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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   12.09.08 19:20l 287 Lines 16487 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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13 September 2008                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 906
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5H     - Arno, DL1CW is currently active as 5H3AP from Tanzania. Between  22
         September and 1 October he will go and operate  CW  and  RTTY  from
         Mafia Island (AF-054). QSL via home call, preferably via  the  DARC
9H     - Naoyuki, JK1FNL will be active from Malta (requested callsign  9H3F
         or 9H3FF) on 19-24 September. He plans to operate CW, SSB and  RTTY
         on 40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX JK1FNL]
EI     - Severe weather and sea conditions have  prevented  the  EJ3HB  team
         (EI4BZ, EI5GM,  EI9FBB  and  G4AXX)  from  reaching  Great  Blasket
         Island (EU-007). Their new destination  is  Bere  Island  (EU-121),
         where they will operate as EJ9FBB, EJ5GM, EJ4BZ and EJ/G4AXX  until
         14    September.    QSL    via      home        calls.        Check for updates
ER     - Celebrating the 600th anniversary of the city of  Bendery,  special
         event station ER600B will be active until  8  October.  QSL  direct
         only to RW6HS. [TNX RW6HS]
EU    -  Andrey/EU4AG, Cyril/EW4BY, Igor/EW4DX, Dmitry/EW4IDP and Alexander/
         EW4KA will be active  as  EW5WFF  from  Belarusian  nature  reserve
         Belovezhskaya Pushya on 12-14 September. QSL via EW4DX. Information
         on the "World Flora Fauna" (WWF)  award  programme  can be found at [TNX RW3GW]
FM     - Freddy, F5IRO has got a new work assignment on Martinique  (NA-107)
         from 21 September through the end of February 2009. He plans to  be
         active (presumably as FM/F5IRO) in his spare time, typically  after
         22 UTC and during the weekends. Expect him to operate  CW,  digital
         modes and some SSB on 40, 30 and 20  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
I      - A  group  of  operators  from  the  Mediterraneo  DX  Club  (namely
         Francesco/IK8LTB,        Vitaliano/IW8PWO,          Antonio/IZ8CCW,
         Massimiliano/IZ8EPY,       Maurizio/IZ8GBQ,        Leopoldo/IZ8HXG,
         Pasquale/IZ8IYX and Domenico/IZ8JAI)  will  be  active  as  IQ8MD/p
         from Dino Island (EU-144) on 20-21  September.  They  will  operate
         SSB, RTTY and some CW with three stations on 10-80 metres. Some  of
         the operators are new to pile-ups, so please  be  patient!  All  of
         the contacts  will  be  confirmed  automatically  via  the  bureau;
         direct cards should be sent  to  IZ8BGY.  The  web  pages  for  the
         operation can be found at [TNX IZ8CCW]
I      - IQ2IR (QSL via IZ2ELV)  plus  special  callsigns  II2UCI  (QSL  via
         IZ2DVI) and  II2BIN  (QSL  via  IW2KVT)  will  be  aired  on  23-28
         September  for  the  Union  Cycliste  Internationale's  Road  World
         Championships    that    will    take    place     in        Varese
         ( Expect activity on 160, 80,  40,  20,
         17, 15, 12  and  10  metres  SSB,  CW,  RTTY  and  PSK31.  Complete
         information  on  the  relevant    award    can    be    found    at (proceeds will be donated entirely  to
         charity). [TNX IZ2DVI]
JA     - Look for JF4CAD/1 to operate SSB on the HF bands and 6 metres  from
         To Island (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-013) on  14-15  September.  QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JW     - Look for JW7WCA  (LA7WCA),  JW8BCA  (LA8BCA)  and  JW/LB9UE  to  be
         active from Spitsbergen  (EU-026),  Svalbard  on  19-26  September.
         They will operate on 160-10 metres mainly SSB, with some  CW.  [TNX
KL     - Look for Michael, K6UMO/KL7  to  be  active  from  several  Alaskan
         islands between 15 and 20 September. He will be on  a  cruise  ship
         that stops at Kodiak (NA-019), Unga (not IOTA), Unalaska  (NA-059),
         Kiska (NA-070) and Attu (NA-064). He  will  try  to  transmit  from
         each island "for as long as the ship is in  harbor  (and  it  isn't
         dinner time)". QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
OH     - Matti/OH1LWB,  Hannu/OH1JJO  and  Jari/OH1BOI  will  be  active  as
         OH1AV/2 from Vormo Island (EU-097)  on  12-14  September.  QSL  via
         OH1BOI, direct or bureau. [TNX OH1BOI]
OZ     - Bernd, DL8AAV will be  active  as  OZ/DL8AAV/p  from  Laeso  Island
         (EU-088)  on  16-27  September.  QSL   via    home    call.    [TNX]
T8     - Naito, JF2IWW will be active as T88IW from  Koror  (OC-009),  Palau
         on 20-28 September. He plans to operate CW , SSB and  Satellite  on
         80-6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
TY     - Sam, F6AML will be active from Benin on  12-24  September  (licence
         to be issued upon arrival). He plans  to  operate  SSB  (+/-  3785,
         7057, 14235, 18140, 21275, 24944 and 28444 kHz) and CW  (+/-  3525,
         7025, 10115, 14025, 18071, 21025, 24892, 28025 kHz) with 800  watts
         with a multiband vertical and an inverted V for 80m. QSL  via  home
         call, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
W      - The various facilities of Rockwell  Collins'  amateur  radio  clubs
         will host a special event on 20-26 September to celebrate the  75th
         anniversary of the incorporation of Collins Radio.  Expect  CW  and
         SSB activity from W0CXX (Iowa), N0CXX (Iowa), W5ROK (Texas),  W4CRC
         (Florida) and W6CXX (California), as well as from F6KNZ  (Toulouse,
         France). QSL via operators' instructions. Further  information  can
         be found at

CANADIAN IOTA TRIP ---> Reg, VE7IG will be visiting and  operating  from  La
Madeleine Islands  (NA-038, VE7IG/2),  Miscou Island  (NA-068, VE7IG/9)  and
Cape  Breton  Island  (NA-010, CK7IG/1)  between 19 September and the end of
October.  He  might  go  also  to Prince Edward Island (VE7IG/VY2). [TNX The
Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CTC ---> The Croatian Telegraphy Club was founded on 12  December  2001  and
currently gathers 1770+  members  from  all  over  the  world.  For  further
information        please        e-mail    or   visit [TNX 9A3FO]

D9D ---> The 13-18 September IOTA DXpedition to Tok Island (AS-045)  [425DXN
903]  will  have  a  log  search,  to  be  updated  on  a  daily  basis,  at [TNX DS2GOO]

IOTA QSL CARDS ---> Manuel Fernando, CT1BXX has received  a  few  QSL  cards
for IOTA contacts made in 2005 and 2006 that cannot  be  accepted  for  IOTA
credit. Island activators please note that for credit to be given,  the  QSL
cards must meet "normal standards" - this means that the island name  should
be printed (not handwritten) on the card.

LOGS ---> A log search for the recent R0L/p  activity  from  Opasnyy  Island
[425DXN 904] can be found at [TNX IK2DUW]

NCDXC --->  The  Northern  California  DX  Club  (  has
announced the slate of new officers elected for  the  2008-09  term:  AE6RR,
Craig Bradley (President); W6RK, Risto Kotalampi  (Vice  President);  K6KLY,
Russ Bentson (Secretary); WT6X, Jose Picazo (Treasurer); W6EB, Jim  Abraham;
N6SJ, Steve Jones; K6YP, John Eisenberg (Directors). The NCDXC will  be  the
sponsor of the 2009 Visalia DX Convention. [TNX AE6RR]

PIRATE ---> Tony, IK8VRH says he was not active during his recent  visit  to
Kenya, as he was not able to get the licence. Consequently, all of the  QSOs
made with the station signing 5Z4/IK8VRH were with a pirate.  Tony  says  he
will return at his own expenses the direct cards received so far.

QSL MANAGER SURVEY ---> The survey conducted by  The  "Golist,  QSL  Manager
List" ( to determine the Top 5 QSL Managers (or QSL  card
handlers) has ended. There were over 200 managers entered  by  DXers  around
the world, and the Top 5 ranked by voter choice are  W3HNK,  G3SWH,  IT9DAA,

QSL VIA IT9ABY ---> Marcello, IT9ABY  says  he  is  still  able  to  confirm
contacts made during his activity from Isola delle Femmine (EU-166) in  1994
and 1995.

+ SILENT KEY + Kenth Johansson, SM6DYK passed away on 26 August at 62  years
of age. A well known DXer, he was the SK6M Contest Team leader. [TNX SM7BUA]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0JK      WB6OJB      E74EBL      E77E        LU9DTC      EA5KB
4J6WZ       RX3RC       E74X        E77E        OA4AI       OA4DJW
4K9W        DL6KVA      E76AQ       E73Y        OJ3JF       OH3JF
4L8A        K1BV        E76C        E77E        OL1908D     OK1KT
4S7RO       DJ9ZB       E77A        9A2AA       ON1708M     ON5TN
4X4DK       VE3MR       E77XZ       DK6XZ       ON4USA      ON4GDV
5B4AIF      EB7DX       E79D        E77E        ON4WAR      ON7RY
5B8AD       W3HNK       EA6UN       EC6TK       ON60ARSG    ON7KC
5N9NDP      IK5JAN      EA9EU       EA5KB       OY3QN       OZ1ACB
5Q1A        OZ5ESB      EG1CP       EB1BE       P41USA      W3TEF
5X4X        DF5GQ       EG1FIM      EA1URV      PA40MIR     PA0MIR
5Z4/RW1AU   K5XK        EG1SDC      EA1AUM      PA90CORUS   PB7CW
6W1SE       JR2KDN      EG2SDC      EA1AUM      PY0FF       W9VA
6W1SJ       E73Y        EG3SDC      EA1AUM      R0L/p       IK2DUW
7Q7CE       IN3VZE      EG4SDC      EA1AUM      RG9A        UA9XC
7X0DX       DL4DBR      EG5SDC      EA1AUM      RU3NHY/1    RZ3EC
7X2EB       EA7FTR      EG6SDC      EA1AUM      S21RC       EB7DX
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       EG6SDC      EA1AUM      SA1A        SM1TDE
8Q7FD       RX9KM       EG7SDC      EA1AUM      SD7M        DF9TM
8Q7KK       DL1BKK      EG7SDC      EA1AUM      SD7W        DL2SWW
8R7USA      8R1AK       EG8SDC      EA1AUM      SE2T        SM2YIZ
9H3YM       PE1OFJ      EG9SDC      EA1AUM      SE5E        SM5AJV
9H3X        PE1NGF      EH2HJ       EA2CJW      SN0WBN      SP2KDS
9H9PA       PB9ZR       EH5K        EA5KB       SN10WS      SP7PKI
9J2BO       G3TEV       ER5GB       W3HNK       SN8R        SP8ONZ
9K2/SP4R    SP4GFG      EV1M        EU1SA  [a]  SX24STG     SV2GWY
9K2GS       EA5KB       EV1M        VE3IAE [b]  SX8GR       SV8FMY
9K2YM       EA5KB       EX2F        RW6HS       SX8WT       SV2HPP
9M1CSP      9M2TO       EX2X        EA5KB       SY8L        SV2DGH
9M6BRC      9M6TW       EY8/K4ZW    K4ZW        T209DX      JA1KAJ
A35RK       W7TSQ       F5KAQ/P     F5RJM       T88DB       JH1UUT
A52K        JA1CG       FH1LE       F6BFH       TM1DKF      F5CDN
AH0BT       7L1FPU      FK8GX       W3HNK       TM1MAD      F5KLJ
AO0EXPO     EA2URE      FO3RX       F1NGP       TM8CDX      F5CQ
AO2008EXPO  EA2URE      GB1CM       G0BUV       UA0YAY      IK2QPR
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       GB2CI       G8ATD       UE1RFF/3    UA1RJ
BA5HAM      IK2DUW      GM3WOJ      N3SL        UE3YOB      RA3YD
BT1OB       BA4EG       HA80MRASZ   HA1DAE      UE6FFF/6    RK6FZ
BT1OH       BA4EG       HC2SL       EA5KB       UE6UFO      RZ6AU
BT1OJ       BA4EG       HC5WW       JA6VU       UN7/JH4RHF  OE1ZKC
BT1ON       BA4EG       HF440W      SP7KED      UN7AB       DL8KAC
BT1OY       BA4EG       HF64PW      SP5KCR      V55V/p      DJ8VC
C31CT       EA3QS       HG1848I     HA3HK       V8AQM       W3HNK
CO2GL       EB7DX       HP3AK       W4JS        VE2XB/VY0   VE2XB
CQ4IPY      CT1BWW      II2AC       IZ2HPZ      VE8RCS/VY0  VE3SRS
CS8REP      CT1REP      II8MU       IZ8EDG      VR2008O     VR2XMT
CT7CAA      CT1GFK      IN3IPY      IN3UFW      VR2O/p      VR2HK
CT7CAB      CT1GFK      IQ8DO       IK8HEQ      XU7TZG      ON7PP
CT7CAE      CT1GFK      IQ8EO       IZ8HHZ      XU7YYY      7K3BKY
CT7CAF      CT1GFK      IQ8OM       IZ8EDJ      YB8TAF      EA5KB
CT7CAL      CT1GFK      J28JA       F5JFU       YI9NIC      NI5DX
CT7CAM      CT1GFK      J48HW       HA0HW       YI9WV       NI5DX
CT7CAR      CT1GFK      J49CVD/p    SV9AHZ      YN4SU       TI4SU
CT7CAS      CT1GFK      JX9JKA      LA9JKA      Z29KM       EA7FTR
D2EB        IZ3ETU      JY3ZH       DJ9ZB       ZG2FX       G3RFX
DL50DRAX    DF6LI       K3L         N3YIM       ZK3AH       DL2AH
E70A        K2PF        K5K         WW5X        ZK3MW       DJ7RJ
E73M    K2PF or E73Y    KH2E        JE1HJA      ZP6CW       ZP6CU
E73T        9A2AJ       KL7SB       NI5DX       ZS1OIN      R3AR
E73U        K2PF        LA2008TSR   LA7J        ZS6/DL3PS   HB9EHQ

[a]  bureau   [b]  direct

5U5U     Christian Saint-Arroman, Chemin de Mousteguy, F-64990 Urcuit,
7L1FPU   Kuniyoshi Nakada, PMR9292, 3-23-3, Minami-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,
         140-0013, Japan
7X0RY    Frantisek Pubal, c/o Zuzana Rybarova, P.O. Box 109, 11121 Praha 1,
         Czech Republic
7X4AN    Mohamed Boukhiar, P.O. Box 30133, Barcelona 08080, Spain
9V1F1    S.A.R.T.S., Robinson Road, P. O. Box 2728, Singapore 904728,
DJ7RJ    Manfred Willi Przygode, Hoisdorfer Landstrasse 50, 22927
         Grosshansdorf, Germany
DL4DBR   Teddy Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany
E73Y     Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, BA-71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
EL2DX    James Alpine, 8800 Monrovia Place, Dulles, VA 20189-8800, USA
ET3AA    Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa,
IN3VZE   Ely Camin, Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy
IO3TTT   P.O. Box 1, 33057 Palmanova - UD, Italy
IZ3ETU   Carlo Larosi, Via Catullo 25, 35036 Montegrotto Terme - PD, Italy
K4AF     Pentagon ARC, P.O. Box 2322, Arlington, VA 22202, USA
PB7CW    Theo Koning, Rosa Manusstraat 2, NL-1991SZ Velserbroek, The
SV2DGH   Christos Sfyris, P.O. Box 4200, 57019 Perea, Thessaloniki, Greece
SV2HPP   Nikos Livadiotis, P.O. Box 10291, 54110 Thessaloniki, Greece
VE2XB    Michael Shaer, 4665 Beaconsfield Street, Montreal, QC H4A 2H8,
VE3SRS   Ken Halcrow, 1577 Zachary St., Orleans, ON K1C 6C7, Canada
ZA1KP    Miftar Fana, P.O. Box 1439, Tirana, Albania
ZB2EO    John J. Bautista, 47 Valiant House, Varyl Begg Estate, Gibraltar
ZC4LI    Steve Hodgson, 4 Nikolau Michael Street, 5523 Dasaki Achnas, Cyprus


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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