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16 February 2008                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 876
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5X     - Nick, G3RWF  will be  active  again as  5X1NH  from Uganda  from  23
         February  to  22  March.  It  will  be  a  "largely  holiday   style
         operation". QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
FR     - Jean Mary,  F8CHM  will  be active  as  FR5EZ  from  Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) between 22 February and 21 March. Expect activity on the HF
         bands and 6 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
I      - Luigi, IV3LNQ reports he will operate again as IA3GM during the year
         to commemorate Guglielmo  Marconi and  his ship  "Elettra". QSL  via
         home call.
KH0    - Yu, 7K3BKY will operate as AI4GN/AH0  from Saipan (OC-086) on  17-21
         February, including  some limited  activity during  the ARRL  DX  CW
         Contest. [TNX NG3K]
LY     - Eleven LY90 special event stations will  be active from 16  February
         to 16 March to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the  proclamation
         of the Republic  of Lithuania:  LY90A (operated  by LY2ZZ),  LY90BFV
         (LY2BFV), LY90BY  (LY3BY),  LY90CM (LY1CM),  LY90FW  (LY1FW),  LY90M
         (LY3M), LY90MM (LY2MM),  LY90Q (LY4Q), LY90W  (LY3W), LY90X  (LY3X),
         LY90Y (LY2CY). [TNX LY3X]
SM     - Members of the Kungalv Radio Club (SK6NL) will be active as  SF700BF
         during the  year to  celebrate the  700th anniversary  of the  Bohus
         Fortress. QSL via SK6NL.  Information on the  relevant award can  be
         found at [TNX SM6VVT]
SV9    - Willi, DJ7RJ will be active from Crete from 25 February to 15 March.
         He plans to operate CW and SSB on 160-10 metres. QSL via home  call.
         [TNX AA1M]
UN     - Rashad, 4J9M is still  in Kazakhstan [425DXN  868] and has  extended
         his UN/4J9M licence through 23 April. QSL via DL7EDH. [TNX 4J9M]
V6     - Ian/K5ZM (V63ZM),  Ted/K8AQM  (V63TR) and  Brian/KG8CO  (V63OC)  are
         active from Pohnpei Island (OC-010),  Micronesia until 25  February.
         Look for them on CW, SSB, RTTY and maybe PSK31 on 10-160 metres, and
         to participate in the ARRL DX  CW Contest, possibly as three  single
         band efforts. QSL all via K5ZM. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - The Mid Florida DX Association ( will  operate
         again as  N2D ("Now  2 Dan",  in memory  of founder  and first  club
         President Dan Manfre , W2NDP, who became a Silent Key in 2006)  from
         Honeymoon Island (NA-034)  on 23 February,  Expect activity from  14
         UTC until 21 UTC on 20 metres and possibly 15 and 17 metres. QSL via
         N2MFT. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS8    - Petrus Kritzinger,  ZS6GCM (3Y0E)  went QRT  from Bouvet  Island  at
         19.15 UTC on 9 February. However,  a new adventure  from a rare  and
         remote DXCC location is just round the corner, as Petrus is expected
         to spend one year on Marion island (AF-021). The arrangements are in
         progress  and  a  dedicated  site  is  under  construction.  Further
         information is expected in due course. [TNX ZS6DXB]

ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK  ---> The Worldwide  Antarctic Program has  announced
that the fifth Antarctic Activity Week will  be held from 18 to 24  February.
The aim of this annual event is to promote worlwide interest in the Antarctic
continent. Several special event callsigns from around the world are expected
to take part in this year's  AAW. Participating stations (QSL via  operator's
instructions) are announced from the following countries:
            OE3SGA/AAW, OE3WWB/AAW
Bulgaria    LZ05ANT
Canada      VA2WAP, VA3AAO, VA3WAP, VA7AAW
England     GB0ANT, GB4IPY
France      TM5ICE, TM8ANT
Germany     DA0ANT
Indonesia   YB4IPY
Israel      4Z4DX/ANT
Romania     YQ2ANT
Russia      RK3DSW/ANT, UE6ANT
Spain       AO1WAP
Switzerland HB9ICE
USA         K4A, N5T/ANT
Full information on the AAW can be found at

ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX  CONTEST (CW) --->  Object of the  contest is for  W/VE
amateurs to work as many stations  in as many DXCC  countries as possible  on
160, 80,  40,  20, 15,  and  10 metre  bands,  while foreign  amateurs  (also
including KH6, KL7, CY9 and CY0) work as many W/VE stations in as many of the
48 contiguous states and provinces as  possible (full rules  can be found  at The  following stations
have announced their partecipation in this year's event (from 00.00 UTC on 16
February through 24.00 UTC on the 17th):
Call         DXCC                QSL
4U1UN        United Nations HQ   HB9BOU
6Y1V         Jamaica             OH3RB
6Y5/VE4GV    Jamaica             VE4GV
C6AKQ        Bahamas             N4BP
C6AKU        Bahamas             K5WW
C6APG        Bahamas             K4PG
CO2WF        Cuba                N1KI
CO8TW        Cuba                HB9SVT
CT9L         Madeira             DJ6QT
CV5K         Uruguay             CX2ABC
D4C          Cape Verde          IZ4DPV
E51WWA       South Cook Islands  AD7AF
EE5E         Spain               K1DG
EA8OM        Canary Islands      DJ1OJ
EY8MM        Tajikistan          K1BV
GJ2A         Jersey              K2WR
GM7V         Scotland            M0CMK
H7/K9GY      Nicaragua           K9GY
HB0/N0MX     Liechtenstein       DJ2MX
IO4T         Italy               IZ4JMA
J7DX         Dominica            W9IU
JD1BLY       Ogasawara           JI5RPT
LX7I         Luxembourg          LX2A
NP2S         US Virgin Islands   W3HNK
PJ4?         Neth. Antilles      N4GG
PZ5WW        Suriname            K8DD
TM6M         France              F4DXW
V31WO        Belize              N7WO
V31YN        Belize              DJ4KW
V49A         Nevis & St. Kitts   V44NK
V63OC        Micronesia          K5ZM
V63TR        Micronesia          K5ZM
V63ZM        Micronesia          K5ZM
VP2VES       British Virgin Isls AK0M
VP5/WJ2O     Turks & Caicos Isl  WJ2O
VP6DX        Ducie Island        DL6LAU
VP9/W6PH     Bermuda             W6PH
T32OU        East Kiribati       N7OU
XW1B         Laos                E21EIC
Do not forget to give a  look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at - good contest to you

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations have been approved for DXCC credit:
E4/OM2DX   Palestine      2007 Operation
J5C        Guinea-Bissau  2008 Operation
VK9WWI     Willis Island  2007 operation
YI9PT      Iraq           current operation
If you have  had any  cards rejected  for these  operations, send  a note  to to have your DXCC record updated. [TNX NC1L]

QSL FJ/OH2AM --->  Due to a  printing error on  the front  of the  full-color
FJ/OH2AM card, the entire batch was rejected upon arrival in Finland. Another
batch of QSLs was printed, and  the first cards were  mailed on 11  February.
All direct  requests should  be out  by  15 March,  as  the ARRL  will  start
processing St. Barthelemy cards on 1 April. [TNX OH2BN]

QSL VIA ON4RU  ---> Mar, ON4RU  can confirm  contacts made  only with  4L1MA,
SV9/ON4RU, YB1BAD  and YE1AA.  He is  no longer  the  QSL manager  for  other
stations. [TNX K1XN and The Golsit]

TOP BAND DINNER ---> The Top  Band Dinner at the  Visalia DX Convention  will
take place at the Holiday Inn  Visalia on 25 April.  Reservations on a  first
come. first served basis must be received no later than 7 April or until sold
out.   A    Registration/Information   form    can   be    downloaded    from [TNX WB6RSE]

US POSTAGE RATES ---> Postage rates in the US will increase effective 12  May
as follows:
First-Class Mail letter (1 oz = 28 gr)  $0.42
First-Class Mail letter (2 oz = 56 gr)  $0.59
First-Class Mail International to Canada and Mexico (1 oz.)    $0.72
First-Class Mail International to all other countries (1 oz.)  $0.94
Complete rates can be found at

VP6DX ---> Operations from Ducie Island began at 5 UTC on 11 February, with a
little "cooking session" (1034 QSOs in  four hours and a  half) to check  out
the stations and available antennas. Continuous operations began at 3 UTC  on
12 February, with 10,000+ QSOs logged in the first 16 hours.
Please have a look at  the frequency table  on the website,  as some of  them
have been adjusted.
VP6DX will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest "in a limited fashion":
- Operators are likely to pick a frequency based on band conditions, so VP6DX
  might not be found on the "normal" CW frequencies on 160, 80, 40, 20 15 and
  10 metres
- They will answer ALL callers (USA/VE and others)
- They will not be chasing multipliers  and will not be  able to handle  pass
- Operations on non-contest  bands/band segments will  continue as they  have
  the last few days: split operations, with priority to difficult propagation
The Online Log now contains 47,534 QSOs with 14,398 unique callsigns  (latest
update 6.14 UTC on 15 February),  and the first QSO  Statistics based on  the
log database are now available. It could happen that not all QSOs are in  the
database, because of difficulties in transferring the data from the island to
the server.
Bookmark for complete details and regular updates.

WPX AWARD PROGRAMME: EXPANSION ---> CQ magazine and WPX Awards Manager  Steve
Bolia, N8BJQ, have  announced several  changes to  the WPX  Award program  in
response to  feedback  from  program  participants.  The  changes,  effective
immediately, add new bands (60, 30,  17, 12, and 6 metres)  and create a  new
Digital WPX Award. Details on these  and other changes  will be published  in
the March 2008  issue of CQ  magazine and  can be  found on  the CQ  magazine
website at

XR7W: ACCIDENT ---> The XR7W team experienced horrible weather conditions  on
Wager Island (SA-053) They arrived around noon on 9 February and were  forced
to leave some 24 hours later, after  a dreadful stormy night spent trying  to
operate, communicate with the Chilean Navy and fight against gale force winds
and pouring rain. "I had  a last frenetic  hour on 17m  running EU at  5q/min
rates under a piece of plastic, hand keying on my knee and paperlogging until
the captain gave the final order to  leave", Zoli, HA1AG says. XR7W went  QRT
with some 2400 QSOs in the log.
Once on  the mainland,  the team  had  a serious  car  accident -  their  van
"slipped of the gravel road and hit a rock frontally and turned upside-down".
Zoli  and  his  friends  (Vlad/RV1CC,   Marco/CE6TBN  and  Yuri/RA0FU)   were
hospitalized at Coyhaique, were  they were diagnosed  with cuts, bruises  and
several broken bones.
Their first priority at the moment "is to get out from Coyhaique", Zoli says.
Damages and additional costs are estimated in excess of 11,000 euros, and "if
you can and want to contribute to  lessen these damages" please feel free  to
contact Zoli (

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******  QSL ROUTES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2MD       JN2AMD      H7/NP3D     W3HNK       SV0XAO      DJ5JH
3Z0DN       SP4KIG      HC1MD       K8LJG       T32OU       N7OU
4M5RY       EA5KB       HG80HQ      HA7PL       T32YA       W7YAQ
4S7CZG      JA3CZY      HG8C        HA8EK       T6AB        IT9YVO
4S7RO       DJ9ZB       HH2FYD/6    F6FYD       T77CD       I0MWI
4U1UN       HB9BOU      HI3T        ON4IQ       T88HK       JE6DND
5C5W        EA5XX       HK6F        EA5KB       T88HS       JA6KYU
6W1SJ       T93Y        HK6K        EA5KB       T88SM       JA6EGL
6W7RV       F8CMT       HZ1AN       DJ9ZB       TC2015EXPO  TA3BN
6Y1LZ       K1LZ        HZ1IK       DK7YY       TC800NH     TA1HZ
9M2GCN      JH3GCN      HZ1MD       EA7FTR      TI9KK       EA1DR
9M2TO       JA0DMV      HZ1PS       IZ8CLM      TM4WRC      F4ELU
9V1BY       7N4RHO      HZ1ZH       EA7FTR      V26G        N2ED
9X0W        DK2WV       J79IU       W9IU        V31GW       DK9GG
9X0X        DJ6SI       J79KM       WN9O        V31TB       KT7G
9X0Z        DJ9ZB       J79PC       NF4A        V31UZ       VE3DZ
AT8ESP      VU2JHM      J79PN       N4PN        V31WO       N7WO
AY0DX       LU3DR       J79WI       WI9WI       V31YN       DJ4KW
B4TB        BA4TB       JD1BLY      JI5RPT      V47KP       K2SB
C56JC       ON4LAC      JD1BMO      JE1EKS      V63ME       7N1RTO
C56YK       ON7YK       JW7QI       LA7QI       V63OC       K5ZM
C6AGN       W1DIG       JW8AW       LA8AW       V63TR       K5ZM
C6AKQ       N4BP        KH2/AB2ST   JF1TEU      V63ZM       K5ZM
C6AKU       K5WW        KH2/KB3LTB  JF1TEU      V8AQM       W3HNK
C6AMM       K1CN        KH2/KG6WTW  JF1TEU      VK1ANU      JO2SLZ
C6APG       K4PG        KH6ZM       I0MWI       VK1BNN      JA2BNN
CE1/K7CA    NW7O        KL7OU       NI5DX       VK1JMA      JK2VOC
CM6CAC      EA5KB       LU2ZD       LU4DXU      VP2EMD      WR2DX
CU2DX       CU2AA       NP3U        WP4U        VP6DX       DL6LAU
D2NX        JH7FQK      OD5QB       YO3FRI      VQ5FOC      W9VNE
D4C         IZ4DPV      OJ1ABOA     OH2FFP      XR7A        HA1AG
DP0GVN      DL5EBE      OL600VB     OK2JS       XR7W        HA1AG
DR0X        DL2SD       PC99ADT     PI4APD      XU7AAJ      IW3SNW
DT0HH       DS3FGV      PG6G        PA3GVI      XU7DLH      DK7TF
EA8OM       DJ1OJ       PJ2/N0YY    K9JS        XW1A        E21EIC
EF8M        RX3DU       PW2M        AI4U        XW1B        E21EIC
ES90B       ES4BG       PW2M        PY2AA   [a] YI1RAZ      IK2DUW
ES90G       ES1CW       PZ5AY       W5JAY       YI9PT       N4XP
ES90J       ES1GE       PZ5DD       K8DD        YI9TFZ      KE3TW
ES90N       ES4RD       PZ5TX       KB8TXZ      YN2/EW1AR   W3HNK
ES90Q       ES5RY       PZ5WW       K8DD        YN2G        KC2ATG
ES90V       ES6RMR      R35NP       RW1AI       YN2S        W3HNK
ES90Z       ES0NW       S21XF       LA5YJ       ZF2DS       W3WKP
FK/JA8BMK   JA8UWT      S21ZDT      SM4XIH      ZF2XD       K3IXD
FO/KH0PR    JJ8DEN      SF700BF     SK6NL       ZK2CC       DL4RDJ

[a]  PY stations

A45XR   Chris Dabrowski, P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman
AI4U    Jeffrey R. Folk, 233 North St, Lewisville, NC 27023, USA
DJ6SI   Baldur Drobnica, Zedernweg 6, D-50127 Bergheim, Germany
DJ9ZB   Franz Langner, P.O. Box 150, D-77950 Ettenheim, Germany
DK2WV   Karl-Heinz Ilg, Max-Loew-Str. 15, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
DL6LAU  Carsten Esch, Drosselweg 3, 21376 Salzhausen, Germany
F6FYD   Yannick Delatouche, Route de Montsegur, 26230 Chamaret, France
HA1AG   Pitman Zoli, Somogyi Bela ut 18, Gyor 9024, Hungary
JJ8DEN  Yoshitake Izumi, Minami-24-7, Nishi-1, Obihiro-City, Hokkaido
        080-0011, Japan
N4XP    Tom Harrell, 2737 Shoal Creek Road, Monroe, GA 30656
PZ5RA   Ramon A. Kaersenhout, P.O. Box 745, Paramaribo, Suriname
SM4XIH  Markus Edholm, Ormhult, Rudlofsberg 150, S-69492 Hallsberg, Sweden
UA0SC   Serge Filonenko, P.O. Box 3300, Bratsk-29, 665729 Russia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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