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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   22.01.16 20:38l 268 Lines 12443 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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23 January 2016                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
        No 1290
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A3     - Hiro, JA6WFM will be active as A31MM from  Nuku  'alofa,  Tongatapu
          (OC-049) until the end of  2017.  He  plans  to  be  QRV  on 
          metres, and to participate in various contests. QSL via EA5GL.
4J     - Back in 1926,  RA-29  was  the  first  amateur  radio  callsign  in
          Azerbaijan, issued to a station located at a  secondary 
  school  in
          the city of Helenendorf (present-day  Goygol).  To  mark  the 
          anniversary, a number of  special  callsigns  (4JRA29,  4KRA29 
          calls prefixed by 4J90, 4K90, 4J1926 and  4K1926)  will  be 
          until 31 December. Email 4k4k[@] <>  for 
  information  on  the
          award programme. [TNX UX5UO]
5H     - Stan, WS5K will be active as 5H2SF  from Tanzania  from 26  January
          to 10 February. He plans to operate on HF bands  during  the 
          evening hours. The QSL route will  be  announced  after  the 
          [TNX The Daily DX]
5V     - 5V7BD (CW only), 5V7GD (SSB only) and 5V7FMD  (SSB  and  RTTY)  are
          active from Togo until 26 January. QSL 5V7BD via DJ6SI,  QSL 
          via DF9TM, QSL 5V7FMD via DL2SWW.
CE     - 3G9JA is the new callsign that  Dagoberto,  CE5COX  will  be  using
          during his 1-6 February activity from Isla Hornos (SA-031) 
          1288]. He will operate SSB and RTTY on 40, 20 and  10 
  metres.  QSL
          via CE5JA.
E5_sc  - Roly, ZL1BQD is active as E51RJR  from  Rarotonga  (OC-013),  South
          Cook Islands until 14 February. He will operate JT65 and CW 
          on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL direct to ZL1BQD. [TNX  The 
ET     - Yarik, UW7LL and Andy, UR4LRQ are active in  their  spare  time  as
          ET7L from Mekanisa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They will be  there 
          the next 2-4 months. Logsearch on Club  Log,  OQRS  to  be 
          later. Traditional cards via US0LW; the logs will  be 
  uploaded  to
          LoTW after the end of the operation.
F      - Special callsign TM39PVJ will  be  active  from  24  January  to  7
          February for the annual "Percee du  Vin  Jaune"  ("Opening  of 
          Yellow Wine"), which this year will take place  at 
          (Jura). QSL via F8GGZ, direct or bureau. [TNX F8REF]
FJ     - Gene, N9SW will be active as FJ/N9SW from  St  Barthelemy  (NA-146)
          from 28 January to 9 February. He will operate mainly CW  on 
          metres, maybe also on 80 and 6m. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
FO/M   - Ernoe DK2AMM, Hans DL6JGN,  Tom  GM4FDM  and  Ron  PA3EWP  will  be
          active as TX7EU ( from  Nuku  Hiva, 
          Islands (OC-027) on 2-15 March.  They  will  operate  CW,  SSB 
          digital modes on 40-10 metres with two stations and a focus on 
          high bands. QSL via DK2AMM, direct or bureau;  logsearch  and 
          on Club Log.
FS    -  Look   for FS/K8EAB,   FS/KB9AVO,  FS/KC4VG,  FS/W3FF,  FS/W6HFP,
          FS/W7ZT,  FS/WG0AT  and  FS/WZ1P  to  be  active  from  St.  
          (NA-105) on 2-10 February. They will operate CW,  SSB  and 
          modes on 40-10 metres. [TNX DX World]
IS0    - ARI Cagliari will be active as IQ0AG/p from the lighthouse at  Capo
          Sant'Elia on 24 January. QSL via bureau. [TNX IS0AWZ]
ON     - Established in 1937, the maritime coastal  station  Oostende  Radio
          (OST) in Middelkerke in being  decommissioned.  A  "last 
          activity will  take  place  on  22-23  January  as  OR0OST/p 
          Oostende Radio's aerials on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and  10 
  metres  CW
          and SSB. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically  via  the 
          and LoTW; direct cards should be  sent to ON4AGV. [TNX ON6CQ]
PY     - PY1MT, PY1SB, PY1SG and PY1TI will be  active  as  ZV1M  from  Ilha
          Grande (SA-029) on 19-21 February, including participation  in 
          8th South American Lighthouses Weekend. They will operate 
  SSB,  CW
          and PSK31 on 80-10 metres. QSL via PY1MT, direct  or  bureau. 
  [TNX <>]
T32    - T32CO, T32FS, T32LJ, T32MU, T32SB, T32TR and T32WW will  be  active
          from Kiritimati (Christmas Island, OC-024), East Kiribati  on 
          March. A team of seven (KG8CO, N6FS, N8LJ, K8MU, K8QKY,  K8AQM 
          AC8W) will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres 
          four stations. T32WW will be QRV for the ARRL DX SSB 
  Contest.  QSL
          for all callsigns via AC8JF (direct or bureau) and LoTW; 
          and OQRS on Club Log.
V3     - Paul, VE3AXT will be active as  V31AX  from  near  Corozal,  Belize
          from 2 February to 14 March. QSL via M0URX (please use the 
OQRS  on for direct and above all bureau cards).
VK     - Pavel, VK6NAX plans to be active  again  as  VK6NAX/p  from  Garden
          Island (OC-164) on 23  January  between  2  and  10  UTC.  He 
          operate CW on 20 and 15 metres. QSL  direct  (QSLling 
          and updates on <>).
VK     - Andy, VK5MAV and Craig VK5CE will be active  from  Breaksea  Island
          (OC-243) [425DXN 1286] from 29 February to 3 March.  They 
  will  be
          QRV as VK5MAV/6 (CW) and VK5CE/6 (SSB) with  two  stations  on 
          20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via home calls. Direct links to Club 
          logsearch  and  OQRS,  as  well  as  propagation  predictions 
          updates, can be found at
YU     - Commemorating the 160th anniversary of the birth of  Nikola  Tesla,
          Radio Club Novi Beograd will be active as YU0TESLA from 1 
          to 31 December. QSL via YU1FJK.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DAYTON ANNUAL TOPBAND DINNER ---> The 27th Top Band Dinner will be  held  on
20 May   at   the  Crowne  Plaza  Hotel.   Tickets  can   be  purchased   on

K5P ---> "If you worked us on 40m SSB on 14 January  between  1109  UTC  and
1415 UTC, please  work  us  again,  as  these  QSOs  are  invalid  since  we
accidentally operated on an  unauthorized  frequency  in  this  region".  At
10.04 on 22 January the log search on Club Log  included  57,154  QSOs  with
14,876 unique callsigns. The last full day of operation  from  Palmyra  will
be 26 January.

QSL VIA W7YAQ ---> Bob, W7YAQ will handle the QSL cards  for  the  callsigns
held by his late friend Bill Vanderheide (SK on 31  December  2015):  3D2OU,
3D2RO, 5W0OU, E51MAN, E51NOU, E51PEN, N7OU, T27OU, T30OU,  T32OU,  VP5/N7OU,

VP8STI ---> After a difficult and perilous  landing  on  17  January,  which
involved the loss of one generator, the VP8STI team started operations  from
Southern Thule, South Sandwich Islands on 18 January around 11.50 UTC.  They
experienced harsh conditions and (on 21 January) a "severe black out on  the
high HF bands due to a solar storm". The logs are uploaded to Club Log,  and
the latest update (at 18.50 UTC on  21  January)  showed  24,292  QSOs  with
9,687 unique callsigns. Announced plans were for VP8STI to be on the  island
for ten days, including set up and tear down time, and to be QRV for  "eight
full days". Weather and sea conditions permitting, their  "primary  goal  is
to do a good job from South Sandwich" before moving to South Georgia,  where
they will be active as VP8SGI again for  eight  full  days  starting  on  or
about 1 February.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX DL500BIER   DJ6SI       PY0F/PP1CZ  PP1CZ
3Z90LKK     SP8PEF  DP1POL      DL1ZBO      R100PB      RZ4AWB
4J1926HR    4J5A        E51J        JA3AVO      R16LEV      R9XC
4J3DF       RW6HS EA9EU       EA5KB       R1CC        DJ1ND
4J90UD      DL6KVA  EA9KB       EA7FTR      RI1ANC      RN1ON
4JRA29      4J5A  EM140Y      US2YW       SK70HW      SK7HW
4K1926HR    4K4K        ET7L        US0LW       SP90LKK     SP8BGA
4KRA29      4K4K  EX8VM       RW6HS       SU9IG       OM3CGN
4S7KKG      DC0KK EY8MM       K1BV        SX8KAP      SV8UM
5B4ALX      IZ4AMS  FO/AI4VU    JT1CO       T6SM        DL3ASM
5H3EE       DL4ME FO/WV6E     WV6E        TM50KD      F5KKD
5V7BD       DJ6SI FP5BZ       F5TJP       TT8FC       EA3GWK
5V7FMD      DL2SWW  GB2GM       2E0GSD      TZ4AM       W4VAB
5V7GD       DF9TM HA22IAS     HA7HN       UE73M       RQ7L
5Z4FV       N3ZS  HC1MD/HC2   K8LJG       UN0OA       RW6HS
5Z4T        EA4YK HC2IMP      IK2DUW      UN7AB       DL8KAC
8P0P        W0SA  [b]   HF0B        SP5KD       UN7TX       RW6HS
8P0P        W3HNK [d] HF60KAG     SP9KAG      V31MA       M0OXO
8P5A        NN1N  HG7SNOW     HA7PL       V31YN       DJ4KW
8T5GSM      VU2NRO  HH2/VA3MPG  VE3NLS      VP2ETE      W3HNK
9A8DX       9A3JB HL16RI      HL4CCM      VP8IDX/mm   N2OO
9G5GH       EA5ZD HV5PUL      IW0DJB      VP8STI      N2OO
9G5SP       SP3UQE  II8FC/1     IZ8XJJ      VU2RBQ      DJ9RB
9H3KZ       G2BKZ IQ8XS       IZ8XJJ      WP2NN       NN6NN
9H3XI       JJ2QXI      J79M        SM3PHM      XR4SURF     XQ4NUA
9J2BO       G3TEV KH8Z/KH6    JH1AJT      XU7TZG      ON7PP
9M6ZAE      W3HNK LA1916FIRE  LA7USA      XV3TH       SM3NFB
AH0J        JA1NVF  LX0RL       LX1KQ       XW4ZW       K1SE
AP2NK       W3HNK LZ71ZZ      LZ1ZF       YV7DX       EA5GL
BI4SCC      BA4EG OM50CND     OM3CND      ZF2PG       K8PGJ
C91IW       ZS1WY P49MR       VE3MR       ZL3FRI      JA3FRI
CE2AWW      N7RO        PJ4B        PA8A        ZY2QG       PY2DS

DF9TM    Gaby Dreyer, Mecklenburger Str. 16, 23936 Testorf-Steinfort,
DJ6SI    Baldur Drobnica, Zedernweg 6, 50127 Bergheim, Germany
DL2SWW   Frank Dreyer, Mecklenburger Str. 16, 23936 Testorf-Steinfort,
K5P      Palmyra DXpedition, P.O. Box 73, Elmwood IL 61529, USA
N2OO     Robert W. Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton NJ 08087, USA
OA4TT    John Henry, 8345 NW 66 St #B4451, Miami FL 33166, USA
PU4VLT   Vinicius Leite, Rua Aracati 199, Xangri-La, Contagem - MG,
          32187-100, Brazil
PY2DS    Murilo Rogerio Rodrigues, Caixa Postal 487, Itu - SP, 13300-970,
VU2NRO   National Institute of Amateur Radio, 6-3-1092/93 Raj Bhawan Road,
          Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082, India


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ( 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


  Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
     Roma, Italia


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