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29 March 2014                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1195
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2    - Wes, ZL3TE will be active as 3D2SE from Viti  Levu  (OC-016),  Fiji
         on  11-14  April.  Main  activity  will  be  during    the    Japan
         International DX Contest CW; outside the contest  he  will  operate
         CW and some digital modes. QSL via ZL3TE and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
9H     - Operators from the Malta Amateur Radio League  will  be  active  as
         9H1MRL/p from the Gordan Lighthouse  on  6  April.  QSL  direct  to
         9H1SP. [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club]
C6     - John, 9H5G ( now expects to be  active
         on SSB, RTTY and PSK from the Berry Islands (NA-054) [425DXN  1193]
         starting on 30 March. "I will work the best bands according to  the
         prevailing conditions", he says. "10,  17  and  12m  are  the  most
         likely,  although  if  there  are  suitable   support    structures
         available, I may try some lower  bands".  He  will  be  active  for
         about ten days, but "operating sessions will be limited by  battery
         power and recharging times". QSL 9H5G/C6A via NI5DX and LoTW.
CE0_ei - Victor, CE1WFN will be active as  CE0Y/CE1WFN  from  Easter  Island
         (SA-001) on 5-17 April. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
F      - Commemorating the 70th anniversary  of  D-Day,  a  large  group  of
         operators will be active as TM70UTAH from Utah Beach (Normandy)  on
         2-12 June. Look for activity on CW, SSB and digital modes from  80m
         to 10 GHz. QSL via F5RJM, direct ot bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch  on
         Club Log. [TNX F8PDR]
J5     - Two operators from the Verona DX Team are  back  to  Guinea  Bissau
         and QRV in  their  spare  time  as  J52HF  until  5  April.  Expect
         activity on 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres SSB, RTTY  and  JT65.  QSL  via
JD1_oga- Toshi, JP1IOF and Yoshi,  JE2EHP  will  be  active  as  JD1BLC  and
         JD1YBT from Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara on 3-12 May.  They  will
         be QRV on all bands and modes. QSL for both callsigns  via  JP1IOF,
         direct or bureau, and LoTW. Logsearches and OQRS on Club Log.
OE     - The Vienna International Amateur Radio Club (4U1VIC)  will  operate
         stations under newly released callsigns of C7A and 4Y1A as  a  host
         institute. The  callsign  blocks  C7A-C7Z  and  4YA-4YZ  have  been
         allocated to the World Meteorological Organization  (WMO)  and  the
         International  Civil  Aviation  Organization  (ICAO)  respectively.
         Both WMO and ICAO are specialized agencies of the  United  Nations.
         [TNX JH4RHF]
OH     - Jukka, OH3OJ  will  be  active  as  OH3OJ/8  from  Hailuoto  Island
         (EU-184) on 11-15 April. QSL via home call, bureau preferred.  [TNX]
OZ     - Look for Chris OZ/DC7VS, Ron OZ/DG2RON,  Bert  OZ/DL4ZZ  and  Andre
         OZ/DO7ALE to be active from Laesoe Island (EU-088)  from  30  March
         to 4 April. They will operate SSB, CW,  PSK31  and  Hell.  QSL  via
         home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
PJ2    - Anja, DH2AK, and Torsten, DL1THM will be active again as  PJ2/DH2AK
         and PJ2/DL1THM from Curacao (SA-099) from 31  March  to  18  April.
         They will operate SSB and digital modes on the HF  bands.  QSL  via
         home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
SV5    - Cliff, SV1JG and several other operators will be  active  as  SX5LA
         from Levitha Island (EU-001) on 3-11  May.  They  will  be  QRV  on
         160-6 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via SV2FWV. [TNX NG3K]
T8     - Bodo, DF8DX will be active as T88QX from  Palau  (OC-009)  on  8-15
         April. He will operate CW and some  SSB  on  40-10  metres.QSL  via
         DF8DX, direct or bureau, and LoTW.
W      - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be  active  as  K5KUA/5  from  Galveston
         Island (NA-143) on 17-20 April. Usually  he  operates  CW  only  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.  Logsearch  on
         Club Log. [TNX]
YB     - Imam, YB4IR plans to be active as YB4IR/5 from  IOTA  group  OC-106
         on 10-14 April. He plans to operate CW, SSB  and  RTTY  on  QRV  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau  (OQRS  on  Club
         Log), and LoTW. [TNX YB4IR]
ZC4    - Mike, AG6IP is active again as ZC4MIS from Akrotiri,  UK  Sovereign
         Base Areas on Cyprus, for the next five  months.  He  operates  SSB
         and digital modes on 40-10 metres. QSL via  AG6IP;  QSLling  policy
         on, logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
ZS8    - Gerard, ZS1KX is due to leave South Africa on 2 April,  destination
         Marion Island (AF-021). He expects to be QRV as  ZS8KX  around  May
         for  about  one  year.  QSL  to  Gerard  de  Jong,  P.O.  Box  744,
         Wellington, 7654, South Africa (his wife will be his QSL  manager).
         [TNX The Daily DX]

CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Martin, DB4BJ will be  active  as  FS/DB4BJ  from  Saint
Martin (NA-105) from 28  March  to  1  April,  and  as  J79DB from  Dominica
(NA-101)  on 1-14 April. He will  operate SSB, PSK and RTTY on 30-10 metres.
QSL via DB4BJ, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]

CQ WW WPX SSB CONTEST --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (29-30 March):
Call          Category        Country            QSL
3G1B          M/?             Chile              HA1AG
3V8BB         SOAB            Tunisia            LX1NO
4V1JR         M/S             Haiti              W3HNK
4Z4OQ         SOSB 80m        Israel             LoTW
5E5E          M/S             Morocco            W7EJ
5Z4T          M/?             Kenya              EA4YK
8J1MTD        M/M             Japan              LoTW
8P2K          SO LP           Barbados           KU9C
8P5A          SOAB HP         Barbados           NN1N
8Q7TS         SO              Maldives           JF1CCH
9A73P         M/S             Croatia            9A2NA
9K2HN         M/M             Kuwait             9K2HN
9M2SM         M/S             West Malaysia      9M2GET
A73A          M/?             Qatar              A71A
B1W                           China              BA1GA
B4L                           China              BA4EG
B7M                           China              BA7MY
B7P                           China              BA4EG
BH1CXR        M/?             China              BH1CXR
BP0P          M/2             Taiwan   
C4A           M/2             Cyprus             LoTW
CE3CT         M/?             Chile              EA5KB
CN2AA         M/S             Morocco            UA2FM
CQ3L          SOAB            Madeira            DJ6QT
CQ8X          SOAB HP         Azores             OH2BH
CR3A          M/?             Madeira            EA5GL
CV3D          M/S             Uruguay            CX2ABC
D44AC         SOSB 15m        Cape Verde
D4C           SOSB 10m        Cape Verde         IZ4DPV
DJ60DXMB      M/?             Germany            DL7UXG
E7A           M/S             Bosnia-Herzegovina E77E
EA8/RA1A      SOSB 40m        Canary Isls        RN3RQ
EA9LZ         SO              Ceuta & Melilla    LoTW
ED9K          M/2             Ceuta              EA7LS
EE5T          M/2             Spain              LoTW
EF8U          SOAB LP         Canary Isls        EA8URE
EI1A          SO              Ireland            PA3249
EI30T         SO LP           Ireland            LotW
ES9C          M/M             Estonia            ES5RY
ET3AA                         Ethiopia           N2OO
GM5N          M/?             Scotland
H27A          SO              Cyprus             RT9T
HC1GVT/HC3    SO              Ecuador            KK4GV
HR2WW         M/S             Honduras           KD4POJ
IB3C          M/S             Italy              LoTW
II5P          M/S             Italy              IZ5PXX
IO5O          M/S             Italy              LoTW
IR5A          M/S             Italy              IK5AFJ
IY1GMS        M/S             Italy              IK1SPR
J42T          M/2             Greece             LoTW
J43TR         M/S             Greece             LoTW
KG2A/VP9      SOAB            Bermuda            KG2A
KH2KY         M/2             Guam               JA1MFR
KH6/N0JK      SOSB 10M        Hawaii             N0JK
LO5D          SOSB 10M        Argentina          LU8EOT
LY2W          M/2             Lithuania          LY2W
LY7A          M/M             Lithuania          LoTW
MS0OXE        M/S             Scotland           M0URX
NH7A          SOAB HP         Hawaii             F5VHJ
NP2P          SOAB            Virgin Isls        LoTW
NQ4I          M/M             USA                LoTW
OH5Z          M/2             Finland            LoTW
P3N           SOAB HP         Cyprus             RW3RN
P40W          SO              Aruba              N2MM
P49Y          SOAB            Aruba              AE6Y
PD9X          M/2             Netherlands        LoTW
PJ2T          M/2             Curacao            W3HNK
R2014E        SOAB            Russia (EU)        LoTW
R2014I        SOAB            Russia (EU)        R7AA
RG22RQ        M/2             Russia (EU)        RN3RQ
RT0F          M/2             Russia (AS)        LoTW
RY22MC        SOAB            Russia (AS)        R9MC
SE0X          M/2             Sweden             LoTW
SJ2W          M/S             Sweden             SM2LIY
SX9C          M/?             Crete              LoTW
T32TM         SO              East Kiribati      K8NA
TC3D          SO LP           Turkey             TA3D
TI8/W1USN                     Costa Rica         W1USN
TO4C          SOAB HP         Martinique         M0OXO
TO7BC         SO              Mayotte            DL7BC
UI2K          SOAB            Kaliningrad        UA2FZ
VE7JT         M/M             Canada             VE7JT
VP2E          M/2             Anguilla           N5AU
VP2VAK                        British Virgin Is  SP9FIH
VR2HKS        M/2             Hong Kong          LoTW
WP2Z                          Virgin Islands     KU9C
WP3C          SOAB LP         Puerto Rico        W3HNK
XW0YJY        SOAB LP         Laos               E21EIC
YE2C          M/S             Indonesia          LoTW
ZM90DX        SOAB HP         New Zealand        M0OXO
ZV5WPX        SOSB 10M        Brazil             PP5JR
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, at - good contest to you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> 3C0BYP (Annobon, operation from 26 February through  6  March
2014) and TN2MS (Republic of The Congo, operation from  12  October  through
24 October 2013) have been approved for DXCC credit. If  you  have  a  TN2MS
card that was rejected, send an e-mail to DXCC at bmoore[@] to  have
your record updated. [TNX NC1L]

HOLYLAND DX CONTEST ---> The 23rd Holyland DX Contest will be held  on  160,
80, 40, 20, 15, 10 metres CW, SSB and Digital (RTTY and PSK31) from  21  UTC
on 18 April to 21 UTC on the 19th. Complete information can be found on  the
IARC website at

ITALIAN ISLANDS AWARD ---> The new edition of the IIA Directory, compiled by
Saverio Amore (IK2RLS), is now available for download on  the ARI website at

MELLISH REEF ---> The VK9MT team arrived at Mellish  Reef  on  28  March  at
13.25 local time "after three miserable days of nasty  seas".  Equipment  is
taken ashore using the Zodiac, but they run out of sunlight at about  18.30.
At this early stage of the project they cannot take people  back  and  forth
at night, so "do not expect any operation until sometime on the 29th".

QSL 3B9FR ---> The  new QSL route is via M0OXO. Please use the OQRS for both
direct and bureau requests (

W1AW WAS ---> Look for ARRL Centennial  stations  W1AW/3  from  Pennsylvania
and W1AW/7 from Oregon to be on the air starting at 00.00  UTC  on  2  April
until 23.59 UTC on the 8th. Complete information on the ARRL Centennial  QSO
Party can be found at

WRTC2014 ---> "Team 59" is the 59th and final competing  team;  the  sponsor
has  named  George  Demontrond  (NR5M)  and  John  Crovelli  (W2GD)  as  the
operating team.
Six  alternate  referees  have  been  invited  to  be  part  of  the  event:
DL1NX/PY2SEX, G5LP, K3EST, LZ5VK, OM6NM, and W6RGG. They will  be  available
to replace any referees that are unable to attend.
Rich DiDonna (NN3W), Team Leader for selection area NA4E has withdrawn  from
the competition due to family reasons,  and  has  been  replaced  by  Nathan
Moreschi, (N4YDU).
Edmund  Giambastiani  (N4OC)  has  been  named  as  the  Grand  Marshal  for
WRTC2014. He will preside over the Opening  Ceremonies  and  administer  the
Oath of Sportsmanship to all competitors.
Complete information on the World Radiosport Team Championship 2014  can  be
found at


QSLs  received  direct  or  through  managers:  3B8DB,  3B8FQ,   3B9/OE4AAC,
3D2RA/p, 4L1AN, 4L1MA, 4S7VS, 4U1ITU, 5A1AL, 5H3CJ, 5H3EE,  6V7V,  6W/G3TXF,
6W7SK, 6Y2T, 6Y5WJ, 7O2A, 7Q7FOC, 7X4AN, 8P3A, 8P6SH,  8Q7BM,  8Q7KB,  8R1A,
8R1Z, 9H4JX, 9J2CA, 9L1A, 9Y4/VE3EY, A63RI (AS-124),  A71BU,  A92HK,  AU5SV,
J79JG, J8/K8EAB, JD1BMH,  JG8NQJ/JD1,  JH6TYD  (AS-040),  JX9JKA,  K1GI/VP9,
K9W, LX1DA, NH2DX, NP4A, OD5NJ/p  (AS-108),  OH0Z,  PJ4C,  PJ4LS,  PJ5/K5WE,
PJ6/N7QT, PY0F/PP1CZ,  PZ5T,  RY110RAEM,  SV5/SM8C,  T77LA,  T88XG,  TF2MSN,
UN7BEW,  V31UZ,  V73MW,  VK9/OH3JR,  VK9CZ,  VP5/W5CW,    VP9/M0BLF,  VQ9JC,
VR2ZQZ/p, VU7AG, XR0ZR, XT2TT, XX9THX, XZ1J, YB8S (OC-236), YB8VM  (OC-070),
YB8XM/p (OC-070), YB9YKI  (OC-147),  YE30P  (OC-034),  YJ0VK,  YJ0ZZ,  YN5Z,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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