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28 March 2009                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 934
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3A     - Gianni, I1UWF will be active as 3A/I1UWF from Monaco  on  4  April,
         starting around 13 UTC. He plans to be QRV  on  17  and  12  metres
         running 100 watts into a vertical antenna. QSL via home call.  [TNX
E5     - Walter, HB9XBG will be active as E51XBG  from  Rarotonga  (OC-013),
         South Cook Islands from 30 March to 16 April. Look for  him  on  20
         metres SSB between 6 and 12 UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX The  Daily
FJ     - Oscar, EB1HF  and Pablo, EC1DPM   will  be  active  as  FJ/homecall
         from Saint Barthelemy (NA-146) on 7-12  April.  They  will  operate
         digital modes only, with main activity on RTTY, on 20,  15  and  10
         metres. QSLs via EC1AE (direct only). [TNX EC1AE]
FR     - Cedric, F4EGZ is active as FR/F4EGZ from  Reunion  Island  (AF-016)
         until 13 April. He plans to  be  QRV  during  the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest on 10, 15 and 20 metres. Outside the contest  he  plans  to
         operate on 17 and 6 metres. [TNX F4EGZ]
HH     - 4V4JR is a special callsign obtained by Jean-Robert, HH2JR for  the
         CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. He will be joining  Don/AF4Z  and  Jan/K4QD,
         who have been at the Northwest Haiti  Christian  Mission  since  24
         March [425DXN 931]. QSL via K4QD, direct or bureau  or  LoTW.  [TNX
OZ     - Tor, DJ4MG (5P4MG) and Ela,  DL1TM  (OZ7TM)  will  be  active  from
         Vendsyssel-Thy/Nordjylland  (EU-171)  on  5-16  April.  They   will
         operate SSB on 160, 80, 40, 20, 17 and 15 meteres, and PSK31 on  20
         and 40 metres. QSl via home calls. [TNX]
P2     - Derek, G3KHZ (P29NI) has announced a new IOTA DXpedition  to  Papua
         New Guinea. Between 22 October and 9 November  he  and  other  four
         operators  (namely  Luis/CT1AGF,  Gordon/G3USR,  Steve/G4EDG    and
         Hans/SM6CVX) will be active from the Tanga  Islands  (OC-102),  the
         Green Islands (OC-231) and the Woodlark Group (OC-205).  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-15 metres, using  new  single  band
         vertical dipoles for 30-15m and a ground  plane  for  40m.  Further
         information is expected in  due  course.  The  web  pages  for  the
         expedition  are  at
         [TNX I1-21171]
SV    -  Vassilis/SV8CYV,  Alexandros/SV8CYR,   Kostandinos/SV8IIR,   Ilias/
         SV8FMY  and George/SV8IJZ will be active as  SX8P from Samos Island
         (EU-049)  on  3-12  April.  The  special  callsign's  suffix stands
         for  Pythagoras,  the  great philosopher and mathematician  who was
         born  on Samos. They plan to operate SSB, BPSK 31  and  RTTY mainly
         on  20,  17,  40 and 80 metres. QSL via  the bureau,  or  direct to
         SV8CYV. [TNX SV8CYV]
VE     - Celebrating  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  opening  of  the  St.
         Lawrence  Seaway,  Canadian  amateurs  are  allowed  to  use    the
         following prefixes between 1 April and 31 May:  XL  (VA  stations),
         XN (VO stations), XM (VE stations), XO  (VY  stations).  [TNX  OPDX
VK9M   - Bad weather conditions prevented the VK9GMW team (AA7JV and  HA7RY)
         from leaving Marion Reef [425DXN 933] for several days.  Eventually
         they  departed  for  Mellish  on  25  March,  and  reached    their
         destination at 6 UTC on the 27th. They hope to be on the air  by  8
         UTC on 28 March. QSL via HA7RY. Please bookmark  for
VK9X   - Haru, JA1XGI will be active as  JA1XGI/VK9  from  Christmas  Island
         (OC-002) on 4-11 April. He plans to operate CW  and  digital  modes
         on all bands. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VU     - Frank/DL4KQ, Sarath/VU3RSB and Jose/VU2JOS expect to be  active  as
         AT9RS from Grandi Island in the Goa State group (IOTA  AS-177,  new
         one) between 5 and 7 April (indicatively from the local  midday  on
         5 April until the local morning on the 8th). They plan  to  operate
         CW, SSB and digital modes on  various  bands,  with  two  stations,
         verticals, dipoles and 500 watts. QSL via W3HNK  (North  and  South
         America) and DL4KQ (rest of the world). Further information  to  be
         found at [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club]
W      - Buzz, NI5DX and his brother  Al,  WD5IQR  will  be  operating  from
         Galveston Island (NA-143) on 30 March and,  if  conditions  permit,
         on 1 April. Monday's operation is planned to be  mainly  SSB,  with
         the possibility of some CW and digital modes. [TNX K1XN]
W      - The Palos Verdes Amateur Radio  Club  will  operate  as  K6PV  from
         Santa Catalina Island (NA-066) on 1-5 April.  They  will  have  two
         stations active on 80, 40, 20 and 17 metres SSB  and  CW.  QSL  via
         K6PV. [TNX The Daily DX]
YK     - Saad, N5FF will be active again as YK1BA from Damascus, Syria  from
         30 March to 10 April. He plans to operate CW,  SSB and  RTTY in his
         spare  time  (between  20-23  UTC,  2-5  UTC  and  possibly    some
         occasional activities between  12-14  UTC).  Saad  thinks  he  will
         spend most of his radio time on 30,  40  and  80  metres.  QSL  via
         N5FF. [TNX K1XN]

CQ WW  WPX SSB  CONTEST  ---> The  following stations have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (28-29 March):
Call          Category        DXCC                 QSL
3V8SS                         Tunisia              IZ8CCW
4D1N                          Philippines          DV1UBY
4M5DX         M/S             Venezuela            IT9DAA
4M5IR         M/?             Venezuela            YV5KG
4V4JR         M/?             Haiti                K4QD
4Z4OQ         SOSB 20m        Israel               4Z4OQ
5B4AII        SOAB 2R         Cyprus               RW3RN
8P1A          SOAB HP         Barbados             NN1N
9A800VZ                       Croatia              9A7A
9M8Z          SOAB HP         East Malaysia        M0URX
A61BK                         U.A.E.               A61BK
AH0BT         M/2             Mariana Isls         7L1FPU
AO1K          M/?             Spain                EA1GVG
AY5F          SOSB 15m        Argentina            LU5FC
BX5AA         SOAB HP         Taiwan               BX5AA
C91TX                         Mozambique           W5PF
CN2BC         SOAB LP         Morocco              DL7BC
CN2R          SOAB            Morocco              W7EJ
CN4P                          Morocco              EA5XX
CQ3T          M/S             Madeira              CT3KN
CQ7CQK                        Portugal             CT1CQK
CS9L                          Madeira Isls         DJ6QT
D4C           M/S             Cape Verde 
E7DX          M/?             Bosnia-Herzegovina   E77E
EA8/OH6CS     SOSB 15m        Canary Isls          OH6CS
EA9LZ or EG9Z SOSB            Ceuta & Melilla      EA9LZ
ED8R          M/S             Canary Isls          EA4RCH
EE2W          M/S             Spain                EB2BXL
EF8R          M/?             Canary Isls          EA8CAC
EI/ON4EI      SOAB LP         Ireland              ON4EI
FR/F4EGZ      SO              Reunion Island
G6PZ          M/S             England              GM4FDM
GD8K                          Isle of Man          GW0ANA
H22H          SOSB 40m HP     Cyprus               5B4MF
HI3C          SOSB 20m        Dominican Republic
HQ2W          SOAB HP         Honduras             HR2DMR
II5W                          Italy                IZ5DKG
IR9P          SOAB            Italy (Sicily)       IW9HMQ
IR9Y          M/S             Italy (Sicily)       IT9ABY
J6/W5JON      SO              St. Lucia            W5JON
J88DR         SOAB            St. Vincent          G3TBK
LP1H          M/S             Argentina            EA5KB
LR2F          M/S             Argentina            LU2FA
LS1D          M/?             Argentina            LW9EOC
LS2D          M/2             Argentina            EA5KB
LX7I          SOAB            Luxembourg           LX2A
LY7A          M/M             Lithuania            LY2ZO
MC0SHL                        Wales                M0URX
MJ4K          M/?             Jersey               G3NKC
MW9W                          Wales                M0URX
NH7A          SOAB            Hawaii               F5VHJ
NQ4I          M/M             USA                  K4PK
OL7T          M/S             Czech Republic       OK2BXU
OM0A          M/2             Slovak Republic      OM0AAO
OP4K          M/?             Belgium              ON4JZ
P40A          SOAB            Aruba                WD9DZV
PR1T          M/S             Brazil               PY1ZV
PW2D          M/?             Brazil               PY2VM
PW7A          M/?             Brazil               PY7RP
S65Q                          Singapore            9V1QQ
SX5P          M/M             Dodecanese           SV5FRD
T48K          M/S             Cuba                 DK1WI
TA1KC         M/?             Turkey               TA0U
TC3EC         M/S             Turkey               TA3GO
TG0AA         M/?             Guatemala            TG9ANF
TM0TAN                        France               F8KHH
VC6T                          Canada               VE6SV
VP59V         SOAB            Turks & Caicos       W5CW
VP8KF                         Falkland Isls        G3VPW
XR1A          M/?             Chile                XQ1IDM
XR6T          M/2             Chile                CE3FED
XW1A          SOAB            Laos                 E21EIC
YE0X          M/?             Indonesia            YB0ZZ
YE1ZAT        M/S             Indonesia  
YM2W          SOSB 15m HP     Turkey               OK1TN
YM3D          SOAB LP         Turkey               TA3D
YN2BQ                         Nicaragua            EA4BQ
ZM4A          M/S             New Zealand          ZL4AA
ZP0R          SOAB            Paraguay             ZP5AZL
ZT2V          M/2             South Africa         NI5DX
ZX7U          SOAB LP         Brazil               PT7ZT
ZZ6Z          SOSB 20m        Brazil               PY6HD
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
By  Bill, NG3K at - good  contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

IARU NEWS ---> The Union des Radioamateurs du Congo (URAC) has  applied  for
admission to the IARU. It represents the  Republic  of  the  Congo  (capital
Brazzaville,  ITU-allocated  prefix  TN),  not  to  be  confused   with  the
Democratic Republic of  the  Congo  (capital  Kinshasa),  which  is  already
represented in the IARU by Association des Radio Amateurs du  Congo  (ARAC).
URAC was formed on 8 October 2008, and  lists  15  members  on  its  current
roster, including three  licensed  radio  amateurs.  The  closing  date  for
receipt  of  votes  by  the  International  Secretariat    is    11  August.

JAPAN (NEW PRIVILEGES) ---> Effective 29 March at 15  UTC  Japanese  amateur
radio operators will gain new privileges, including  the  expansion  of  the
40m band (7000-7200 kHz) and the possibility of working  RTTY  and  data  on
10130-10150 kHz. [TNX JA1HGY]

NOT THE  MANAGER  --->  Sam,  RN6BN  is  receiving  many  direct  QSL  cards
confirming contacts made with V85SS. Sam is not the QSL manager  for  V85SS,
who wants cards to be mailed to the address mentioned at

PIRATE (EP2IA) ---> A station signing EP2IA has been QRV  this  week  on  40
metres CW, asking for QSL via "This was my  call  in  the  1970's",
Roger (G3SXW) says, "but I know nothing about the current operation. If  the
call-sign had been re-issued I would expect him to give a valid  QSL  route.
But points at G3SXW so  I  must  conclude  that  this  is  a  pirate

PIRATE (MU0X) ---> M0X is the contest callsign for Charles, M0OXO. Over  the
last few weeks is has been  used  several  times  along  with  the  regional
designator for Guernsey. If you have MU0X in your log, please  refrain  from
requesting a QSL card, as Charles has never operated from Guernsey  and  you
have worked a pirate. [TNX GU0SUP]

URE 60 ANNIVERSARY CONTEST  --->  The  IARU  society  for  Spain  (Union  de
Radioaficionados Espanoles) celebrates its  60th  anniversary  and  sponsors
the URE 60 Anniversary Contest. It will be held on  from  00.00  UTC  on  11
April until 23.59 UTC on the 12th, on 10, 15, 20, 40,  80  and  160  metres,
Mixed    mode.     Detailed        information        can    be    found  at

VK9LA ---> A logsearch for the current expedition to Lord  Howe  is  now  up
and running at (latest update  at  1
UTC on 27 March). The first 400 QSOs on  20  metres  were  logged  on  paper
logs, and will be added to the online log as soon as possibile.
VK9LA  team  members  Stan,  SQ8X  and  Peter,   SQ9DIE    maintain  a  blog
( that is worth a visit and a bookmark.

+ SILENT KEYS + David Rankin, 9V1RH (VK3QV) passed away  on  19  March.  WIA
Federal Vice President for a number of years, he moved to Singapore in  1972
and was a founding  member  of  the  Singapore  Amateur  Radio  Transmitting
Society (SARTS). Deeply involved  with  IARU,  he  was  Region  3  Secretary
(1973-82), Chairman (1982-94) and Director (1994-97).
Other recently reported Silent Keys  include  Rich  Beebe  (N0PV),  Ivan  I.
Dzjuba (UT5UG), Catherine H. Hrischenko (VE3GJH) and Dave Hammond (WC4B).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3V8SS       IZ8CCW      ER3R        ER3KAZ      RD3A        UA3DX
3Z50KPN     SP5ZRW      ER4DX       RA4LW       RF3T        RW3TJ
4F1VEM/9    VE7DP       ES6Q        ES5RY       RG3K        UA3QDX
4K0CW       DL6KVA      EV1R        EU1PA       RG9A        UA9XC
4L8A        K1BV        FK/G3MXJ    F5VHY       RL3A        W3HNK
4M5RY       EA5KB       FK/G3TXF    G3TXF       RM3M        RK3MWD
4U1UN       HB9BOU      FM5CD       F5VU        RN9S        RN9SXX
4Z5J        W0MM        GB1SPD      GI7AXB      RO9O        RZ9OO
5B/US7IDX   RN3QO       GB2RAF      G4PSH       RT3T        UA3TT
5B4AHS      RA3AUU      GB5CC       G4BJM       RT4D        RZ4CWW
5B4AII      RW3RN       GB5SPD      MN0AKU      RT6A        RZ6AZZ
5B8AD       W3HNK       HA130HALLO  HA5KHC      RT9W        RZ9WWH
5N/LZ1QK    LZ1CL       HC2SL       EA5KB       RU1A        RU1AE
5N0OCH      DL3OCH      HF80BEM     SP9ZBC      RW0A        RA0ALM
5W1VE       DL9HCU      HG6N        HA6KNB      RW0CWA      RW0CF
6V7E        RW3TN       HG7T        HA7TM       RW2F        DK4VW
6W1RW       F6BEE       HH4/AF4Z    AF4Z        SK3W        SM5DJZ
6W1SE       JR2KDN      HH4/K4QD    K4QD        SO8A        SP8YB
6W1SJ       E73Y        HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       SO9Q        SP9QMP
6W2SC       HA3AUI      HP3AK       W4JS        SX1L        DL1JCZ
6Y1LZ       K1LZ        HP3DX       W4WX        SX5P        RV3ACA  [a]
6Y8XF       G3TXF       HV0A        IK0FVC      SZ6P        SV1BJW
7Q7AH       G0IAS       HZ1EA       DJ9ZB       T2UF        LA5UF
7X5ST       7X2LS       HZ1FS/p     EA7FTR      T88CD       JH2BNL
8P0P        8P9NX       II0IDR      IZ0FVD      T88WW       JA2NQG
8S0PSK      SM0KCR      II9ICF      IT9MRM      TC18M       TA3FB
9A3B        9A1AA       IQ4AX       IZ4EFN      TC1RLH      TA1HZ
9A5D        9A1BHI      IY1GM       IK1UGX      TK7P        9A8MM
9A5Y        9A7W        J37T        VE3EBN      TM2HC       F5IRC
9A7B        9A4W        J38CW       G3VCQ       TM6M        F4DXW
9A7T        9A2EU       J79WR       G3LZQ       TN5SN       IZ1BZV
9H3GA       DL5GA       J79XBI      SM0XBI      U4MIR       RN3DK
9H3JT       G3PJT       J88DR       G3TBK       UA0SWA      RU0SN
9K2/SP4R    SP4GFG      JD1BIE      JE4RHL      UA0YAY      IK2QPR
9K2YM       EA5KB       JT1R        RW4HB       UA3R        RN3RQ
9M2TO       JA0DMV      JT1T        JT1KAA      UN3M        EA7FTR
9M8Z        M0URX       KH0/K2JA    JL3SIK      UN9L        LZ1YE
A45WG       NI5DX       KH0/KI3DNN  JI3DNN      UU7J        UU0JM
A60SAB      IZ8CLM      KH0/N3MU    JA3CEK      UZ2I        UT2II
A62ER       IZ8CLM      KH6MB       AI4U        UZ2M        US0LW
A71CV       A71AN       KH6ND       K2PF        V31WV       EA7HEJ
A71EM       EA7FTR      KH6ZM       I0MWI       V47CD       G4FAL
AH0F/KH2    JA2NQG      LM9K75Y     LA9K        V47NT       W2RQ
AL1G        AC7DX       LN3Z        LA9VDA      V63PR       JJ8DEN
AN9CNP      EA9CE       LN8W        LA9VDA      VC3Y        VE3CWO
AO5R        EA5AID      LT0H        EA7FTR      VK6AU       N1DT
B4TB        BA4TB       LT9L        EA5FL       VK9AA       DL8YR
BP0A        BV2KI       LU4DJB      EA5KB       VK9LA       VK4FW
C4I         LZ2HM       LU8XW       WD9EWK      VP2MKK      KK1KW
C4W         5B4WN       LX7I        LX2A        VQ5B        K4IRI
C4Z         G3SWH       LY7A        LY2ZO       WH2DX       KL7AF   [b]
C91TX       W5PF        LZ7J        LZ1JZ       XE2/UX4UL   UY5ZZ
CN2R        W7EJ        LZ9W        LZ1ZD       XE2HWB/XF1  N6AWD
CN8KD       EA5XX       NH0AA/NH2   JH2BNL      XE3MAYA     XE3D
CN8NK       EA5XX       NP4Z        WC4E        XU7ADJ      JH1NBN
CN8VO       EA7FTR      OA4TT       N6XQ        XW1B        E21EIC
CN8YE       EA7FTR      OG2U        OH2IW       YC9MDX      EB7DX
CO8LY       EA7ADH      OH0R        OH2PM       YI9HU       K3ASK
CP4BT       EA5KB       OH0Z        W0MM        YN2BQ       EA4BQ
CS6A        CT1GFK      OL3Z        OK1HMP      YR1C        YO4NA
CT8K        CT1CJJ      OL6X        OK1DVM      YR1Z        YO9GZU
D44TXF      DG3KAF      OM60KAP     OM3PA       YW4D        EA7JX
DD4B        DL3PS       P29VR       W7LFA       Z21BC       NI5DX
DJ9A        DJ9VA       P33W        RA3AUU      Z30MCWG     Z35M
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      P40YL       AI6YL       ZB2CN       DJ9WH
DQ4W        DK9TN       PH60PH      PA7HPH      ZD8RH       G4DBW
DR5N        DK5TT       PJ4/W9NJY   WD9DZV      ZF2ZL       W8ERI
E51COF      K8NA        PP5EG       K3IRV       ZM1A        ZL1AMO
E79D        E77E        PS2T        K3IRV       ZM2B        ZL2BR
EA8EW       OH1MA       PT2ZXR      DJ0XR       ZP8VAO      K2DER
EF8R        EA8CAC      PT7AG       PT7WA       ZS3Y        SQ8X
EI0W        EI2JD       PY0FF       W9VA        ZS6CCY      K3IRV
EI7DAR      EI2JD       R150ASP     RF3C        ZS9Z        ZS1OIN
EK3SA       DJ1CW       R1AND       RU1ZC       ZW5B        K3IRV
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      RC3W        RW3WWW      ZX2B        PY2MNL
EO0UD       UR7UT       RC9O        UA9PC       ZX5J        AI4U

[a] 18-23 March 2009
[b] Russian DX Contest 2009

3DA0TM   Andy Cory, P. O. Box 1033, Mbabane, Swaziland
DL3OCH   Bodo Fritsche, Mardelaeckerstr. 14, 5417 Untersiggenthal,
EA7FTR   Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain
F5VHY    Dennis Andrews, Coupelle, 47120 Levignac-de-Guyenne, France
G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey
         KT13 0BS, England, UK
JE4RHL   Shigeaki Miyamae, 4-20-22-302, Aoto Katsushika,Tokyo 125-0062,
RW4HB    Sergej A. Golobokov, P.O. Box 37, Samara 443099, Russia
SV0XAI/9 Hans Saerevik, P.O. Box 531, GR 74100 Rethymno, Greece
UN6P     Yuri Loparev, P.O. Box 73, Temirtau, 101400, Kazakhstan
V51AS    Frank Steinhauser, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany
VK4FW    Bill Horner, P.O. Box 612, Childers 4660, Australia
W5PF     J. Paul Frantz III, 20016 Hilltop Ranch Dr. Montgomery, TX 77316,
ZC4LI    Steve Hodgson, 4 Nikolau Michael Street, 5523 Dasaki Achnas, Cyprus
ZC4VJ    Andy Chadwick, P.O. Box 36575, 5526 Dasaki Achnas, Cyprus


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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