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09 August 2008                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 901
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A     - Look for Matt, 9A/S53AU  to  be  active  holiday  style  from  Cres
         Island (EU-136) on 9-16 August. He will operate CW  only  on  80-10
         metres. [TNX F5NQL]
C6     - Ed, K3IXD (C6AXD, RTTY) and Pete, W2GJ (C6APR, CW and SSB) will  be
         active from Crooked Island  (NA-113),  Bahamas  on  23-26  October.
         Look for C6APR to participate in the CQ WW  DX  SSB  Contest.  Both
         calls are good for Bird Rock Lighthouse. QSL  for  both  calls  via
         K3IXD. [TNX K3IXD]
CE     - The Atacama Desert DX Group and the Radio Club Frontera Norte  will
         be active as 3G1F from the lighthouse on the Peninsula del  Alacran
         during the International Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend  (ILLW,  see
         Good To Know) on 16-17 August. They will operate  on  40-10  metres
         SSB and CW. QSL via EA5KB [TNX XQ1IDM]
CT     - Carlos, CT1CSY and Jose Luis, CT2GZB will operate SSB and  RTTY  as
         CQ8E from the lighthouse at  Cabo  Espichel  (POR-009)  during  the
         ILLW. QSL via CT2GZB, direct or bureau. [TNX CT1END]
CX     - The  Radio  Club  Uruguayo   will  be  active  as  CV1AA  from  the
         lighthouse at Puerto del Buceo  (West  Breakwater,  ARLHS  URU-014)
         for the ILLW, from about 20 UTC on  15  August  through  the  17th.
         Expect activity on 160-15 metres CW  and  SSB  with  at  least  two
         stations, and on the VHF  and  UHF  bands  with  one  station.  QSL
         direct to Radio Club  Uruguayo,  P.O.  Box  37,  11000  Montevideo,
         Uruguay. [TNX CX3AL]
EA     - The Union de Radioaficionados de La Coruna will operate  as  AM1TDH
         from the Tower of Hercules (ARLHS SPA-276)  on  15-17  August.  The
         oldest ancient Roman lighthouse currently in operation,  the  Tower
         of Hercules is a national monument of Spain and has been  nominated
         as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. QSL via EA1COW, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX EA1OS]
EI     - The Kerry Amateur Radio Group will be active as  EI1KARG  from  the
         Cromwell Point Lighthouse,  Valentia  Island  (EU-115)  during  the
         ILLW. QSL via EI9FVB. [TNX F5NQL]
F      - Jean-Michel/F1IKA,   Michel/F5IVP,   Eric/F5ODA,   Dave/F5SDD   and
         Chris/F6DHI will be active as TM5F from Ratonneau,  Frioul  Islands
         (EU-095) on 15-18 August. They will operate  SSB,  CW  and  digital
         modes with three stations. QSL via F1IKA. They have a web  page  at [TNX NG3K]
F      - Dimitri/F0FLH, Bastien/F4EYQ and  David/F4FDA  will  be  active  as
         F5KKD/p from Belle-Ile-en-Mer (EU-048)  and  Sein  Island  (EU-068)
         between 20 and 24 August. They plan to operate SSB on the HF  bands
         with two stations, and on 2 metres with a third  station.  QSL  via
         F5KKD, direct (IOTA 2008, P.O. Box 27,  93270  Sevran,  France)  or
         bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
GM     - Andre, GM3VLB and Col, MM0NDX will operate primarily on 40  and  20
         metres from Bass Rock (EU-123) on  16  August,  for  a  minimun  12
         hours (from first light to dusk). They will have two stations  with
         battery power, and will operate mainly SSB.  QSL  via  home  calls.
         [TNX MM0NDX]
GM     - GB2ELH will be  aired  from  the  Esha  Ness  lighthouse,  Shetland
         Islands (EU-012) during the ILLW. QSL via MM5PSL. [TNX F5NQL]
GW     - Ant/MW0JZE,   Rob/MW0RLJ,   Tim/M0URX  (MW0URX),   Oli/MW3SDO   and
         Chris/G1VDP (GW1VDP) will be active (on 80-10 metres SSB with  some
         RTTY) as GB0SH from Strumblehead Lighthouse (ARLHS WAL-029)  during
         the ILLW.  Before  and  after  the  lighthouse  weekend  they  will
         operate using either MC0SHL or their personal calls. QSL GB0SH  via
         MW0JZE, QSL MC0SHL via M0URX, all others via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
HB9    - The Swiss Lighthouse Activity Group will be active  as  HB9LH  from
         the lighthouse of  Romanshorn  (ARLHS  SWI-005)  during  the  ILLW.
         Michel/HB9DLO, Pascal/HB9DWR and  Pierre-Yves/HB9OMI  will  operate
         SSB on 80, 40 and 20 metres. QSL  via  HB9DLO,  direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX HB9DWR]
HI     - Adriano, IK2GNW will be active as HI9/IK2GNW  from  Cayo  Levantado
         (NA-122), Dominican Republic on 9-22 August.  He  will operate  SSB
         and RTTY on 80-6  metres,  with  an  amplifier  and  verticals  and
         dipoles.  QSL  via  I2YSB,  direct  only.  A  log  search  will  be
         available at
HP     - The Panama Canal Amateur Radio Association and the  Radio  Club  de
         Panama will be active as H81L  from  Miraflores  Lighthouse  (ARLHS
         PAN-030) during the ILLW. Expect activity on SSB,  CW  and  digital
         modes. QSL via HP1RCP. [TNX HP1AC]
I      - In 1928 the two villages of Albese and Cassano merged to  form  the
         new  town  of  Albese  con  Cassano  (Como).  To  celebrate    that
         anniversary, special event callsign  II2AC  will  be  used  on  all
         bands and modes until 14  September.  QSL  via  IZ2HPZ,  direct  or
I      - Fabio, IW1DFU  will  be  active  as  IA5/IW1DFU  from  Elba  Island
         (EU-028, IIA LI-001) on 11-29 August. He will operate CW with  some
         SSB on 10, 15, 20, 40 and possibly 30 metres. QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX IW1DFU]
I      - IK0CNA, IK0NSY, IK0ZCW, IZ0KAT  and  IZ3DBA  will  be  active  from
         Isola Rossa (not IOTA, IIA GR-015) on 13 August. They will  operate
         SSB and CW as homecall/IA5, primarily on 20  and  40  metres.  [TNX
I      - Marco, IZ3GNG will be active as IF9/IZ3GNG  from  Favignana  Island
         (EU-054, IIA TP-011) on 16-18 August and as ID9/IZ3GNG from  Lipari
         Island (EU-017, IIA ME-001) on 20-22 August.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX IZ3GNG]
I      - I6/IZ0DIB/p, I6/IZ4IUS/p, IK6EFU/p, IK6XGS/p,  IK6XOU/p,  IK6YXM/p,
         IZ6ASI/p and possibily others will be active  from  the  lighthouse
         at Senigallia (ARLHS  ITA-181,  WAIL    MA-004)  during  the  ILLW.
         Exepect activity on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB and  CW.  [TNX
I      - Operators from ARI Fano and the Adriatic DX team will be active  on
         40-10 metres CW and SSB as IQ6FU/p  from  the  lighthouse  at  Fano
         (ARLHS ITA-065,  WAIL  MA-005)  during  the  ILLW.  QSL  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX IZ6ASI]
I      - Look for IU1L to be aired again from La  Lanterna  (ARLHS  ITA-177,
         WAIL LI-005) during the ILLW. QSL  via  bureau  or  direct  to  ARI
         Genova, P.O. Box 1117, 16121 Genova - GE, Italy. [TNX IZ1BZS]
I      - IK4HDQ, IK4PLW, IK4PMX, IK4UNH,  IW4DAP,  IW4DEH  and  IZ4GXH  will
         operate special event station IR4PA from Russi (Ravenna)  on  12-14
         September,  for  the  25th  anniversary  of  the   local    welfare
         institution. QSL via IK4PLW, direct or bureau. [TNX IK4PLW]
LA     - Mek, SP7VC will be active as  LA/SP7VC  from  the  Lofoten  Islands
         (EU-076) on 8-15 August. He will operate on 80, 40  and  20  metres
         with dipoles and 700 watts, as  well  as  on  144.355  MHz  (FSK441
         random MS). QSL via his home call. [TNX SP5UAF]
LU     - A group of operators from the Radio Club Argentino (namely  LU1AMH,
         LU1ARG, LU1BCE, LU4BR, LU5ANL and LU7ADC) will be  active  on  80-6
         metres SSB and CW as LR5D from Martin  Garcia  Island  (SA-055)  on
         14-18 August, including activity from the island lighthouse  during
         the ILLW. QSL via LU4AA. [TNX LU1ARG]
LU     - The  Bahia  Blanca  DX  Group  (  will
         activate seven different lighthouses simultaneously for the ILLW:
         Morro Nuevo (ARLHS ARG-048)     LU9ESD/W, LU4ETN/W, LW9EAG/W
         San Gregorio (ARG-062)          LU1EUU/W  LU5DEM/W and others
         Cabo Aristizabal (ARG-023)      LU7DSY/W, LU5DIT/W, LU6DBL/W
         Puerto Rosales (ARG-095)        LU3DXG/D (operators LU5EAO/D,
                                         LU8EHQ/D, LU7EUZ/D, LU5DKT/D,
                                         LW5DAD/D, LW2ENB/D)
         Baliza Chica (ARG-083)          LU8DWR/D, LU8DIP/D , LU3DZO/D,
                                         LU4ELE/D, LU4UZW/D, LU4DBP/D
         Baliza Punta Atalaya (ARG-099)  LU6DRN/D, LU6EU/D
         Claromeco (ARG-014)             LU7HW/D, LU3HKA/D, LU7EHL/D,
                                         LU7DR/D, LU4DBT/D
         Expect activity on all bands and modes. The QSL manager  is  LU7DSY
         (Carlos  Alberto  Almiron, P.O. Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca - Buenos
         Aires, Argentina). [TNX LU9ESD]
ON     - Francois,  ON4LO  and  Kurt,  ON4CB  will  be   active   from  Doel
         lighthouse during the ILLW. They will operate on 80-10 metres  SSB.
         QSL via bureau. [TNX ON4LO]
OZ     - Thomas, DH8IAT says he will be  active  as  OZ/DH8IAT  from  Samsoe
         Island (EU-172) on 9-22  August.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
PA     - PA3CNI and PA3AAF will operate  CW  with  some  SSB  from  Blokzijl
         lighthouse during the ILLW. QSL via home calls. [TNX PA3CNI]
PA     - Members of the Voorne Putten radio club will be active  during  the
         ILLW with three stations from three different  lighthouses:  PA6GDR
         from Goedereede (NET-039) on  Goeree  Overflakkee  (EU-146),  PA6SB
         from Stenen Baak (NET-071) and PI4VPO/LT  from  Maasvlakte.  Expect
         activity on 40, 20 and 2 metres in the  daytime  hours  only.  QSLs
         via PA2CNR. [TNX PA0AKN]
PA     - Jos, PA1JOS and others will operate SSB and CW as PA6SCH  from  the
         lighthouse  of  Scheveningen,  a  national    monument    of    The
         Netherlands, during the ILLW. QSL via PA1JOS.  Further  information
         can be found at [TNX PA3EFR]
PA     - Special event station PA90CORUS will be active  on  all  bands  and
         modes from CORUS Steel IJmuiden on 1-28 September to celebrate  the
         90th anniversary of the steelworks  in  IJmuiden.  QSL  via  PB7CW.
         Further information  can  be  found  at
         [TNX PB7CW]
PJ2    - PJ2LS, PD1DRE and PJ2GT will be active as PJ2LS/LH from Punt  Kanon
         lighthouse on Curacao (SA-006) during  the  ILLW.  QSL  via  PD1DRE
         (bureau). [TNX F5NQL]
PJ2    - Joeke, PA0VDV will be active as PJ2/PA0VDV  from  Curacao  (SA-006)
         on 2-29 October. He will  operate  CW  only.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX PA0VDV]
SM     - Kjell, SM4DDS will be active as 7S5A from Boko island  (Stora  Alo,
         EU-177) on 11-16 August. He  will  operate  CW  and  SSB  on  10-80
         metres. QSL via SM4DDS, direct or bureau. [TNX SM4DDS]
SM     - Once again a group of operators from the Kungalv  Radio  Club  will
         be active as 7S6LGT from the lighthouse on  Vinga  Island  (EU-043)
         during the ILLW. QSL via SK6NL.
SP     - SP2BIK, SP2BRN, SP2IZC and SP2TQW will operate CW,  SSB,  RTTY  and
         PSK31 as SN2NP from the historic lighthouse at  Gdansk  Nowy  Portn
         on 15-18 August. QSL via SP2BIK, direct or bureau. [TNX SP2BIK]
SV     - Vito, I3BQC will be  active  from  a  few  Greek  islands  on  3-20
         September. His itinerary  includes  Kalymnos  and  nearby  Telenods
         (SV5, EU-001) for about one week,  then  Ikaria  (SV8,  EU-049)  or
         other SV5 islands such as Leros, Leipsoi or  Patmos.  He  plans  to
         operate mostly on 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB. [TNX I3BQC]
SV9    - I0UZF, IK0EFR, IK0YUT and IZ0FWD will participate in the CQ  WW  DX
         CW Contest as J49I from Crete (EU-015).  They  will  be  active  on
         160-10 metres mainly CW from 26 November to  1  December.  QSL  via
         IK0EFR. [TNX IK0EFR]
TA     - The  "Finnish-Turkish  Friendship   Consortium"  (including  OH2BH,
         OH2PM, OH8NC, TA1HZ and others) will be active as TC4X  on  several
         occasions during 2008. The location  is  in  the  city  of  Alanya,
         Asian  Turkey.  The  first  activity  from  5  through  12   August
         coincides with the Worked All  Europe  DX  Contest  (CW).  QSL  via
         OH2BH. [TNX OH2BH]
TA     - TA1HZ and TA2RX will be active as TC1YLH from  Yesilkoy  Lighthouse
         (TUR-055) during the ILLW. Main bands to be used  are  15,  20,  40
         and 2 metres. QSL via TA1HZ. [TNX TA1HZ]
UA     - The two-month RZ1QXA and UE1RFF IOTA expedition to AS-068,  AS-086,
         AS-087, and AS-104 [425DXN 899] has been cancelled. [TNX I4EAT]
UA     - Look for UE3YAR to  be  aired  on  8-10  August  to  celebrate  the
         Russian Air Force Day for the AFARU  (Armed  Forces  Amateur  Radio
         Union) and RDA activity programmes. QSL via RV3YR. [TNX RV3YR]
VU     - A large group of operators from the Bangalore  Amateur  Radio  Club
         will be active as AT8LH from both  the  Mahabalipuram  lighthouses,
         old (ARLHS IND-011) and new (ARLHS IND-016) on  15-24  August.  QSL
         via   VU2JHM.    Further    information    can    be    found    at [TNX F5NQL]
W      - AB3FX, KB3PVA and KB3NVH will operate holiday style  mostly  on  20
         metres as AB3FX/4 from Ocracoke Island (NA-067)  on  10-16  August.
         QSL via AB3FX, bureau preferred. [TNX]
W      - Members of the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association  will  be  active
         as W1T from the  North  Tower  (ARLHS  USA-1027)on  Thacher  Island
         (NA-148) on 16 August. They expect to operate  on  40  metres  (CW)
         and 20 metres (SSB and PSK) from  13  to  18  UTC.  QSL  via  W1GLO
ZD8    - Bob, VP8LP, will be active as ZD8LP from Ascension Island  (AF-003)
         between 15 August and  14  September.  He  will  be  using  only  a
         vertical antenna, but he intends to be very active on 40-10  metres
         as propagation permits. QSL  via  home  call  (direct).  [TNX  OPDX
ZD9    - Tom,  ZD7X  (ZD9X)  is  going  QRT  from  St.  Helena.  First  hand
         information collected by Michael, G7VJR indicates that Tom will  be
         visiting South Africa before getting back to  sea and,  eventually,
         to Tristan da Cunha [425DXN 884].  In total it will take about  3-4
         weeks to move.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (July 2008) is now  available  at Articles  and  pictures  should be
sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA.

ILLW ---> The  10th  annual   International   Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend,
organized and managed by the Ayr Amateur Radio  Group, will take  place from
00.01 UTC on 16 August until 23.59 UTC on the 17th. Full information on this
popular event can be found at The official list of entrants
is at

ITALIAN ISLANDS ---> Alfredo, IK7JWX provides the list of Italian islands he
and his friends have operated from between 12 April and 27 July 2008:
12 Apr     Gallipoli        LE-10          IK7JWX, IK7FPX
25 Apr     Sant'Andrea      BR-05          IK7JWX, IK7FPX
01 May     Capezzone        LE-04  EU-91   IK7JWX, IK7FPX
24 May     Gallipoli        LE-10          IK7JWX, I7PXV
01 Jun     Sant'Andrea      BR-05          IK7JWX
02 Jun     Chianca          LE-17  EU-091  IK7JWX, IK7VJX
06 Jul     La Terra         LE-29          IK7JWX, IK7VJX
12 Jul     Mogghia          LE-15          IK7JWX, I7PXV
19 Jul     Gabbiani         LE-1           IK7JWX, I7PXV
20 Jul     Penna            LE-22          IK7JWX, IK7VJX, I8LWL, IK8GQY
25 Jul     Cuccio           LE-18          IK7JWX, IK7VJX, I8LWL, IK8GQY
26-27 Jul  Grande           LE-02 EU-91    I8LWL/7 (IOTA Contest)
Information   on   the   Salento   Islands   Award   can   be    found    at

THE OLD TIMER ---> "The Old Timer. 60 years in the hobby  of  Amateur  Radio
(1947-2007)"  is  a  581-page  book  written  by Jim Smith, VK9NS. It is the
fascinating story of "my travel through life and my becoming involved in the
hobby  of  Amateur  Radio".  The  book  is  available (also in CD format) at

+ SILENT KEY + Recently reported  Silent  Keys  include  Giuseppe  Cavallera
(I1CEO), Vincenzo Ranellucci (IK1TSM) and Victor D. Solovev (UA0IDX).

QSLs received direct or through  managers:  3B8MM,  3D2A  (OC-121),  3DA0VB,
4O3A, 5T5DC, 8P9TS, 9J2M,  9M6/N1UR, 9X0R,  9Z4CT,  AD7RT/AH0, AH2L,  C6ANM,
D2NX,  D4C,  DK7YY (EU-057),  DL3VFN/J3,  ET3JA,  FM/K9NW,  FM1FV,  FO/KH0PR
(OC-063),  FS/K9EL,  FY5FY,  GI0KCW,  GM0WED/p  (EU-009),   H7/K9NW,  HC5WW,
HP4/JA6REX  (NA-088),  HQ9L  (NA-057),  HZ1SK,  JA6WFM/HC5, KO1U/M (NA-031),
LU8XW (SA-008),  PJ4NX,  PZ5RA, R1ANR, R35NP, RW1AI/0, S79JE, SD2O (EU-135),


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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