OE7FTJ > DXNEWS 31.08.08 22:14l 106 Lines 3548 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
Subj: Hurricane Gustav
Sent: 080831/2045z @:OE7XLR.#OE7.AUT.EU [Node/BBS Innsbruck] obcm1.07b3
From: OE7FTJ @ OE7XLR.#OE7.AUT.EU (Wolf)
X-Info: Sent with login password
Hallo Allerseits!
Hurrican 'Gustav' bahnt sich derzeit seinen Weg Richtung New Orleans.
Untenstehend sind die Frequenzen angeführt, auf denen der nationale
Notfunkverkehr abgewickelt wird!
Es wird ersucht vor allem die international und für die IARU-Region 1
relevanten Frequenzen zu respektieren und für den Notverkehr frei zu
halten! Alle anderen Frequenzen (ausser Band) auf der Liste wurden
Gründen der Übersichtlichkeit entfernt!
Hi all!
Hurricane 'Gustav' ist moving northward to New Orleans. Below find a
list of frequencies for national emergency traffic. These frequencies
are related to IARU-1 bandplans and you are requested to respect the
emcomm traffic due to international amateur radio regulations!
Additional frequencies - out of band in IARU-1 region - have been
deleted for better clearness!
V 4.0 - Last updated Saturday 8/30/2008 2015z by Sean Kutzko, KX9X
Address changes or updates to kx9x@arrl.org
03570.0 CW Mississippi Health and Welfare (top & bottom of hour --
confirmed by W5XX)
07111.0 CW Mississippi Health and Welfare (top & bottom of hour --
confirmed by W5XX)
14222.0 USB Health & Welfare
14245.0 USB Health & Welfare
14265.0 USB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (health &
14325.0 USB Hurricane Watch Net (Amateur-to-National Hurricane
NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER -- Amateur Station WX4NHC (www.wx4nhc.org)
EchoLink Conference "WX-Talk" (Confirmed by WD4R) VoIP Net Manager =
KD1CY (Rob). Also on IRLP Node 9219
2008 Hurricane Frequencies
By Hugh Stegman NV6H
(Last Update 21 Jul 08)
Please delete older copies of this list!
They only propagate errors across the Internet,
then I catch hell for it.
Amateur nets move around. Just tune the band for anyone obviously
using procedures. 20 meters above 14100 is prime hunting territory
in day time, and 75 meter LSB is common at night. Some move to 21 MHz
in the local afternoon hours, conditions permitting. Maybe we'll get
some sunspots one of these years.
Submit corrections/additions to utilityworld@ominous-valve.com.
7055.0 (LSB) Mexican Hurricane Net (Spanish)
7060.0 (LSB) Mexican Health & Welfare (Spanish)
7090.0 (LSB) Central America Emergency Net (Spanish)
7105.0 (LSB) Cuban use in Michelle
7110.0 (LSB) Cuba
7145.0 (LSB) Bermuda
7158.0 (LSB) Caribbean Net dy 0000
7165.0 (LSB) Caribbean Inter-Island Watch Freq
14185.0 Caribbean emergency frequency
14235.0 Pan-American Health Net
14265.0 Salvation Army SATERN Net Primary M-F 1400
14270.0 Red Cross Net
14283.0 UN Relief Net
14293.0 Red Cross use
14300.0 Maritime Mobile Service Net Dy 1600
^Atlantic fm. Cape Town to Greenland, E. Pacific,
|Gulf. Dy 1600-0200 summer, 1700-0200 winter.
14300.0 US Coast Guard Amateur Radio Net S 1600/1700
14300.0 Maritime Mobile Service Net (daily)
14303.0 ARRL International Assistance & Traffic Net
14310.0 Maritime Emergency Net dy 0400
14313.0 Maritime Mobile Service Net Alternate-1
14313.0 US Coast Guard Amateur Radio Net S 1600
14325.0 Hurricane Watch Net, primary fq, amateur and govt,
# # # #
73 de
Wolf, OE7FTJ
PR: oe7ftj@oe7xlr.#oe7.aut.eu
AMPR: oe7ftj@oe7xlr.ampr.org
INET: oe7ftj@oevsv.at
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