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15 November 2008                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 915
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B7    - Rachid, 3B8FQ says that "unforeseen difficulties" have arisen  with
         his working trip to St. Brandon that was  expected  to  take  place
         later this  month  [425DXN  914].  The  trip  has  officially  been
         delayed until sometime in 2009. Further information is expected  in
         due course. Meanwhile, Rachid is  very  active  from  Mauritius  on
         40-10m, with an emphasis on 30, 17 and 12 metres.  CW  is  Rachid's
         currently preferred mode. QSL via K5XK. [TNX K5XK]
6W     - Carsten, DL1EFD will operate mainly CW as 6V7N  from  Senegal  from
         23 November to 5 December, including an entry in the CQ  WW  DX  CW
         Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
9M6    - Bob, MD0CCE, will be active as 9M6/N2BB from  Sabah  (OC-088)  from
         25 November through 1 December, including the CQ WW DX CW  contest.
         He  will  take  a  160m  antenna  with  him,  and  if  local  noise
         conditions  allow,  he  will  concentrate  on  Top  Band  on  25-28
         November. QSL via MD0CCE. [TNX MD0CCE]
C6     - Tom/N6BT (C6ARR), Fred/KE7X (C6AKX) and Kenny/K2KW (C6ATA) will  be
         active on 160-20 metres from the Bahamas  from  23  November  to  1
         December, including single band entries in the CQ WW DX CW  Contest
         (C6ARR on 160m, C6AKX on 20 metres and C6ATA  on  80  metres).  QSL
         for all of them via WA4WTG. [TNX NG3K]
CO     - Ed, CO7PH and possibily other operators will be  active  from  IOTA
         group NA-086 on 16-21 December. Plans  are  to  operate  mainly  CW
         with some SSB on 160-10  metres,  hopefully  under  a  T47  or  CO0
         callsign. [TNX CO7PH]
E5     - Aki, JA1KAJ will be active as E51QQQ from Manihiki Atoll  (OC-014),
         North Cook Islands from 18 November to  9  December.  He  plans  to
         operate SSB and CW on 80-10 metres. QSL via home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
FK     - Jean-Pierre, F5AHO will  be  active  as  FK/F5AHO  from  three  New
         Caledonia's islands as follows: from the main  island  (OC-032)  on
         23 November-5 December, from Lifou (OC-033)  on  7-8  December  and
         from Ile des Pins (OC-032) on 10-12 December. He plans  to  operate
         SSB on 40, 20 and 17 metres. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX F8REF]
FT5W   - Florentin, F4DYW expects to arrive at Crozet [42DXN 913]  around  8
         December, and to start amateur radio  activities  sometime  between
         10 and 15 December. He will operate as FT5WO  in  his  spare  time,
         using 100 watts and dipoles on 40-10 metres SSB. QSL via F4DYW  (be
         prepared to be patient, as he will be back  home  in  early  2010).
         [QSL via F6AJA]
GM     - Russell, G5XW will be active  as  GM5XW  from  the  Orkney  Islands
         (EU-009) between 19 and 23 November. QSL direct only to G5XW.  [TNX]
GM     - Col, MM0NDX will be active as MM0NDX/p from the St.  Kilda  Islands
         (EU-059) on 24-27 July. He plans to operate holiday style on  80-10
         metres SSB, and to take part in the IOTA  Contest.  QSL  direct  to
         home call. [TNX MM0NDX]
H4     - Mike, KM9D and June,KF4TUG left Honiara and are  going  to  Pohnpei
         (OC-010), Micronesia  (V6).  According  to  their  latest  position
         report ( now  they
         are lying to  anchor  adjacent  to  Luaniua  village,  Ontong  Java
         (OC-192), from where they may show up as H44MY. [TNX DXNL]
I      - Tony, IK1QBT and Emilio,  IZ1GAR  will  be  active  from  Lampedusa
         Island  (AF-019)  from  25  November  to  1  December.  They   will
         participate from African Italy in the CQ WW DX CW Contest, Tony  as
         IG9X (SOSB 80m) and Emilio as IG9W (SOSB 40m). Outside the  contest
         they will operate as IG9/IK1QBT and IG9/IZIGAR,  with  a  focus  on
         the low bands. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK1QBT]
OD     - Salvo, IV3YIM is currently active as OD5/IV3YIM from Lebanon  until
         April 2009. He operates SSB and RTTY on  10,  15,  20,  40  and  80
         metres, with some possible  activity  on  CW,  PSK  and  the  other
         bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IV3YIM]
OD     - Ken, W5YFN has received approval  from  the  local  authorities  to
         operate as OD5/W5YFN while in Lebanon, for one year starting on  16
         November. [TNX QRZ-DX]
PJ4    - John/K4BAI, Jeff/KU8E, Don/W4OC and Peter/NO2R will participate  in
         the CQ WW DX CW Contest as PJ4A from Bonaire (SA-006),  Netherlands
         Antilles. Outside the contest, look for the operators to be QRV  as
         PJ4/homecalls. QSL all five calls via K4BAI. All but KU8E  will  be
         QRV from 26 November to 3 December (KU8E will QRT on  2  December).
         [TNX NG3K]
PY     - ZY7EAM will be active on 4-7 December to celebrate the Sailor  Day.
         Plans are to operate CW and SSB on 160-10 metres.  QSL  via  PY7GK,
         bureau preferred. [TNX PY7GK]
PY     - Lucio/PP5AVM, Carlos/PP5AX, Joaquim/PP5JY, Lira/PP5LL,  Mario/PP5MQ
         and Mauricio/PP5WB will be active as ZV5V and  ZV5Z  from  Ilha  da
         Paz (SA-027) on 6-13 December. Look for activity  on  80-10  metres
         SSB and CW. QSL via PP5CIT. [TNX PY2NQ and PP5MQ]
T8     - Tibi, HA7TM (T88CJ) and Pista, HA5AO (T88CI) will  be  active  from
         Koror Island (OC-009), Palau from 21 November to 3  December.  They
         plan to operate mainly CW on 160-6 metres, with a focus on  Europe.
         QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Their web page can  be  found
         at [TNX HA0HW]
UR     - Special event station EO15IVK will  be  active  on  21-30  November
         from the city of Volnovakha (Donetsk region, Ukraine) to  celebrate
         the 15th anniversary of the  local  Kontur  Radio  Club.  Look  for
         activity on the HF bands CW,  SSB  and  RTTY.  QSL  via  operator's
         instructions. [TNX UT8IM]
V3     - Terry, W6WTG (V31UR) and Sharon, N2OWL (V31WL) will be active  from
         Caye Caulker (NA-073), Belize on 22-29 July 2009.  Expect  activity
         on the HF bands and 6 metres, and look for V31UR to participate  in
         the IOTA Contest (25-26 July). QSL  via  W6UR.  The  logs  will  be
         uploaded to LoTW a couple of weeks after  the  operation  is  over.
         Further information and updates at [TNX W6WTG]
VP9    - Seppo, OH1VR will be active from Bermuda (NA-005) from 25  November
         to 2 December. He will operate as OH1VR/VP9 (QSL  via  home  call),
         and will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as  VP9I  (QSL  via
         N1HRA) on 20 metres. [TNX NG3K]
VU     - A number of special callsigns (for  instance,  AU2JCB  operated  by
         VU2DSI) will be aired from 15 November to 8 December  to  celebrate
         the 150th anniversary of the birth  of  Indian  physicist  Jagadish
         Chandra Bose. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX VU2DSI]
XU     - Tom Callas, KC0W (ZD7X) was not able to  go  to  Tristan  da  Cunha
         [425DXN 902] and is now in  Cambodia.  His  requested  callsign  is
         XU7XXX and he will participate in various contests,  starting  with
         the CQ WW DX CW at the end of the  month  and  the  ARRL  160-Meter
         (5-6 December). QSL direct to his  home  call  (Thomas  M.  Callas,
         P.O. Box 1058, Minnetonka, MN 55345, USA). QSLling may  take  quite
         a while, because Tom expects to remain in Cambodia for 3-4  months,
         and then to visit Laos and Vietnam for "an extended DXpedition"  of
         up to three months in each country. [TNX NG3K]
YW     - The YW1TI epedition to Toas Island (SA-066)  [425DXN  907]  is  now
         scheduled to take place during the last week of November.  Bookmark for updates. QSL via IT9DAA. [TNX IT9DAA]
ZD8    - Between 31 December and 9 January, six  members  of  the  Cambridge
         University Wireless Society will operate SSB and CW as  ZD8UW  from
         Ascension Island (AF-003) on the HF bands. Expedition members  will
         be Hugo/M0HSW, Tom/M0TJH, Simon/G4EAG, Michael/G7VJR,  Gordon/G3USR
         and Martin/G3ZAY. QSL via G7VJR. Logs  will  be  uploaded  to  LoTW
         shortly after the expedition. [TNX G7VJR]

TRIP TO AFRICA ---> Peter, HA3AUI is  going  back  to  Africa.  He  will  be
active  in his spare time as  either 6W2SC  (from Senegal)  and  J5UAP (from
Guinea-Bissau) from 15 November until about  31  March 2009. QSL via HA3AUI,
direct or bureau. Peter plans  to  operate  digital modes with some SSB  and
CW upon  request. Bands in use  will  be 160-10m, with 500 watts from 6W and
100 watts from J5. [TNX NG3K]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A5100A ---> A few pictures from the current A5100A expedition to Bhutan  can
be found at;  daily  updates  from  the
team  can    be    found    on    the    Clipperton    DX    Club's  website

DX SUMMIT ALERT ---> The new  DX  Summit  website  (
has been up and running since 23  May  2008.  The  old  DX  Summit  homepage
( redirects users to the  new  website,  but  all
the old DX Summit data pages are still online. Now  the  time  has  come  to
shut down the old DX Summit machine: it will be done on 19  November  at  10
UTC, and it may cause your software to stop working.
To try and maintain compatibility with older software which  may  no  longer
be supported, the new DX Summit includes a series of DX spot webpages  which
are 100% HTML compatible with the same pages on the old  DX  Summit.  Simply
changing the URLs in  your  software  according  to  the  information  below
should keep it working with the new DX Summit. If  your  software  does  not
allow you to edit the URLs, please contact the author of your  software  and
ask them to change the URLs according to the information below.
* Latest 25 DX spots page
Old URL:
New URL:
* Latest 1000 DX spots page
Old URL:
New URL:
* Latest 10000 DX spots page
Old URL:
New URL:
Software authors who wish to implement data exchange with the new DX  Summit
should visit for information  on  data
formats and URLs. If your software does not work with the new DX Summit,  we
encourage you to forward this information to the author of the software  you
are using. [TNX OH2BH]

DXCC NEWS ---> Bill Moore, NC1L reports that the  following  operations  are
approved for DXCC credit:
A52AM   Bhutan                  20 March-26 September 2007 operation (*)
CY0X    Sable Island            2008 operation
VU4MY   Andaman & Nicobar Isls  24 October-3 November 2008 operation
VU7NRO  Lakshadweep Isls        24 October-3 November 2008 operation
VU7SJ   Lakshadweep Isls        2008 operation
(*) If you had an A52AM QSO rejected for credit  within  this  date  period,
send an e-mail to to be placed  on  the  list  to  receive  an

P29NI ---> The log search for P29NI  (OC-181  and  OC-041)  is  now  up  and
running at

QSL VIA LA9SN ---> Please note that while JX9SN  (October  2008)  should  go
direct only (Harald Kjode, Postboks 404 Sentrum, 6401  Molde,  Norway),  the
QSL cards for Al's other activities (e.g.  OY/LA9SN  and  TF/LA9SN)  can  go
either  direct  or  via  the  bureau.  A  log  search   can    be  found  at [TNX LA9SN]

SPRATLY 2009 ---> According to the  latest  update  at,
the 1-14 March 2009 expedition to the Spratly Islands [425DXN 889] has  been
postponed until further  notice  "due  to  a  combination  of  personal  and
logistical reasons". For the time being,  "donations  will  be  returned  to
those sponsors who kindly made contributions to the proposed DXpedition".

+ SILENT KEYS + Zoran Krnjeta (9A2CY) passed away on 9 November at 56  years
of age, following a brain hemorrhage. An active DXer and  a  member  of  the
9A1BOP radio club for almost forty years, his main interest was in RTTY  and
PSK31. Other recently reported Silent Keys include Tom  Baker  (K8MMM),  Bob
McCourt (KI4RU), Edward Joseph Gassman (N8HTT), Bogdan I.  Voichuk  (UR0YY),
Paul D. Casdorph (W8HXX), Leo D.  Hodge  (ZL2AJB)  and  Kuo  On  "Tom"  Wong
(VE7BC), whose seven-year effort was instrumental in getting PRC on the  air
- BY1PK, the first Amateur Radio Club in China, was activated  on  29  March


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3DA0VB, 4K1L, 4K6GF, 4L1MA,  4W6R,
4X/AA4V,  4Z8BB,  5H3VMB, 5J0M,  5W0JT, 5Z4/RW1AU, 5Z4/UA4WHZ, 5Z4RS, 6E4LM,
6L0NJ/4 (AS-093),  7Q7VB,  7X/DB1JAW,  8R1EA, 9K2/SP4R, 9M6OO, 9M8Z,  9U0VB,
9W2LLK, 9X0R, 9X0VB, A25/DL7DF, A25VB, A45WG, C4M, C6APR, CE9/CE3VPM, CO6WD,
CO8LY, CU2/OH2TA, CU2A, CU7/DL5AXX, CX1AA,  CY0X, D20VB, D2NX,  D4C,  D60VB,
DT8A,  E20WXA,  E51NOU,  E71AA,  EK6TA,  EL2DX,  ES2Q (EU-149), EX2F, EY8MM,
G4DBX,   GS8R  (EU-009),  H40MY  (OC-163),  HB0/HB9QQ,  HC5WW,  HC8N,  HI8A,
(NA-234), KP2M, KP4/NY6X, MU0BKA,  OH0GG,  OH0X,  OJ0B,  OJ0J,  PY0FF, PZ5Z,
R1ANR,  R1FJT,  RI0F  (AS-149),  RW2F,  RW2FWA,  ST2VB, T209DX, T94CT, TA3D,
TF/DJ2VO (EU-071),  TF3GC,  TK7C, TM7F, TN6X, TO8S (NA-114), TY6A, UE9WFF/1,
UN9L,  UT5UGR,  V51VV,  V63DX,  V85SS,  VE8RCS/VY0,  VI9NI,  VK9XHZ, VK9XMM,
VK9XOR,  VK9XWW,  VP8QI, XE2WWW, XR7A (SA-043), XR7W (SA-053), XU7DLH, XW1B,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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