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24 January 2009                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 925
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4K     - Once again Axel, DL6KVA will be active as 4K0CW from Vlad's  (4K9W)
         QTH on 19-25 March, between the local evening hours (Azerbaijan  is
         UTC +4) on the 19th and the local  midday  on  the  25th.  He  will
         operate CW only on all the HF bands, with 100 watts and a  84-metre
         longwire, and will take part in the Russian  DX  Contest.  QSL  via
         home call. [TNX DL6KVA]
4U1UN  - Johnny, NQ2G (LA5IIA) will be active for a few  hours  from  4U1UN,
         the UN Headquarters station, during the CQ WW 160M CW  Contest.  He
         is likely to operate a bit at the  beginning  of  the  contest  and
         then again on Saturday, "for about six hours  in  total".  QSL  via
         HB9BOU. [TNX The Daily DX]
7Q     - Harry, 7Q7HB is going back to Malawi  for  around  two  months.  He
         will have to replace the broken rotator and repair  the  amplifier,
         then hopefully he will be QRV again. His preferred modes  are  PSK,
         RTTY and CW (SSB on request). QSL  via  G0IAS,  direct  only.  [TNX
C9     - Bill/K5WAF,   Dale/KG5U,   Jim/N4AL,  Madison/W5MJ,  Paul/W5PF  and
         Cal/WF5W will be active on 160-10 metres  from  Bilene,  Mozambique
         from 25 March to 5 April, CQ WW  WPX  SSB  contest  included.  They
         will have three stations (SSB,  CW  and  digital  modes)  with  two
         amplifiers, log periodics for 10-20 metres  and  vertical  for  the
         other bands. The QSL route for all their C9 callsigns (TBA) is  via
         W5PF.    Further    information    and    on-line    logs        at [TNX W5PF]
CT3    - Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will be active again as  CT3/DL3KWR
         and CT3/DL3KWF from Madeira (AF-014) on 5-19 March.  They  plan  to
         operate mostly CW and on 12, 17  and 30  metres.  Hardy  will  also
         give RTTY and PSK-31 a try. QSL via  home  calls.  E-mail  requests
         for bureau cards can be sent to  or
         respectively. Their  web  site  is  at
         [TNX DL3KWF]
CY0    - Randy/N0TG,  Murray/WA4DAN   and  Ron/AA4VK  will  be   active   as
         homecall/CY0 from Sable Island (NA-063) on 7-14 October. They  plan
         to have three complete  HF  stations,  with  three  verticals,  one
         "strategically placed" yagi and at least one wire antenna,  and  to
         operate SSB and CW on 160-10 metres,  with  an  emphasis  on  Asia.
         Twenty metres are likely to provide most contacts,  and  they  will
         try to have two stations (CW and SSB) on  that  band  at  the  same
         time. QSL via home calls. The website  for  the  expedition  is  at [TNX NG3K]
FS/PJ7 - The "Buddies in the Caribbean" DX group, which specializes  in  100
         watt or  low  power  radios  and  the  Buddipole  portable  antenna
         system, is off again to a new DXpedition.  Wey/K8EAB,  Paul/KB9AVO,
         Mike/KC4VG,  Steve/N0TU,  Guy/N7UN,  Budd/W3FF,  Chris/W6HFP    and
         Tom/WW5L will operate SSB, CW and RTTY as FS/homecall (St.  Martin)
         and PJ7/homecall (Sint Maarten) on 4-11 February.  Their  main  QTH
         will be on the French side of the island. QSL via home  calls.  The
         logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. The group has a  blog  page
         at [TNX WW5L]
GM     - The Kilmarnock and Loudoun ARC will be active as  GB250RB  from  25
         January through  the  end  of  the  year  to  celebrate  the  250th
         anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, Scotland's national  poet
         and  cultural  icon.  A  website   is    being    constructed    at
GM     - Jim, MM0BQI will be active as Jim, MM0BQI/p from  Lunga  Island  in
         the Treshnish Islands (EU-108) on 24-27  April.  He  will  run  100
         watts to verticals down by the seaside, and to be active on 20,  40
         and 80 metres using CW, SSB and if  time  permits  a  bit  of  digi
         modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  Jim  will  upload  the
         logs to LoTW. [TNX MM0BQI]
H40    - Siegfried, DK9FN provides further information  on  his  2-16  March
         activity as from  Lata,  Nendo  Island  (OC-100),  Temotu  Province
         [425DXN 923]. He hopes to get the same callsign  he  used  back  in
         1999 (H40FN), and will operate  CW  only,  while  Bernhard,  DL2GAC
         (H44MS) will work SSB as H40MS and Herrmann, DL2NUD will be  on  2m
         EME (H40 callsign to be issued).  They  will  have  three  separate
         stations with amplifiers. Siegfried thinks he will  concentrate  on
         160-30 metres,  as  the  current  propagation  predictions  do  not
         promise anything good on the higher bands.  QSL  H40FN  via  HA8FW:
         all of the QSOs will be confirmed  automatically  via  the  bureau,
         for those who need a  direct  card  the  address  is  Mihaly  Bela,
         Csongradi SGT. 122/A, H-6724 Szeged, Hungary.  Further  information
         on this activity, including details on the  antennas  to  be  used,
         can be found at [TNX DK9FN]
JD1_mt - Masa, JA6GXK (JD1BMM) and Kingo, JK1PCN  (JD1BND)  will  be  active
         from Minami-Torishima (OC-073) from 24 January to 9 February.  They
         plan to be QRV in their spare time on a  daily  basis.  QSL  JD1BMM
         via  JD1BMM,  direct  (Masafumi  Ishihara,  2-305  Loran,    2-5-35
         Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba,  260-0806  Japan)  or  through  the  JARL
         bureau. QSL JD1BND via bureau to JD1BND. [TNX The Daily DX]
PA     - The PA3FKN PACC Team will be active  from  the  island  of  Ameland
         (EU-038)    during    the    annual    Dutch    PACC        Contest
         ( on 14-15 February.  Twelve  operators  will
         be active in  the  multi-multi  category,  with  a  wide  range  of
         antennas (including 2 phased verticals for 160m, 4  square  dipoles
         for 80m and 4 square verticals for 40m).  Further  information  and
         updates can be found at [TNX PG5M]
SV9    - Willi, DJ7RJ will operate  SSB  and  CW  as  SV9/DJ7RJ  from  Crete
         (EU-015) for three weeks starting on  24  February.  QSL  via  home
         call. [TNX AA1M]
V6     - Yuki, JH1NBN has been on a business trip  to  Micronesia  since  19
         January and is expected  to  be  there  until  the  first  week  of
         February. He will  be  visiting  three  islands  -  namely  Pohnpei
         (OC-010), Kosrae (OC-059) and Chuuk (OC-011) - and he hopes  to  be
         able to operate in his spare time,  possibly  as  V63AQ.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
VP8_sg - Lars, MM0DWF (DL9LB) will  return  to  South  Georgia  (AN-007)  in
         February, and  expects  to  operate  again  as  VP8DIF  during  his
         limited spare time. He will have a new soundcard interface,  so  he
         might try some RTTY, "but no promises". QSL via  DJ9ZB,  direct  or
         bureau. Further information, including log search, can be found  at
XT     - Michael, F1IQH will be active  again  as  XT2WC  from  Burkina-Faso
         starting on 25 January for two weeks. He plans  to  operate  mainly
         on 20 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
YN     - Andrei, NP3D (EW1AR) will be active again as H7/NP3D and  YN2/EW1AR
         from Nicaragua on 11-15 February, including an entry in the  CQ  WW
         WPX RTTY Contest as YN2S. He will operate CW and  RTTY,  with  some
         SSB. QSL via NP3D (direct) or W3HNK or RW6HS (for  Russia  and  CIS
         countries). The logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX RW6HS]
YV0    - The 4M5DX Group's expedition to Aves Island (NA-020)  [425DXN  916]
         is scheduled to take place in March, hopefully for a full  week.  A
         large team of operators will be active  as  YW0A  on  160-6  metres
         SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL  via  IT9DAA  (diret  or  bureau),  or  LoTW.
         Bookmark for updates.
ZS     - A group of South African amateurs will participate in the CQWW  WPX
         SSB contest (28-29 March) as ZT2V from the East Cape  Province.  It
         will be a Multi-2 entry from  the  QTH  of  Donovan,  ZS2DL.  Other
         participating operators include ZS2ACP, ZS2DK, ZS2EZ, ZS2GV,  ZS2HK
         and ZS2Y, plus an eighth one to be selected. QSL  via  NI5DX.  [TNX
ZS8    - Latest   information  posted   on  indicate  that
         Petrus, ZS8T has renewed his licence and "showed on 20 meters  last
         weekend for a few QSOs". There is not any sound  information  about
         his operating plans, but in an interview  released  on  20  January
         Petrus said  that  "for  the  next  two  or  three  months  I  will
         basically try being on the air as much as possible" (listen to  the
         interview on the website).

SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR ---> Witek, SP9MRO and his wife Danuta,  SP9SX  will  be
active holiday style as ZP6/SP9MRO from  Paraguay  between 21 February and 3
March,  and  from  Uruguay on 4-14  March.  They plan to operate CW, SSB and
RTTY,  with main activity  to be  concentrated  during  the weekends and the
local night hours. [TNX SP9MRO]

CQ WW 160-METER DX CONTEST (CW) ---> Object of the contest is  for  amateurs
around the world to work as many US States, Canadian provinces and countries
as possible on  160  metres CW  (  The following
stations have announced their partecipation in this year's event (from 22.00
UTC on 23 January through 22.00 UTC on the 25th):
Call         DXCC                         QSL via
4L0G         Georgia                      EA7FTR
4Z5J         Israel                       W0MM
4U1UN        United Nations HQ            HB9BOU
5K0CW        San Andres & Providencia     W5PF
6W/DL2RMC    Senegal                      DL1RTL
A71BX        Qatar                        EA7FTR
C6ANM        Bahamas                      WA2IYO
CE1/K7CA     Chile                        NW7O
CN3A         Morocco                      I2WIJ
CO8TW        Cuba                         HB9SVT
CT9M         Madeira Isls                 CT3EE
CU8A         Azores                       CT1GFK
DP3D         Germany                      DK3KD
E71A         Bosnia-Herzegovina           E71A
E7DX         Bosnia-Herzegovina           E77E
ED5T         Spain                        EA5ELT
EF8M         Canary Isls                  RD3AF
ER0/UT0FT    Moldova                      UT0FT
ER0FEO       Moldova                      UU0JM
ES9C         Estonia                      ES5RY
EY8MM        Tajikistan                   K1BV
HQ9R         Honduras                     K5WW
LX7I         Luxembourg                   LX2A
LY7A         Lithuania                    LY2ZO
MD4K         Isle of Man                  G3NKC
NP4A         Puerto Rico                  W3HNK
OH8X         Finland                      OH2UA
OM8A         Slovakia                     OM2VL
RK2FWA       Kaliningrad                  DK4VW
SK7DX        Sweden                       SM7DXQ
SN1I         Poland                       SP1NQF
TA3D         Turkey                       TA3D
UA2FW        Kaliningrad                  UA2FW
UU7J         Ukraine                      UU0JM
UW2M         Ukraine                      UR0MC
VP9/N1SNB    Bermuda                      N1SNB
XE1RCS       Mexico                       XE1RCS
XU7ACY       Cambodia                     W2EN
XW1B         Laos                         E21EIC
ZF1A         Cayman Islands               W8BLA
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill,  NG3K  at  good  contest
to you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CLOSING LOGS ---> Dianna, KB6NAN is  closing  the  logs  for  the  following
operations by the late Chuck Brady, N4BQW: VP5/N4BQW (2005, the  log  is  on
LoTW) and N4BQW/KH9 (Wake Island 2002 and 2003,  paper  logs).  Dianna  will
keep these logs open for one more month. [TNX The Daily DX]

DX AWARDS ---> The K1BV DX  Awards Directory is a 324-page book listing  the
rules for 3312 different awards from 119  countries.  Some  150  new  awards
have been added, dead awards have been removed and hundreds  of  changes  in
addresses/rules/fees have  been  made  in  the  2009  Edition.  For  further
information please visit

E44M ---> After fixing a glitch in the ADIF file, the logs  for  the  recent
operation from Palestine  have  been  uploaded  to  LoTW.  Should  you  have
problems, please contact the QSL manager (

IOTA HONOUR ROLL ---> The deadline for the 2009 IOTA Honour Roll and  Annual
Listing  is  approaching.  Applications   or    updates    submitted  online
( on or before 1 February will count for  the  2009  tables
so long as the supporting cards sent to checkpoints are postmarked no  later
than that date. Updates postmarked after 1 February  will  be  processed  in
the normal way but scores will be held over to a later listing.

LOGS  --->  Alex,  RV1ZC  is  now  active  as  R1ANC  from  Vostok  base  in
Antarctica. Please visit  for  further  information
and on-line log, which is updated several times a week. [TNX RN1ON]

MOST WANTED SURVEY --->  The  DX  Magazine's  (  annual
Most Wanted Survey was conducted in  September-October  2008  [425DXN  904].
The top 10 DXCC Entities are North Korea (P5),  Yemen  (7O),  Navassa  KP1),
Glorioso FR/G), Marion (ZS8), Desecheo  (KP5),  Bouvet  (3Y),  Heard  (VK0),
Crozet (FT5W) and Amsterdam & St. Paul (FT5Z). Give a look at the  100  Most
Wanted listing, which  also  shows  the  results  of  the  2007  survey  for
comparison, at The complete breakdown  by
continent is available  in  the  January/February  2009  issue  of  "The  DX
Magazine"; a breakdown by mode as well as a listing for the low  bands  will
be published in the March/April 2009 issue.

OH8X ---> The group at Radio Arcala  will  hit  160  metres  with  a  39-ton
(80.000 lbs) 3-element full-size monster during  the  week  of  19  January,
culminating with the CQWW 160M Contest. OH8X is to be manned  by  OH2IW  and
OH6KN, still in a limited capacity while valuable data will be  gathered  in
this first assault. Their partners for  measurement  purposes  will  be  the
sister station CU2X operated by OH2BH/CU2KG and,  in  close  proximity,  the
associate stations OH0E operated by OH2MM, and OG2P operated by OH2PM.
Radio Arcala is cooperating with the University of Oulu in several areas  of
HF propagation study.  They  also  welcome  and  acknowledge  field  reports
( You may read about details of the monster  construction  at and study the overall mission  at QSL for OH8X via OH2UA, CU2X via OH2BH, OG2P via  OH2PM
and OH0E via OH2MM. [TNX OH2BN]

QRZ INDIA --->  An  amateur  radio  callsign  database  with  all  available
details of licensed  operators  in  India  (some  11,000  callsigns  at  the
moment, but the list in growing) can be found at  http//  [TNX
The Daily DX]

QSL FM1HN ---> Buzz, NI5DX, is now the QSL manager for Julien,  FM1HN.  Buzz
will be able to confirm any QSOs that are in Julien's log - he  already  has
the logs, but is awaiting QSL cards. At  the  present  time,  QSLs  for  the
special call (TO1YR) still go to FM1HN either  direct  or  via  the  bureau.
[TNX K1XN and The Golist]

+ SILENT KEYS + Tadeusz "Teddy" Barczyk (DL4DBR, ex SP9ERC) passed  away  on
2 January. On a weelchair since he was 17 years  old,  "he  was  a  man  who
lived his life to the fullest despite his handicap",  Kazik  (PT5ZHP)  says.
He was the QSL manager for a few stations, including PT5ZHP and VK6DXI  (aka
9M8DX, 9V1XE, 7X0DX, etc).
Zedan Hussein Abbas, JY3ZH passed away  on  20  January.  An  amateur  radio
operator for forty years, he was  the  net  controller  of  the  well  known
"Arabian Knights Net" (14252 kHz)  established  by  the  late  King  Hussein
(JY1) in the early Seventies.
Other recently reported Silent Keys include Dennis J. Wills  (AK5D),  Walter
H. Kirst (HB9AQL), Laban Davis (VO1HLD), Donald L. Doughty  (W6EEN),  Donald
G. Lemley (W8DL) and  Christian  Favier  (F5OKD),  who  passed  away  on  22
January at only 46 years of age.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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