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31 October 2015                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1278
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3X     - 18 February-4 March 2016 are the dates for the 3XY1T DXpedition  to
         the the Los Islands (AF-051), Guinea [425DXN 1268]. Silvano,  I2YSB
         and the Italian DXPedition team  (I1HJT,  IK2CIO,  IK2CKR,  IK2DIA,
         IK2HKT, IK2RZP and JA3USA) will operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on  160-6
         metres with four stations.  QSL  via  I2YSB.  Further  information,
         including logsearch, OQRS for direct cards and a  band/mode  survey
         to  help  the  team  planning  their  activity,  can  be  found  at [TNX IK7JWY]
4W     - Toshi, JA8BMK will be active as 4W/JA8BMK from Timor Leste  on  2-9
         November. He will operate mainly CW on 40 and 80 metres  only.  QSL
         direct to home call. [TNX NG3K]
C6     - John, 9H5G will be active again as  C6ATS  from the Bahamas between
         mid-November and early March 2016. Great Harbour Cay in  the  Berry
         Islands (NA-054) is likely to be the first stop  of  this  season's
         island hopping. As usual, he will tweet (@itinerantham) when he  is
         going to be active with an indication  of  band.  Updates  will  be
         posted to QSL via  M0OXO  (plese  use
         the OQRS on for both direct and bureau requests)  and
CE0Y   - RZ3FW and R4WAA will be active as CE0Y/RZ3FW  and  CE0Y/R4WAA  from
         Easter Island (SA-001) from 24 November  to  2  December.  QSL  via
         home calls (OQRS on Club Log). [TNX DX World]
CN     - Special  callsign  CN40MV  will  be  active  on  3-8  November   to
         celebrate the  40th  anniversary  of  the  so-called  Marche  Verte
         (Green March). QSL via EB7DX. Also,  all  amateur  radio  operators
         from Morocco can use the CN40 prefix followed by  their  individual
         suffixes during those days. [TNX NG3K]
FR     - Anne, OH2YL   will  be  active  as  FR/OH2YL  from  Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) from 22 November to 1 December. She  will  operate  CW  on
         160-10 metres, and will participate in the CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest.
         QSL via home call. [TNX OH2YL]
GJ     - Look for Graig, MJ/K3PLV  and  Pete,  MJ/K8PT  to  be  active  from
         Jersey (EU-013) on 4-11 November. They will  operate  SSB,  CW  and
         RTTY on 160-10 metres. QSL via home calls (direct) and  LoTW.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
HK0    - Martin, LU9EFO  will  be  active  as  HK0/LU9EFO  from  San  Andres
         (NA-033) on 11-17 November.  QSL  via  SP5QAZ  (direct)  or  LU9EFO
         (Bureau). [TNX DX World]
PY     - PS7AB (SSB) and PP1CZ (CW and digital  modes)  will  be  active  as
         ZV70FEB on 1-30 November. This is  the  eleventh  of  a  series  of
         twelve  special  callsigns;  the   suffix    stands    for    Forca
         Expedicionaria Brasileira, the Brazilian Expeditionary  Force  that
         fought alongside the Allied powers in Italy during  World  War  II.
         QSL via PS7AB (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL.
PY     - In  November  PY2DS,  PU2POP  and  PU2XIZ  will  join  a  group  of
         reasearchers from  the  Chico  Mendes  Institute  for  Biodiversity
         Conservation and visit  Ilha  da  Queimada  Grande  (SA-071).  This
         island is the only home of thousands of  golden  lancehead  vipers,
         one of  the  world's  deadliest  and  most  endangered  species  of
         snakes. Expect ZY2QG to be QRV for 24 hours  only,  date  TBA.  QSL
         via PY2AE, direct or bureau.  See  for
TY     - TY2AC is the callsign issued for Nicolas, F8FQX  (ex  5T5SN,  TJ3SN
         and TN5SN) to use during his 3-year  assignment  in  Benin  [425DXN
         1271]. QSL via IZ1BZV (direct) and LoTW.
V6     - Kou, JR2GAG will be active as  V63GG  from  Micronesia  during  the
         second week of November. He will operate CW, SSB and  RTTY  on  the
         HF bands and 6 metres from Chuuk (OC-011)  on  8-10  November,  and
         then from Pohnpei (OC-010)  on  11-16  November.  QSL  via  JR2GAG,
         direct or bureau.
VP2M   - Look for VP2MXP (AI5P), VP2MEW (K3EW)  and  VP2MVI  (W3NRJ)  to  be
         active from Montserrat  (NA-103)  on  4-12  November.  VP2MEW  will
         operate  around  the  Straight  Key  Century  Club's    frequencies
         (, while  VP2MVI  will  emphasize  QRP  and  slow
         speed CW. QSL via home calls. [TNX DX Coffee]
W      - Andy, DF4WC will be active as N6NNA from Treasure  Island  (NA-034)
         on 8-20 November. QSL via DF4WC (bureau preferred) and  LoTW.  [TNX]
YB     - Imam, YB4IR will be active as YB4IR/3 from  Iyang  Island  (OC-237)
         from 30 October to 1 November, and from Kangean Island (OC-217)  on
         2-6 November. QSL via home call, direct or bureau (see  for
         the links to Club Log's OQRS for direct cards). [TNX YB4IR]

CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Mike, DF8AN  will  be active as PJ6/DF8AN (or with a PJ6
Callsign) from  Saba (NA-145)  on 4-13 November, and as PJ7/DF8AN (or with a
PJ7 callsign) from Sint Maarten (NA-105) on 13-16 November. He will have one
station for  CW and SSB (100 watts), and one  station for RTTY and  PSK31 (5
watts). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Steve, G0KIK is embarking on a  3-month  tour  around  the
World  and will be active holiday style  as  E51KIK  from Rarotonga (OC-013,
South  Cook Islands)  on 9-15 November,  as ZL1/G0KIK/p  from  Auckland, New
Zealand and possibly Waiheke Island (OC-201) between 17 and 24 November, and
as VK6/G0KIK/p  from Perth, Australia in December. QSL via home call, direct

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U70UN ---> The special station from the United  Nations'  HQ  in  New  York
City [425DXN 1277] made 5,885 QSOs during two operating sessions on  24  and
25 October. The log has been uploaded to LoTW, and the OQRS on Club Log  has
been  activated  (  Traditional
paper cards should be sent to HB9BOU, direct or bureau.

IARU 90 ---> Other two special callsigns celebrating  the  90th  anniversary
of the International Amateur Radio Union are P490IARU from Aruba  (until  22
December, QSL via P43E and LoTW) and EV90IARU from  Belarus  (1  November-31
December, QSL via operator's instructions).

QSL J6/WF2S ---> Please use the OQRS for both  direct  and  bureau  requests
(access from J6/WF2S on or Direct cards  will  go  out
in 2-3 weeks.  Logs  have  been  uploaded  to  LoTW  for  both  J6/WF2S  and

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B7FA       3B8FA       CU4DX       CU2CE       OD5ZZ       NI5DX
3B9FR       M0OXO       CV3D        CX2ABC      OE2S        OE2GEN
3G3O        CE3OP       CX5UA       EA5KB       OE3K        OE1DIA
3G6S        CE6WUW      CX9AU       EA5GL       OE6Z        OE6CLD
3V8SS       LX1NO       D3AM        UA1QV       OE8Q        OE8SKQ
3W2HCM      VK6LC       D4C         HB9DUR [d]  OH0X        OH2TA
3W3B        E21EIC      D4C         IK2NCJ [b]  OH8WW       OH8GDU
4A5XX       LZ3HI       D4D         EB7DX       OH8X        OH2UA
4K6FO       DC9RI       D4F         IZ4DPV      OJ0W        OH3WS
4K9W        DL6KVA      D4Z         HB9DUR [d]  OP0PPY      ON7LX
4L0A        EA7FTR      D4Z         IK2NCJ [b]  OY1OF       M0URX
4L1MA       ON4RU       D70LW       DS4NYE      P33W        UA3DX
4L2M        EA7FTR      DL25UNION   DJ6SI       P3F         M0URX
4L4ZA       DJ1CW       DU3LA       N0QM        P40A        WD9DZV
4L5O        N3SL        DX1J        JA1HGY      P40W        N2MM
4L8A        K1BV        E2X         E20GMY      P49Y        AE6Y
4L9QQ       UR9QQ       E51EAQ      SP7DQR      PA70VERON   PA7HPH
4M5W        IT9DAA      E51MQT      N7BX        PI70VERON   PA3CAL
4O7CC       UA4CC       E7DX        E77E        PJ2/N0YY    W3HNK
4U5F        S57DX       EA8/RA1A    RN3RQ       PJ2/W0GXA   N3SL
4U70UN      HB9BOU      EA9KB       EA7FTR      PJ2T        W3HNK
4U70VIC     4U1VIC      ED8O        EC5AN       PJ4Q        W4PA
4W/JE1CKA   JE1CKA      ED8W        EA1BP       PJ7PL       WA1ZAM
4W/JI1AVY   JI1AVY      ED8X        RN3RQ       PJ7TM       K2GSJ
4X2M        4X4DZ       ED9K        EA7LS       PQ5B        PP5VB
4X6TT       N4GNR       EF8C        EA8DDM      PX2A        PY2VM
4X7R        4X6OM       EF8R        EB7DX       PX5E        AI4U
5B4AIF      EB7DX       EF8S        OH2BYS      PY0F/AA4NC  AA4VK
5B4AJC      UA3DX       EI0PL       EI5JQ       PY0NY       PY4NY
5B4ALX      IZ4AMS      EI1A        PA3249      R11PVB      UA4WHX
5H3EE       DL4ME       EI1Y        EI5JQ       R15CWC      RM4C
5J0B        LU1FM       EI7M        EI6HB       R170GS      RL5G
5P5X        OZ0J        EI90IARU    EI6AL       R2015AA     RX1CQ
5R8SV       G3SWH       EV70UN      EW1NY       R2015AK     UA3RA
5R8XB       ON8XB       EY8MM       K1BV        R2015PK     UA3RU
5W1SA       JA1DXA      FG4KH       F1DUZ       R2015RR     RM8Y
6Y9X        KQ1F        FJ/M5RIC    M0OXO       RI1ANZ      RN1ON
7R7R        SM4VPZ      FK8CE       NI5DX       S01A        EA2JG
7T9A        EA3GSS      FM/VE8DX    LY5W        S0S         EA2JG
7U7U        7X2DD       FM5EB       W3HNK       S5100ISONZO S59DKR
7W6A        EA3GSS      FR4NT       F4DXW       SN0TOAW     SP3PGR
7X5KBS      EA7FTR      FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      SN15WJK     SP1PMY
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       FW5JJ       F5RXL       SN1956PW    SP3PGR
7Z1JA       KE5JA       FY5KE       FY1FL       SU8JOTA     SM5AQD
8P2K        KU9C        GB558VUL    M0JEC       SU9IG       OM3CGN
8P5A        NN1N        GM2T        GM4UYZ      SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
8P6ET       KU9C        GM2V        N3SL        SX2V        SV2GJV
8P9AL       KG9N        GM9N        GM6NX       T32DX       KH6OO
9H3DS       G0EVV       GZ5Y        GM4SSA      T42US       K9DIG  [b]
9J2CA       G3SWH       H2X         IZ4AMS      T42US       WB2REM [d]
9J2HN       JR2KDN      HB2S        HB9ACA      T88CO       JA2EAD
9J2JOCV     JL1IHE      HB9H        HB9CXZ      T88ZO       JA1IST
9M2SI       9M2OOO      HC0E        HC1JQ       TC0F        TA2FE
9M2YAA      JA7LMU      HC2AO       RC5A        TF3CW       LX1NO
9M4DX       JA6IDJ      HI3K        KB2MS       TF4X        G3SWH
9M4SG       9M2YOT      HI3MRV      EA5GL       TG9IIN      K4TI
9M8K        JR3WXA      HI3TT       W2CCW       TI1K        TI2CDA
9V1YC       W5UE        HK1NA       K6IPM       TI5M        TI2KAC
9Y4W        DL4MDO      HK3C        NR6M        TM39GL      F8GGZ
A35JP       JA0RQV      HK3TK       F5CWU       TO1E        K9EL
A35KL       W6ZL        HL0S        HL2CFY      TO2A        KU9C
A35OK       OK1FZM      HL5KY       W3HNK       TO2M        LY5W
A35OL       OK1WZM      HO2C        HP2BWJ      TO4K        G3NKC
A52CVX      SM6CVX      HP1RN       IZ8CLM      TO90R       FR4QT
A60JOTA     IZ8CLM      HR1AAB      EA7FTR      TR8CA       F6CBC
A61ZX       IZ8CLM      HZ1HZ       N7RO        TY2AC       IZ1BZV
A65BP       UA6MF       IB1B        IW1QN       TY2BP       IK2IQD
A65EE       IZ8CLM      IB9T        IT9TQH      UE25R       RN3RQ
A73A        A71A        IH9A        IT9SPB      UN8LYA      UA9AB
A93JA       KE5JA       II1W        IW1FGZ      UN9GD       DL8KAC
AH0BT       7L1FPU      II2S        IZ2FOS      UP0L        DL8KAC
AH0K        OH6GDX      II3VEN      IQ3RW       UP2L        UA9AB
AH2R        JH7QXJ      II6T        IZ4EFP      UP9L        RW6HS
AL1G        AC7DX       II9P        IT9CHU      V26B        KA2AEV
AT150ITU    VU2CDP      IO9A        IT9YVO      V26BZR      W2BZR
B1Z         EA7FTR      IR4M        I4IFL       V26RA       K3RA
B4T         BA4TB       IR4X        I4EAT       V3A         M0OXO
B7M         BG7LHY      IR8C        IZ8TDP      V47DG       K1DG
B7P         BA4EG       IR9W        IW0HBY      V47NT       W2RQ
BA7QT       W3HNK       IS0M        IS0BWM      V47T        W2RQ
BD9XE       BD4HF       J42T        SV2DCD      V47TO       KM3T
BV0MT       BM2JCC      J43N        SV1NK       V6AAA       JH2BNL
BY5CD       BD4HF       J43TR       SV3DCX      V6WW        JA2NQG
C37N        C37URA      J62DX       EB7DX       V73NS       W3HNK
C37NL       C37URA      JD1BNA      JL1UTS      VB2T        VE2JCW
C44C        M0URX       JV150ITU    JT1CD       VC3X        VE7VR
C4A         5B4KH       JW3TR       LA3TR       VE2CSI      M0URX
C4Z         G3SWH       JW8BCA      LA8BCA      VE2IDX      VE3ZF
C5C         F5RAV       JY4CI       K2AX        VE3L        VE3NOO
C5LT        F5RAV       JY9FC       E73Y        VK2015TDF   M0OXO
C5MF        F5RAV       KG2A/KH2    JJ1RJR      VK4KW       N3SL
C5S         ON6EG       KH2L        W3HNK       VK4NM       M0OXO
CB1H        CE1DY       KH7CW       K2WR        VP2ETE      W3HNK
CB3W        XQ4CW       KL7SB       NI5DX       VP2MDG      K2DM
CE3CT       EA5KB       KP2DX       EB7DX       VP2V/N3DXX  NR6M
CF3A        VE3AT       KP2M        AI4U        VP5DX       NU4Y
CN2AA       UA2FM       KP3Z        N4AO        VP5S        K0MD
CN2BGB      UA6GG       KP4BD       NP3LT       VP9I        WW3S
CN2CO       UA2FM       L33M        LU3MAM      VY0/VE1RUS  VE1RUS
CN2DG       DL5DG       L47H        EA5KB       VY1JA       N3SL
CN2R        W7EJ        L77D        LU6DC       VY2ZM       EA7HBC
CN3A        IV3ZXQ      LB8IB       LA9VDA      XE2B        EA5OL
CN8ZG       EA7FTR      LP1H        EA5KB       XV2CJB      JJ2CJB
CO0EDC      RW6HS       LQ7E        EA5KB       XW1IC       E21EIC
CO3DSE      RW6HS       LT0H        EA7FTR      YN5Z        K7ZO
CP6CL       W3HNK       LT1F        AC7DX       YS1YS       YS1GMV
CQ3L        DJ6QT       LU8YE       IK2DUW      YW4D        EA7JX
CQ7X        CT7AGL      LX7I        LX2A        ZA/IK2RLM   IZ2LSP
CQ8M        CU2ARA      M1U         M0UTD       ZF2AH       W6VNR
CR2A        OH2BH       M9K         M0SIY       ZF2LC       W2SM
CR2X        OH2BH       NA8O/KH0    JK1FNL      ZL1X        ZL2MF
CR3A        EA5GL       NH7A        F5VHJ       ZP9MCE      EA5ZD
CR5L        CT1DSV      NP2X        K5WW        ZS9Z        ZS1OIN
CR5T        CS5ARC      NP4A        W3HNK       ZV2STJ      PT2AA
CR6K        CT1ILT      NP4DX       W3HNK       ZW5B        K3IRV
CR6T        CT1ESV      OA4SS       KB6J        ZY2A        PP2BO
CR9ABG      AC7DX       OD5PY       KU9C        ZY2B        PY2UD
CU2KG       OH2BH       OD5TX       W4JS        ZZ2T        PY2MNL

3B8FA    Patrice Momple, Solitude, Triolet 21507, Mauritius
9M2M     Hairil Anuar Abdul Hamid, 49 F Jalan 2, Taman Sri Mawar, 02600
         Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
9N1HA    Suresh Raj Upreti, G.P.O. Box 10091, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
BG4HRM   Siqing Li, 266-8-301 Baihua Road, Pudong New Area, 200135
         Shanghai, China
BV60CRA  C.R.A., P.O. Box 117-254, Taipei, Taiwan
C91B     P.O. Box 102303, Meer en See, Richards Bay, 3901, South Africa
C91TDD   Luis Tomas, Apartado 1150, Loja CTT Agualva-Cacem, 2736-601
         Agualva-Cacem, Portugal
CW5W     Jorge Diez Furest, Remigio Castellanos 474, 37000 Melo Cerro
         Largo, Uruguay
EA2JG    Arseli Echeguren Bardeci, Barrena 6 1 Izq, 01408 Luiaondo (Alava),
F5RAV    Luc Thibaudat, 15 rue de Moiscourt, 27140 Gisors, France
FR5DX    Herik Mauduit-Larive, 63 rue des Palmiers, 97430 Le Tampon, France
HB0A     AFVL Contest Team, P.O. Box 629, 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein
HB9BOU   Herbert Aeby, Route du Moulin 1, 1782 Belfaux, Switzerland
IZ1BZV   Idro. Geo. Ingegneria, Att. Giorgio Tabilio, Galleria Zavaroni 28,
         19125 La Spezia SP, Italy
JE1CKA   Tack Kumagai, P.O. Box 22, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo-to, 181-8791, Japan
JI1AVY   Hidehiko Koguchi, 3-6-19 Kakinokizaka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo-to,
         152-0022, Japan
JJ1RJR   Fukuda Kei, 2-10-2 Onitaka, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken, 272-0015,
JW5E     Svalbardgruppen Av NRRL, P.O. Box 498, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway
LU1FM    Jose Luis Murano, Calle M. Belgrano 7656, S3004GPT, Santa Fe,
NH2DX    Mariana Islands DX Association, 279 Gardenia Ave, Mangilao GU
         96913, USA
NP2N     George Oster, 780 Leaf Road, Boone IA 50036-7265, USA
OA1F     Elena P. Moran, c/ Luis de Requesens 4/A 3 A, 15406 Ferrol (A
         Coruna), Spain
OA4TT    John Henry, 8345 NW 66 St #B4451, Miami FL 33166, USA
PY4NY    Janio de Souza Godoi, Rua Bom Jesus da Penha 659 BL 47 Ap. 1103,
         Santa Terezinha, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31365-190, Brazil
SM6CVX   Hans Olof Hjelmstrom, Karnebacken 13, SE-546 31 Karlsborg, Sweden
SP7DQR   Marek Niedzielski, P.O. Box 25, 25-030 Kielce 10, Poland
UA2F     Ulrich Mueller, 13 Kreutzacker, 35041 Marburg, Germany
V63AH    Ulrich Krieg, OT Soellichau, Feldstr. 26, 06905 Bad Schmiedeberg,
V84O     H. Tamat Lampoh, P.O. Box 849, MPC Old Airport, Bandar Seri
         Begawan BB3577, Brunei Darussalam
VE1RUS   Alexey Tikhomirov, #210 - 45 Vimy Ave, Halifax NS B3M 4C5, Canada
WB2REM   Jim Millner, 7010 Gullotti Pl, Port St. Lucie FL 34952, USA

               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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