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13 December 2014 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1232
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
till 14/12 7P8NH: Lesotho 1231
till 14/12 K5KUA/5: Galveston Island (NA-143) 1231
till 14/12 PD6SINT: special station 1228
till 15/12 J6/AD4J, J6/N8DOD, J6/NI5DX: St Lucia (NA-108) 1230
till 15/12 J6/SM7EQL and J6/SM7DKF: St. Lucia (NA-108) 1230
till 15/12 J6/WA4KKW, J68FF, J68HF: St Lucia (NA-108) 1230
till 16/12 P40CX: Aruba (SA-036) 1231
till 16/12 W1AW/7: Montana 1231
till 16/12 W1AW/9: Indiana 1231
till 17/12 6Y6N: Jamaica (NA-097) 1229
till 19/12 VQ9XR: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos 1232
till 20/12 5P8VW: Romo Island (EU-125) 1230
till 24/12 3W3O: Vietnam 1229
till 25/12 A6/VE6LB: Dubai, United Arab Emirates 1230
till 25/12 R90WGM, R90WJV, R90WO, R90WXK: special callsigns 1231
till 25/12 RM90WF, RU90WZ, RV90WB, RW90WC: special callsigns 1231
till 25/12 RZ90W, RZ90WU, UF90W: special callsigns 1231
till 26/12 PJ2/PA0VDV: Curacao (SA-099) 1227
till 31/12 CW30A and CV3D: special callsigns 1183
till 31/12 DB50FIRAC: special event callsign 1182
till 31/12 DJ60DXMB: special callsign 1184
till 31/12 DL60JMZ: special event callsign 1182
till 31/12 DQ25GRENZE: special callsign 1184
till 31/12 EI1100WD: special callsign 1214
till 31/12 II4CDN: special callsign 1221
till 31/12 IY1EY: special event station 1225
till 31/12 LM1814: special event callsign 1182
till 31/12 LZ1748SMH: special callsign 1184
till 31/12 OM44LTE: special callsign 1190
till 31/12 S567O: special callsign 1185
till 31/12 TC10SWAT: special callsign 1188
till 31/12 W100AW: ARRL's centennial special callsign 1179
till 31/12 Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) activity month 1230
till 31/12 YT0PUPIN: special callsign 1183
till December D2SG: Angola 1184
till 05/01/2015 S507SLG and S507PMC: special stations 1228
till 08/01/2015 D44TWO: Sao Tiago (AF-086) 1231
till 08/01/2015 EA8/IK1PMR and EA8/PA3LEO: Canary Islands (AF-004) 1231
till 08/01/2015 FM/F2VX and FM/F9IE: Martinique (NA-107) 1231
till 31/01/2015 D8A: Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica 1186
till 01/02/2015 RI1ANC: Vostok Station, Antarctica 1173
till 28/02/2015 JW/UA3IPL: Spitsbergen (EU-026) 1226
till Feb 2015 DP0GVN: Neumayer III Station (Antarctica) 1180
till Feb 2015 RI1ANT: Mirny Station, Antarctica 1173
till 05/03/2015 J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101) 1226
till 16/03/2015 TK/G4BKI: Corsica (EU-014) 1219
till Mar 2015 CE9OJZ: South Shetland Islands (AN-010) 1203
till Mar 2015 RI1ANR: Antarctica 1226
till 10/04-2015 4S7KKG: Sri Lanka 1227
till 30/04/2015 C6ATS: Bahamas tour 1231
till 30/05/2015 JW9JKA: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard 1227
till Jul 2015 4U20B: special callsign (Italy) 1212
till 20/09/2015 YO555BU, YP555BU, YQ555BU, YR555BU: special stations 1224
till 23/11/2015 4A5XX: special callsign 1229
13/12-14/12 OH10TA: Lovo Island (EU-096) 1132
13/12-18/12 KX9X/4: Cudjoe Key (NA-062) 1231
14/12-19/12 DH0GAK/p: Amrum Island (EU-042) 1132
16/12-14/01/2015 ON70NUTS: special callsign 1132
18/12-05/01/2015 ZS1/G3RWF: South Africa 1231
20/12-22/12 JA0JHQ/VK9: Norfolk Island (OC-005) 1231
22/12-27/12 YB4IR/8 and YB8RW/p: Banda Neira Island (OC-157) 1232
22/12-02/01/2015 JD1BOI and JD1BON: Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara 1229
26/12-27/12 4X0WFF: Mamshit National Park 1132
26/12-01/01/2015 VK9/G7VJR: Norfolk Island (OC-005) 1132
27/12-23/12 W1AW/3: Maryland 1132
27/12-23/12 W1AW/4: Georgia 1132
27/12-23/12 W1AW/KH6: Hawaii 1132
27/12-28/12 WW1USA: special event station 1212
27/12-30/12 AH2/AB2RF: Guam (OC-026) 1231
27/12-31/12 ZV5WSC: Santa Catarina Island (SA-026) 1132
27/12-04/01/2015 JI3DST/6: Kuchino Island (AS-049) 1229
28/12-04/01/2015 W2HRU: special event station (NA-026) 1229
December DP1POL: Neumayer III Station Antarctica 1229
December JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1222
01/01-31/12/2015 E50A, E50B, E50J, E50K, E50V: South Cooks (OC-013) 1132
01/01-31/12/2015 E50D: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks 1132
01/01-31/12/2015 E50W: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cooks 1132
05/01 2015 TM5CW: France 1231
05/01-11/01/2015 TX5W: Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands 1225
06/01-13/01/2015 V5/G3RWF: Namibia 1231
09/01-16/01/2015 8T5MQT: Sagar Island (AS-153) 1231
15/01-31/01/2015 EP6T: Kish Island (AS-166) 1230
16/01-26/01/2015 C5X: The Gambia 1227
January 2015 DP1POL: Neumayer III Station Antarctica 1229
05/02 2015 TM5CW: France 1231
16/02-23/02/2015 TI9/3Z9DX: Cocos Island (NA-012) 1230
24/02-05/03 2015 CE0Z: Juan Fernandez Archipelago (SA-005) 1132
Jan-Feb 2015 K1N: Navassa Island (NA-098) 1231
February 2015 DP1POL: Neumayer III Station Antarctica 1229
05/03 2015 TM5CW: France 1231
11/03-01/04/2015 7QAA: Malawi 1216
March 2015 9Q0HQ: Democratic Republic of the Congo 1132
05/04 2015 TM5CW: France 1231
13/04-21/04/2015 J88PI: Palm Island (NA-025) 1229
05/05 2015 TM5CW: France 1231
November 2015 VK0EK: Heard Island 1224
March 2016 E44Y: Palestine 1230
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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