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24 October 2015 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1277
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
3D2 - After the activity from Tuvalu (see T2 below), Tim NL8F will
return home, while Dean KW7XX, Dick N7RO, Steve VE7CT and Paul
W7IV will go and be active as 3D2RJ (requested callsign) from
Rakiraki on the island of Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji on 3-10
December. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10
metres with one station "going full time and the second station
when propagation and coherent souls permit". QSL via N7RO, with
logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW
approximately 4 months after the DXpedition ends. See
www.cq-tuvalu-fiji.com for further information. [TNX QRZ DX]
3W - Kumio, JA8VE (3W4VE) and Hiro, JF1OCQ (3W4VX) will be active from
Phu Quoc Island (AS-128) on 4-11 November. They will operate SSB,
CW, RTTY and possibly JT65 on 160-6 metres with two stations. QSL
via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
4U1UN - In celebration of the United Nations' 70th anniversary, the UN HQ
Amateur Radio Club (www.4u1un.net) will be active as 4U70UN on
24-25 October [425DXN 1275]. A large number of operators will be
active on as many bands and modes as possible from 10.00 to 18.00
local time (14-22 UTC) on those two days, as no overnight
operation is allowed. The operation will take place from the
ground-level garden area within the UN HQ complex in New York
City. QSL via HB9BOU, direct or bureau, and LoTW.
4W - Currently active from Timor Leste (OC-148) are Hide, 4W/JI1AVY
until 26 October and Tack, 4W/JE1CKA until the 28th. Plans are to
concentrate on the low bands CW, but expect some activity by
4W/JE1CKA during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via home calls and
A3 - Martin, OK1FZM (A35OK) and his wife Lenka, OK1WZM (A35OL) will be
active from Tonga between late October and early November. They
will operate SSB and CW from Tongatapu (OC-049, 27-29 October),
the Ha'apai group (OC-169, 29 October-3 November) and the Vava'u
group (OC-064, 3-10 November). QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily
DU - Elena, RC5A and Yuri, RM0F will be active as DU9/RC5A and DU9/RM0F
from Siargao Island (OC-235) on 1-13 November. They will operate
CW and SSB on 160-10 metres. QSL via home calls, direct (OQRS on
Club Log) or bureau. [TNX RC5A]
F - F4HJO, F4CVA, F5THW and F5UPO will be active as TM5CT from Grande
Ile, Chausey Islands (EU-039) on 4-7 November. They will operate
SSB, CW, RTTY on 80-10 metres. QSL via F4HJO, direct or bureau,
and LoTW.
F - TM21COP is the special callsign that Francois, F8DVD will be using
from 29 November to 13 December, for the 21st Session of the
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change to be held in Paris. Activity will be
on on 40-10 metres SSB. QSL via F8DVD, direct or bureau. [TNX
FM - Gerd, DL7VOG (www.dl7vog.de) will be active as FM/DL7VOG from
Martinique (NA-107) from 10 November to 8 December, including an
entry in the WAE DX RTTY (14-15 November). He will be QRV on 160-6
metres mainly CW and RTTY, and will also participate in the CQ WW
DX CW Contest as TO4GU. QSL via home call, bureau or direct (OQRS
for both options on Club Log).
J6 - Joe N7BF, Bill AA4OC, Frank KB7NJV, Russ N7QR, Dave N7DWL, Mac
WT4BT will be active from St. Lucia (NA-108) on 7-14 November.
They will be QRV as J68KF, J6/AA4OC, J6/KB7NJV, J6/N7QR, J6/N7DWL
and J6/WT4BT on 40-10 metres, plus 80 and 6 metres if possible.
QSL via home calls and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
JA - Active from Shodo (AS-200) on 24-26 October will be JI3DST/5 (QSL
via home call, direct or bureau), 8J3KGR/5 (special callsign for
the 60th anniversary of the town of Kamigori, QSL via bureau
automatically or direct to JH3HGI), 8N3KCJ/5 and 8N5KCJ/5 (special
callsigns for the 40th anniversary of the Keymen's Club of Japan,
QSL via bureau automatically or direct to JO3OMA). [TNX JI3DST]
OZ - Josef DF2KK, Georg DL3YAT, Vinny DL6II and Ben DO1BEN will be
active as OZ0IL from Lolland Island (EU-029) on 5-14 November.
They will be QRV on 80-6 metres with two stations. QSL via DO1BEN,
bureau preferred. See www.do1ben.de for further information. [TNX
PZ - DF7OGO, K0AD, K3WT, N0AT, N0STL and W0OR will be active from
Suriname from 23 November to 2 December, including an entry in the
CQ WW DX CW Contest as as PZ5W. QSL via N0AT, direct or bureau,
and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
T2 - Dean KW7XX, Dick N7RO, Tim NL8F, Steve VE7CT and Paul W7IV will be
active as T2TT from Tuvalu (OC-015) from 24 November to 2
December. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10
metres with two stations running most of the time. They might have
a third station on from time to time, and will try to keep one
station running on the highest open band at all times. QSL via
K8NA, with logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. Logs will be uploaded
to LoTW approximately 4 months after the DXpedition ends. See
www.cq-tuvalu-fiji.com for further information. [TNX QRZ DX]
VP2E - Andy, DL9USA and Jan, DJ8NK will be active as VP2ECC and VP2ENK
from Anguilla (NA-022) on 9-18 November. They will operate CW, SSB
and digital modes. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DX
CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their
participation in this year's event (24-25 October):
02 VB2T M/S HP Canada VE2JCW
05 VP9I M/S Bermuda WW3S/LoTW
07 5J0B M/S San Andres LU1FM
07 TI5/W3TB M/? Costa Rica
07 V3A SO Belize M0OXO
07 YN5Z SOAB HP Nicaragua K7ZO/LoTW
07 YS1YS M/S El Salvador YS1GMV
08 6Y9X SO Jamaica KQ1F
08 8P2K SOSB 15m Barbados KU9C
08 8P5A SOAB HP Barbados NN1N/LoTW
08 8P6ET SOSB 10m Barbados KU9C
08 8P9AL SO Barbados KG9N
08 FG4KH Guadeloupe F1DUZ
08 KG4EM SOAB Guantanamo Bay KB7GJ
08 KP3Z SOAB LP Puerto Rico N4AO
08 NP2P SOAB LP Virgin Isls LoTW
08 NP2X SOAB Virgin Isls K5WW
08 PJ7PL SO LP Sint Maarten WA1ZAM
08 T42US Cuba WB2REM
08 TO1E M/S St. Martin K9EL/LoTW
08 TO2M SOAB HP Martinique LY5W
08 TO4K M/2 St. Barthelemy G3NKC
08 V26B M/? Antigua KA2AEV/LoTW
08 V47JA SOAB St. Kitts W5JON/LoTW
08 V47T M/S St. Kitts & Nevis W2RQ/LoTW
08 VP2MDG SOAB HP Montserrat K2DM/LoTW
08 VP2V/N3DXX M/S British Virgin Isls NR6M/LoTW
08 VP5S M/S Caicos Isls K0MD/LoTW
09 9Y4D SOSB 20m Trinidad & Tobago 9Y4D/LoTW
09 FY5KE M/S French Guiana FY1FL
09 HK1NA M/M Colombia K6IPM
09 P40A SOAB Aruba WD9DZV
09 P40W SOAB LP Aruba N2MM/LoTW
09 P49Y SOAB Aruba AE6Y/LoTW
09 PJ2T M/? Curacao W3HNK/LoTW
09 PJ4G M/S Bonaire WA2NHA
09 PJ4Q M/? Bonaire W4PA
10 HC0E M/2 Ecuador HC1JQ
11 PQ5B M/S Brazil PP5VB
11 PY0F/AA4NC SOAB Fernando de Noronha AA4VK
11 ZW5B M/M Brazil K3IRV
12 CB1H M/? Chile CE1DY
12 CB3W M/? Chile XQ4CW
13 LP7D M/S Argentina LotW
13 LU8YE M/2 Argentina IK2DUW
14 5P5X SOSB 40m Denmark OZ0J
14 C37N M/M Andorra C37URA
14 CQ7X SOSB 40m Portugal CT7AGL
14 CR2X Azores Isls OH2BH
14 CU2KG Azores Isls OH2BH
14 ED1B M/S Spain LotW
14 ED1R M/? Spain EC1KR/LotW
14 ED1WW M/2 Spain EA1FCR
14 EE5T M/S Spain LotW
14 EI1A SOAB Ireland PA3249/LoTW
14 GJ2A M/S Jersey LoTW
14 HB0A Liechtenstein LoTW
14 LX7I SOAB Luxembourg LX2A
14 MM1E SOAB LP Scotland LoTW
14 SI9AM M/S Sweden SM3TIR
15 3Z6O SOAB Poland SP6NVK
15 9H3PP SO Malta HA5PP
15 E7DX M/S Bosnia-Herzegovina E77E
15 IB1B SOSB 20m Italy IW1QN
15 II2S M/S Italy IZ2FOS
15 II9W SOSB 20m Sicily LoTW
15 LY2W M/2 Lithuania LotW
15 LY7A M/M Lithuania LotW
15 OE2S M/S Austria OE2GEN/LotW
15 OG55W SOAB Finland OG55W
15 OH0JFP SOSB 15m Aland Isls OH0JFP
15 OH0X SOAB Aland Isls OH2TA
15 OH5Z M/S Finland LotW
15 ZA/OH2YY SOAB Albania OH2YY
16 RM3F M/S Russia (EU) LotW
16 UE25R M/2 Russia (EU) RN3RQ
16 UR3QTN SOSB 15m Ukraine UR3QTN
19 UI0L M/S Russia (AS) RW0MM
20 4X7R M/S Israel 4X6OM
20 4Z0DX SOSB 20m Israel 4Z4DX/LoTW
20 C4A M/2 Cyprus 5B4KH/LoTW
20 SZ1A M/S Greece LotW
21 4L0A SOAB HP Georgia EA7FTR/LoTW
21 4L8A SOSB 20m Georgia K1BV/LoTW
21 9K2HN M/? Kuwait 9K2HN/LoTW
21 9K2K SOAB Kuwait LoTW
21 A71CV M/M Qatar A71CV
21 A73A M/2 Qatar A71A
24 BD1LT M/? China BD1LT/LoTW
26 E21YDP SOAB LP Thailand E21YDP
26 E2A M/2 Thailand E21EIC
26 E2E M/? Thailand HS0AC
26 E2X M/S Thailand E20GMY/LoTW
26 XV2CJB SO Vietnam JJ2CJB/LoTW
27 AH0BT M/2 Mariana Isls 7L1FPU
27 AH0K M/2 Mariana Isls OH6GDX
27 AH2R M/2 Guam LoTW
27 V6AAA Micronesia JH2BNL
27 V6WW Micronesia JA2NQG
28 4W/JE1CKA Timor Leste JE1CKA
28 9M2M M/S West Malaysia direct
28 YB0NDT SOSB 40m Indonesia YB0NDT/LoTW
28 YB8ROP Indonesia LotW
28 YE2A M/S Indonesia YE2A/LoTW
31 KH7CW M/S Hawaii K2WR/LoTW
31 NH7A SOAB Hawaii F5VHJ/LoTW
32 A35JP SO Tonga JA0RQV/LoTW
32 E51EAQ SO South Cook Isls SP7DQR
33 3V8SS SOAB Tunisia LX1NO/LotW
33 CN2AA M/? Morocco UA2FM/LoTW
33 CN2R M/2 Morocco W7EJ
33 CN3A M/? Morocco IV3ZXQ/LoTW
33 CR3A M/? Madeira EA5GL/LoTW
33 ED8W SOAB LP Canary Isls EA1BP
33 ED9K M/2 Ceuta & Melilla EA7LS
33 EF8R M/S Canary Isls EB7DX/LoTW
33 EF8U SOAB HP Canary Isls LoTW
33 IG9R SOSB 160m (AF) Italy IK8HCG
33 IH9A SOSB 160m African Italy LoTW
33 IH9MYC SOSB African Italy eQSL
33 S0S Western Sahara EA2JG
35 C5C SO LP The Gambia F5RAV
35 D4C SOSB 20m Cape Verde IK2NCJ/LoTW
35 D4Z SOSB 10m Cape Verde IK2NCJ/LoTW
36 ZD7W SOAB St. Helena W6NV/LoTW
40 TF3CW SOSB 20m Iceland LX1NO
40 TF4X SOAB HP Iceland G3SWH/LoTW
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K at www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2015.html - good contest to you all!
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The September 2015 issue is now available for
download at www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. [TNX IZ3EBA]
DXCC NEWS ---> Sharon Taratula, Awards Manager at the ARRL Radiosport
Department, reports that D44TUQ (Cape Verde, 2015 operation), TZ4AM (Mali,
2015-16 operations) and VK9LN (Lord Howe Island, 2015-16 operations) have
been approved for DXCC credit.
E30FB ---> Zorro, JH1AJT started activity at 12.05 UTC on 16 October and
shut down around 9.35 UTC on the 22nd. He expects to upload the final log
to http://www.clublog.org/logsearch/E30FB/SOLO on 26 October. QSL for this
operation via JH1AJT; Club Log's OQRS will be enabled.
FT4JA ---> The team for next year's DXpedition to Juan de Nova (AF-012)
[425DXN 1267] now includes ten operators (F1NGP, F2DX, F4BKV, F4FET, F4HAU,
F5CWU, F5PTM, F5UFX, F6BEE and FM5CD). They will be active as FT4JA from 31
March to 14 April, on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. The Chief Pilot will
be F5UKW, who will collect, summarize and forward to the team on the island
the feedback from the regional pilots - N5FG (Americas), ON9CFG (Europe and
Africa) and JJ3PRT (Asia and Oceania). The latest press release (dated 22
October) is available on on www.juandenovadx.com, along with information on
the project and how to donate ("each donation brings us one step closer to
Juan de Nova"). [TNX F5NQL]
HAMRADIO SHOW ---> The sixth edition of HamRadio Show will take place on 14
November in Brenes, near Sevilla in southern Spain. This year's topic is
"El Mundo del DX", featuring various presentations, DXCC QSL Card Field
Check (160m included) and Amateur Radio US License Exam sessions. Details
on the event can be found on www.hamradioshow.es.
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3G0ZC (SA-005), 3XY0ZA, 4F2KWT,
5T0ITU, 5T0JL, 5Z0L, 7X4AN, 9M2/R6AF/p (AS-073), 9M58MJ, 9N7BM, 9V1PW,
R3RRC/0 (AS-082), RA1ALA/1 (EU-086), RC9O, RF3A/0 (AS-082), RI1PT (EU-188),
S01WS, T41C (NA-093),T88HZ, TI9/RA9USU, UE2IT, UK8OM, VE1AI/9 (NA-068),
VE7ACN/7 (NA-075), VE7DP/7 (NA-181), VK2SSI (OC-194), VP8AIB/100, VP8LP,
YB9/DL7UVO, YC8RBI (OC-210), YC8UTI (OC-209), YF1AR/0 (OC-177), ZY8P
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425dxn@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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