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20 December 2014                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1233
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                    *        TO ALL  OUR READERS        *
                    * WARMEST THOUGHTS  AND BEST WISHES *
                    *     FOR  A  WONDERFUL HOLIDAY     *
                    *    AND A VERY  HAPPY NEW  YEAR    *

3A     - Jose, EA5IDQ will be active  as  3A/EA5IDQ  from  Monaco  on  28-30
         December. He will operate SSB and RTTY on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via
         EA5IDQ. [TNX NG3K]
A6     - Andy, DL3YM will be active as  A6/DL3YM  from  Dubai,  United  Arab
         Emirates from 23 December to 5  January.  He  will  operate  CW  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via DL3YM and LoTW.  All  of  the  QSOs  will  be
         confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
CE0Y   - A team of six Japanese operators (namely  JA3ARJ,  JA3IVU,  JH3LSS,
         JI3DNN, JA3AVO and JH3PBL) will be active holiday  style  as  XR0YJ
         from Easter Island (SA-001) on 10-16  January.  They  will  operate
         CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-6 metres, plus  160m  if  possible.
         QSL via JA3AVO (OQRS for direct and bureau cards on Club  Log)  and
         LoTW. Further information at
FG     - Jean-Pierre, F6ITD  will  be  active  as  FG/F6ITD  and  TO6D  from
         Guadeloupe (NA-102) from 27 January to 30 March. He will be QRV  on
         SSB and digital modes on  the  HF  bands  and  6  metres  from  two
         locations, Basse Terre and La  Desirade.  QSL  via  home  call  and
         LoTW; logsearch on Club Log. [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
JD1_oga- Once again Harry, JG7PSJ will be active as JD1BMH  from  Chichijima
         (AS-031), Ogasawara  from  28  December  to  10  January.  He  will
         operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres. QSL via JD1BMH  (bureau)
         or JG7PSJ (direct). Logsearch and other information  can  be  found
OH     - Santa Claus at OH9SCL in the capital of Lapland, and OF9X,  Santa's
         communication arm, will again be active on all bands  CW,  SSB  and
         RTTY between 19 and 31 December, particularly during the  weekends.
         This Christmas, Santa "welcomes you  and your children to join  him
         in  the  spirit of  World Vision  to bring  Christmas also to needy
         children on all continents and  this year specifically in Albania".
         See for further information.  Additionally,
         contacting both OH9SCL and OF9X this Christmas  will  earn  you  an
         attractive Santa World Vision  Award  at  no  cost  following  your
         email request to of9x[@] [TNX OH2BH]
PJ2    - Look for Carlos, PJ2/HK4CM and  Herbert,  PJ2/HK4RB  to  be  active
         from Curacao (SA-099) on 21-28 December. They will be QRV on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home calls, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX]
S7     - Eric, OE4AAC will be active holiday style as S79AC  from  Mahe  and
         Praslin (both counts for IOTA AF-024), Seychelles from  17  January
         to 10 February. He  will  operate  CW  on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via
         OE4AAC, an OQRS will be available. [TNX NG3K]
T8     - Ryosei, JH0IXE will be active as T8CW from  Koror  (OC-009),  Palau
         from 25 December to 4 January. He will operate CW, RTTY, SSB,  JT65
         and PSK31 on 160-6  metres.  QSL  via  JA0FOX  (bureau)  or  JH0IXE
         (direct), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA_ant - Nick, RW6ACM will  be  active  as  RI1ANZ  from  Progress  Station,
         Antarctica starting on  22  December.  QSL  via  RN1ON,  direct  or
         bureau, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX DX World]
V2     - Kei, KG2A will be active again as V25A  from  Antigua  (NA-100)  on
         25-30 December. He will be  QRV  holiday  style  on  40-10  metres,
         maybe also on 160 and 80. QSL via KG2A, direct only. [TNX DX World]
V5     - Dietmar, DL3DXX will be active as V5/DL3DXX from Namibia  on  19-29
         December. He will operate mainly CW with a  focus  on  160  and  80
         metres. QSL via home call, preferably  thorugh  the  OQRS  on  Club
         Log. [TNX DX Newsletter]
VP5   -  Steve,  VE3OC  will be active  again as VP5/VE3OC  from the  Caicos
         Islands  (NA-002)  on  19-26 December. QSL via  home  call  (direct
         only), LoTW and eQSL. "If you  worked  me on my last  trip in April
         2014  and did not receive LOTW or eQSL confirmation, my apologies",
         he says.  "The  logging  computer and some of my equipment was lost
         when my car was broken into".
VP8_ant- The "James Clark Ross" is due  to  be  at  Rothera  Base,  Adelaide
         Island (AN-001), Antarctica on 27 December [425DXN 1227]  for  four
         nights. Mike, GM0HCQ/VP8CMH says to be "confident that  I  will  be
         able to get ashore in  the  evenings"  and  be  active  as  VP8ROT.
         Usually he is QRV "from about 00.00 UTC for three hours or so".  He
         will operate CW and SSB, "possibly on alternate evenings". QSL  via
         GM0HCQ (direct only), LoTW and eQSL. Other amater  radio  operators
         at the base are Danny McFadden, EI8JU (VP8DOU), who "will be  there
         for the next year or so", and Cathy Colless, M0RTW,  who  is  there
         for the Antarctic summer season.  Follow  the  ship  itinerary  and
         Mikes' daily updates at
VP8    - The Intrepid-DX Group has announced plans for  a  major  DXpedition
         to take place in early 2016.  On  8  January  a  team  of  fourteen
         (JH4RHF, K1LZ, K3LP, K3VN, K4ZLE, K6TD, K9CT,  N2WB,  N6HC,  N6PSE,
         NA6M, RA9USU, VE7CT and WD5COV) will depart  the  Falkland  Islands
         on the RV Braveheart and embark on  a  32-day  voyage  encompassing
         South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands. Plans are to  be  QRV  on
         160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY with six  stations  for  eight  days
         from each location, weather  and  sea  conditions  permitting.  The
         primary focus is "completing eight  days  of  activation  at  South
         Sandwich Island as it is most needed by the  global  DX  community.
         If we are delayed in getting to or leaving South Sandwich, we  will
         sacrifice time at South Georgia". QSL via N2CW,  direct  or  bureau
         (preferably through the OQRS on  Club  Log).  The  budget  for  the
         DXpedition si USD 425,000, and donations are  gratefully  accepted.
         Bookmark  for  further  information   and
         Updates;  go  to for  a
         preview video. [TNX N6PSE]
XE     - Markus, DJ4EL will be active as XE1/DJ4EL between 21  December  and
         4 January. He will be QRV on 20-10 metres SSB. On  2-4  January  he
         will visit La Malinche National Park. QSL via home call, direct  or
         bureau, and LoTW. [TNX DX Newsletter]
YB     - Iwan, YC8UTI is active on 15 metres CW from  his  home  station  on
         Karakelong Island (OC-209). QSL via YB3MM;  logsearch  on  OQRS  on
         Club Log. If you use the OQRS (preferred method), please also  send
         your paper QSL via the bureau: Iwan needs your  QSL  not  only  for
         his collection, but also "for upgrading his  license  to  YB  level
         (extra)". [TNX YB3MM]
YB     - Imam, YB4IR will be active as YB4IR/8 from Yamdena Island  (OC-224)
         on 27-31 December.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau  (see for the link to Club Log's OQRS for direct cards).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR POLL ---> The  2014  DXpedition  of  the
Year poll is now open at The  Northern  California  DX
Club  sponsors  all  trophies,  which  will  be  presented  to   the  Top  5
DXpeditions. The survey runs until 23:59 UTC on 1 January 2015, the  results
will be published the next day.

K1N: INTERVIEW WITH W0GJ ---> In his  first  of  three  scheduled  exclusive
interviews for the Documentary Archives  (DokuFunk),  Glenn  Johnson,  W0GJ,
co-Team Leader of the forthcoming K1N Navassa DXpedition, explains  how  and
under which conditions the activation was made possible;  he  discloses  the
team's working schedule and strategy ("not make the people who chase all  of
the band slots very happy, but our goal is to get everyone in the log")  and
how they  plan  to  cope  with  deliberate  interference  (DQRM).  A  second
interview is scheduled during the operation, and  a  third  one,  a  sum-up,
afterwards. The audio file can be found at  [TNX

POSTAL RATES (FRANCE) ---> Effective 1 January 2015, the  new  postal  rates
for Priority Mail International items (up to  20g)  mailed  from  France  to
European destinations will be EUR 0,95, and to the rest of  the  world  will
be EUR 1,20. [TNX F6AJA]

QSL VIA M0URX: 2015 BUREAU POLICY --->  "Whilst  I  can  still  receive  QSL
cards for call signs that are RSGB members or affiliated call signs  to  the
society," Tim M0URX says, "I am not permitted to receive QSL cards  as  'QSL
via M0URX' if the call sign is not an RSGB member or affiliated  call  sign.
The only RSGB members that I look after and that  do  collect  incoming  QSL
cards are G1VDP, M0URX, OY1OF and  PJ4DX".  For  all  other  callsigns,  and
especially all DXpeditions, you must refrain from sending traditional  paper
cards  through  the  bureau  system;  instead  use   Tim's    OQRS  facility
( and select the bureau option. All of  outgoing  bureau
cards are sent to all IARU world bureaux every  four  months  (in  February,
June and October) at Tim's expense, and not via the RSGB Bureau.

W1AW WAS ---> Look for ARRL Centennial  stations  W1AW/3  from  Pennsylvania
and W1AW/0 from Iowa to be on the air starting at 00.00 UTC on  24  December
until 23.59 UTC  on  the  30th.  These  will  be  the  final  W1AW  portable
activations of the ARRL Centennial Year. During 2014, W1AW has  visited  all
50 states  at  least  twice,  as  well  as  some  US  territories.  Complete
information  on  the  ARRL  Centennial  QSO    Party    can    be  found  at

+ SILENT KEYS + Carl Cook, AI6V (P40V and P49V) became a Silent  Key  on  15
December, just two  days  before  his  75th  birthday.  Over  the  years  he
operated from various locations around the globe, including a DXpedition  to
Clipperton Island (FO0XX, 1986). His search for a good  contest  site  ended
in Aruba, where he built two  contest  stations,  won  several  contests  in
various categories and set  many  records.  He  was  inducted  into  the  CQ
Contest Hall of Fame in 1997.
Jorg "Joe" Puchstein, DL8WPX (ex Y54PL, Y41RM and  Y21RM,  aka  YB6AVE  from
Sumatra and YB1AQS from Java) passed away suddenly  on  16  December  at  54
years of age. In the 1990s he  participated  in  several  DXpeditions,  e.g.
VK9LM (Lord Howe, 1991 and 1996), FK/DJ5CQ (1994), VK9XY (Christmas  Island,
1995 and 1996), VK9CR (Cocos/Keeling, 1995 and 1996), S21XX  (1997),  P29VXX
(Misima Island, OC-117 in 1997) and ZL7DK (1998); more  recently  he  was  a
team member of VK9DNX (Norfolk Island 2007), VK9DWX  (Willis  Islands  2008)
and VK9DLX (Lord Howe 2014). An enthusiastic contester, Joe  was  a  driving
force behind CN8WW, the four-time M/M winner and world-record holder in  the
CQ WW DX Contest (1999-2000), and was actively  involved  in  the  DR1A  M/M
contest station. He was also a memer of the WAE  DX  Contest  Committee  for
several years.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 2SZ, 3B9FR,  4V1JR,  5H3CJ,  6M6M,
7O2A, 7X4RJ, 9M2SE (AS-072), 9N7BM, AP2TN,  BA5CA,  BY4IB  (AS-146),  C21GC,
CE8/UA4WHX, CO6LC, D3AA,  DP0GVN/p,  E30FB,  E51AAR,  EX8M,  FK8DD,  FO8WBB,
P29VCX,  P40JW,  PC5M,  PJ4DX,  PJ5/OL8R,  PJ7/K5WE,  PQ5M   (SA-027),  RI0X
(AS-064), SU8JOTA, T30D,  T30TS,  TC3AFT,  TG9AJR,  TG9IIN,  TM14JEM,  TX5Z,
TX7G, TY1AA, V3A, V44KAI, V85TL,  VK9AN,  VK9EC  (OC-003),  VK9EX  (OC-002),
VK9XSP, VP2EIM, VP2V/SP7VC,  W4D,  W4PL  (NA-112),  XT2AW,YB8RW/p  (OC-208),
YB9/HA3JB, YB9GV, YP0F (EU-191), ZD8O,  ZK3E,  ZL4AA,  ZL7X,  ZM90DX,  ZS8Z,
ZW5W (SA-088).


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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