0U          SOSB 20m        Turkey            TA0U
TC3D          SOAB LP         Turkey            TA3D
TC7KA         M/S             Turkey           TA7KA
TG0WPX                        Guatemala       TG9AJR
TO1C                          Martinique       ON4IQ
TO5A          SOAB HP         Martinique       F5VHJ
TO5RZ                         St. Barthelemy   W2RZS
V25V          SO HP           Antigua          G4DFI
V31FB         SOAB            Belize           W5JON
V31MR                         Belize            N5ET
VB3E                          Canada          VA3RVK
VK6ARI        SOSB 15m        Australia        VK6NE
VK6FAU        M/S             Australia        VK6NE
VK9ANU                        Norfolk Island  JO2SLZ
VP2E          M/S             Anguilla          N5AU
VP2MAH        SO              Montserrat       N3DXX
VQ58V         SOAB            Turks & Caicos    W5CW
VQ59W                         Turks & Caicos   KX4WW
XR3A                          Chile           CE3DNP
XU7ACY        SO              Cambodia          W2EN
YB0ZDA        M/?             Indonesia        YB0AI
YB3MM/9       SOAB LP         Indonesia       IZ8CCW
YJ8TZ         SO              Vanuatu          VK3TZ
YW4M          M/M             Venezuela         W4SO
ZM2M          M/2             New Zealand      ZL2AL
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced  Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at - good contest to you

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 TOOLBAR ---> The 425 Toolbar  [425DXN 794] has already been installed  by
over 3800 users and the number of operations performed is over 920,000  since
the  release  in  July  2006.  Further  information  and  free  download   at (Firefox  and  I.E., no  personal  information  is
required) [TNX I1-21171/IZ1CRR]

4S7NE & RETURN POSTAGE ---> Nelson, 4S7NE says his local post office does not
accept IRCs. To have them redeemed Nelson  has to travel to the General  Post
Office in  Colombo,  50  kilometres  away (and  the  trip  itself  costs  3-4
dollars). He  likes "green  stamps" better  than IRCs,  also because  "a  G.S
allows me to buy stamp value twice that of an IRC", he says. [TNX RZ0AF]

DXCC NEWS ---> S05A (Western  Sahara, 2007 operation)  has been approved  for
DXCC credit.

KOSOVO & CQ DX AWARDS ---> Kosovo has been added to the list of countries and
territories recognized for CQ DX awards.  Verifications for contacts made  on
or after 17 February 2008 are acceptable  for CQ DX Award credit. All  Kosovo
contacts will count for field KN on applications for the CQ DX Field Award.
"We are aware that the ARRL  has not yet added Kosovo to  the DXCC list,"  CQ
magazine Editor Rich  Moseson (W2VU) explained.  However, since  "it is  CQ's
policy to grant credit for contacts with  'new' entities as of the date  that
their status changes, we  have decided not  to wait for  U.N. action, but  to
follow the lead of the United States and other countries that have recognized
Kosovo's independence, and to grant credit for contacts made with stations in
Kosovo as of its independence day, February 17, 2008". For more  information,
please contact Richard Moseson, W2VU (

KOSOVO & CQ WW  DX CONTEST/CQ DX  MARATHON ---> The  Worked All Europe  (WAE)
award committee of the Deutsche Amateur  Radio Club (DARC)  has voted to  add
Kosova (Kosovo) to the WAE country  list. The CQ World  Wide DX Contests  and
the CQ DX Marathon both use  a combination of the DXCC and  WAE lists as  the
basis for their  country lists. Therefore,  Kosova will now  be considered  a
separate entity for both the CQ DX Marathon (17 February 2008) and for the CQ
WW DX Contests, beginning with the  CQWW RTTY DX  Contest on 27-28  September
2008.  For   more  information,   please   contact  Richard   Moseson,   W2VU

LOGS ---> Yannick, HH2FYD  (F6FYD) went QRT  from Haiti on  23 March 21  UTC.
On-line  logs   for  HH2FYD   and  HH2FYD/6   (NA-149)   can  be   found   at,   for   FJ/F6FYD    (Saint
Barthelemy) at  .  QSL
via F6FYD, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]

QSL VIA 9A2AA ---> Tom, 9A2AA says that all of the direct cards for 5Z4/9A3A,
CC0Y and CE0Y/9A4X have been processed and mailed and that remaining QSOs are
being confirmed via the bureau. Also,  9A73AA are being processed direct  and
bureau. Please note that 1 USD no loger covers return postage from Croatia to
anywhere, but 1 IRC does (if properly stamped).

QSL VIA M3SDE ---> With immediate effect, Tim Beaumont (M3SDE) is the new QSL
manager for the following stations/operations, previously managed by the late
Graham Ridgeway (M5AAV):
9M4SEB (OC-295)         9M6XRO                  HS0ZHX
9M6/G3OOK               9M6XRO/P (OC-133)       V8FEO
9M6DXX                  9M8Z                    XU7DXX
9M6DXX/P (OC-133)       A25OOK                  XU7XRO
QSL to Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1SF,  England
(it will take some time before the blank cards can be forwarded on to  M3SDE,
please be patient). [TNX 9M6DXX]

VINTAGE CONTEST  ---> The  International Vintage  Contest, organized  by  ARI
Rimini (IQ4RN), will take place on 13 April on  20 and 40 metres SSB, CW  and
AM. For further  information, including the  relevant piece  of software  and
complete rules,  please visit

WARD AWARD --->  The WARD (World  Amateur Radio Day)  Award commemorates  the
World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU  on 18 April each year. The  award
is sponsored by  MK QTC (the  Polish Amateur Radio  Journal) with the  Polish
Amateur Radio Union's support, and it is issued to licenced amateurs and SWLs
for contacts  made/heard  between 00.00  and  23.59 UTC  on  18  April.  Full
information  at [TNX SP2FAP]

YO DX CONTEST 2007 ---> The results of the YO DX Contest 2007 can be found at and  participants can  check
their logs at [TNX YO2DFA]

+ SILENT KEY + Graham Ridgeway, M5AAV  passed away on 25 March. According  to
his website, he was the QSL  manager (direct and  bureau) for: 9H3IC,  9M4SEB
(OC-295, 14-17 July  2006), 9M6/G3OOK,  9M6DXX, 9M6XRO,  A25OOK (July  2007),
MW5RIC, OK8XB, V8FEO, XU7DXX, XU7XRO and  Z21KF. He also took care of  bureau
cards for 6O0CW, TX4PG (Marquesas) and ZK3SB, as well as for direct cards for
VK6JB (all operations  including portable and  AX6JB). Some  of these  duties
have been taken over by Tim, M3SDE (see "QSL VIA M3SDE" above).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2HC       DL9HCU      EC1BXI      CT2IQK      S92FM       CT1HHP
4D75J       DV1JM       EH7SSM      EA7URM      SE5E        SM5AJV
4D75T       DU1IVT      EK6DM       DK6CW       SN0PGA      SP9YJC
4O7AMD      EA7FTR      EK8PL       SP9LJD      SN9MB       SP9PON
4U1UN       HB9BOU      EP3PK       IK2DUW      SP0PGA      SP2FAP
5B4AHS      RA3AUU      ET3JA       OK3AA       SX5P        SV5FRD
5H3G        LA4YW       FM5CD       F5VU        SY8JZ       LZ1JZ
5T5DC       DH7WW       FM5WE       K4FJ        T80W        JM1LJS
5X1NH       G3RWF       GB0BUZZ     M0JRQ       T88NS       JA1MML
5X4X        DF5GQ       HC2SL       EA5KB       TB37F       LZ1NK
7P8FC       ON4CJK      HH2FYD/6    F6FYD       TC18M       TA1HZ
7Q7BP       G3MRC       HP3FTD      AI4U        TF4Y        RV3ACA
8J3GOSE     JA3ZNJ      HQ8R        HR2RCH      TI4CF       W3HNK
9A50KDE     9A1AA       II0IDP      IS0SDX      TO5RZ       W2RZS
9G1AA       PA3ERA      II0IGU      IK0JFS      TR8CA       F6CBC
9J2CA       G3SWH       II1ICS      I1SAF       UE0SZB      RZ0SB
9M6/N1UR    K2RET       II1IGG      I2AZ        V31FB       W5JON
9M6LSC      G3SWH [a]   II3PIAV     IK3GES      V31MR       N5ET
9Q/SM7RME   SM7EHU      II8ICN      IZ8FAV      V44KJ       WB2TSL
9Q1TB       SM5DJZ      II9ICF      IT9MRM      V51B        AI4U
9UXEV       DL3KBQ      J20MB       F4FMI       V73PX       AI5P
9X0R        EA5RM       J28JA       F5JFU       V8AQM       W3HNK
A45WD       YO9HP       J37LR       VE3EBN      VK6ARI      VK6NE
A45WG/p     NI5DX       JT1FDR      HL4RBR      VK6FAU      VK6NE
A47SJIT     A47OS       KB7OBU/KH2  JA3VXH      VK9ALH      ON5AX
A52K        JA1CG       KH2E        JE1HJA      VK9ANU      JO2SLZ
A61Q        EA7FTR      KH6MB       AI4U        VP2EFB      DL9GFB
A61TX       W4JS        KL7J        N3SL        VP2ENK      DJ8NK
BV9O        BV8BC       KP2/W6DXO   KF6JOQ      VP8/MM0TJR/p F5PFP
C91R        CT1BXT      LA2008TSR   LA7J        WH2D        K3UOC
CE0Z/DL2AH  DL2AH       LZ130LO     LZ1KZA      XE2S        WD9EWK
CN2R        W7EJ        MN0EPC      MM0DFV      XU7ACY      W2EN
CX7CO       KA5TUF      NH0DX       JL3RDC      XV3M        F6BUM
CX9AU       KA5TUF      NP3CW       EB7DX       YB8TAF      EA5KB
E72AA       K2PF        NP4A        W3HNK       YB9AQH      PA0HOP
E73AD       YT8BB       OX3XR       OZ3PZ       YI9PT       N4XP
E74DX       K2PF        P29VR       W7LFA       YN2YV       IT9DAA
E76AQ       E73TW       R35NP       RW1AI       YO22NATO    YO3KAA
E77XZ       DK6XZ       R9J         RV9JD       ZA1E        I2MQP
EA8BYR      WA1ECA      S21YV       KX7YT       ZF2NU       WA5ZNU

[a] 6-12 March 2008

BV8BC    Bill Chen, P.O. Box 222, Taitung 950, Taiwan
DH7WW    Ulrich Moeckel, Muldenstr. 1, 8304 Schoenheide, Germany
EA5RM    Antonio Gonzalez, P.O. Box 930, 03200 Elche, Spain
HR2RCH   Radio Club de Honduras, P.O. Box 273, San Pedro Sula, Cortes,
JD1BMM   Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba
         260-0806, Japan
K2RET    Bob Tomkovich Jr, 405 Hemlock Dr. Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, USA
KH0/N2QP Satoshi Kouya, 2-7-5 Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0032 Japan
ON4CJK   Jose Duyck, Molenakker 56, 8740 Egem, Belgium
PA0HOP   Hans Hopstaken, Hengemunde 31, NL-6578 BR Leuth, The Netherlands
VK6NE    Neil Penfold, 2 Moss Ct, Kingsley, WA 6026, Australia
W2RZS    RZS Amateur Radio Club, 37 Saw Mill River Rd, Hawthorne, NY 10532,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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