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14 November 2015                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1280
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4S     - Armin, DK9PY will be active (callsign TBA) from Sri  Lanka  between
         15 November and 4 December. He  will  operate  CW  only  on  160-10
         metres from the city of Colombo and other locations;  he  plans  to
         be QRV around 2-5 UTC and after 13 UTC, and to participate  in  the
         CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via DK9PY,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
4U1ITU - The International Amateur Radio Club at ITU HQ in Geneva is  active
         as 4U1WRC during the  WRC-15  conference  until  27  November.  QSL
         direct to IARC, P.O. Box 6, 1211  Geneva  20,  Switzerland;  bureau
         cards have to be requested through the OQRS provided by Club Log.
5W     - Lars, ZL1IF now expects to be active as 5W0IF  [425DXN  1279]  from
         Apia, Samoa (OC-097) from  20  November  to  3  December.  He  will
         operate mainly CW on 80-10 metres, with a focus on the CQ WW DX  CW
         Contest. QSL via LoTW or direct to ZL1IF. [TNX NG3K]
7X     - Members of the 7X2BDX club  stations  will  be  active  as  7T150LH
         between 15 and 30 November to commemorate the 150th anniversary  of
         the lighthouse at Cap Tenes. QSL via IK2DUW (direct).
9G     - Alan, G3XAQ is active as 9G5XA from Ghana  until  21  November.  He
         operates CW only. QSL via G3SWH, prefarably  through  the  OQRS  at  Alan's  "primary  goal  for
         this trip is to find a quiet QTH outside Accra for use by a  larger
         and more serious DXpedition within the next few months".  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
9Y     - Dave, WJ2O ( will be active as 9Y4/WJ2O from  Trinidad
         (SA-011) on 25-30 November, including an entry in the CQ WW  DX  CW
         Contest. QSL via N2ZN. [TNX The Daily DX]
C9     - Marko, N5ZO will be active as C92ZO from Mozambique from around  22
         November to 1 December. He will operate CW and some SSB on  the  HF
         bands, with main activity planned during the CQ WW DX  CW  Contest.
         QSL via OH0XX. [TNX DX World]
DU     - Sergei R7KW, Rustam RU6K and Oleg YL3JM will be active as  DU1/R7KW
         and DU1/YL3JM from  Mindoro  Island  (OC-244)  on  21-30  November,
         including activity during the  CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres; they  also  plan
         to go and be QRV for one or two days from Lubang  Island  (OC-126).
         QSLs via K2PF, preferably through Club Log's OQRS. [TNX]
HS     - Erich, HB9FIH will be active as HS0ZLS from Koh Samui  (AS-101)  on
         12-25 November. He will operate CW, digital modes and SSB. QSL  via
         bureau to HB9FIH, plus LoTW and eQSL. [TNX]
J3     - Adrian, KO8SCA will be  active  holiday  style  as  J3/KO8SCA  from
         Grenada (NA-024) on 23-29 November. He will operate SSB and  CW  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via home  call  (preferably  through  Club  log's
         OQRS), and LoTW. [TNX KO8SCA]
PY0F   - The only  atoll  in  the  South  Atlantic  Ocean,  Atol  das  Rocas
         (SA-038) is an IOTA Most Wanted group, but DXCC wise it counts  for
         the more ordinary Fernando de Noronha. Renner  Pedroza,  PY7RP  and
         Carlos Marenga, PU0FDN will be working on the atoll tentatively  on
         16-21 November (actual dates depend on  sea  conditions  and  other
         factors), and will be active  as  PY0R  and  PU0R  respectively  in
         their spare time. They will be QRV only on 40, 20  and  15  metres,
         running 100 watts into monoband verticals on the  water  edge.  QSL
         direct only, preferably through Club Log's OQRS. Only one QSO  with
         each  station  will  be  confirmed   by    a    QSL    card.    See for further information and updates.  [TNX
SP     - Special event station  HF110MR  is  active  until  30  November  to
         honour the  memory  of  Marian  Rejewski  (1905-1980),  the  Polish
         mathematician and cryptologist who first broke the  Enigma  cipher.
         QSL via SQ2KLU (bureau).
         and TI7/WA0D are active from Costa Rica until on 16  November.  QSL
         via LoTW and eQSL, or direct to home calls. [TNX DX World]
TI9    - Jorge, TI2HMJ is working again on Cocos Island  (NA-012)  until  15
         November, and might be QRV  as  TI9/TI2HMJ  in  his  limited  spare
         time. QSL direct to home call. [TNX DX World]
V4     - Andrew, N2NT will be active as V47NT from  St.  Kitts  (NA-104)  on
         23-30 November, and will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest  as
         V47T. QSL both callsigns via W2RQ. [TNX NG3K]
VK9W   - The VK9WA team [425DXN  1264]  expects  to  arrive  at  Middle  Cay
         (Willis Islands) around 18 UTC on the 13th. They  hope  to  be  QRV
         around 2 UTC on 14 November  and  to  operate  with  four  stations
         through late UTC time on the 23rd. Hopefully they will upload  logs
         to Club Log twice a  day.  Further  operating  information  can  be
         found  on  Club
         Log's OQRS for direct or  bureau  cards  is  strongly  recommended;
         traditional requests go via N7SMI.
W      - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be  active  as  K5KUA/5  from  Galveston
         Island (NA-143) on 13-16 November.  He  will  operate  CW  only  on
         40-12 metres as time permits. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau,
         and LoTW. Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX]
YB     - As part of his "Moluccas IOTA Tour" [425DXN  1276],  Budi,  YF1AR/8
         has bee active from the islands of Kisar (OC-272,  15-20  October),
         Wetar  (OC-272,  21-28  October),  Liran  (OC-272,  30    October-6
         November) and Leti  (OC-246,  6-12  November).  His  next  stop  is
         expected to be Sermata Island (OC-246). QSL  via  Club  Log's  OQRS
         (preferred, direct link on; paper  cards  via  N2OO.  [TNX
YV     - Look for YV2CAR/4, YV4ET/p, YV4KW/p,  YV4MP/p,  YV6YV/4,  YY2GAL/4,
         YY4CDM/p and YY4CFS/p to be active from  Alcatraz  Island  (SA-058)
         on 19-23 November. They will operate SSB and  maybe  CW  and  RTTY.
         Follow them on Twitter (@G5DX). QSL via operator's instructions.

INDIAN OCEAN TRIP ---> Peter, DL1RPL  (  and  his  son  Soren,
DL3RKS will be active  as  FH/DL1RPL  and FH/DL3RKS from Mayotte (AF-027) on
19-25 November, and as  FR/DL1RPL and FR/DL3RKS from Reunion Island (AF-016)
on  27  November-3 December. Peter will operate WSJT65 and CW on 2m and 70cm
EME, while  Soren will  operate CW and  some SSB on  20-10 metres.  QSLs via
DL1RPL. [TNX  The  Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> The recent 3W3MD and 3W3MD/p  operations  from  Vietnam  have
been approved for DXCC credit.

IARU  90  --->  Currently  celebrating   the    90th    anniversary  of  the
International Amateur Radio Union are also  SU90IARU  from  Egypt  (November
and December, QSL  via  OM3CGN),  YB90IARU  from  Indonesia  (1  November-31
December, QSL via bureau), VI90IARU from  Australia  (QSL  via  bureau)  and
LY90IARU from Lithuania (2 November-31 December, QSL via LY8O).  The  latter
callsigns was first activated in April by LY3BY,  who  unfortunately  passed
away in August. Apparently it has been impossible to retrieve those logs.

IOTA BASH 2016 ---> The  12th  annual  IOTA  Bash  will  be  held  on  26-27
February in Boerne, Texas. For  further  information,  please  contact  Mike
Crownover,  AB5EB  (ab5ebdxer[@]  or  visit  the    IREF   website

INDEXA  NEWSLETTER  --->  The  Fall  2015  issue  of  the  International  DX
Association's  (INDEXA)  Newsletter  is  now  available  for    download  at This issue (#111) features  the  report  of
the FT4TA DXpedition to Tromelin which  concluded  in  November  2014.  [TNX

IOTA NEWS ---> Record-holders  who  have  made  IOTA  contacts  in  an  IOTA
contest after 2003, can claim  credit  for  them  without  submitting  QSLs,
provided that the contact details match, either  by  manually  entering  the
QSO information on the input form or by uploading  a  Cabrillo  format  log.
The 2015 IOTA Contest data has now been uploaded to the  IOTA  database  and
is available for  QSO  matching.  This  is  significantly  earlier  than  in
previous years and we should thank all on the IT side involved. [TNX G3KMA]

K1N DVD ---> The DVD of the February 2015 DXpedition to  Navassa  Island  is
now available: see for the details. "It took  eight  years  to
send men to the moon, but it took thirteen years to get permission to  visit
Navassa Island. The long road involved getting permission from the  US  Fish
and Wildlife Service, because Navassa has been declared a National  Wildlife
Refuge. The DVD shows the logistical challenge of moving  fifteen  operators
and tons of gear to this small uninhabited island in the Caribbean.  It  was
hot work - and expensive - since the only practical way  to  get  there  was
via helicopter. This two-week effort paid off with 140,000  QSOs  and  many,
many all-time new ones, as tens of thousands of hams worldwide weren't  even
licensed the last time Navassa Island was activated in 1993".

THE END OF AN ERA ---> The DX Magazine's annual Most Wanted Survey has  come
to an end. "For the past few years I have been  comparing  the  DX  Magazine
survey results with the one available  from  Michael  Wells,  G7VJR  on  his
ClubLog  web  site",  Carl  Smith  (N4AA)  says.  "The  two    results  have
consistently closely paralleled each other. After serious consideration,  it
seemed to me that the  ClubLog  Most  Wanted  information  would  adequately
serve the DX community. The one conducted  by  The  DX  Magazine  would  not
offer enough difference to justify the cost in time, or  money,  for  it  to
continue. I want to thank the  thousands  of  DXers,  world-wide,  who  have
supported The DX Magazine survey for the past 25  years".  The  DX  Magazine
(  "will  continue  to  provide  DXers
with the stories of DXpeditioners traveling to the far reaches of the  earth
to provide you with those cherished contacts from rare and exotic places.  I
want to encourage the organizers/leaders of those  DXpeditions  to  continue
offering their stories. By telling others, who, what, where,  when  and  how
you made that operation possible, the story can be the final chapter of  the
DXpedition. It might also inspire others to  make  the  effort  to  organize
their own DXpedition, or to at least make  a  donation  to  the  next  major

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARD ---> In 2008  The  Yasme  Foundation  (
established the Yasme Excellence Awards,  to  be  presented  to  those  who,
through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication,  have  made  a
significant contribution to  amateur  radio.  The  contribution  may  be  in
recognition of technical, operating or organizational  achievement,  as  all
three are necessary for amateur  radio  to  grow  and  prosper.  The  latest
recipient, announced on 13 November, is  the  N1MM+  Development  Team  (Tom
Wagner N1MM, Rick Ellison  N2AMG,  Steve  London  N2IC,  John  Bednar  K3CT,
Nikolay Safronov NA3M, Pete Smith N4ZR, Andreas Hofman KU7T, Larry  Gauthier
K8UT and Richard Ferch VE3KI). "The initial N1MM Classic is a  sophisticated
logging program offered at no cost to contesters around the world. N1MM+  is
a major revision to the original program  and  was  a  completely  volunteer
effort of thousands of  programmer-hours  to  rewrite  and  test  more  than
250,000 lines of code (  The  program  continues  to  be  made
available without charge and continues to be refined  on  a  regular  basis,
supported by an extensive user group and full documentation". [TNX W6SZN]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W3MD       IK2VUC      EN150ITU    UT5UIA      R2015BE     R3RA
3W4VE       JA8VE       EP2AMM      IK2DUW      R25MDC      RQ7L
3W4VX       JF1OCQ      ET3AA       N2OO        R90IARU     UA6YW
4U1WRC      4U1ITU      EV90IARU    EW1I        SC90SSA     SM7HZK
4W/JA8BMK   JA8BMK      FK4RG       F4SGU       SP500YFF    SP9WAN
5R8AL       G3SWH       FM1HN       W3HNK       SU90IARU    OM3CGN
5R8IC       F6ICX       FM5DN       KU9C        T6EU        AK4JK
5T0JL       ON8RA       FR5FC       EA7FTR      T88KK       JA4BDY
5Z4HW       DL7DF       HB90IARU    HB9JOE      T88SH       JA4BVU
6Y5JH       EA5GL       HF110MR     SQ2KLU      T88WI       JH1BGH
8P9NX       W0SA  [b]   HG0IPA      HA0DX       T88ZE       JA4BXL
8P9NX       W3HNK [d]   HG90IARU    HA5MA       TM100GM     F8KGY
9G5XA       G3SWH       HH90IARU    W3HNK       TM100LGG    F4GRW
9H90IARU    9H1SP       HK0/HK6F    HK6F        TM1WPF      F8BON
A35JP/p     JA0RQV      HK0/LU9EFO  LU9EFO [b]  TM2F        F4GTT
AH2/AI6ID   JA1NEJ      HK0/LU9EFO  SP5QAZ [d]  TM5CT       F4HJO
AH2EA       JF2WGN      HK1N        EA5KB       TM7FDM      F5MSS
AP2NK       W3HNK       HL60HQ      HL1IWD      TZ4AM       W4VAB
BV90IARU    BV2FP       HP3/VY2SS   AC2OV       UP90IARU    RW6HS
CN2TR       EA7FTR      HT7C        TI4SU       V25CNC      KA3CNC
CN40AM      EB7DX       J68KF       N7BF        V31MA       M0OXO
CN40AMA     EB7DX       KH2F        JA2TBS      V63GG       JR2GAG
CN40GC      EB7DX       LY90IARU    LY8O        VK5MAV/8    VK5MAV
CN40IG      EB7DX       LZ259PA     LZ1KCP      VP2ECC      DL9USA
CN40KD      EB7DX       NP3RE       NP3O        VP2ELY      JA1ELY
CN40MAA     EB7DX       OD5SK       IZ8CLM      VP2ENK      DJ8NK
CN40VO      EB7DX       OE0ARISS    OE6LCF      VP2MEW      K3EW
CN40YR      EB7DX       OH90IARU    OH2BAD      VP2MVI      W3NRJ
CN40ZG      EB7DX       OT4CLM      ON3AIM      VP2MXP      AI5P
CO8WN       HA3JB       OX5T        OZ0J        VY1AAA      W1VE
CX2AQ       EA5KB       OZ0IL       DO1BEN      XR90IARU    CE3AA
D2EB        IZ3ETU      P29LL       EA7FTR      XT2AW       M0OXO
DU9/RC5A    RC5A        P40MA       OH1MA       XU7AHA      JA3IKC
DU9/RM0F    RM0F        P40MH       OH2BAD      YJ0BJ       VK2BJ
E51KIK      G0KIK       P490IARU    P43E        Z38CE       F5LGF
EH5CRE      EA5URM      PJ4/OE7PGI  M0URX       ZD8W        W6NV
EL2CE       NF2E        PJ6N        DF8AN       ZF2SC       KA9P
EL2DW       KD4UDU      PT8CW       PY4KL       ZV70FEB     PS7AB
EM140Y      US2YW       PX5Z        PP5BI       ZW63RG      PY3OZ
EM90KPI     UX0UN       R2015B      RD1D        ZX7DX       PY7ZT

DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
G0KIK    Steve Berry, 85 Lake View Close, Plymouth, PL5 4LT, United Kingdom
IK2VUC   Giuliano Mondini, Ufficio Busto Arsizio, Casella Postale 10, 21052
         Busto Arsizio VA, Italy
JA0RQV   Masato Tamura, 2086-13 Daitakubo, Minami-ku, Saitama-shi,
         Saitama-ken, 336-0015, Japan
JA8BMK   Toshihiko Fukuta, 65 Okawa-7, Yoichi-cho, Hokkaido, 046-0004, Japan
JA8VE    Kunio Saito, 1-5-704 Nishi 11 Minami 9, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi,
         Hokkaido, 064-0809, Japan
JF1OCQ   Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma-ken,
         371-0811, Japan
JR2GAG   Kouichi Isomura, 6-108 Moto-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken,
         448-0825, Japan
KD4UDU   Donald K. Wheeler, 8369 NW 66 Street #A3272, Miami FL 33195-2697,
PS1AI    Caixa Postal 34, Caieiras - SP, 07700-970, Brazil
SP5QAZ   Marcin Rutkowski, P.O. Box 40, 03-200 Warszawa 38, Poland
VK5MAV   Andrey Mikaylov, 249 Brodie Road, Morphett Vale SA 5162, Australia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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