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From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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20 September 2008                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 907
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B7    - Rachid, 3B8FQ, is planning to operate as 3B7FQ from St. Brandon  in
         October (dates to be determined). This  will  be  a  working  trip,
         with  on-air  activities  shared  with  meteorological  maintenance
         duties. QSL via  K5XK.  Further  information  is  expected  in  due
3V     - Dmitry, RW4WM will be active as 3V8SS from Sousse, Tunisia  between
         29 September and 8 October. He plans to operate CW  and  SSB,  with
         some RTTY. QSL for this operation  via  RW4WM,  direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX RW4WM]
5Z     - Valery, 5Z4/RW1AU,  continues  to  be  quite  active  from  Nairobi
         [425DXN 902]. Currently 20m SSB only, but a keyer is  enroute,  and
         if it arrives safely, Val will be  very  QRV  on  CW  in  the  near
         future.  The keyer will  remain  at  the  5Z4RS  club  station  for
         others to use, after his departure. Look for Val on  weekends,  and
         periodically on weeknights, after 15 UTC. QSL via K5XK,  direct  or
         bureau. The QSL cards are being printed  and  will  be  mailed  out
         within the next 2-3 weeks. Val will upload his logs to  LoTW.  [TNX
7X     - Mike, DB1JAW will operate as either 7W0JAW  and/or  7X/DB1JAW  from
         Bou-Saada and other places in the Algerian Sahara on 2-14  October.
         Look for activity on 80-10 metres, with an emphasis on 20,  17  and
         12 metres SSB, and 20 and 17  metres  PSK31.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct only with a return postage of USD 2.00.
8Q     - Mark, M0DXR and Gemma, 2E0WPX will be  active  as  8Q7XR  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013) from 22 September to 5 October. This  will  be  a
         honeymoon, part time operation on 40-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL  via
         M0DXR, direct or bureau.
8Q     - Andrew, G7COD will be active for  the  fifth  time  as  8Q7AK  from
         Embudu, Maldives (AS-013) on 12-25 October.  He  plans  to  operate
         SSB and CW on 40-12 metres  (suggested  frequencies  and  operating
         schedule at QSL via  home  call,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX G7COD]
9A     - Members of Radio Club Karlovac (9A1CVW) plan to operate  as  9A1C/p
         from several Croatian  islands  (and  lighthouses),  most  of  them
         located in IOTA group EU-170, on  26-28  September.  They  plan  to
         have two stations on the air at the same time on 20 and  40  metres
         SSB.    QSL    via    9A1CVW.    Details    are    available     at [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
C6     - Dallas/W3PP and Bob/W8ZA will be  joining  Pete/W2GJ  and  Ed/K3IXD
         for the 23-27  October  operation  from  Crooked  Island  (NA-113),
         Bahamas [425DXN 901]. They will participate in the  CQ  WW  DX  SSB
         Contest as C6APR in the Multi-2  category.  Before  and  after  the
         contest, C6APR will be on 160-10 metres CW  and  SSB,  while  C6AXD
         will be on 160-10 metres mostly RTTY and some SSB. Both  calls  are
         good for Bird Rock Lighthouse (ARLHS BAH-005). All QSLs via  K3IXD.
         [TNX K3IXD]
CN     - Gab,  HA3JB   will  be  active  as   CN2IPA  (International  Police
         Association) from Morocco from 21 September to 5 October. He  plans
         to operate CW, RTTY, PSK, SSTV and some SSB, and to participate  in
         the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest.
CT     - G3ZAY, M0HSW, and M0SKI plan to be QRV  as  CT/homecall  from  IOTA
         group EU-145 for a few hours on  20-21  September  during  daylight
         hours. Activity will probably be from Barreta Island. QSL to  their
         home calls. [TNX G3ZAY]
EU     - Andrei, NP3D will be active as EW1AR during his vacation in  Minsk,
         Belarus on 22-29 September, including an entry  in  the  CQ  WW  DX
         RTTY Contest. QSL via W3HNK or direct to NP3D, who will upload  his
         logs to LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
F      - Special event callsign TM0CDG will be aired on all bands and  modes
         from 28 September to 12 October for the opening of the  Charles  de
         Gaulle Museum at Colombey-les-deux-Eglises.  QSL  via  F6KTR.  [TNX
G      - At least three special callsigns will be aired on  20-21  September
         as part of  "Transmission 2008" to  raise  money  for  the  British
         Wireless  for  the  Blind  Fund  (    The
         Bittern DX Group will be active as GB2TX  (QSL  via  M0CNP),  while
         the Cray Valley Radio  Society  will  operate  as  GB2BF  (QSL  via
         G4DFI) and the Sandwell Amateur Radio Club  will  use  GB2BWF  (QSL
         via MW0CNA).
GJ     - Wojtek, SQ4MP will be active as MJ/SQ4MP from  Jersey  (EU-013)  on
         10-13 October. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on  160-10  metres,
         with an emphasis on 160, 17, 12  and  10  metres.  QSL  via  SQ4MP,
         direct or bureau. His log will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX SQ4MP]
HL     - Han, DS2GOO will be active as DS2GOO/4 from Cheju  Island  (AS-026)
         on 3-5 October. He plans to operate CW, SSB and  digital  modes  on
         80-10 metres during his evenings. [TNX DS2GOO]
I      - Andrea, IK0MMI will be active as IA5/IK0MMI from  the  Capel  Rosso
         lighthouse  (ARLHS  ITA-130,  WAIL  TO-012)  on  Isola  del  Giglio
         (EU-028) on  22-23 September.  He  plans to  operate  SSB on the HF
         bands  (mainly  40  metres), running  100  watts  into  a  vertical
         antenna.  VHF  and  UHF activity is also possibile. [TNX IK1XPK]
I      - Ninety years ago  the  military  airport  at  Marcon  (Venice)  was
         closed, after  playing  an  important  role  during  World  War  I.
         Special station II3MA will be active on 22-28 September,  with  SSB
         and CW activity on the HF bands. QSL via IK3SHP, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX IW3IA]
I      - Dorando Pietri, became an international celebrity for  not  winning
         the marathon at the 1908 Summer Olympics held in London. After  his
         dramatic  finish  and  eventual  disqualification  for    receiving
         outside aid, he  became  "the  one  who  won,  and  lost  victory".
         Celebrating the centenary  of  that  incredible  marathon,  special
         event callsign II4DP will be aired from Carpi, Dorando's  hometown,
         between 27 September and 12 October. QSL via bureau  or  direct  to
         IK4JPN (c/o ARI Carpi, P.O.Box 311, 41012 Carpi - MO, Italy).  [TNX
JA     - Look for JA1YUC/1 to be active on the HF bands SSB and CW from  Uki
         Island  (AS-117,  JIIA  AS-117-010),  Chiba  Prefecture    on    23
         September. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
JW     - LA9DL, LA6VM and LA7XK will be active as  JW9DL,  JW6VM  and  JW7XK
         from Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard on 25-29 September. They  will
         operate CW, SSB and digital  modes,  and  will  take  part  in  the
         Scandinavian Activity Contest (SSB) as JW5X. [TNX The Daily DX]
KG4    - Stu, K4MIL, will  be  active  as  KG4SS  from  Guantanamo  from  23
         September to 7 October. He operate RTTY and  some  SSB  on  all  HF
         bands. QSL via K4MIL direct or bureau. His logs  will  be  uploaded
         to LoTW. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
OJ0    - Pertti/OH2PM,  Ilmo/OH2BO,   Henry/OH3JR  and  Lars/OH0RJ  will  be
         active as OJ0B from the "damp and cold lighthouse" on  Market  Reef
         (EU-053) until 29 September.  They  will  have  two  stations  with
         amplifiers, a special array for  160  metres,  a  SteppIR  beam,  a
         Butternut HF-2V and an assortment  of  wires.  During  this  coming
         weekend,  Pertti  will  be  a  SOAB  entrant  in  the  Scandinavian
         Activity Contest (CW), and the following weekend the same thing  on
         SSB. During the two contest periods,  the  other  station  will  be
         exclusively on 160, 30, 17 and 12 metres. QSL  via  OH2BH.  If  you
         observe some interesting openings outside of the contest  and  wish
         to inform the operators on Market  Reef,  just  drop  an  email  to
         oh2bh(at) [TNX OH2BH]
OZ     - Look for Lasse, OZ1FJB/p and  John,  OZ1LXJ/p  to  be  active  from
         Anholt Island (EU-088) on 6-10 October. They  plan  to  operate  CW
         and SSB on the HF bands in their spare time,  indicatively  between
         3-5 UTC and again between 20-22  UTC.  QSL  via  home  calls.  [TNX
SP     - SP1DOZ, SP1DPA, SP1FFC, SP1TMN and SQ1EUG will be active  as  3Z0LH
         from Chelminek Island (not  IOTA,  SZ-18  for  the  Polish  Islands
         Award)  and  lighthouses  (ARLHS  POL-050  and  POL-051)  until  22
         September. QSL via SP1PBW. [TNX SP1DPA]
SV9    - Uli, DJ9XB will be active as J49XB  from  Crete  (EU-015)  from  20
         September to 4 October. He will operate RTTY only,  and  will  also
         try 160 metres on that mode. [TNX DJ9XB]
SV9    - Claudio, HB9OAU will be active as SV9/HB9OAU  from  Crete  (EU-015)
         from 28 September to 3 October. He will operate  holiday  style  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX HB9OAU]
T2     - Anci, JA2ZL will be active from Tuvalu  (OC-015)  during  a  family
         vacation on  14-21  October.  He  will  collect  his  licence  upon
         arrival. Anci will operate CW, SSB. RTTY and SSTV on 80-12 (or  10)
         metres, with 500 watts into loop and  vertical  antennas.  QSL  via
         JA2ZL, direct or bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
TR     - Roland, F8EN will be back to Libreville,  Gabon  from  mid-December
         to mid-January 2009. He will operate as TR50R (until  31  December)
         and TR8CR (from 1 January). QSL both via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA and  Les
         Nouvelles DX]
UA     - Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the end of the Nazi  occupation
         during World War II, special event station UE65BR  will  be  active
         from Bryansk and its  surroundings  until  25  September.  QSL  via
         RV3YR. [TNX RV3YR]
V2     - Bud, AA3B will be active as V26K from Antigua (NA-100)  between  26
         November and 1 December, including an entry in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW
         Contest. This will be an all CW operation on the contest  HF  bands
         only. QSL via home call. [TNX AA3B]
VE     - In celebration of the 150th anniversary  of  the  founding  of  the
         Crown Colony of British  Columbia,  amateur  radio  operators  from
         Canada are allowed to use four special prefixes between  1  October
         and 30 November: VE can use CK, VA can use CJ, VO can  use  CY,  VY
         can use CZ. Further information at [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - A large group of operators from the Magnolia  DX  Association  will
         be active from East Ship Island (NA-082) starting at  approximately
         17 UTC on 16 October and running until approximately 18 UTC on  the
         19th. The team plans to have four  stations  on  the  air,  and  to
         operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-10 metres. The callsign K5S will  be
         used during the entire 4-day period, plus the callsign K5Z will  be
         added during the last two days as an entry in the W/VE  US  Islands
         QSO  Party.  QSL  via  W5UE,  direct,  bureau  or  LoTW.   Detailed
         information can be found at [TNX K2FF]
YV    -  Alex/YV5SSB,   Manuel/YY4MP,  Rafael/YY4RN,  Franco/YV1FM,  Rainer/
         YV5EU, Olli/OH0XX, Jesus/YV5MSG and Andreina/YY4AND will be  active
         as YW1TI from Toas Island (SA-066) in early  November. They plan to
         operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 160-6 metres. QSL  via IT9DAA,
         direct or bureau. Further information is  expected  in  due course.
         The web site for the operation is at [TNX
ZK2    - Dave, N1EMC will be active holiday style as ZK2DF from Alofi,  Niue
         (OC-040) between around 21 UTC on 24 October and around  8  UTC  on
         the 31st, CQ WW SSB DX Contest included. He will operate  SSB  with
         some RTTY on 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 and 40 metres,  with  100  watts
         into a vertical for 6-20 metres and a dipole  for  40  metres.  QSL
         via home  call  (direct  only)  or  LoTW.  The  web  site  for  the
         operation is at [TNX NE1B]
ZS     - Commemorating the Treaty of Vereeniging, which marked  the  end  of
         the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), special event station  ZS08TV  will
         be active from time to time for one year starting on 24  September,
         South Africa's Heritage Day. QSL direct (see or bureau.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXPOCKET ---> Igor Tomalchev, UU0JC has  recently  developed  "DXPocket",  a
comprehensive amateur radio DX Cluster piece  of  software  (shareware)  for
Pocket PC - you can connect to your favourite DX  Cluster  using  a  Windows
Mobile-based    phone.    Complete    information     can    be    found  at [TNX RA3DCT]

FALL CLASSIC  DX  EVENT  --->  The  first  annual  Fall  Classic  DX  Event,
sponsored by the Country Uncle DX Club will run from 1  October  through  31
December.  This  event  has  been  founded  "for  the  primary   purpose  of
generating enthusiasm for DXing, Amateur Radio, and to provide an  inclusive
way for Hams who do not like to 'contest' but would enjoy a way  to  compete
over a longer period of time than a weekend  without  calling  CQ  Contest".
Complete               information                can        be    found  at [TNX K4SX]

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Oreste, IZ8EDJ is receiving QSL requests  for  contacts
made with V51SWK, a station he is  not  the  QSL  manager  for.  He  is  the
correct QSL route only  for  AO8SRT,  ED8SRT,  EF8SRT,  IC8M,  IQ8OM,  IR8C,
L30BST, V51KC, V55O (2005), V55SRT and YI3SRA. [TNX IZ8EDJ]

QSL VIA K5XK ---> Ron reports that he has moved to a new QTH, delaying  some
QSL replies for 3B8FQ & 3B6FQ. Cards for both  operations  are  printed  and
replies to all direct requests will be mailed within the next  week.  Bureau
requests that have been received will go  out  in  October.  K5XK's  current
address is: Ron Evans, 2 Pembroke Drive, Bella Vista, AR 72715-8823, USA.

+ SILENT KEY + Theo See, DJ1RL passed away on 5 September  at  80  years  of
age. A well-known CW operator, with a main interest in 160  and  80  metres,
between the early Seventies and the late Nineties he operated  from  several
DX locations (3D2, 5R, 9J, C2, C21, C56, FH, FO, ZK1 and others).
Other recently reported Silent Keys include Thomas M. Rose, K0ZM (ex  KC0EI)
and Ivan Sesartic, YU1BQ, one of Serbia's veteran operators  and  a  pioneer
in ARDF.


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3DA0OK,  3V8SS,  4K1YAR,  5J0E,
5N9NDP,  5U5U,  5X1NH,  6W1SJ,  6Y1LZ,  7Q7HB,  7X2GX,  9M6/LA6VM  (AS-051),
9M6XRO/p (OC-133), 9X0R, A43GI (AS-119, April  2002),  A61Q,  C31CT,  C91XO,
(EU-099), GM0BOE/p (EU-008), HC2SL, HC8N, HL0U, HQ8R (NA-035),  HS0ZED,  K7A
(NA-042, NA-087 and NA-241), KP4ED, MD0CCE, N1YC/VK9X, N4A  (NA-067),  SG3U,
SU1KM, TA3J, TA3YJ, TM5EL (EU-107),  TX5C,  UA0SR,  VP6DX,  VU2PAI,  XE2WWW,
XE3RBA, XR7A (SA-043), XR7W (SA-053), YI9AJ, ZP8AE.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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