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22 November 2008                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 916
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8Q     - Andy, UN8GU and Mike, UN8GC will be active as 8Q7GU and 8Q7GC  from
         the Maldives (AS-013) between 30  November  and  7  December.  They
         plan to operate CW, SSB and digital modes  on  80-10  metres.  More
         information  will  be  available  at    and after 29 November. [TNX UN8GC]
9M6    - 9M4SEA, the SEANET Convention station, is  QRV  until  23  November
         from Kota Kinabalu (OC-088),  Sabah,  East  Malaysia.  Please  note
         that the callsign has been re-issued: the first time it was  issued
         was for the 2003 SEANET Convention in Johor Bahru,  West  Malaysia.
         "This is another example of 9M4 prefix  confusion",  Steve,  9M6DXX
         says, as nowadays 9M4 callsigns are issued  for  special  event  or
         club stations in West  Malaysia  (9M2),  Sabah  (9M6)  and  Sarawak
9M6    - Steve, 9M6DXX  and John, 9M6XRO  will be  active  as  9M6DXX/p  and
         9M6XRO/p from Labuan Island (OC-133) on 24-28 November.  They  plan
         to operate  CW  and  SSB  on  160-10  metres,  hopefully  with  two
         stations. QSL for both via M0URX. [TNX MM0NDX]
9M6    - Saty, JE1JKL will participate in the CQ WW  DX  CW Contest as 9M6NA
         from Labuan Island (OC-133), East  Malaysia.  It  will  be  a  SOSB
         entry on 80  metres.  QSL  via  home  call.  Saty  welcomes  e-mail
         requests for bureau cards ( [TNX NG3K]
CT3    - A large team of operators from the Rhein Ruhr DX  Association  will
         participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest  as  CT9L  (QSL  via  DJ6QT)
         from Madeira (AF-014), in the  Multi-Multi  category.  Outside  the
         contest, between 25 November and 3 December, they  will  be  active
         as CS95A (QSL via CT3EE). [TNX NG3K]
DL_ant - Torsten,  DL1TOG  and  Felix,  DL5XL  are  working  at  the  German
         Antarctic station "Neumayer II" and may be active as DP0GVN  during
         their spare time. QSL via DL5EBE. In February 2009  the  base  will
         be    replaced    by    the    new    "Neumayer    Station     III"
         (, and Felix will  be  a  member  of  the
         first team overwintering there. He plans to operate as DP1POL  (QSL
         via DL1ZBO) from the new station until early 2010. [TNX DXNL]
FM     - Lee, K5UN will be active as TO5X from Martinique (NA-107)  from  24
         November to 2 December, including an entry  in  the  CQ  WW  CW  DX
         Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
FT5_ant- Nicolas, FT5YI [425DXN 912] expects to be QRV again  for  a  couple
         of hours on 22 November, from 15 to 17 UTC (1-3 a.m.  local  time),
         presumably around 14267 kHz.  He  operates  from  Dumont  d'Urville
         Base  on  Petrel  Island  (AN-017),  Antarctica.  QSL  via    F4EGX
         (Nicolas' home call).  Pictures  and  further  information  can  be
         found    at        and
FT5W   - Florentin, F4DYW expects to arrive at Crozet [42DXN 913]  around  8
         December, and to start amateur radio  activities  sometime  between
         10 and 15 December. He will operate as FT5WO  in  his  spare  time,
         using 100 watts and dipoles on 40-10 metres SSB. QSL via F4DYW  (be
         prepared to be patient, as he will be back  home  in  early  2010).
         [TNX F6AJA]
HB0    - Chris, DK9TN and Matthias, DK4YJ will  be  active  as  HB0/homecall
         from Liechtenstein on 27-30 November. They will participate in  the
         CQ WW DX CW Contest as single operators on 40m (HB0/DK4YJ) and  80m
         (HB0/DK9TN). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. The website  for
         the  operation  is  at   [TNX
HK0_sa - The 5K0T team have changed their  plans  [425DXN  914].  They  were
         unable to operate from Roncador Bank because of lack of a  suitable
         location, and  are  now  supposed  to  be  QRV  from  Serrana  Bank
         (NA-133) until 1 December, including  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest.
         However, the latest information from the  team  (19  November)  was
         that strong winds and heavy rain were preventing them from  setting
         up. On 2 December they expect to relocate to  Bajo  Nuevo  (NA-132)
         and operate from there until the 6th. They intend to be  active  on
         all HF bands and 6 metres, with two stations and  a  focus  on  low
         band  operation  at  night.  QSL  5K0T    via    HA7RY.    Bookmark for updates.
J3     - Ulf, DL5AXX will be active as as J3/homecall from Grenada  (NA-024)
         from 25 November to 9 December, including participation in  the  CQ
         WW  DX  Contest  (SOAB)  and  the  ARRL  160  Meter  Contest   (5-6
         December). QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
JA     - Look for JS6RRR, JI3DST/JS6 and/or JI3DST/6  to  be  QRV  from  the
         Miyako Islands (AS-079) between 27 November and 2 December,  CQ  WW
         DX CW Contest included. QSL via bureau. [TNX JS6RRR]
KP2    - K3CT, K3VA and K3TEJ will be active  from  the  US  Virgin  Islands
         (NA-106) from 25 November to 3 December. They will  participate  in
         the CQ WW DX CW Contest as KP2M (QSL via AI4U), while  outside  the
         contest they will operate as KP2/homecall with an emphasis on  160,
         30, 12 and 17 metres. [TNX NG3K]
OX     - Ian, G3WVG and Nigel, G3TXF plan  to  operate  Multi-Two  as  OX5AA
         during  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest  from  the  club  station   in
         Kangerlussuaq on the west coast  of  Greenland  (NA-018).  QSL  via
         G3TXF. See [TNX G3TXF]
PZ     - Yuri, VE3DZ will be  active  as  PZ5TT  from  Suriname  between  25
         November and 1 December. He will operate CW, SSB and  RTTY  on  all
         bands, and will take part in the CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest.  QSL  via
         VE3DZ. [TNX NG3K]
S2     - The expedition to St. Martin's Island  (AS-127)  [425DXN  911]  has
         been delayed and is now scheduled to take place  sometime  in  late
         December. Hopefully a special callsign  will  be  issued  by  then.
         Please visit for updates.
T3     - The Daily DX reports that Toshi, JA8BMK (T30XX) was  due  to  leave
         Tarawa, Western Kiribati [425DXN 914] on 21  November.  The  voyage
         to Canton  Island,  Central  Kiribati  takes  6-7  days.  Toshi  is
         expected to operate SSB and CW on 160-10 metres as T31DX for  about
         one week. QSL direct to JA8BMK.
T8     - Gary Shirk, KE1AT (CN2US, ex-S92AT) has  moved  to  Palau;  he  has
         just obtained the callsign T88SS and expects to be on  the  air  as
         soon as he can get an antenna up. QSL route TBA. [TNX QRZ-DX]
TA     - Ozer, TA2RC will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as YM0T  on
         160 metres from Kefken Island (AS-159). QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX
VU     - Sara/VU3RSB, Frank/VU3FRK (DL4KQ) and  a  couple  of  other  Indian
         operators will be active as AT2RS from  Nachugunta  Island  in  the
         Andhra Pradesh South State Group (AS-199, new one) between 4 and  7
         December. They plan to operate CW and  SSB  on  80-10  metres  (30m
         excluded) with 2-3 stations, with  yagis,  dipoles  and  verticals.
         QSL via W3HNK (North and South America)  and  DL4KQ  (rest  of  the
         world), direct or bureau. [TNX and W3UR]
YS     - Eric, K9GY will be active as YS4RR  or  YS/K9GY  from  El  Salvador
         from 26 November to 2 December, including ane entry in  the  CQ  WW
         DX CW Contest. Before and after the contest he will operate  mostly
         CW with some SSB on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80  and  160  metres.  QSL  via
         K9GY. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
Z2     - Herbert, 7Z1HB will be active as Z21LS from Harare,  Zimbabwe  from
         30 November to 9 December. He plans to operate SSB,  plus  PSK  and
         RTTY if he can fix his computer. QSL via DE1ZHB (bureau) or  direct
         to 7Z1HB. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXTELNET  --->  Fabrizio,  IK4VYX  has  announced  that  a  new  version  of
DXTelnet32 (5.5) is ready for download  (  This
new version provides full support to the new  DXSummit  through  DXPlorer32.
For more info, you can contact Fabrizio at

FUTURE PLANS --->  Future  operations  being  planned  by  the  4M5DX  Group
include  YW0A  (Aves  Island,  February-March  2009)  and  7P8YV   (Lesotho,
July-August 2009), plus the usual activities  from  Venezuelan  IOTA  groups
and - hopefully - an operation from a DXCC  Entity  that  ranks  within  the
first 60 in the latest Most Wanted Survey. [TNX IT9DAA]

IPARC ---> A new Hungarian IPARC  (International  Police  Association  Radio
Club) Award is now available from Gab, HA3JB. Complete details can be  found
at [TNX HA3JB]

LOGS ---> A log search for OJ0B and OJ0J (Market Reef 2005, 2007  and  2008)
and a short recap can be found at
QSLing for the 2008 operation is  happening  right  now.  Additionally,  all
2005 QSLs were sent to the bureau network some six months ago. All logs  are
open for QSLing. [TNX OH2BH]

LOGS ---> A log search and pictures for the  recent  VU7NRO  operation  from
the        Lakshadweep              Islands         can      be    found  at

NCDXF --->  At its  Board of   Directors  meeting    on  18  November,  the
Northern  California  DX  Foundation  elected  the  following  officers  and
directors:  Len  Geraldi/K6ANP    (President),    Al    Burnham/K6RIM  (Vice
President), Tom McShane/NW6P  (Secretary),  Bruce  Butler/W6OSP  (Trasurer),
Dave  Pugatch/KI6WF,  Chuck    Ternes/N6OJ,    Glenn    Vinson/W6OTC,  Steve
Merchant/K6AW, Ken Anderson/K6TA, Tim  Totten/N4GN  and  Glenn  Johnson/W0GJ
(Directors). After 35 years of dedicated service, Rusty Epps  (W6OAT)  chose
to retire from the board. Information pertaining to the Northern  California
DX Foundation is available at

QSL ZF1WD ---> Ken, G4RWD is not the QSL manager for this recent  operation.
"Whilst I have operated several times as ZF1WD", Ken says, "I have not  been
active from the Caymans since 2002". He did not renew his  license,  so  "it
may well have been re-issued but there may be a possibility of this being  a

+ SILENT KEYS + Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society's  (ARLHS)  co-founder  and
former Vice President Thomas C. Jednacz (W7QF) passed away  on  17  November
at 68 years of age. Other recently reported Silent Keys include  Francis  D.
Hurlbut III (KL7FH) and Robert S. Wruble (W7GG).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FQ       K5XK        DL2008BY    DF6JF       S79MV       JA0UMV
3D2YA       JA1NLX      DP4P        DC8RE       S79NS       DL2RNS
3DA0VM      ZS6AVM      DT0IP/2     6K2EJJ      S79UH       JA0UH
3Z0PAM      SP9PTA      DU1MGA      K3IRV       SF0L        SM0LQB
3Z2008PR    SP4KHM      E51QQQ      JA1KAJ      SN90SN      SP7PKI
4K9W        DL6KVA      E74AW       E77E        SN95ZHPOW   SP3FYX
4L6DL       LZ1OT       E760FDE     E73FDE      SP2008PR    SP7KWW
4L7O        DL7BO       EG0VRB      EA2URV      SQ2008PR    SP7KKZ
4M5RY       EA5KB       EG8CBN      EA8CBN      SU9HP       SC6A
4X/DL3PS    HB9EHQ      EG8RCP      EA8RCP      SX1L        DL1JCZ
4X6HP       EA7FTR      EK3GM       IK2QPR      T6AC        DL4ST
4X6HP       EA7FTR      EO0UD       UR7UT       TC70ATA     TA1HZ
5B4AGM      W3HNK       ER4ER       RA4LW       TM5TUR      F6KTW
5B4AIZ      G3SWH       ET3JA       OK3AA       TM7X        F6KEH
5N9NDP      IK5JAN      FR1AN       NI5DX       TM8TEG      F5MDF
5R8FL       G3SWH       FT5YI       F4EGX       TM90AA      F4FIU  [a]
5R8GZ       G3SWH       GB60PW      GW0ANA      TM90AA      F5SPW  [b]
5R8IC       F6ICX       GM5XW       G5XW        TN5SN       IZ1BZV
5Z4ES       K3IRV       H44MY       OM2SA       TO2HI       F6AUS
5Z4LS       G3RWF       H44TO       OM2SA       UN7AB       DL8KAC
6W1SE       JR2KDN      HF90MWRP    SP2PMW      UN7MMM      EA7FTR
7P8BA       ZS6BQI      HF90POL     SP6ZDA      UN9PQ       IK2QPR
9A70LPC     9A7KM       II1ADV      IW1RLR      V55SRT      IZ8EDJ
9M2MRS      PA0RRS      II2PJ       IQ2DN       V73NS       WD8CRT
9M4SEA      9M6TW       J28KO       F4FUD       V8FKT       G3YBY
9M8DXX      DL2QT       J42ARET     SV2GWY      VK0BP       VK2CA
9M8XXW      DJ8XW       J5UAP       HA3AUI      VK6ANC      VK6NE
A35AU       JA2AAU      J88DR       G3TBK       VK6BN       EA7FTR
A35IC       JA2AIC      JX4JLK      pirate      VU2PEP      KF9TC
A35SS       JA2LSS      K8V         W8JWN       XV4BX       EB7DX
A35TE       JA2ATE      KH0ABT      7L1FPU      YR90U       YO8AXP
A35ZS       JA2ZS       KH6BB       K1ER        Z21BC       NI5DX
A5100A      F9DK        LW9DX       EA5KB       Z21FO       K3IRV
A61Q        EA7FTR      LY70W       LY5W        Z22JE       K3IRV
AM5MSV      EA5URR      LZ08IPY     LZ3SM       ZB2CN       DJ9WH
C31CT       EA3QS       LZ1195IR    LZ1KZA      ZD8B        K1CA
C4EURO      5B4AHO      LZ8A        LZ2BE       ZF2DR       K5RQ
C91LW       UY5LW       OA4BHY/2    DL2JRM      ZL1CT       N3SL
CU1CB       EA5KB       ON1708M     ON5TN       ZP4KFX      IK2DUW
CU3HQ       EA3GHZ      ON4PTC      ON7YB       ZS4U        K3IRV
D2QMN       RZ3EC       ON58EXPO    ON7XY       ZS6FJM      CT1ABE

[a]  bureau      [b]  direct

3DA0TM   Andy Cory, P. O. Box 1033, Mbabane, Swaziland
4S7NE    Nelson Ranasinghe, 18 Katana Housing  Scheme,  Demanhandiya  11270,
         Sri Lanka
7X0RY    Frantisek Pubal, c/o Zuzana Rybarova, P.O. Box 109, 11121 Praha  1,
         Czech Republic
DL2JRM   Rene Matthes, Wiesenstr. 3, 09328 Lunzenau, Germany
F4EGX    Nicolas Chatelain, 1D rue des Vosges, 67800 Hoenheim, France
HS0ZEE   Sheridon Keith Street, P. O.  Box  107,  Chiang  Mai  Post  Office,
         Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand
IV3YIM   Salvo Vitale, P.O. Box 52, 34170 Gorizia - GO, Italy
IZ1BZV   Giorgio Tabilio, Casella Postale 95 - SP Centro, 19100 La Spezia  -
         SP, Italy
JA0UH    Iwao Iijima, Tomitake 900, Nagano 381-0006, Japan
JA0UMV   Tohru Kataoka, 15-9 Sakae-cho, Kamo 959-1382, Japan
OM2SAA    Juraj Sipos, P.O. Box 29, 94603 Kolarovo, Slovak Republic
UY5LW    Igor Pyzh, P.O. Box 1770, Kharkov - 176, 61176 Ukraine
VQ9LA    Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP  96595-0024,
ZS6AVM   Dave Scully, P.O. Box 16324, Atlasville 1465, South Africa


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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