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08 March 2014                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1192
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3C     - Elmo, 3C0BYP went QRT from Annobon  on  6  March  and  expected  to
         leave the island on the 7th. If time permits, he  will  be  QRV  as
         3C4BYP from Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea, for a  couple
         of days. QSL via EA5BYP. [TNX OD5NJ]
5V     - Joel, F5AOW as 5V7BJ and Philippe, F5MVB as 5V7MP  will  be  active
         from Togo on 23-31 March. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
7P     - Once again Peter, EI7CC will be active as 7P8PB from  Lesotho  from
         14 March to 3 April. He will operate holiday style from  the  shack
         of his brother-in-law Gerry, 7P8CC (EI8CC,  the  Irish  amabassador
         to Lesotho). QSL via EI7CC, direct or bureau, and  LoTW.  Logsearch
         on Club Log. [TNX NG3K]
8Q     - Tatsu, JF1CCH will be active as 8Q7TS from  the  Maldives  (AS-013)
         on 20-31 March, including an entry in the CQ WW  WPX  SSB  Contest.
         He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 40-10 metres, possibly also  on
         160 and 80 metres. QSL via home call  (all  of  the  QSOs  will  be
         confirmed automatically via the bureau).  Logsearch  on  Club  Log.
         [TNX DX World]
C9     - Gert, ZS6AYU will be active holiday style  as  C91GR  from  Bilene,
         Mozambique on 16-19 March. He will be QRV on 40-10  metres,  mainly
         CW. QSL via ZS6AYU, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
FG     - Oliver, F6ARC  will  be  active  holiday  style  as  FG/F6ARC  from
         Guadeloupe (NA-102) on 11-23 March. He will operate CW only with  a
         focus on the low bands, 30, 17  and  12  metres.  QSL  via  FE11DX,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
FR     - George, OK2KG will  be  active  as  FR/OK2KG  from  Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) on 7-15 March. He will  operate  holiday  style  on  40-10
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call , direct or bureau.  Logsearch
         on Club Log. [TNX OK2ZO]
FR     - Guy, F5MNW will be active as FR/F5MNW from Reunion Island  from  16
         March to 8 April. He will operate  CW  only.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
HH     - John, N5JC and Joel, N5JR will be active as HH2/N5JC  and  HH2/N5JR
         from Haiti from 25 March to 1 April.  Activity  will  be  on  160-6
         metres with a focus on CW and RTTY, as well as on  30,  17  and  12
         metres. QSL both calls via N5JR (direct,  bureau  and  LoTW).  They
         and Jean-Robert, HH2JR will  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest as 4V1JR (QSL via W3HNK). [TNX N5JR]
HP     - Simone, IK5RUN and Danio, I5OYY will be  active  holiday  style  as
         HP2/IK5RUN and HP2/I5OYY from a couple of  Panamanian  IOTA  groups
         (NA-170 and NA-202, maybe also NA-088) on 16-30  March.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-6 metres. QSL via home  calls.  [TNX
LY     - Jonas, LY5A will be active as LY24A from 11 March to  11  April  to
         celebrate the 24th anniversary of  the  restoration  of  Lithuanian
         independence QSL via LY5A, direct or bureau. [TNX LY3BY]
OA     - Look  for  Hutch,  OA4/NK0S  to  be  active  from  the  Radio  Club
         Peruano's station on 12-25 March. He  will  operate  holiday  style
         mainly SSB, possibly with some CW and digital. QSL  via  home  call
         and LoTW. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
PJ2    - Andy, DK5ON will be active as PJ2/DK5ON from  Curacao  (SA-099)  on
         12-29 March. He will be QRV on 80-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY  and  PSK.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
YB     - Din, YB8RW/p [425DXN 1191] has  been  QRV  from  Karakelong  Island
         (OC-209) since 5 March and expects to go QRT on the 8th. This  will
         mark the end of his Northern Indonesia IOTA Tour.  QSL  via  YB9BU.
         [TNX YB3MM]
ZF     - Hugh, W4VAB will be active holiday style as ZF2MT from  the  Cayman
         Islands (NA-016) on 15-22 March. He will operate CW  and  PSK31  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via home call, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The February  2014  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

DAYTON DX DINNER ---> The SouthWest Ohio DX Association has  announced  that
David Collingham (K3LP) will be the featured speaker for their  29th  annual
DX Dinner, to be held in conjunction with  the  2014  Dayton  Hamvention  on
Friday, 16 May at the Dayton Marriott Hotel. Details can  be  found  on  the
SWODXA Events website ( [TNX W8GEX]

INDEXA NEWSLETTERS ---> The International  DX  Association's  Newsletter  is
published four times per year, with occasional special  issues.  The  latest
newsletters ( include:
- Issue 101 (Spring 2013): Swains Island NH8S
- Issue 102 (Summer 2013): Campbell Island ZL9HR
- Issue 103 (Fall 2013): Spratly 9M4SLL
- Issue 104 (Winter 2014): Wake Island K9W
- Special Issue Winter 2013: Rotuma 3D2R and Conway Reef 3D2C
- Special Issue Winter 2014: Banaba T33A and Guadalcanal & Temotu H44G/H40T

OK-OM DX SSB CONTEST ---> The Czech Radio Club  (CRK)  in  cooperation  with
the Slovak Radioclub SARA has announced that the first OK-OM DX SSB  Contest
will be held on 12-13 April, from 12 UTC on Saturday to 12  UTC  on  Sunday,
on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. Complete information can be  found  at [TNX OK2ZO]

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Sixteen different galleries include 11,738  cards
for the ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2004-13),  the  61  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-69), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, Antarctic bases &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises), the various French DXCC island Entities in the  Pacific  Ocean,
the Indian Ocean and the Americas (from 1945 to 1970),  pre-1945  countries,
French Departments and CONUS, plus a  gallery  for  cards  not  accepted  by
DXCC. Your participation is encouraged - please visit

QSL NAVASSA 1993 ---> "Thanks to the efforts of Dave, WJ2O, we believe  that
we have a complete set of logs for the 1993  Navassa  operation",  Ken  N2ZN
says. "New cards have been printed  and  a  number  of  requests  have  been
responded to already.  These logs  are searchable  on QSOs
already in electronic form will be accessible through the  log search app on
the website (click on 'Log Book'). QSOs still on the original paper logs can
be viewed there as well (click on 'DXpeditions'  and select 'KP1-Navassa' in
the drop-down menu). QSLs can be obtained via N2ZN,  direct  or  bureau.  No
LOTW at this time, although this  may  be  a  possibility  in  the  future".
W5IJU/KP1 and NF6S/KP1 were active from Navassa from 28  March  to  2  April
1993. [TNX The Golist]

TROMELIN 2014 ---> FT4TA  is  the  callsign  issued  to  the  DXpedition  to
Tromelin Island (30  October-10  November)  [425DXN  1186].  While  planning
continues, donations are still gratefully accepted as  "the  budget  is  not
balanced yet  and  all  kinds  of  help  will  be  necessary  to  make  this
expedition  possible".  Read  the  second  press  release   (1    March)  on

UK POSTAL RATES ---> Postal rates in the United Kingdom will  change  on  31
March.  The  new  rates  for  International  Standard  (previously  Airmail)
letters up to 20 grams will be GBP 0.97 (Europe) and GBP 1.28 (rest  of  the

W1AW WAS ---> Look for ARRL Centennial  stations  W1AW/7  from  Arizona  and
W1AW/8 from Ohio to be on the air starting at 00.00 UTC on  12  March  until
23.59 UTC on the 18th. Complete  information  on  the  ARRL  Centennial  QSO
Party can be  found  at  the  leaderboard
website is at

ZS8C ---> Carson, ZS8C will leave Marion Island on 2 May. However, the  ship
is due to arrive in early April, and "while the ship is here,  I  will  have
no time available for Ham Radio. This means  that  I  only  have  one  month
left!" Look for Carson around 13-16 UTC on either 21360 or  28650  kHz.  QSL
via the OQRS on Club Log and LoTW; traditionl direct cards  should  be  sent
to  Carson  McAfee,  P.O.  Box  1585,  Allens  Neck,   1737,    Roodespoort,
Johannesburg, South Africa.

+ SILENT KEYS + Hans-Joachim Stasch (DJ9JA) passed away on 22 February.  The
DX Newsletter reports he was "one of the invaluable  organizers  behind  the
scenes of the annual Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen".
Former  ARRL  Secretary  and  General  Manager  (1961-75),  ARRL   treasurer
(1976-80) and Secretary  of  the  International  Amateur  Radio  Union  John
Huntoon (W1RW) passed away on 23 February. He was 97 years old.
Nancy A. Kott (WZ8C) passed away on 2 March at 58 years of age. She was  the
North American Coordinator of the FISTS CW  Club  (the  International  Morse
Preservation Society), as well  as  the  former  editor  of  WorldRadio  and
WorldRadio Online magazines.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3C0BYP      EA5BYP      EG7DAM      EA7URM      R1934G      R3LC
3G1D        EA5GL       EG7DCA      EA7URS      RG61PP      RZ3LC
3Z6M        SP6IEQ      EI14LCC     EI4GXB      SN2M        SP2XF
4K1TX       RU3SD       EM200CA     UT7CA       SU9AF       UA3DX
4K9W        DL6KVA      EM200CT     UX1CW       SX1AA       SV1QXU
4M1F        YV1JGT      EM200HT     UX2HB       T42R        EA7FTR
4M5W        IT9DAA      EM200IT     UR7IWW      T48K        DK1WI
4S7KKG      DC0KK       EM200LT     UR3LTD      T6RH        NI5DX
5B4AHJ      M0URX       EM200NT     UT8NV       T88XG       JA0EKI
5H2DK       OH2NNE      EM200QT     US5QO       T88XH       JA0EKI
5H3EE       DL4ME       EM200ST     UW5SW       TI8M        TI2KAC
5T0JL       ON8RA       EM200TARAS  UR4CYT      TJ3AY       F5LGE
5X1XA       G3SWH       EM200WT     UR5WD       TM4L        F8ARK
5Z4/EA4ATI  EA4YK       EN200CT     UR5CJN      TM5E        F8KGS
7U7U        7X2DD       EN200QT     US5QLJ      TM5FDC      F5FDC
7X2GK       IK2DUW      EN200RT     UT3RS       TM6C        F6KMB
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       EN200UTS    UT4UP       TO5A        F5VHJ
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      EN200WT     UR4WXQ      TO6D        F6ITD
8P2K        KU9C        EO200NT     UT8NT       UE80G       RK3LO
8P5A        NN1N        EO200RK     UT1RT       UE80HS      RW6HS
8P9BZ       DD5ZZ       EO200TARAS  US5CCO      UE80V       R3LA
8Q7EJ       G3VDB       EO200UT     UR4UWZ      UE80YG      RK3LO
9A8M        9A3JB       EO90WF      US5WE       UN1L        W3HNK
9A8WW       S54G        EX8VZ       RW6HS       V21ZG       DL7AFS
9H3AL       G3VYI       F6REF       F5PAL       V25CF       DD3CF
9H3XW       G5XW        FG4KH       F1DUZ       V31AJ       NN5O
9J2CA       G3SWH       FM5FJ       KU9C        V73MW       M0URX
9J2T        I2YSB       FW5JJ       F5RXL       VI3POLIO    VK3GK
9X0NH       G3RWF       HB14SAF     HB9ACA      VI4POLIO    VK4ZD
A35AX       DK1AX       HF15NATO    SP1EG       VI6POLIO    VK6YS
A91IGS      IZ8CLM      HI3K        KB2MS       VK9X/K7CO   K7CO
A91YA       IZ8CLM      HK1MW       N2OO        VO2AAA      VE3AAQ
AH0CO/KH2   JH1QJU      HR1AAB      EA7FTR      VP2MLL      N4OX
AO3MWC      EA3RKB      HZ1DG       EA7FTR      VP2MXI      M0PCB
AT3ANT      VU2UR       HZ1HX       KB9GSY      VP2MZR      M0SPF
BV0PC       BV2DQ       HZ1PS       IZ8CLM      VP5H        W0GJ
C56LH       OZ1IIL      HZ1XB       IZ8CLM      W1AW/KG4    W1AW
C6AMM       K1CN        II8IDXC     IZ8EDJ      XL3A        VE3AT
C6ANA       N5NHJ       IY7M        IZ7XNB      XU7ACQ      KF0RQ
CE0YHO      EB7DX       J34G        G3PJT       XV7BM       JA8BMK
CN8QN       EA7FTR      J47X        SV7BVM      YB8XM/p     YB8XM
CO2RVA      EA5GL       J6SLI35     KD5SRW      YL2014C     YL3DQ
CP4WHX      UA4WHX      J75Y        K1LI        YL2014D     YL2TD
CQ7A        CT1DSV      JX3TUA      LA3TUA      YL2014E     YL3HE
CQ8X        OH2BH       JY9ET       M0OXO       YL2014G     YL3GBC
CR2T        CU2AF       KG4KL       KN4KL       YL2014I     YL2IU
CR6T        CT1ESV      KG4ZD       KF5UZD      YL2014O     YL3FO
CS2C        OK1RF       LI80K       LA9K        YL2014S     YL1ZS
CW5F        ON5NT       LY10NATO    LY5W        YL2014W     YL3CW
CX5DNT      ON5NT       OD5SK       IZ8CLM      YN5SU       TI5SU
CX7CO       EA5GL       OH0R        OH2PM       YN5Z        K7ZO
D2FJZ       CT1FJZ      OS8A        ON8VK       YO9POLIO    YO9BGR
D2QR        RW6HS       P40P        W5AJ        Z21GC       K3IRV
D2QV        UT0EA       PD6NUKE     PD0MV       ZB2FX       G3RFX
D3AA        UA1QV       PJ4/K2NG    WA2NHA      ZD8D        DL9HO
DP0GVN      DL5EBE      PJ4D        W3HNK       ZD9M        ZS1A
DQ0HARZ     DF7AA       PJ4G        WA2NHA      ZF2DX       K0DEQ
E750EBL     E77E        PJ6A        N4NX        ZF35LC      W2SM
EE3K        EA3GHZ      PJ7AA       AA9A        ZR9C        EA7FTR
EF8R        EB7DX       PJ7TM       K2GSJ       ZV1M        PY1MT
EG1FDA      EA1HDD      PY3/CX5DNT  ON5NT       ZX7T        PS7HD
EG4DER      EA4RKF      PZ5VC       ON4AVT      ZZ8S        PT2OP

9N7AA    Andy Gromov, P.O. Box 873, Brooklyn NY 11230, USA
CT1FJZ   Paulo Luis Nunes  Mira, P.O. Box 603, Paivas, 2846-909 Amora,
EA5BYP   Anselmo Bernabe Coll, P.O. Box 3097, 03080 Alicante, Spain
I2YSB    Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara PV, Italy
K7CO     Jon Utley, 9293 S. Hartford Park Ave 308, West Jordan UT 84081, USA
KD5SRW   John S Carson Jr, 5008 Stonehenge Ln, Norman OK 73026, USA
ON5NT    Ghis Penny, Rijksweg 70, 9681 Maarkedal, Belgium
PT2OP    Orlando Perez Filho, SHIGS 706, Bloco L Casa 22, Brasilia - DF,
         70350-762, Brazil
PY1MT    Marcelo T. Santos, Rua Lucio Tavares 380 apt 101, Nilopolis - RJ,
         26530-060, Brazil
YB8XM    Jacob Sihasale, P.O. Box 151, Ambon 97001, Indonesia
YB9BU    Kadek Kariana SP, P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Indonesia
ZS1A     Johan Sevenster, P.O.Box. 7146, Welgemoed, 7538, South Africa


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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