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21 March 2009                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 933
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U1UN  - Bernie, W3UR and other four  operators  will  be  active  from  the
         United  Nations  Headquarters  during  the  weekend.  Activity   is
         expected to begin around 21 UTC  on  20  March  and  continue  into
         midday on the 22nd. They will be QRV with  two  stations,  with  an
         emphasis on the low bands and special attention for Japan  (20m  at
         21.30-23.00 UTC), VK/ZL & other Pacific (40m at  09.00-11.00  UTC),
         VK6 (20m at 00.00 UTC; 40m longpath at 22.30-23.30  UTC).  QSL  via
         HB9BOU. Updates will be posted on  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
5N     - 5N0OCH is the callsign issued  to  Bodo,  DL3OCH  (HB9EHJ)  for  HF
         activity during his stay in Abuja, Nigeria,  from  21  March  until
         July [425DXN 931]. He  plans  to  operate  during  his  spare  time
         on160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. Hopefully he  will  also  go  and
         operate from IOTA group AF-076. Further information  can  be  found
         at QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
5Z     - Eltje/PA3CEE, Rene/PE1L  and  Ronald/PA3EWP  will  be  active  from
         Kenya on 1-12 April. They will operate as 5Z4EME  on  2m  and  70cm
         EME (details can be found at; Ronald  will
         also operate on the HF bands as  5Z4/PA3EWP,  using  verticals  for
         10-40 metres and a homemade amplifier. QSL 5Z4EME via  PA3CEE,  QSL
         5Z4/PA3EWP via PA7FM. [TNX PA3EWP]
8P     - Richard, G3RWL will be active as 8P6DR from  Barbados  (NA-021)  on
         2-24 April. He will operate holiday style on 160-10 metres  CW  and
         digital modes. Better not to expect him on the bands  on  8  April,
         as it will be his wedding day! QSL via home call, sirect or  bureau
         (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to
         [TNX G3RWL]
9A     - Celebrating the 800th anniversary of the charter that granted  city
         rights  to  Varazdin,  the  local  radio  club  (9A1HDE/9A7A)  will
         operate as 9A800VZ until the end of the year.  The  first  activity
         will be during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest on 28-29  March.  QSL  via
         9A7A. [TNX 9A2X]
9M8    - Steve, 9M6DXX has changed his  plans  [425DXN  931]  and  will  now
         operate as 9M8Z from  Sarawak,  East  Malaysia  (OC-088)  on  21-29
         March, CQ WW WPX SSB Contest included. Outside  the  contest,  look
         for him especially on 40 metres SSB. QSL via M0URX, direct,  bureau
         or LoTW. [TNX 9M6DXX]
CT3    - Helmut, DF7ZS will participate in the CQ  WW  WPX  SSB  Contest  as
         CS9L  from  Madeira  (AF-014).  Expect  some  casual  operating  as
         CT3/DF7ZS between  24  and  31  March.  QSL  CS9L  via  DJ6QT,  QSL
         CT3/DF7ZS via home call (bureau preferred). [TNX DF7ZS]
DU     - Max, M0GHQ will be visiting the Philippines between late March  and
         late April.  He  expects  to  operate  from  the  islands  of  Cebu
         (OC-129), Samal (OC-235, 29-31 March) and  Mindanao  (OC-130),  and
         to attend the Philippine Amateur Radio  Association's  77th  annual
         hamvention, to be held on 17-19 April on Leyte Island (OC-129).  He
         plans to be active on 160-10 metres (plus possibly 6  metres)  SSB,
         PSK31 and RTTY with 100 watts and wire antennas. [TNX The Daily DX]
E5_sc  - Bob, ZL1RS as E51EME and Lance, W7GJ as E51SIX  will  activate  the
         South Cook Islands on 2 and 6 metres EME between  26  March  and  4
         April. They will operate  from  Rarotonga  (OC-013,  grid  BG08dr).
         Further     information        can        be        found        at [TNX OZ6OM]
GM     - Theo, ON4ATW and others have a plan to be active as  MM0RAI/p  from
         Rockall (EU-189) for three days during the first  week  of  May.  A
         dedicated website is under  construction  and  is  expected  to  be
         launched by the end of March. [TNX MM0NDX]
GW     - The Strumblehead DX and Contest Group (  will
         participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as both MW9W and MC0SHL  -
         depending on the number of operators there may  be  more  calls  on
         air. QSL via M0URX. Expect some activity on  30m  RTTY  before  the
         contest. [TNX G1VDP]
HZ    -  Mohamad/HZ1MD,   Firas/HZ1FS   and  Sulaiman/7Z1SJ  are  active  as
         HZ1FS/p from  Hibar  Island,  in  the  Red  Sea  Coast  South/Jizan
         Province group, IOTA AS-192  (new  one).  They  expect  to  operate
         mainly SSB, with some digital modes and maybe CW, and to remain  on
         the island until the  23rd,  or  even  longer  depending  on  local
         conditions. QSL via EA7FTR.
I      - A team from ARI San Severo and a few guest operators will be active
         as IL7G from the Tremiti Islands (EU-050) from 30 May  to  2  June.
         They plan to  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  160m-70cm,  and  to
         participate in the 13th Gargano Contest (31 May, 6m  CW  and  SSB).
         QSL via IW7EBE, direct or bureau. The  logs  will  be  uploaded  to
         LoTW. Further information can be found at  under  IL7G.
         [TNX I7CSB]
J6     - John, W5JON will be active as  J6/W5JON  from  St.  Lucia  (NA-108)
         from 25 March to 2 April. He plans to operate on 160-6  metres  and
         to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL via W5JON.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
JD1_oga- A fourth operator will be  joining  the  three  ones  who  will  be
         active from Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara between 29 April and  12
         May [425DXN 929]. Dates and callsigns are as follows:
         JD1BLK   29 April-5 May  QSL via JM1LJS
         JD1BLY   29 April-5 May  QSL via JI5RPT
         JD1BMT   2-5 May         QSL via JE4SMQ
         JD1BMH   2-12 May        QSL via JG7PSJ
         They  plan to operate CW, SSB and data modes on  160-6 metres, plus
         satellite.  Logsearches and further information  will  be available
         on   their  individual   websites:
         (JD1BLK),  (JD1BMH) and (JD1BLY) [TNX JI5RPT]
JT     - Alexey/UA4HOX, Vic/UA4HBW, Eugeny/RK3AD and  Alex/RK4HM  have  been
         active as JT1R from Mongolia since 17 March. They will  participate
         in the Russian DX Contest and will remain there through  25  March.
         QSL  via  RW4HB.  Log  search  and  updates  can  be    found    at [TNX RA4HT]
KH0    - Toshiyuki, JP1PZE will be active as K7XF/KH0 from  Saipan  (OC-086)
         on 3-7 April. He plans  to  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via JP1PZE, direct or bureau. [TNX JP1PZE]
KP2    - Ann, KP2YL and Brian, KP2HC will  be  active  from  St.  Croix,  US
         Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 28 March through  7  April.  Look  for
         them on  160-6  metres  CW  and  SSB.  As  always,  Brian  will  be
         monitoring  6m  for  any  band  openings.  QSL  direct  only   (see, with sufficient postage  to  cover  the  upcoming  US
         postal rate increase. [TNX KP2HC]
OH0    - Anne, OH2YL will be active as  OH0/OH2YL  from  the  Aland  Islands
         (EU-002) on 9-14 April. She will operate  CW  and  SSB  on  the  HF
         bands. QSL via home call. [TNX OH2YL]
OY     - Health problems have caused Lars, OZ1FJB to cancel his  16  March-1
         April trip [425DXN 932] to the Faroe Islands. [TNX The Daily DX]
OZ     - Paolo, I2AE will be touring Denmark indicatively between 1  and  15
         May. He plans to visit and operate on  40  and  20  metres  SSB  as
         OZ/I2AE/p from a large number of islands (most of  them  qualifying
         for IOTA groups EU-125, EU-171, EU-172 or EU-029) and  lighthouses.
         QSL  via  home  call.  His  planned  itinerary  can  be  found   at [TNX I2AE]
PA     - Adriaan, PE2KP (previous callsign  PE1KHP,  will  be
         active on all bands and modes as PE25KP on 1-12  May  to  celebrate
         his Silver Jubilee with amateur radio. QSL  via  bureau  to  PE2KP.
         [TNX PE2KP]
VE     - The VX8X expedition to Ellice  Island  (NA-192)  [425DXN  931]  has
         been postponed and is now scheduled to happen  on  2-5  April.  The
         plan has been revised to include more operating time on 40  and  17
         metres in addition to the planned activity on 20 metres. Expect  to
         hear simultaneous  operations  on  two  bands  during  peak  hours.
         Special attention will be  given  to  Europe  and  Japan.  Bookmark  for   updates.    [TNX
VK9L   - Announced frequencies for the 23 March-3 April VK9LA DXpedition  to
         Lord Howe [425DXN 929] are:
         SSB  3797, 7084, 14250, 18165, 21290, 24987, 28470, 50100
         CW 1813, 3513,7013, 10106, 14023, 18072, 21023, 24892, 28023, 50100
         RTTY 10135, 14088, 18100, 21088, 24925, 28088
         A  serious  emphasis  will  be put on the low bands, and "extensive
         work has taken place to make sure all operators are  familiar  with
         various sunrise sunset times throughout the  world". There will  be
         an operator on every low band every day whend they are in darkness.
         Detailed information on the operating strategy  on  the  low  bands
         can be found at  They  also  expect
         "huge openings" on 30 metres, and, with their  station  separation,
         they should be able to run two stations simultaneously to  maximize
         openings. The DXpedition will have Internet capability 24  hours  a
         day, and they intend to have photos,  on-line  log  check  and  QSO
         totals updated on  a  regular  basis.  QSL  via  VK4FW,  direct  or
         bureau. Direct and bureau cards can also be requested  through  the
         On-line QSL Request Service (details  on  the  website).  Two  team
         members    (SQ8X    and    SQ9DIE)    are    also    on     Twitter
VK9M   - The VK9GMW team (George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7RY)  [425DXN  929]  has
         been enroute to Mellish Reef since  17  March.  However,  they  are
         currently stuck at Marion Reef to wait  for  the  "extreme  weather
         conditions" to improve. They hope to  be  able  to  continue  their
         voyage on Sunday or Monday, but the low pressure  system  "poses  a
         serious danger" to them. QSL  via  HA7RY.  An  Online  QSL  Request
         Service (OQRS) for bureau cards will be available after the end  of
         the  operation.  The  log  will  be  uploaded  to  LoTW.    Further
         information and updates can be found at
YJ     - Dennis, F5VHY (G3MXJ) and Nigel, G3TXF will  be  active  as  YJ0MXJ
         and  YJ0TXF  from  the  Aore  Island  Resort  off  Espiritu   Santo
         (OC-035), Vanuatu from 10 UTC on 27 March to 15  UTC  on  1  April.
         They will operate CW only, mainly on 40,  30,  20  and  17  metres.
         There will be no 160m, but if local  conditions  permit  they  will
         try 80 metres. QSL via home calls. On their way  out  to  and  back
         from Vanuatu they will operate from  New  Caledonia  (FK/G3MXJ  and
         FK/G3TXF,  25-26  March)  and  Norfolk  Island   (G3MXJ/VK9N    and
         G3TXF/VK9N, 4 April). All logs will be uploaded to  LoTW.  The  web
         page    for    the    expedition    can    be       found        at
YU     - Lui, HB9EDB will be active as  YU/HB9EDB  from  the  Resava  Valley
         Amateur Radio Club (YU1ARC,  from  25  March
         to 1 April, including an entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB  Contest.  [TNX
ZF     - Adrian, AA5UK will be active from the Cayman Islands (NA-016)  from
         25 March to 8 April. He will be using ZF2AE from Grand  Cayman  and
         ZF2AE/ZF8 from Little Cayman; he plans to operate holiday style  on
         AO-51, SO-50, VO-52 and FO-29 satellites,  and  to  be  on  the  HF
         bands (40-10 metres) for part on the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest and  the
         rest of his stay on Little Cayman. Look for him  especially  during
         his afternoon  and  evening  hours.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct,
         bureau, LoTW or eQSL. [TNX AA5UK]
ZF     - Sharon, K7WZB and Garry, K9WZB will be operating  from  the  Cayman
         Islands (NA-016) from 21 April to 6 May. Look for  ZF2ZB  on  160-6
         metres SSB, RTTY, CW and PSK 31. They will be monitoring  6  metres
         most of the time for opening  to  US  and  Europe.  QSL  direct  to
         K9WZB. [TNX K9WZB]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

HOLYLAND CONTEST ---> The Holyland DX Contest 2008 results can be  found  on
the IARC website (, along with  the  rules
for this years' event (18 April, 00.00-23.59 UTC). [TNX 4Z4KX]

QSL VP2MKK ---> Please note that the QSL route for the  recent  activity  is
via KK1KW (direct, LoTW or eQSL). The  QSL  route  for  contacts  made  with
VP2MKK operated by W6KK on 2-13 December 2004 is via W8QID. [TNX  The  Daily

QSL VIA 3A2LF ---> Claude, 3A2LF  is  closing  down  the  logs  for  3A100GM
(1995), 3A7G (1997) and 3A50R (1999). If you still need a  card,  please  go
direct to Claude Passet, 3 allee Guillaume  Apollinaire,  MC  98000  Monaco.
Claude also still has a few blank cards for other special callsigns,  please
e-mail him ( and check for availability. [TNX 3A2LF]


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  1A0KM,  3B8CF,  3DA0VB,  3V8BB,
3V8SS, 4L0B, 4L4MM, 4L8A, 4O0A, 4O0HQ, 4S7AB, 4S7NE,  4W6MM,  4X4WN,  4Z1UF,
5B/AJ2O,  5B4/RW9UP,  5D0IPY,  5H3VMB,  5I3A,    5N/LZ1QK,    5R8VB,  5X1VB,
5Z4/UA4WHX, 5Z4/W0NB, 6W/DL2RMC, 6W7RV, 7P8BA,  7P8VB,  7Q7VB,  8P0P,  8P1A,
8P9MD, 8Q7AU, 8R1AK, 9J2BO, 9J2VB, 9M6XRO, 9M8Z, 9U0VB, 9X0R, 9X0VB,  A45WD,
A5100A, A71CV, A92GE, AP2DKH, BA0AA,  BT1OB,  BT1OH,  BT1OJ,  BT1ON,  BT1OY,
C4N,  C6AKX,  C91VB,  CE0Y/N6NO,  CE1/K7CA,  CE9/K2ARB,  CO6LC/7   (NA-086),
CX/IK1PMR, CX9AU, CY0X, D20VB, D2NX,  D4C,  D60VB,  DU3NXE,  DU6BG,  E51QQQ,
HI9/EA3BT (NA-122), HI9/EA3WL (NA-122), HP3TA, IE9N (EU-051), II5AM,  J20VB,
J88XF, JA7GAX/6 (AS-037), JA7GAX/6  (AS-049)JD1BMM,  KP2/K3CT,  KP2AD,  N8S,
SD7W/5 (EU-084), ST2VB, SV0XBM/9,  SV2ASP/A,  T30XX,  T31DX,  T32YY,  T33ZZ,
T77C, TA2RC, TF/DL3PS (EU-071),  TF/DL3PS  (EU-168),  TF4M,  TF60IRA,  TJ3G,
TN5SN, TO3R, TR50R, TT8JT, TX5C, UK9AA, UP0L,  V26G,  V31MR,  V31PP,  V51VV,
XU7AAJ, XW1A, XW1B, XX9C,  YB1ALL,  YJ0MM,  YK9G,  YN2Z,  Z2/UA4WHX,  Z29KM,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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