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17 January 2009                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 924
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

7X     - Fred, ON6QR  will  be  active  from  the  Algerian  Radio  Amateurs
         Association's club station, 7X2ARA,  from  20  UTC  on  17  January
         until the early morning of the 18th. He will operate  both  CW  and
         SSB during the Hungarian DX Contest. QSL via 7X2ARA. [TNX NG3K]
CT     - Marq, CT1BWW says he will be  active  as  CS6BWW  during  the  main
         contests in January, February and March. QSl via bureau.
HS     - Joerg, DL1MJF  (HS0ZGQ)  will  be  active  from  Thailand  from  20
         January to 12 February.  He  will  spend  one  week  on  Koh  Samui
         (AS-101) during that time frame. Look for HS0ZGQ/2  to  operate  CW
         and SSB on 40-10 metres with 100  watts  into  a  dipole.  QSL  via
I      - The  Amateur  Radio  Group  of  RAI  (the  Italian  public  service
         broadcaster)  will  be  active  as  II2RAI  until  31  December  to
         celebrate  two  landmark  anniversaries:  the  55th  of  the  first
         television broadcast (January 1954)  and  the  85th  of  the  first
         radio broadcast (October 1924). QSL via bureau to IQ2RD.  The  logs
         will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX IQ2RD]
J7     - Seth, SM0XBI will be active again as J79XBI from Dominica  (NA-101)
         from 17 January until around 1 April. He  will  operate  SSB  only.
         QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX NG3K]
LY     - Celebrating the Millennium of Lithuania, fourteen  LY1000  stations
         will  be  active  at  various  stages  until  31  August.   Further
         information, including details on the relevant award, can be  found
         on  the  Lithuanian  Amateur    Radio    Society's    website    at [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LZ     - Special event  stations  LZ8WHST  and  LZ17ARDF  are  active  until
         September  to  promote  the  8th  World  High   Speed    Telegraphy
         Championship ( and the  17th  IARU  Region  1
         ARDF Championships ( that will be  held  in
         Obzor, Bulgaria on 11-15  and  16-21  September  respectively.  QSL
         LZ8WHST via LZ1PJ, QSL LZ17ARDF via LZ1ZF.
V3     - Gerd, DJ4KW (V31YN) and Gisela, DK9GG (V31GW) will be  active  from
         Belize from 19 January  to  early  March,  including  a  number  of
         contests. From 26 February to  3  March  look  for  V31YN/p  to  be
         active from NA-180. QSLs via home  calls  (direct  or  bureau),  or
         LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP8    - The group of YLs going to the Falkland Islands  (SA-002)  on  17-31
         January [425DXN  899]  includes  Ruth/IT9ESZ  (VP8YLI),  Mio/JR3MVF
         (VP8YLF), Unni/LA6RHA  (VP8YLD),  Liz/M0ACL  (VP8YLB),  Nicky/M5YLO
         (VP8YLE), Chantal/PA3GQG  (VP8YLH),  Victoria/SV2KBS  (VP8YLG)  and
         Jeanie/WA6UVF (VP8YLA). QSL via home calls.  They  also  expect  to
         operate under the local YL club callsign (VP8YLC). Expect  activity
         on 10-80 metres, mainly SSB, with four stations.  Updates  will  be
         posted at
VP9    - The Radio Society of Bermuda reports  that  special  prefix  VP9400
         has been authorized for use during  2009  to  celebrate  the  400th
         anniversary of the settlement of  Bermuda  by  Sir  George  Somers.
         [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
W      - The District of Columbia Amateur  Radio  Society  (NW3DC)  will  be
         active as W3A on 17-24 January in honour  of  the  inauguration  of
         the 44th  President  of  the  United  States,  Barack  Obama.  Main
         activity is expected to be on  20  and  40  metres.  QSL  via  W3DQ
         (direct), bureau and LoTW. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
YB9    - Adhi, YB3MM will be active as YB3MM/9 from Nanggu  Island  (OC-150)
         on 16-18 January. He will operate holiday style,  concentrating  on
         17 metres CW and RTTY. His operating times will also depend on  the
         local electric supply.  QSL  via  IZ8CCW,  direct  or  bureau  [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A POSTAL RATES ---> Tom, 9A2AA reports a raise  in  Crotian  postal  rates.
The new rates for surface mail letters to any country are 8 Kuna (up  to  50
grams) and 15 Kuna (50-100 grams). The new rates for air mail letters up  to
20 grams are 10 Kuna (to Europe), 11 Kuna (to USA),  11.2  Kuna  (to  Japan)
and 12 Kuna (Australia and New Zealand). The exhange rate is 1  IRC  =  10.5
Kuna, and 1 USD = 5 Kuna. IRCs without the issuing Post Office stamp in  the
left box cannot be redeemed.

CQ & EQSL CONFIRMATIONS ---> CQ Editor Rich Moseson (W2VU) and eQSL  Founder
and Webmaster Dave Morris (N5UP) announced on 13 January that  "CQ  magazine
will  accept  contact  confirmations  made  on  the    electronic
confirmation system for its operating awards  effective  immediately".  Read
the announcement at; for  more
information on eQSL and  CQ  awards,  please  visit  and respectively.

HI9/EA3BT & HI9/EA3WL ---> Josep, EA3BT and Nuria,  EA3WL  have  prepared  a
website for their 21-27  January  operation  from  Cayo  Levantado  (NA-122)
[425DXN 923]. Please visit for further  information  on
this activity and on-line logs.

KP5 TEAM PREPARES FOR EUROPE ---> The KP1-5 Project is  very  aware  of  the
need  for  Desecheo  in  Europe.  Previous  DXpeditions  contended  with  an
obstructed path to Europe  making  working  this  #3  most  needed  country,
difficult at best. During the recent  reconnaissance  trip  to  the  island,
agreement was reached that will allow antennas to be placed on  a  ridgeline
above the helipad that will give a clear path  to  Europe.  See  the  photos
showing  the  problem  and  the  plan  at    (click  on
News/Updates): the team wants to provide as many  EU  hams  with  a  QSO  as
possible! Please  visit  also  to  support  this
DXpedition. [TNX NA5U]

LOGS ---> Roland, F8EN (TR8CR) is still active with  his  special  callsign,
TR50R. The first batch of QSOs  is  now  available  for  on-line  search  at [TNX F6AJA]

QSL NA-086 ---> The QSL routes for the recent  activities  from  IOTA  group
NA-086 are as follows:
CM6RCR/p  15-22 December  via W3HNK
CO6LC/p   15-22 December  via home call (direct)
CO7PH/p   15-18 December  via W3HNK
T47C      19-21 December  via W3HNK
Ed, CO7PH says that the operations have been approved for  IOTA  credit  and
the QSL cards are being printed.

QSL S52BB ---> Buzz, NI5DX is now the QSL manager for Zivko, S52BB. He  will
be able to answer all QSL requests once the new cards are received from  the
printer in about 4-5 weeks. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

QSL VIA RA4LW ---> Vlad says he is the new QSL manager for either ER4DX  and
ER0WW. QSL direct only to Vladimir V.  Ryabov,  P.O.  Box  2,  Dimitrovgrad,
433508, Russia.

SRT DX CONVENTION ---> The 6th  International  DX  Convention  organized  by
the Strange Radio Team will take place on 18-19 April at  the  Best  Western
Hotel Esplanade, Paestum  (Salerno). Please  visit
for full details on the programme, or e-mail  for
further information. [TNX IZ8EDJ]

TROPOSHERIC DUCTING --->  Information  on  the  trans-Atlantic  tropospheric
ducting attempt between Namibia (V5/N7BHC) and Brazil (ZY6Y  and  PT1A)  can
be        found        at       and [TNX PY2ZX]

TS7C ---> The website ( has been down since 15  January
at around 22 UTC. It might be up and running again before  the  end  of  the
expedition, but the on-line logs are unlikely to be updated.  TS7C  will  go
QRT at 7 UTC on 18 January, as the team will  leave  the  island  around  14

WCA ---> The World Castles Award is  for  working  stations  operating  from
castles located  in  Belarus,  Belgium,  Czech  Republic,  England,  France,
Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, The  Netherlands  and
Ukraine. Complete information  can  be  found  at

+ SILENT KEYS + Emil F. Malek, W6GVM passed away on 26 December 2008  at  92
years of age. Cab, N6OC says he was "very active in ham  radio  chasing  DX,
gaining Honor Roll Membership and #1 Honor Roll plaque, staying at  the  top
to the end". Other recently reported  Silent  Keys  include,  Bill  Moorwood
(G3CAQ), Primo Bombardini (I4BNR),  Lloyd  'Shally'  Shallenberger  (K6VHP),
Linda Walworth (KE5TF), Olavo  Rufino  (PY5BAZ)  and  Anatolij  N.  Tselikov

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z2009PGA   SP2FAP      ED7TV/p     EA7TV       SN90HUO     SP3HUO
4K6OF       UA3FDX      EK3AA       IK2QPR      SN90MKW     SQ3MKW
4K9W        DL6KVA      EM70Q       UY5QZ       SN90SPK     SP3SPK
4L1UN       EA7FTR      EY8MM       K1BV        SV0XBM/9    G3PDL
4L6DL       LZ1OT       FK8DD       LZ1JZ       T30HC       DL9HCU
4Z8AY       F5LGE       FM5FJ       KU9C        T88CP       JA6UBY
4Z8BB       WC1X        H44MS       DL2GAC      T88HK       JE6DND
5C5W        EA5XX       HE8CIC      HB9CIC      T88HS       JA6KYU
5D0IPY      I0YKN       HE8DAX      HB9DAX      T88ME       7N1RTO
5X1AB       K6EID       HE8FAP      HB9FAP      T88SM       JA6EGL
7S3F        SM3AF       HE8TMW      HB9TMW      TA7/KI6TIU  JA1PBV
7Z1UG       DG1XG       HE8XC       HB9XC       TI2TL       IN3DEI
8Q7AK       G7COD       HF0APAS     SP9YI       TI3/WA7UZO  AI4U
8R44USA     8R1AK       HK1JKL      EA5KB       TL8PRV      IN3EYY
9G5SW       DC8XL       HL0LPM/2    6K2BWA      TM5B        F6KEH
9H3BX       G3TZM       HR9/IK2QPR  IK2QPR      TR50R       F6AJA
9H3HOD      OH2HOD      IY4FGM      IK4UPU      TS7C        F4EGD
9H3ME       OH2ME       J28KO       F6DKI       UE1NFF      RN1NU
9H3OT       OH2OT       J5UAP       HA3AUI      UE1QSK      UA1RJ
9J2BO       G3TEV       K1HP/KH2    JE2EHP      UE1RFF      UA1RJ
9J2CA       G3SWH       KL7J        N3SL        UE3DDX/3    RZ3FR
9J2FM       JA4ATV      KP2M        AI4U        UE3SFF/1    RU3SD
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      LM9K75Y     LA9K        UE9WFF/4    UA1RJ
A35RS       ZL1RS       LQ5D        LU9DA       UE9XIV      RA9XV
AP2DKH      W2FB        LY1000FW    LY1FW       UN9PQ       IK2QPR
C56KR       OZ8KR       LZ09BR      LZ1KZA      UP2L        UN7LZ
C6AGN       W1DIG       OA4TT       N6XQ        V26MN       DF8AN
C6AMP       DL2NCY      OE1KIDS     OE1XIC      V51B        AI4U
CU2DX       CU2AA       OG2P        OH2PM       VP8DKF      K2ARB
CX6DAP      CX2ABC      OH0R        OH2PM       WP3C        W3HNK
CX7CO       WB3CDX      OH0X        OH2TA       WP3R        W3HNK
DL50DRAX    DF6LI       ON60ARSG    ON7KC       XR27RAID    HA1AG
DR09ANT     DL5MHQ      P40CG       W2CG        XV9DX       OM3JW
DU1ZV       JA1BRK      P40PZ       EA5GVH      XX9TKV      F4BKV
E44M        IZ0BTV [a]  P49X        W0YK        YI1RAZ      IK2DUW
E44M        SP3DOI [b]  S50IPY      S51RU       YI9AJ       OM3JW
E70R        E77E        S51ZZ       NI5DX       YS3/I2JIN   I2JIN
E73A        9A2AA       SN0WOSP     SP5KCR      YV5DTJ      IT9DAA
E77A        9A2AA       SN90DKI     SP2DKI      ZD8N        G3ZVW
EA6URB      EA6ZX       SN90FYX     SP3FYX      ZS1REC      OK1DOT

[a] direct      [b] bureau

F4BKV    Vincent Colombo, Gibrand 32, 17350 Port d'Envaux, France
F4EGD    Sylvain Lefevre, 10 rue Ste Agathe, 37390 Chanceaux-sur-Choisille,
JA6EGL   Mike S. Miyake, Hakata Amateur Radio Association, P.O. Box 232,
         Hakata,812-8799, Japan
JA6KYU   Hirotaka Suenaga, Shiraishi Ham Club, P.O. Box 6, Hizen-Nakabaru
         849-0191, Japan
JA6UBY   Tajiri Yasuo, P.O. Box 40, Nagasaki-North Post Office,
         Nagasaki-City 852-8691, Japan
JE6DND   Katsuhiko Hayashida, 7-34-9 Nanakuma, Jonan-Ku, Fukuoka 814-0133,
LU9DA    Ricardo Suarez, Calle Roca 3678, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina
OK1DOT   Petr Gustab, P.O. Box 52, Cesky Brod 282 01, Czech Republic
UN7LZ    Valery Zhilyayev, P.O. Box 7, Kostanay 110000, Kazakhstan


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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