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21 March 2015                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1246
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8Q     - Ben, DL1RNT will be active as  8Q7NT  from  the  Maldives  (AS-013)
         from 25 March to 2 April. He will operate holiday  style  on  40-10
         metres mainly CW, with some RTTY and PSK. QSL via home call.
DX0    - DX0P will be active from Pagasa, Spratly Islands (AS-051) on  14-20
         April. Team members include DU1BP, DU1JM, DU2BOQ,  DU3KWM,  DU7RJA,
         WA6LOS,  WE6DX,  WJ1P  (DU1JP)  and  WW6CP.  QSL  via  WA6LOS.  The
         DXpedition is on Facebook:
CT8   -  Jaime,   CU3AK  will  be  active  as  CU1/CU3AK  from  Santa  Maria
         (EU-003), Azores on 26-29 March. In his spare time he will  be  QRV
         on  40-6  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
         Mediterraneo DX Club]
CT9    - Matthias, DJ8OG will be active as CT9/DJ8OG from  Madeira  (AF-014)
         on 24-31 March. He will participate in the CQ WW  WPX  SSB  Contest
         as CQ3L (QSL via DJ6QT); outside the contest  he  will  be  QRV  on
         80-6 metres. QSL CT9/DJ8OG via home call,  direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX DX Newsletter]
EI     - EI90IARU  is  the  special  callsign  issued  to  the  Irish  Radio
         Transmitters Society (IRTS) to mark the  90th  anniversary  of  the
         founding of the International Amateur Radio Union. The callsign  is
         available for use by any EI station in the 26  counties  until  the
         end of the year. QSL via EI6AL, direct  or  bureau  (OQRS  on  Club
F      - Special  callsign  TM30UFT  will  be  in  use  on  12-26  April  to
         celebrate  the  30th  anniversary  of  the  Union  Francaise    des
         Telegraphistes, the French CW Operators'  club.  All  of  the  QSOs
         will be  confirmed  automatically  via  the  bureau;  direct  cards
         should be sent to F6ICG. [TNX F5NQL]
HI     - Alex, RW3RN will be active holiday style as  HI7/RW3RN  from  Punta
         Cana,  Dominican  Republic  (NA-096,  not  NA-122    as    reported
         elsewhere) on 21-30 March. He will operate  SSB  and  CW  on  20-10
         metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX UA3RF]
ON     - The Charente DX Groupe ( will be active  as
         TM9B from Belle-Ile-en-Mer (EU-048) on  18-25  April.  Eric  F5LOW,
         Laurent F5MNK, Bertrand F6HKA and Leon ON4ZD will operate  SSB,  CW
         and digital modes. QSL via ON4ZD (please use the OQRS  provided  by
         Club Log). [TNX ON4ZD]
PJ4    - Look for PJ4/WW4LL (QSL via  home  call),  PJ4/KU8E  and  PJ4/K4BAI
         (QSL for both via K4BAI) to be active from  Bonaire  (SA-006)  from
         25 March to 2 April. They will participate in the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest as PJ4Z (QSL via K4BAI). [TNX NG3K]
PY0T   - Two more operators have joined the PQ0T team [425DXN  1241],  which
         now includes PP5BZ, PP5JD, PY3FJ, PY3MM and PY3OZ. They will  leave
         on board the Brazilian Navys' offshore patrol vessel 'Araguari'  on
         30 March and expect to  be  QRV  from  Trindade  (SA-010)  "between
         Wednesday night (1 April) and Thursday morning (2 April)"  until  4
         April. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL  via
         PP5BZ. Website on
SM     - Fred, SM7DAY will be active as SM7DAY/p and as SK7DX  from  Senoren
         Island (EU-138) on 11-18 April. He will operate CW, SSB and PSK  on
         the HF bands. QSL SM7DAY/p via home call, direct  or  bureau  (OQRS
         on Club Log); QSL SK7DX via SM7DXQ. [TNX SM7DAY]
TA     - Markus, DJ4EL will be active as TA0/DJ4EL  from  Buyukada  (AS-201)
         "and some other islands" in the same IOTA group from  29  March  to
         12 April. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, and  LoTW.  See  his
         QSLling options on [TNX]
VK     - Craig, VK5CE will  be  active  as  VK5CE/p  from  St  Peter  Island
         (OC-220) from 29 March to 1 April. This IOTA  group  was  activated
         only twice, back in 1997 (VK5ISL) and 2005 (VI5PN). Craig plans  to
         be QRV 18 hours a day on 80, 20, 17, 15 and  10  metres  SSB,  with
         main activity on 20 and  15m;  he  might  also  "do  a  little  30m
         digital" around 16-17  UTC.  This  will  be  a  one-man  "tent  and
         generator" operation, running  400  watts  into  verticals  on  the
         beach at the high tide mark. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau;
         the direct link to Club Log's OQRS, as well as detailed operating
         plans, can be found on
VP8_sg - VP8DOZ (South Georgia Island) [425DXN 1243] has  been  approved  by
         the  DXCC  Desk.  "Denis  has  been  struggling  with  really  poor
         conditions for the last week", ZL4PW  reported  on  19  March.  "He
         will continue to call most days around 21.00 UTC on 18160  kHz  and
         may move to 21360 some time later". Soon he  will  have  more  time
         for amateur radio. The ship is due to pick Denis and his  workmates
         up around 12 April. QSL via ZL4PW, OQRS on Club Log.
YB     - Imam, YB4IR expects to be active as YB4IR/7  from  Randayan  Island
         (OC-252) on 25-31 March. Look for him to operate CW and SSB  around
         the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via home  call,  direct  or  bureau
         (see for the link to Club Log's  OQRS  for  direct  cards).
         [TNX N9BX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The  January  2015  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

E30FB ---> The DXpedition to Eritrea went QRT at  09.00  UTC  on  17  March.
Club Log's statistics show 62665 QSOs (CW  33305,  SSB  26574,  RTTY  2786).
"Murphy was a  constant  companion  on  this  DXpedition  and  impacted  our
antennas and computers", the team says. "We beat Murphy back each time  with
skill and determination. You will be surprised to know that  almost  all  CW
was sent by hand keys". QSL via M0URX. Donations to  help  offset  the  very
high air cargo costs are gratefully accepted, and can be sent via PayPal  to

IOTA AUCTION ---> The Publishers of DX-World will again take a stand at  Ham
Radio Friedrichshafen in  June.  This  year,  continuing  their  pursuit  of
financial support for IOTA DXpeditions, they are planning  to  auction  some
items received from team members of  various  island  DXpeditions  over  the
last few months. A number of attractive items have  already  been  promised,
including signed flags from some of the rarest  islands  recently  activated
and various items of memorabilia contributed by IOTA  Management.  The  plan
is still at an early stage and the team looks to readers to help  them  with
ideas (or even products you may wish  to  donate)  to  generate  that  extra
revenue for future IOTA DXpeditions. Please get in touch with  the  DX-World
Team if you have something unique, quirky or funny you would be  willing  to
donate for auction for this very  worthwhile  cause.  Full  details  are  at [TNX G3KMA]

QSL SABLE ISLAND ---> Effective 15 March  2015,  AI5P  has  taken  over  QSL
duties for CY0P (October 2013) and CY0C (September 2014)  from  VE1RGB.  QSL
direct (Richard Harris, D3-323  8201  Golf  Course  Rd  NW,  Albuquerque  NM
87120, USA) or bureau, no LoTW, eQSL or Club Log available. Paypal  will  be
accepted, but confirm first via e-mail to rickai5p[@] that you  are
in the log.

QSL TA1HZ ---> Tevfik, TA1HZ will be moving to Ethiopia (ET)  for  the  next
three years. QSL for his recent activity as T88HZ via LoTW  or  LZ3HI;  "for
any other direct request", he says, "please e-mail me at  ta1hz[@]
before you send anything anywhere".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3G1B        HA1AG       E20HHK/P    E20HHK      OA6Q        OE3NHW
3W2JK       SP5APW      E30FB       M0URX       P49Y        AE6Y
3W2MAE      DL5MAE      E51IOU      ZL1IU       PJ2/WE9V    WD9DZV
3W3B        E21EIC      EA6/CT7AKS  EB7DX       PJ2T        W3HNK
3Z0YL       SP9SX       ED3D        EA3RCB      PJ4/K2NG    WA2NHA
4K6AG       RW6HS       ED5LD       EA5LD       PJ4G        WA2NHA
4K6FO       DC9RI       EE7Y        EC7WA       PJ7AA       AA9A
4K9W        DL6KVA      EE8Z        N4AO        PQ450RIO    PY1AA
4L1MA       ON4RU       EG7FC       EA7TR       R35MWC      R9XC
4L4ZA       DJ1CW       EH3DWN      EA3HKY      RG61PP      RZ3LC
4L8A        K1BV        EI1Y        EI5JQ       SN0BEM      SP5KVW
4U0WFP      S57DX       EI7M        EI6HB       SU9IG       OM3CGN
4X6TT       N4GNR       EI90IARU    EI6AL       T32AZ       KH6QJ
5B4ALB      RT9T        EM2G        UR7GO       T48K        DK1WI
5H9GB       G4SVV       EX2F        RW6HS       T88GI       I1SNW
5P7Z        DG2RON      EX2V        RW6HS       T88HZ       LZ3HI
5T0JL       ON8RA       FR5FC       EA7FTR      T88TI       IT9YRE
5X1XA       G3SWH       FW5JJ       F5RXL       T88XX       K9AJ
5Z4/EA4ATI  EA4YK       GP0STH      G4DIY       T88YA       JH1NWN
6Y2M        LY5W        H42NT       M0OXO       TC100GP     TA3EC
7P8LS       DM5LS       H44NT       M0OXO       TI5/KL9A    AC7DX
7QAA        N7RO        HF0BEM      SP9PTA      TI5M        TI2KAC
7S90IARU    SM6JSM      HG21IAS     DL2JTE      TI5W        N3YIM
7X2JV       SM4VPZ      HG44FF      HA3AUI      TM8YT       F5KLJ
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      HG50IPA     HA3JB       TO1A        F5HRY
8P0A        8P6NW       HI3TT       W2CCW       TO5A        F5VHJ
8P2K        KU9C        HI8K        W2CCW       TO5BR       F4GHW
8P5A        NN1N        HK1/OZ1AA   OZ1ACB      TP2CE       F5LGF
8P60AW      W0SA        HK1MW       N2OO        UE1KR       RU6K
9H3DD       M1DDD       HK1NA       K6IPM       UE2GC       RA2FU
9J2HN       JR2KDN      HK1T        EA5KB       UE2IT       UA2FR
9K2OD       EA7FTR      HR2WW       KD4POJ      UE2MW       UC2K
9N7CC       SP9FIH      HS0ZIU      WS2E        V26M        W3HNK
9N7FD       SP2FUD      HS0ZJF/9    ON4AFU      VO2AAA      VE3AAQ
9N7WE       SP9FIH      II0ICH      IM0QMA      VP2MEL      N7BX
9Q0HQ       I2YSB       II0IDP      IS0IGV      VP2MPA      W8HAP
9V1XE       VK6DXI      II0IDR      IZ0FVD      VP2MQT      N7QT
9Y4NW       EB7DX       II1ICS      I1SAF       VP5H        W0GJ
A35JR       JA0JHQ      II1IGG      I2AZ        VP8DXU      W7XU
A92AA       IZ8CLM      II3ICZ      IQ3GA       VP8QJM      W7XU
AH0K        OH6GDX      II5IDK      IQ5LI       VP8RAF      G8FC
AL1G        AC7DX       II9ICF      IT9MRM      VQ9ET       DU7ET
C35CT       EA3QS       II9IGJ      IT9MRM      VU3LYT      HB9CPS
C5/M1KTA    M1KTA       J28NC       F5RQQ       VU4A        DL4KQ
C6ATF       K4OV        J34G        G3PJT       VU4I        DL4KQ
C6ATS       NI5DX       J37T        VE3EBN      YC8UTI      YB3MM
CM8AKY      RW6HS       J79AWU      SM5AWU      YI1UNH      IK2DUW
CP4IC       EA5KB       J79MM       EI4JY       YL800TM     YL3GBC
CX/KQ7W     AC7DX       JY4NE       K3IRV       YP10EURAO   YO9KYO
CX2TQ       IK2DUW      KH7XX       EB7DX       YT45T       YT2T
D3AM        UA1QV       KL7SB       NI5DX       ZF2DX       K0DEQ
D44TEG      HB9EBT      KP2M        AI4U        ZF2UL       K3UL
DL1965WH    DL1WH       LO5D        LU8EOT      ZL1SLO      EA5ZD
DL777BBH    DO8ABW      LZ137LO     LZ1KZA      ZS9Z        ZS1OIN

DL4KQ    Frank Rosenkranz, Hubertusstr. 8, 50126 Bergheim, Germany
E20HHK   Kriangkrai Suriyakrai, 9/65 Samwa Road Soi 7, Minburi, Bangkok,
         10501, Thailand
G3SWH    Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49
         5HQ, United Kingdom
G4DIY    Ron Bennett, 17 Truro Close, St Helens, WA11 9EL, United Kingdom
I1SNW    Claudio Scaglia, Ufficio Asti Dante, Casella Postale 161, 14100
         Asti AT, Italy
I2YSB    Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara PV, Italy
IT9YRE   Ferdinando Rubino, Ufficio Avola, Casella Postale 30, 96012 Avola
         SR, Italy
JA0JHQ   Nobuaki  Hosokawa, 1458-25 Okagami, Asao-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
         Kanagawa-ken, 215-0027, Japan
JH1NWN   Seiji Oba, 1-40-5 Kamisoshigaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 157-0065,
K9AJ     Michael J McGirr, 3441 W Oakhill Dr, Crete IL 60417-1965, USA
M0URX    Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, CV8 1SF, United Kingdom
M1KTA    Dominic Baines, 34 Bury Road, Stapleford, Cambridge, CB22 5BP,
         United Kingdom
N7RO     Richard J. Moen, 2935 Plymouth Dr, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA
SP2FUD   Bogdan Madry, Przyleki, Zakladowa 9, 86-005 Biale Blota, Poland
SP5APW   Jacek Krupa, ul. Zalesna 66, 05-507 Borowina, Poland
SP9FIH   Janusz Wegrzyn, Skr. Poczt. 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
UA1QV    Mikhail S. Kutyumov, P.O. Box 19, Vologda, 160000, Russia
W7XU     Arliss N. Thompson, 45720 268th St., Parker SD 57053, USA


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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