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04 April 2009                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 935
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A     - Once again Zik, VE3ZIK will be active  as  9A/VE3ZIK  from  Bilice,
         Croatia on 12-21 April. He plans to operate  CW,  SSB  and  digital
         modes on the HF bands, with an emphasis on 80, 40  and  30  metres.
         He also plans to operate SSB and  CW  on  20  and  40  metres  from
         Ugljan Island (EU-170) and Pasman Island (EU-170) for one day.  QSL
         via DO7ZZ  (e-mail  requests  for  bureau  cards  can  be  sent  to [TNX VE3ZIK]
9H     - Augusto, I2JJR will be operate holiday style as  9H3JR  from  Malta
         (EU-023) on 10-14 April. He plans to operate SSB mainly on  40  and
         17 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX I2JJR]
C9     - The C91FC team  [425DXN  919]  now  includes  nine  operators  from
         Belgium  and    South    Africa:    Steffi/ON3AEO,    Filip/ON4AEO,
         Jose/ON4CJK, Kath/ON7BK, Adele/ZR6APT,  Deon/ZS6ABR,  Lucas/ZS6ACT,
         Sid/ZS6AYC and Gert/ZS6GC. They will operate SSB, RTTY, PSK and  CW
         on 80-10 metres from 9 to 13  April.  QSL  via  ON4CJK,  direct  or
         bureau. Further information can be found at
GM     - The  website  for  the  MM0RAI/p  expedition  to  Rockall  (EU-189)
         [425DXN 933] is now up and running at  The
         operators  will  be  Patrick/ON4HIL,    Theo/ON4ATW,    Marc/ON6CC,
         Luc/ON4IA and Karel/ON5TN. They will attempt at landing on  Rockall
         between 30 April and 1 May,  and,  depending  on  weather  and  sea
         conditions, they will be active with two stations on  80-10  metres
         SSB and CW for about 48 hours. QSL via  ON4BR,  direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX ON4ATW]
HA     - In 1849 the Hungarian city of Debrecen was the capital  of  Hungary
         for a short  time  during  the  Hungarian  Revolution  and  War  of
         Independence. Commemorating the events of 160  ago,  special  event
         station HG160FNY (QSL via HA0DX) will be active from 1 April  until
         31 July. Look for  also  five  HA160  individual  special  prefixes
         (HA160DX, HA160KA, HA160NDE, HG160BW  and  HG160JUV)  to  be  aired
         during that time frame. Further information on this event  and  the
         relevant award can be found at  under  HG160FNY.  [TNX
HS     - Tony, E21IZC and others  will  be  active  as  E21IZC/p  from  Lipe
         Island (AS-126) on 12-13 April. They plan to operate SSB and CW  on
         20 and 40 metres. QSL via E21IZC. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - Walter, IN3XUG will be active  as  IC8/IN3XUG  from  Ischia  Island
         (EU-031, IIA NA-001) on 1-10 April. Look for him mainly on  20  and
         40 metres SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call. [TNX IN3XUG]
JT     - JH1AWN and three members  of  the  Akita  DX  Association  (JA7AGO,
         JA7LU and JA7ZP) will  be  active  from  Ulaanbaatar,  Mongolia  on
         21-28 April. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY  and  PSK31  from  two
         different locations, JT1KAA's shack and their hotel. Plans  are  to
         be QRV on 160-6 metres, but 160m activities will  depend  on  local
         conditions. The callsigns and relevent QSL routes are:  JT1AWN  via
         JH1AWN, JT1AGO via JA7AGO, JT1LU via JA7LU, JT1ZP via JA7ZP.  Cards
         can be sent direct or via the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
JW     - Francois, F8DVD  will be active once again from Spitsbergen  Island
         (EU-026), Svalbard on 18-26 April.  Look  for  him  to  operate  as
         JW/F8DVD from the Longyearbyen ARC, with main activity  on  40  and
         20 metres SSB and CW. His 16-year-old son  Victor,  F0EPL  will  be
         with him. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F8DVD]
KH4    - The dates for the K4M expedition to Miday Island [425DXN  932]  are
         now set for 9 through 19 October.  Further  information,  including
         details on how contribute  to  the  expedition,  can  be  found  at
KL     - The KL7RRC IOTA expedition to  Ogliuga  Island  (NA-233,  new  one)
         [425DXN 923] is now expected between 23 July  and  5  August,  IOTA
         Contest  included.  Preliminary  information  can  be   found    at (click on "NA-233 Plans").
LA     - Fred, ON6QR will be  active  as  LA/ON6QR  from  Moskenesoy  Island
         (EU-076) on 8-12 April. He will operate  CW  QRP  on  40-40  metres
         during his evenings. QSL via home call. [TNX]
OA     - Marco/CE6TBN, Rene/DL2JRM,  Zoli/HA1AG  and  Jorge/OA4BHY  will  be
         active as 4T6I from Isla La Leona (SA-098)  on  10-13  April.  They
         plan to operate CW and SSB on 10-80 metres with two  stations.  QSL
         via DL2JRM, direct or bureau.
OZ     - Ben, DO1BEN will be active again as OZ/DO1BEN from  Lolland  Island
         (EU-029) on 9-17 April. He plans to operate SSB and  digital  modes
         on the HF  bands.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
PY     - A large group of operators from  the  Teresina  DX  Group  will  be
         active as ZW8BBC from Ilha das Canarias (SA-072) from 29  April  to
         3 May. Plans are to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 160-6  metres.  QSL
         via PS8DX. [TNX PS7AB]
S7     - Bernd, DL7UCX will be active as S79UCX from the Seychelles on  5-17
         April. He will operate holiday style on  10-80  metres  mainly  CW,
         running 100 watts into dipoles and  a  vertical  antenna.  QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. The log  will  be  uploaded  to  LoTW.
         [TNX NG3K]
SP     - Eleven special event stations will be active from Poland  on  16-19
         April to commemorate  the  World  Amateur  Radio  Day  (18  April):
         3Z0WARD,  3Z2009WARD,  HF2009WARD,  HF84WARD,  HF9WARD,    SN0WARD,
         SN2009WARD, SP0WARD, SP2009WARD, SQ0WARD and  SQ2009WARD.  QSL  via
         SP2FAP.    Further    information    can    be      found        at [TNX SP2FAP]
T8     - JH0IXE (T88CW) and JA0FOX (T88NF) will  be  active  from  Palau  on
         4-12 April. They plan to operate CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and  SSTV  on
         80-6 metres. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
TA     - The   TC  Special  Wireless  Activity  Team  (  will
         operate as TC57A on 22-27 April in remembrance of the  role  played
         by the 57th Infantry Regiment of the Turkish Fifth Army during  the
         Dardanelles Campaign in 1915. QSL via TA1HZ. [TNX TA1HZ]
TK     - Joachim, F6BUL will  be  active  holiday  style  as  TK/F6BUL  from
         Corsica (EU-014) on 8-15  April.  He  will  operate  QRP  on  40-10
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
TK     - Look for  Gabriele,  TK/IZ5FDD  and  Alessandro,  TK/IW5ELA  to  be
         active from Corsica on 20-24 May. They plan to operate SSB  and  CW
         on 40-6 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ5FDD]
VK9M   - The VK9GMW operators have passed  the  7,000  QSOs  mark,  with  80
         metres as their most productive low band. The weather continues  to
         be fine and they expect to remain on Mellish Reef  until  10  April
         at least.  Regular  updates  and  on-line  logs  can  be  found  at QSL via HA7RY.
VU     - Yamini, VU2YAM and Manju, VU2SMS have joined  the  team  that  will
         operate as AT9RS from Grandi Island  (AS-177)  between  5  and  7-8
         April [425DXN 934]. They will run two stations,  one  for  SSB  and
         one for CW, with verticals and dipoles on the  following  announced
         CW   28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10114, 7030, 3530 kHz
         SSB  28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055, 3765 kHz
         QSL  via  W3HNK  (South and North America)  and  DL4KQ (rest of the
         world). Further information can be found  at  either
         and [TNX VU3RSB]
XU     - Eddy, XU7AFU (CW) Wim, XU7TZG (SSB and PSK31)  will  be  active  as
         XU7KOH from Koh Russei (Bamboo Island, AS-133), on 3-6  April.  QSL
         via ON7PP (direct only). [TNX The Daily DX]
XU     - Reijo, OH4MDY will be active again as XU7MDY  from  Shinanoukville,
         Cambodia on 9-21 April. He  plans  to  operate  CW,  SSB  and  some
         digital modes on 80-10 metres. QSL  via  home  call,  direct  only.
         [TNX NG3K]

NORTHERN TOUR ---> Maurizio,  IW4BLZ  will  be  active  on  80-6  metres  as
OY/IW4BLZ  from  the  Faroe Islands  on 27-29 July,  and  as  TF/IW4BLZ from
Iceland from 31 July to 11 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

MMAA CW  CONTEST  --->  The  Manchester  Mineira  All  America  CW  Contest,
sponsored by the Juiz de Fora CW Group, will be held on 16-17  May.  Further
information,  including  last  year's  event  results,  can   be   found  at Ed, PY4WAS says that a number  of  major  changes
will be introduced in 2010.

RADIO MARITIME DAY ---> On 11-12 April (from 12  UTC  to  12  UTC)  merchant
marine radio officers from several countries will be active on the HF  bands
( 1824, 3520, 7020, 14052, 21052 and 28052 kHz)  to  meet  amateur  radio
operators for the Radio Maritime Day special event. Further information  can
be found at

SP-DX CONTEST ---> Organized by the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) and  SP
DX Club, the SP DX Contest will be held from 15 UTC on 4  April  through  15
UTC on the 5th, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres Phone and CW.  Complete
details  can  be  found  at  [TNX

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available at  Please  note
that QSOs confirmed through LoTW or included in on-line  logs  are  eligible
for listing. Send send your scores, as  well  as  any  request  for  further
information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (

UK POSTAL RATES ---> Postal rates in the  United  Kingdom  will  rise  on  6
April. The new airmail rates will be as follows:
Europe                             Rest of the world
up to 10 grams    GBP 0.56         GBP 0.62
up to 20 grams    GBP 0.56         GBP 0.90
up to 40 grams    GBP 0.81         GBP 1.35

WARD AWARD ---> The WARD (World Amateur Radio Day)  Award  commemorates  the
World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU on 18 April each year. The  award
is sponsored by MK QTC (the Polish Amateur Radio Journal)  with  the  Polish
Amateur Radio Union's support, and it is issued  to  licenced  amateurs  and
SWLs for contacts made/heard between  00.00  and  23.59  UTC  on  18  April.
Details can be found at [TNX SP2FAP]

WCA ---> The World Castles Award is  for  working  stations  operating  from
castles located in Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany,  Great
Britain, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland and  Ukraine.
Complete information can be found at [TNX RN1CW]


QSLs received direct or through  managers:  3D2OU,  3D2YA  (OC-121),  3V8BB,
3V8SS, 4L4MM, 4L4WW, 4O/K1ZZ, 4S7NE, 4U1UN, 5B/AJ2O, 5B4AII,  5H3RK,  5K0CW,
5K3T, 5N/LZ1QK, 5U5U, 5W0KI, 6W/DL2RMC, 6Y1LZ, 7Q7AH, 7Q7HB,  7Y3HM,  7Z1HB,
9G5ZZ, 9J2BO, 9J3A, 9L0W  (AF-037),  9M6/N2BB,  9V1F1,  9X0W,  9Y4AA,  9Y4D,
A35KL (OC-169), A43DLH, A5100A, A71CV, A71EM, AC5O/p (NA-168),  C31CT,  C4N,
GX4KPT (EU-120), H40FN, HC1MD,  HE8ICE,  HI3K,  HI9/DL4JS,  HK1AT  (SA-078),
HR9/IK2QPR (NA-057), HV5PUL, J3/DL5AXX, J69DS, J7N, J88XF, JA7GAX/6  (AS-047
and  AS-049),  JY4NE,  KH8/KK6H,  KP2AD,  KV4FZ,  LA9SN/p  (EU-061),  LY70A,
LZ09BR, NE8Z/4 (NA-034), OH0R, OH0Z, OH4JT/1 (EU-096), OX5AA,  P40R,  P40ZB,
PJ4/G4IUF,  PJ4/K4BAI,  PJ7/W8EB,  PZ5TX,  RK2FWA,  RU0LI,  S21DX  (AS-127),
SU9NC, SV0XBM/9, SV9/DJ7RJ, T30XX, T31DX, T33ZZ, T77NM, TK5EP,  TM6M,  TO3R,
TO4X, TR50R, TT8JT, TT8SK, V25OP, V25WY, V26G, V31TB, V51AS,  V51XG,  V85SS,
VQ9LA, VU4RG, VU7SJ,  VX1RNS/p,  (NA-081),  W5RI/p  (NA-168),  XE1RCS,  XV3M
(AS-130), XV4BM, XW1B, YB0AZ, YB1ALL, YS3CW, YS4/K9GY, ZD8N,  ZF2AM,  ZK2DF,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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